Also andrien died ._.
Wen next chapter?
The other side. (fanfiction)
I am the writer, i can make andrein come back to life, take away mystic's powers, or have your weapons stolen by Amber. >_>
I can make it rain blaze pepper, or make the recipe for the calibur cost FOUR swordstone.
One of the strange skeletons pointed at my pocket. I was a bit confused, and found a Spark Of Life silently shedding it's etheral glow. The skeleton seemed to point at it, then, pointed at it's hollow chest. Bits of frayed garments that you would find on a gremin hung by their strings, slowly swaying in the midnight wind. I didnt know what to do, so I pegged the Spark into his chest. It glowed like a comet, before shattering, releasing bits of it everywhere. I didnt know what he meant, but then took out a wrench.
"Wait.. isnt that," Tony stammered.
"Andrein?" I immeadiately gasped.
The skeleton seemed to nod, before the spark fragments gave off a glow that would make you cover your eyes, and tuck your head in a bucket, but nobody flinched, as the blinding light soon overtook my vision. But why, did I feel so.. relieved? I felt like I accomplished something, my vision was still blinded by the strong glow. Soon, from the blinding light, I heard a familar voice.
"Name's Donovan, remember it, it may the last name you'll remember,"
"Name's Andrein, welcome to the guild!"
"Dont worry, itll be alright...."
"So, you're the new member?"
Voices of past memeories of Andrein and Donovan filled my head. I smiled, and then, one last voice filled my head.
The white that once flooded my vision turned into swirls of green and blue. The soil became grass. The graves became trees. Where there was once darkness was now light. Where there was once two skeletons, stood two gremlins with a smile on their faces.
"Missed me?" Donovan laughed.
"DONOVAN?" Dusk gasped.
"Yo," Andrein laughed.
"ANDREIN?" I gaped.
"Did we just, turn night into day?" Amber twirled around the sites.
"Yep," Mystic beamed.
"YO GUYS! FORGET ABOUT US WILL YAH?" Two voices that made my nerve snap echoed through.
"FANG? FERON?" Kozma yelled, and ran towards them.
"Koz!" Fang laughed, before embracing her in a tight hug.
Feron laughed as he pulled them apart.
Then, what seemed as another gremlin came into view from the horizon.
"Mote!" Andrein shouted.
The gremlin remained silent and simply smiled before waving.
All of the skeletons became knights, and everyone had no clue what was going on.
"Whos Mote?" Ether floated to Andrein's side.
"A gremlin i met in emberlight."
"He had a rough history, but he has a habit of tinkering with weapons and the latter, he even has two personalized bombs." Andrein explained.
"Oh, nice," Ether mewed.
"Stupid flowers..." I heard someone grunt.
I turned to see a phantom, wearing a sepharic set and poking a flower with her ascended calibur. I mean, i like flowers as much as the next guy, (Donovan)
"Her?" I whispered to Donovan.
"Bloodless, she was a phantom who worked as a medic, and was a guide for us while we were undead," Donovan answered.
"Wow, this is a pretty screwed up band of characters we're boasting here.." Durr walked by.
"So, whats new on you're side of the story?" Donovan asked.
"You met vog?" He asked, wide eyed.
"In a dream, but yeah." I answered back.
Lana was trying to explain everything to the confused knights, it wasnt easy. And apparantly, before anyone could stop her, Kozma was starting to cook. Mystic, had a look of anger set in his eyes, flashed into a trojan and kicked the pot of soup aside, discoloring the grass.
"I dont want to eat my own body parts," Mystic yelled.
Everyone stared at him for a sec or two, and we fell to the floor laughing.
One weapon?
Well uhh... It's up to you to pick which one would fit better into your story.
i dont wanna eat my own body parts...... xD
thats my stic, beam hehehe get it? my stic beam, mysticbeam? :D
well everyone is alive now and i guess we're all going to go kill Tinky now
Jim said he might betray us so yea.....also mystic u might die
DUSK SHUT UP. Not like theres nothing about whatchu said is going to come true no siree nope, it definetly not going to come true.
