This thread makes me lol Greedy dirt bags you destroy the game for us all!
Lets Raise the price of Ce
Three Rings doesn't make more money with less people playing the game genius. Having energy where it is now, at 6k, and higher only makes the game inaccessable to new people arriving on the scene. This isn't really rocket science here.
You old timers trying to keep this game an ol' boys private club are plain tired.
This thread is lulzy. Raise the price too high and people will leave/nobody will start.
Don't get me wrong, it's fine with me. I have various other things I can do than play SK. I just find it curious that people who have played here for so long have decided they don't want more people to play, thus prolong the life of their beloved game. Or maybe they do want to push it and see if it ends the game or forces the developers to act. All the same to me.
Ce always costs what it should cost. There is no real market manipulation, you're merely making the price rise or fall to its true price faster than conservative slow price adjustments. If Ce was really more expensive than anyone could afford no one would buy it at these prices. The price skyrocketed(i'm bringing it back yo) from the steam influx 3.5k up to about the current 5.5k over only a little under 2 weeks, now it has sat between 5.5 and 6k for a week by itself and thanks to the roarmulus twins it will probably sit there for a few more weeks because everyone is running that and it gives garbage crowns so most can't afford higher prices. The new weapon line recipes are also in high demand right now which is a crown sink. As people get done collecting bark modules they'll return to the more profitable runs and the price will start raising again.
Wrong. There is indeed market manipulation. If you get bored like I did one day and watch nothing but the energy market for an hour over lunch anyone can clearly see this.
Why is it that there are always huge pockets, like 200-300+, of energy being sold at the hundred dollar intervals?
Why is it that each time energy buying breaches a certain level, say 5800 and goes up to like 5810-5815, someone or some group collectively puts in a monster bid amount of 200+ in order to keep it from falling below that level again?
It's quite obvious it is to keep energy at those levels once they reach that level. The energy manipulators and hoarders know that newer players wanting to only purchase 100-300 energy will start putting bids in above that 5800 level in a desire to acquire the energy they need instantly. They don't want to wait for that huge 200+ number to peel off thus creating a vicious cycle of price manipulation.
These things are not coincidence when they happen constantly 24/7.
First off, this tread was started back in April, before most of us (myself included) were even involved in this game (so dont hate on OP for his opinions back then since its not fair to him). The prices at that time were high from what I hear, but oh well. Then the price dropped when it opened up from beta, then came the update to make crafting use more CE.
This is where the price trouble really began. If OOO drops that price back down, to lets say 1/2 what it is now, CE prices will once again go back down. Now I know some of you have stopped reading at this point and want to talk about how people that have spent real $$ should get what they want in crowns for it, and while I agree with you on that, it is really easy to make crowns in MANY ways if you are that hard up for them. Now you will say if that's the case then all the people not buying CE with $$ should be doing it, and maybe you are right, but most new players don't know the tricks of the trade, and don't for the most part live very long in a T1 or T2 run to utilize those methods.
I am not saying the price needs to be 3k again (which I will admit was really nice, I liked making 200CE per JK run) but if its 5k (or around that mark) then IMO thats a fair price. Most JK runs, and VD runs, and I am guessing Snarls and possibly Twins will net you about 5k in crowns for a full run, that is enough to buy 100CE and have some profits. Why should new players take a loss on every run?
Yes, I have CE for sale when the prices jump to X, Y and even Z, will I be sad when that happens you bet, since then I can't turn my ME into CE and that means each run is a waste, and I more than likely will not be playing much more till something drops the prices again (since due to real life reasons, family, bills, etc, I can not afford to spend $20 a month on a game, which is why I do not play games with subscriptions). I also don't have them "floored" since that to me does help in raising the price in the market itself.
