Another Sculpey figure ^_^
Another Sculpey figure ^_^
Everyone has been posting fan art so I wanna give it a shot now XD
Okay I finally made something I feel is (kinda) worth posting!
I'm still tweaking the background but I'm still pretty happy with it it's only been my 2nd or 3rd time making a background on my tablet so I'm still learning a lot XD
A very laaaaate comic for winterfest featuring my brother....
i luv spookats :P but it sums cuz may sis sea I'm a girl cuz i luv kittys T.T
Finaly got around to finish this :D
Its painted with a mouse so bear with me, since its not perfect..
I did this one when those monster pockets were available, but never got around to posting it here until now.
@Errorzinvalid: XD Pokemon and spiral knights..... And Nonna is a really pokemon trainer! -throws pokeball- Go Love Puppy! Heal my.... enemies?!
Here are more sketches and drawings I've worked on in the last few days - concept art! - an extremely laaaaaate comic for all you ImpastoClaus non-believers! X3 - Gremlins! They are a pain to deal with but they're freaking cute!
I'll be busy over there melting due to adorable stuff.
yeah...and if i haven't posted my drawings, they'll all be here:
I don't remember posting them...
A knight jumping into the moon's path. xD For dramatic lighting purposes, I guess. :3
First here, I have a sad but true story that I can't get Toasty Vertical Vents for a fractured seerus mask that Atgatg gave me. If you can give me Toasty Vertical Vents, I'll give you the mask, even though it's 1*... (not begging here, just that I wanted Toasty Vertical Vents so I can look like a Pepperkat, but Military can do as well.)
Now I have something that Mejezfeld may find offensive: Me about to kill Greenhorn with a Divine Avenger, with her wielding her signature Lucky Hammer! Anyway, The vog cub armor is cursed by a dark ritual so I can have quite high shadow defense, but I am VERY susceptible to all status ailments but Fire and Curse in that armor.
Basically, stats of Cursed Vog Cub Armor:
Same Normal and Elemental Defense, but Added shadow defense at the same amount as elemental.
Max Health +5 on cap and coat.
Sword Damage Bonus High on Cap and Charge Time Reduction Medium on Coat.
Maximum Weakness to Freeze, Shock, Poison, Sleep and Stun.
Maximum Resistance to Fire and Curse.
Finally, Damage Penalty vs Beast Very High and Damage Bonus vs Undead Medium.
Desc: The armor/cap of a vog cub set, cursed by dark spells to make the wearer a beast unleashed.
5 stars.
If OOO makes that a reality...then I'd craft it in a flash. Ah nvm, enjoy my new art I made with Sad but True took me about and hour and a half and Sorry Greenhorn took 2 hours.
Here's Kellnox's Bovight teh blue bull! :D
Enjoy peepz!
Nice work everyone, I wish I had the time this evening to comment individually, but I know I've commented on at least a few of them on devart.
Haven't been posting anything here myself because it's in my commission thread and i don't want to spam up the place posting it more than once. ^.^;
Pff, Tev, you're talking as if someone will mind that your artwork is everywhere.
I highly doubt it.
Well, they might. I don't want the same thing advertised in three different threads. XD That's attention hogging and I'm sure I do more than enough of that when I DON'T mean to. >.<
Anyway, feeling silly (and a bit lazy) tonight. Have a Spiral-Pimp.
HERRO GUYS! Have some horrible artwork that I mad for Xairathan's story/art contest in March!(which she still never posted the winners... I would've won the poem category. ._.)
Anyone who reads my story 'The Core Wars' should know who this guy is...
I played around with the lighting and contrast and whatnot a bit to make it easier to see. ._. And if yer wondering what the white messy part it, I destroyed some words I didn't like using Paint. :P
I,v been gone a long time and things here just get beder.. Hay Tev!
I did this for fun. It started out as a Ice Queen Crown/Snarby Coat drawing, then it became a bt more violent. So here you go. :# Oh yeah. I did this on the same page as I did the Gremrode pic from the QotD. So mind the little thing that says: "Gremrode"
EDIT: Take a lookie at his sword. Notice anything about it? ;D
Man ... that guy got severely battered. XP
EDIT: It looks like Gran Faust and Suda had a baby.
... ouch
nice work
@all I'd hate to pull a pow on all of you but i just started a new thred and I invite you all to come and see partiality tev as a writer and an artist your skills would help my work alot§ion=&q=vifig#/d576gki
It's Vifig
Hope you guys like it :)
My link wasn't working . . .
I fixed it though :)
Thanks Tevokkia
Hey guys. Haven't been here for quite a while (3 months actually). Kinda busy with schoolwork and stuff. Anything new on SK?
I see lots of new artists (and players). Too bad some of my old friends aren't here :(
Looks like Tev is still here (Hi tev).
I would like to play SK now, but sadly I can't download anything on my sister's computer.
So anyhoo, I'm looking forward to seeing you guys in-game sometimes.
P.S Psycho(destroyer), Hi.
Heh, hi Fallen! Gotta say this thread has been unusually quiet over the past several weeks. There's been action, but not as much as there was a few months ago.
Hi Fallen!
Sadly for your hopes, I won't be as active here or ingame as much as I used to for a while. Idk, could be a few days, or a few months, but let's just say, I have some study issues my parents aren't going to let slide.
So I'll be around here and there, sometimes more frequently than others, but not all the time.
Feel free to add me if you don't want to miss me when I do get on.
Enough about me, let's see some fanart! :D
I agree with Tev, it's gotten quiet here. I'd say the creativity stream has dried up somewhat. Even writing Codename/my other fics is slightly harder for me, but that's because I've been trying to make my writing style seem less straightforward. It's not going so well.
D'oh, there I go again about me. I'ma shut up before I babble on about other personal issues.
Let's hope someone hits a new idea stream soon, it's getting kinda dull around here, wouldn't you say?
Heh, I've been drawing stuff, but it's all ended up in my commission thread. Before that, I was away from home (and my graphics computer), and before that, I took a break from SK art to combat burnout. I did draw one picture that I loved to death, but I'm waiting a bit longer to post it.
Also, I just realized I didn't reply to Regal up there. Hi Regal!!
Art i made for Bella-Donna of her character
After a bad run with fire fiend stratums, I was genuinely surprised. Last time I got one was over 6 months ago!
I lolled.
You should make a 'Mug-of-Misery Knight' meme out of that.
Finally managed to finish a picture
Well, I'm not used to drawing any sort of hummanoid characters. So this was new for me. I couldn't get the legs to look quite right so I only kept the waist and up. This is my character. She's wearing almirian armor with a white chapeau and prismatic valkyrie wings (I can't color to save my life.) I don't actually have the twilight aura, but I want one REALLY bad xD
I'd love to get some opinions on this.
"Battle in the stadium and mines!"
Any one else thought something similar when they read that title....
"Hail and Flame"
Self-portrait with my Magma and Hail Drivers. Couldn't sleep last night...
Nice to see so many different artists making fanart~ ^^
A quick one with no effart.
I didn't even realize it had posted more than once until today. XD
I need to look at some things first.
In case anyone want to see the in-process for Battlefield, I managed to speed it up so that 12+ hours is compressed into about 12 minutes on my YouTube channel.
Its back to the old style of painting from me :3c
So I a drew a Brinks.