It mind tricks aren't going to work on me no siree nope. I know the truth . I KNOW EVERYTHING..
what is my favorite color?
what is my gender?
What is my real name?
What is my dog's name?
Do I even have a dog?
What is my favorite weapon in sk?
And who is my alter ego?
I've said too much already the great one forbids I speak to you any further about this matter .
why does the morpheus turn into metamorphisis? morpheus is a god of dreams, why not the change have someting to do with sleep or dreams?
enogh nitpicking for now.
Wow i missed on so much... This story rules.
Name: Alex
Race: Knight
Friendliness: Amplifier. This means he'll do his best to return whatever he recieves. But friendly in general.
Short description: A young, ambitious and wise knight known for being more tactical than others. If you ask him how he got his 5* swords, he'll always reply with "Beats me". He loves using his FV, even for non-combat purposes. Lastly, he thinks his Wolver set makes him look like a leader of sorts, contrary to the fact he hates taking leadership roles. Player color is green.
Likes: Deadly Weapons, People that are nice/helpful for him, his FV, and Wolvers. (he always wanted a pet wolver, so I guarantee he'll like Tony and Dove)
Dislikes: People that are mean to him, gunners, and Constructs. (he calls them "BPR's" - Bad Purpose Robots, though on the contrary, he likes messing around with Scuttlebots)
Arsenal: Wolver Set, Divine Avenger, Gran Faust, Freezing Vaporizer, Bristling Buckler.
Die Early: Whatever floats your boat I guess...
Waffles: Either chocolate-covered or when he's hungry.
On a sidenote: Alex wasn't at the haven massacre. He was soloing the Gloaming Wildwoods, and he came out alive. Additionally, he has two crossed scabbards for his 5* swords on his back, with a strap for holding his FV at the side of his hip. All in all, his overall look is epic.
\>_____] Flourish Ftw
@ Alghoul
Hmm... IDK. Caterpillars do "sleep" in their cocoon when they are morphing into a butterfly. Also, the book "Metamorphoses" by Ovid did tell a story about Morpheus. So... I wouldn't say its unrelated to him.
Hmm I wonder what JM was thinking with "Metamorphosis". A blade that change you into a random monster? That would be hilarious.
Edit: Oh he changed it. Oh well.
FV = initials of Freezing Vapourizer. I was just too lazy to repeat it.
Oh and also, Snarble Barb is better.
I think JM is thinking on how to fit me in... if he can at all.
(what you wanna be called) Genome*
(race) Knight*
(friendly?) Against anyone that he is given orders to kill
(small description of yourself) Full azure set, with the colors inverted. Player color is yellow*
(likes) Strong monsters and knights*
(dislikes) Elemental and piercing, Vanaduke*
(arsenal) Full azure set, Swift strike buckler with three full UV's making it nearly as strong as any normal 5 star shield. A cold iron vanquisher and an ascended calibur. The CIV is only used in emergencies*
(would you like to die early in?) Sure, but when he dies, he needs to die fighting, giving his killer a hell of a time. (( Pretty much a boss character))
(do you like waffles?) Yes
we need some ppl 2 die, maybe not main characters like me, dusk, amber. kozma, arus, but we need some ppl on our side 2 die, then some ppl get filled with rage and wipe out tinkys army :)
what about Tony, he is a main character two, the third one added actually. Arus first (duh) dusk second, Tony third, and Durr fourth. Tony shouldn't die please €>•
We DO need some people to die on our side, otherwise, itll be unfair. We also need another person to be on Tinky's side....... Genome?
Anyways, im sorry about the short delay, my laptop broke down and ill start on working on it right away. Sorry.
oh btw, i DO betray you at ONE point in the storyline, if Arus chooses the path of DEVOTION.
