I'm posting this on behalf of my 3 1/2 year old daughter, Lydia, who painted The Punkin King and "the little pumpkins" one day after watching me do the Dark Harvest mission. XD
Fan Art Ahoy!
these are my 3 latest works
first is phox with his chapeu, skolver, sheild( customize ludicrous seal), and granfaust http://0lancer0.deviantart.com/#/d5j918y
secondly is jsao with his volcanic set and a fang of vog http://0lancer0.deviantart.com/#/d5j91l8
and lastly my latest work a gremlin warrior :) http://0lancer0.deviantart.com/#/d5jebq2
hihi guys this is my new work.. inspired my my lunchbreak .. its is xjam( if you guys know her tell her hi) http://0lancer0.deviantart.com/#/d5jmg4k inthis work she is wearing heavenly helm almerian armor, and dual wielding granfaust on the left and glacius on her right..
enjoy guys
pixel "sketches" i done for Autofire's fan game CradleBound
so far, without his approval, i have made Two Hero Sprites. One is a Blue Cobalt knight while the other is a Red Plasmatech Knight.
both are about 20 x 20
Blue Cobalt Hero!
Im Chubby and Cute!
Well, in a way it isn't spiral related since I drew a papaya..............which is somehow supposed to represent me XD
I know, I know, I look nothing like a papaya XD I do have a fruit hat though.................
Forgot how old (or should I say "young", some people don't like it when I ask anyways...............) people in this game can be 0_0
I suppose it would be awright if I put my contest entry here. :U
..but I guess this counts.
Hoirrbly drawn 2 panel comics count. Right?
@Awesomesock that is adorable
@Jmtheawesome that is really funny, (especially since I have never completed a vana run... like ever o-o)
Here's something I made. And I like it! :D
Dem pawz.
Horrifyingly cute. o3o
watch in order..
Finally drew something else Spiraly-Knighty. But only 'cause Edyth commissioned me. XD
Other than posting it on Tev's contest thread, I shall post it here too.
The Mender Hoodie!
I suppose I could post these here as well. Entries for Tevokkia's contest.
I got bored, so i drew an arm which has took a beating, WARNINGl this is my first time and its rubbish. but take a look anyway. Another note; sorry its ot that Spiral Knight-y. :)
Wounded Arm.
Here's my failed attempt at drawing the Snarbo Shield.
(Crap, I don't know how to upload pictures. Help?!)
Upload a picture of your art on an image hosting website (imgur, deviantart, photobucket)
Then link it here.
(for example http://fallen-h0pe.deviantart.com/art/Spiral-Knights-Project-4-The-Mende... )
more colour, less fringe : http://i.imgur.com/LLrhu.png
Haha, I just saw that on tumblr after someone reblogged it. I like the unique style. ^.^
This was supposed to be Bechamel... But then apparently she is actually a he? I'm not quite sure. Androgyny is always fine I guess.
Hopefully more art to be posted here. /o/~
You've been Nick Rolled,sucka!
It was a brightness problem,since the webcam is from 2002 or 2004 idk.
I drew an Impostoclaus c:
just wanna share and maybe, inspire! :)
Look at this
Justin Bieber's death
Last and possibly best fan art of 2012.
Well, I like Green Day(please don't kill me), and I like the covers of their newest albums, and I like SK, and I like how my character looks. So...
I did what I had to do.
Like, if anyone wants me to make one of them, they can send me a message or something in game with a link to a pic or short description of their preferred appearance, and I'll do it free of charge. Not like I have anything else to do.
Program used: GIMP
Font used: Dirty Headline
President: Obama
EDIT: Reuploaded with the X's over the eyes.
I had a thread with a link to a picture that my Brother made of Herex
Eh well, old fan art is old: http://anschluss.deviantart.com/art/SK-fan-art-318497863?q=gallery%3Aspi...
I'm not really good with colors.
I remember seeing this on Devart back when you first put it up.
It was painful Q_Q