So in closing, hate what I said or like it, but here's the bottom line, till OOO does something to make CE less needed (changing crafting costs, elevator costs, etc etc as other threads have said) then the price will continue to go up, not because of "greed" not because of anything other than natural order of a market. Do I like the prices going up every 6 hours, no, but there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING we can do about it, unless we all, and I mean ALL every player in this game, stop buying CE for a few days, will that happen, not a chance. So lets just try to keep the CE price a fair one, 5k as I said, nets the player a profit on the run, and gets the seller a good amount of crowns (which honestly we dont need much of anyway, what do we need them for more recipes? Since honestly I can't think of anything else we use crowns for yet besides crafting, and that really isnt that much either).
PS as I typing up that last part, the other way to fix the market that has been said before, is if OOO makes crowns more valuable as well, since at this point there is no real use for crowns besides buying things from the NPCs/AH its a very unfair market in that respect as well.
I think 100 CE should be worth 100 crowns.
Njthug молодец - кросавчег! Прочел я твой бред и твоё нытьё
"ох мне, донатору, так тяжело, я должен продать целых 1.7k энергии для того чтобы купить одну шмоточку 5го уровня"
ох блять бедняшка, мало ему золотых, он хочет больше. Ну чтож хоти больше, а вот другая сторона - не донаторы , в свою очередь хочет безгеморно играть и иметь возможность не только играть ради того чтобы сыграть еще раз, а еще и прокачаться, покупать новые шмотки, а не корежиться ради какогото оборзевшего, зажравшегося донатора, которому мало голды, который сам вопит своими высказываниями "I neeed mooooooorreeeeeeeeeee!111111111".
Лично я считаю нынешнюю ценовую-экономическую политику грабительской, не продуманной и не обоснованной - так игра отталкивает новых игроков, только пришедших и игроков уже начавших, но как такого ничего не достигших.
И хрен я куплю хоть единицу вашей энергии по таким грабительским ценам. 4500~5500 было хоть както приемлимо и те кто уже успел подняться до Т2 вполне могли позволить себе эти траты. НО теперь я в лучшем случае буду 1 раз в недь спускаться в Т2 за свою родную мист энергию, а покупать - хуюшки - ждите сами пока люди станут покупать - ждите-ждите пока задротов не заебут ваши цены и они не забъют.
Такчто будь спокоен, олигарх-неудачник, такая ценовая политика либо сведет игру в 0 либо в ней будут рубать одни донаторы и плакаться что у них ни кто не покупает энергию и тогда уже тебе будет плохо.
Hey I speak Russian too!
Vodka vodka davai! Tequila Spoutnik Lenin!
@greenery, that isn't really manipulation. It isn't fiddling with prices that makes energy more valuable, energy is just constantly more valuable because the number of people making lots of crowns and not buying lots of energy is constantly rising. Anytime anyone anywhere buys energy for whatever reason, that's the new price of energy because they feel it is worth that much. Buying up blocks of energy and reposting it at a much higher price works because people are willing to buy at that higher price, so that's how much it is worth now. If people are unwilling to buy at so high a price or crowns are in such high demand that people with energy start undercutting each other to sell the price goes down. Ce prices are always always always always exactly what they should be, no matter how high or low, because crowns are not a solid currency they are merely a measurement of time. So right now everyone has all the time(crowns) in the world and so our time(crowns) becomes less valuable in cash(crystal energy).
Yes I can speak English too. But I don't do this because my knowledge bad, very bad. Many grammar & linguistic errors, a lot of time for construction text required & etc.
Vodka leave to itself, I not the alcoholic.
And don't touch Lenin, that it poor in the mausoleum turns over. I don't remember yours Bush or Kenedy?
I tell that Topic starter is the full fool - At first at such price policy game will be left by beginners, the desire at those who only will be gone was going to begin game, then average players, well and in the end when Donaters will definitively become impudent will leave, game will leave AS-nondonate-players.
And then, misters Donaters, can't sell energy for coins at all.
*Taps Njthug on the head* No necro thread, and your plan didn't work, just a pass came out. Unless your plan was to get dat pass out, than... *clap, clap*
I'm just amused by the number of posts treating the OP like a devil out to personally spoil their game experience. Also curious how many complainers are still around while the OP is obviously still playing.