•Semichapter Thirty fourandahalf / Munition Mayhem
(Bloodless narrative)
Quickly turning into an orb and darting back to avoid a blow from a thwack hammer, I lunged at my attacked with a charged Ascended Calibur, knocking it into another gremlin, and started a chain reaction. The last gremlin cracked the glass of a huge Volt-Oil tank, and then quickly spotted Arus on an observation platform, taking down a couple of Darkfangs that decided to gaurd the area. I quickly ascended towards the area, and pushed back a Darkfang over the dge, splintering the metal bar. Arus leapt and slashed a mender head on, one half of his head rolled one direction, and the other fell on it's wet side.
"We can use the Volt-Oil tank," pointing towards the large tank, brimming with electrified Voltage.
Arus immeadiately caught on and nodded. We both jumped off the edge, and yelled for everyone to reach higher ground.
(Mote narrative)
I ran through the crowd, and a glance from a Darkfang immeadiately kicked my instinct into runforyourlife gear. I hesistated before pulling my Morpheus out of my sash, hoping to cause as little pain as possible to the Darkfang. He lunged and me, sceptre gleaming with a shadowy evil, and swung itlike an axe, leqving space behing him and the ground. Immeadiately sidestepping, my Morpheus found it's way into the sceptre's weakpoint, shattering it and the darkshard on the end. I found my chance and took out my sleep bomb, setting it on and making a drowsy mist that envoloped the Gremlin, drifting him off to a deep sleep.
(Alex narrative) I TOLD YOU I CAN MAKE YOU FIT IN >:)
A strange sight caught my glare as a gremlin took another gremlin down, by using a bomb that made him sleep, odd. I drew my Gran Faust and started to charge it. Apparantly, the gremlin saw me coming, and drew another bomb, it has a curse insignia on the face. That couldn't be good. My charge and thoughts were interuptted as a maroon explosion knocked me from my balance, the curse sign glowed across my Gran Faust.
"Crap," Cursing as I drew my Divine Avenger.
Lashing out a strike from the gremlin, it skidded back and drew another sword. When what sounded like a warning from a gremlin up above sounded through the room. The gremlin I was fighting immeaditely ran towards a lader and climbed to the top, but kept a gaze at me, while other random monsters went up to higher ground. A phantom, a frostifur, and others that i lost count of. The odd little gremlin yelled at me about somthing, i didnt understand, until a gremling started to shoot a huge tank of Volt-Oil. I stared aimlessly as small dents grew into cracks, and sputters of voltoil started to drip.
Guess i found some1 to die.... maybe.
What is ten to the negative thirtieth power?
What grade u in? I'm in 8th same for mystic. Also can I have a pet?
Name : Snarby Jr. ( mini snarblox )
Likes: eating jello , Dusk , fighting fiends , tony ( both beasts )
Dislikes: kozmas cooking ( lol) piercing weapons , flying
Not die
You want Tony as your pet?
Havent you tortured enough monsters for one lifetime?
Me, im another matter with knights.... its a nervous habit.
he wants a mini snarby pet.
P.S check out Bloo the Bloogato topic please feel free to post suggestions.
I dont read spiralic.
Staht yhw i daer ni cinilmerg.
...yet I think Alex can escape this situation. I already have 2 ways planned for him, in case you're interested.
By the way, ten by the negative thirtieth power is a very small number that includes 30 zeros and goes like 0.001, but much smaller. You get the point, right?
•Chapter Thirty Five / Upgrade Complete
Alex stared as the cracks on the tank grew bigger and bigger. Death almost gripped him by the neck, waiting to feed.
Alex turned to see the vicinity covered in sleepy gases, and fell to the ground, and dozed into a dream. I nodded towards Mote as he carried thee passed out knight over the shoulder up a ramp onto the obeservation platform. I didnt even have to shoot the tank again, it burst like a tsunami of static liquids. Gremlins and Constructs alike were shocked into oblivion, screaaming before drowning in the slippery oil. Everyone nodded, and we startd to walk into a passageway in the side.
(3 Hours later)
"Im sure we walked this passageway," Amber sighed.
"No, the last one had a hydraulic motor that was rusty on the handle," Dusk sighed.