One thing I'm really curious about is how everyone says rising CE prices is "ruining" the game. By the rising prices, the main thing that is happening is that it is becoming increasingly worthwhile to spend IRL cash on CE over crs (Because essentially my time > money (which I'm willing to spend to support a rather new game that I like.)). Also, if people quit... wouldn't that mean less lag for me, hence improving my game experience?
Yea, all you "elite" players would like to keep CE price as high as possible to not let anyone else advance easly and reach place in game where are you. Keep doing stupid things with market and soon you will cry to that there are no new players to buy your recipes, materials and anything else you want to sell and game is dying.
Whiners whining about whiners, this is the whiniest place ever. If you keep finding things to whine about, the whining will never go away. :/
... all that needs to be said, actually.
…you P2P elitists are also the reason Spiral Knights is dying.
By attempting to raise the CE prices, you'll make it a lot harder for new players to get into the game. Because they'll find it so hard to progress unless they pay, they'll just leave the game with the lasting impression that Spiral Knights is a boring, shallow MMO designed to cater exclusively to the needs of the paying players.
Less newbs = diminishing community.
I even googled phrases like "spiral knights sucks" and "spiral knights is stupid" just to see what other players thought of the game and I got quite a few threads on other forum websites saying that Spiral Knights is boring…because the people who wrote those posts couldn't make steady progress without paying for CE and were limited to T1 - and I admit that I thought the game was pretty boring until I progressed to T2 and finally got a challenge for once.
If you guys want to raise the CE prices and make the real meat of the game inaccessible for newbies, so be it. Just wait and watch the community die out.
Quite the necro, New Jersey.
Also, interesting that we can again see how people just read the subject line and go straight to making a post without even reading the first post in the thread.
I just think it's funny how people can react to these kind of posts. Once ONE guy says something that doesn't make sense to the other players, they start arguing like hell, even though Njthug already said he's not really planning on doing this at all.
There will always be different opinions in this world! In this case, we have the ones selling CE for crowns, and the ones buying CE with crowns.
One part loves the fact that they can earn more crowns than ever, and the other part hates it, because they want it to be cheap.
I just think it's funny how people ... yeah, I already wrote that way up there ^
Lol the necro as I predicted. It's simply the P2P player's side of CE prices and perfectly logical.
+1 to Volebamus
That the moral of this story is: you can't trust the system, man!
I fully support this
I also greatly enjoy Magnus raging and pretending he hasn't spent more money than 99.999% of the players in the game, most likely one of the reasons why his wife recently left him.
lol Chris
the neverending fight with Magnus
And @ Asukalanforum
If those newer players would stop whining so much and LEARN how to get enough CR in the game to advance, then maybe us more experienced players would cut them some slack. But no, they just want everything free so they can get endgame and O LOOK now they are bored and want to quit.
I really like there to be this kind of challenging economy. raise the price higher, I want to feel like I earned my CE, not steal it from those who actually keep the game alive by buying it for us F2P
But then again those whiners will continue to whine about the price being too high, and at this point I'm fed up with them still not learning from what we tell them (i.e fast and easy way to get CR)
I am really losing faith in this game. And I be hating now.
I adore this topic Nj, but youre shooting too low. Id like CE to be up to 12-15k cr. :)
lol chris. I love how you know such personal things about someone you fight with all the time... hmm...
Omg I know how he knows
Chris = Christina which is Magnus suppose wife and they got a divorce over Spiral Knights
+1 to Metagenic
What the P2P'ers don't realize is that once CE reaches a price where running the Clockworks isn't profitable anymore, no one will play. So go ahead, buy up as much CE as you want and stockpile it to artificially raise the price; it's a free market and we can't stop you. Just don't complain about the quitters, lack of newcomers, and generally disgruntled community when you do.
Christina and Magnus seriosly sounds like a porno. To be honest, I bet it is. I'm not really trying to be inapropriate, but come on, that was so set up. Hey, it's not as mean as chris calling out magnus like one of the real housewives.
"*Taps Njthug on the head* No necro thread, and your plan didn't work, just a pass came out. Unless your plan was to get dat pass out, than... *clap, clap*"
...You do realize the pass is keeping people from buying CE?
wtf necro again? I swear this is at least the third time.