"As you can see, thsi one is COVERED, in rust," Amber glared.
"No, i beloeve the one we passed by had a purple gem next to it," Bloodless chimed in.
"GUYS, LETS JUST KEEP ON MOVING!" Most of us shouted at the same time, a mix of humor and irritation mixed in these words.
"Fine, but im sure it had a purple hem next to it," Bloodless sighed, and picked up the stretcher with Ether carrying the other end.
"Wait, d'you hear that?" I whispered to everybody else.
"Dusk's fails?" Mystic laughed.
All i saw was a flash of purple and Mystic landed stomach first on the floor.
"No, i meant, oh, can someone pick up Mystic before he blacks out?" Redirecting to Mote.
"Whati meant to say is, i hear the engine of a Spiral Forger,"
"Spiral Forger?" Tony asked.
"Yes, when I graduated from a Tenderfoot to a Ironclaw, I used the Forger to upgrade my weapon.
"Some of us choose not to use it," Donovan boasted, holding up his weapon like a trophy.
"Hey, you feel that?" Andrein perked from the back of the squad.
"A.. Draft!" I yelled, feeling the cool air emanating from a passageway shrouded in darkness.
"Well, whatre we waiting for?" Andrein yelled.
We started to run, god forbid Alex slid off the stretcher and he was lost or something.
After a while, (translating into 5 hours or so) We came upon a doorway, bronze in color, surely ironwood in material.
"I think this is the chamber for the Spiral Forge," Panting for air.
"Welp, lets turn back," Lana sighed.
"WAIT! Dont you want to see it?" I shouted.
Lana came over, and tried to push it.
"Its locked," And began to walk away.
"Since when do you use HANDS to open a door like this?" Rolling my eyes.
I charged up my Endppint, and let loose an arc of crystal white energy, blowing the door into bits.
"Touche," Lana sighed, walking into the chamber first.
Everyone followed, and we found a large container, large as in, a two story large container.
"No gaurds?" Feron looked around.
"Security here sucks," Fang sighed, boredom welling into him.
"Hey, im going up to see the Forge," Burp announced, and jumped up the stairs to the top of it.
"Not much of a Forge, is it?" Tony barked.
"Hey guys, THIS IS SO COO-" Burp's voice was drowned out by the sound of a splash.
"BURP?!" Kozma yelled, and ran up the steps.
"Its ok, i just fell in," Burp hopped down the stairs, blue liquid drenching him, erm, top square to bottom.
"Woah, crap!" Bloodless yelled, and pointed to his spikes.
They were bigger, and had barbs that had barbs. They jutted out like trees, sharper and bigger than before.
"Wait, you think.." Dusk stammred.
"SEE YA SLOWPOKES," Mystic yelled, and he trojan charged up the stairs, literally making a sonic boom.
He threw his weapon in, his trojan sword, and watched it as it slowly morphed, twisting and buckling, until it floated up the surface, bigger, darker, and seemed to have black flames spouting from the tip...s. It was literally upgraded, having spikes on either edge of it, having a look that would freighten someone if they were face to face with its wielder. But since this is Mystic, thats understandible. Tony and Durr hopped up to the brim of it.Tony unstrapped his armor, and flung it into the liquid. Durr looked at him, and jumped in. A few minutes afterwards, Durr looked unchanged, but Tony's armor was razor-sharp.
"Wait, Durr, try firing your laser." Tony barked as he strapped on his new weapon/defense.
Durr fired, to see a green laser, the size of a tree, that arcs with toxicity.
"Wow, crap!"
Mote picked up Alex's weapons, a Gran Faust and a Divine Avenger, and threw them in, a pair of demonis and angelic sword then bobbed up for Mote to see, and smiled as he placed them in his sash.
After an hour or two, we set off in the trail on the other side of the chamber, everyone having their weapons upgraded and ready. We rounded a corner, but then everyone stopped dead in their tracks, and stared at what was hanging on the wall.
"Oh no, it cant be..." Amber stammered, and held up her Upgraded weapon, (Metatron Blade) and pointed at the object, fear welling her eyes.
"No.. nononononoOOOOOOOOO!" Dusk collapsed on the floor, put his hands on his ears and started to curse at every living deity.
You press a trigger and it SHOOTS! How cool is THAT?!
At start I thought you meant I actually lost you guys and the straps got ripped, but let me recite your grammar and fix the sentence: "We started to run, god forbid Alex would slide off the stretcher and get lost or something."
Also, I hope you'll give me mah swords back >:\
Anyway, here I go with the unofficial semichapter...
Semichapter Thirtyfiveandahalf / Alex's Dream
(Alex Narrative)
As I saw the Voltoil rush towards me, I reached for my Freezing Vaporizer to try and freeze the Voltoil, but then I felt like getting knocked off my feet, dozing off... Now I'll tell you the dream I dreamt. Actually it's not a dream; It's history.
I saw myself sleeping in my Spiral Hotel room, muttering a word or two out of sleep, when suddenly, I saw 2 orbs, one white and one purple, come in through the window. They touched the floor, and morphed into 2 children, one white and one purple. They played with eachother, and I had fun watching their games, while an occasional snort or sleepword would interrupt them and make them burst into silent laughter. (They didn't want to wake me up... So considerate...) When they saw me start to wake up, they stopped their game, and morphed into a Divine Avenger and a Gran Faust, each with its own ornamented scabbard. Finally, when I saw myself stand up and open my eyes, my dream self was suprised to see the swords resting there, not mine, yet begging to be mine. I almost fused my hand with my dream self's hand, almost touching the Divine Avenger, but the dream world crashed on me, with everything turning pitch black, and then I woke up.
So instead of telling this whole story in a simple "How you got your 5* swords", I always say "Beats me" because in all honesty, this story sounds much more beyond fiction. Unless someone would turn to me in serious matter of knowing how I got my twin swords, I'll then tell them this story, if they have time of course.
You twist the knob to make stuff go through.
Now then....
that rusty pump that we kept on coming back to?
Also, If you make powder out of Magnets, it's poisonous for trojans.
However, magnets and magnet powder seem to be harmless to Were-Trojans in their other form.
Mote: Be careful with what you say Arus. Don't want them to know too much about Gremlin secrets... Regardless of their allegiance.
Lol who's guiding everyone anyway...
And I have no frickin idea who's guiding everyone, since JM doesn't do it well, but I'm okay with it. The unofficial semichapter was just because I got creative and wanted to use it on something o-o
when will the new chapter be out and has dove been added yet.
I just mentioned i saw your name, not mentioning crossovers.
Ithought of pitchforks through the original roundhouse kick,but to fit the devilites, the Pichfork strapped on a leg and impailing them with all status effects made my day.
Charles For Chapter 36!!
this post right here is the 300th post happy 300th post everyone!!!!
i think your devilite is beyond overpowered, it willn't be fair to anyone and dive still hasn't been added, will she?
And I quote " hi "
Modded weapons are MY choice to give.
But if it DOES happen..
Dusk- Acheron - Nyx Acheron
Mystic - Trojan Sword - Orobas Sword
Tony - Razor armor - Throne culet
Kozma - Leviathan Blade - Prong of Triton
Feron - Leviathan blade - Neptune Edge
Fang - Gran Faust - Loa Faust
Genome - Ascended Calibur - Ganesha Calibur
Durr - Toxic laser - Moros Beam
Amber - Avenger - Metatron Blade
Ether - Shadow Bullet - Scathac missile
Burp - spikes - Jupiter fangs
Lana - Calibur - Raphael Edge
Donovan - Dvs - Shikome Striker
Andrein - Wrench - Saturn Wrench
Bloodless - Ascended calibur - Thanatos Calibur
Mote - Morpheus - Hypnos Edger
Alex - Da & Gf - Lachesis Blade
Tinkenzar (note, this portian has been removed due to spoilers
Me Endpoint - SPOILER >=Π
Good ideas?