Why I don't see any posts by necromancer. Hmm.
-Nobody will buy CE with crowns anymore
Not really. People will still buy CE as long as they need it. And if no one's really buying it because the price is too high? Then obviously the price will drop. The problem is the demand for CE, not because of people who buy CE to sell.
Hey, just wanted to drop by and state the following:
I'm a soloist F2P player, currently with (mostly) 3star gear. I'm currently trying to level up my gear in order to make it to Tier 3, though I only managed to craft an Ascended Calibur, plus I've spent quite a bit in acquiring the recipes. I find it difficult to craft items like this, it requires an awful lot of patience just to earn enough to level up your gear, one by one. I still require 1200ce to fully upgrade to Tier 3, but with the current ce prices it's rather difficult.
I know many of you don't care about my gear, my woes, or anybody elses' besides their own for that matter, but can't we reach a compromise here? The ce price was fair at 5000cr range, as we could earn enough from Snarby runs to afford ce using only mist. Heck, it's always worked for me, a bit repetitive sure, but with the lagfest that is the R.Twins, and the always-regenerating R.Jelly, I don't risk deviating from the Snarby path. :\
Can't we all just get along? Or at least help each other a bit?
How? How would that work? Even if the CE buyers were all active on the forum how would they be able to reduce the prices effectively? It's so easy to say crap like can't we all just get along when you are just looking out for yourself. I hate it when I see people posting posts like that coming off as noble when their motives are not. You want cheaper crs and to have the benefits of P2P without paying, just say so.
Even if the CE sellers all sold at 5 k, all that would mean is that people would snap up all the 5 k sales in less then a day. And to even consider doing that, they would have to invest real money. Money that would involve a job, or overly generous parents, or a scholarship or whatever. And that's not even thinking about people who would snap up the 5 k CE and immediately repost it as 7 k or more for profit. You are effectively asking people to throw away real money on virtual money, and not get their money's worth, just so that MAYBE you might be able to buy the CE for 5k (Because of the way the market works, by the time you raised 5 k, the CE's prices would have changed anyway)
And let's not even bring up the possibility of a NPC price crap on CE. That's unfair to OOO and people who buy CE. The current system only works because CE only enters the market if people spend real money, which OOO needs to actually do things.
A better idea would be to suggest as many crown sink ideas as possible in the forum and hope OOO adopts them, increasing the value of the crowns so that they'll be worth more CE.
Well, it is only fair that the developers earn some money as they have made this game accessible to everyone for free.
If there is evidence of the CE market being manipulated excessively, then OOO needs to be notified as soon as possible. Besides, 3 star equipment is still useful in Tier 2. Yes, it will take longer to get 4 star equipment (I only have 3 and 2 star equipment at the moment), but that's fine with me. I believe that the price of 100 CE shouldn't be too high (like 8 to 10k Crowns), otherwise it would be difficult to progress in the game.
Just voicing out my thoughts :) .
Nj I remember the day you made this thread.
... what a day it was.
Now I'm only laughing at the revisited joy it has brought.
Find competent friends or guild and start farming JK and Tier 2 Arenas.
It's still profitable, even with the current CE prices, and you'll forget Snarby rather quickly.
Not even the tokens are worth it. 10 tokens for 2* stuff that you can vendor for 750cr vs 15 tokens for 3* stuff that you can vendor for 3500cr? I'll take JK any day!
Higher CE prices (obviously) would fetch you more rewards (crowns). Question is: is this reward really risk free?
In a short term, people who could not afford it (because they do not have time to farm) will stop playing. People who could afford the time to farm would reduce spending. People who couldn't quite afford it but still want to play would dig into their savings and liquidate their assets (mats / equipment / minerals / etc).
So by raising (mispricing) CE, you are changing the distribution curve (Number of People willing to pay vs CE prices) by picking where to cut off the tail. If you cut to the left of the "norm" (lower or at the price that most people are willing to pay), it is just shifting the curve to the left. So the people who weren't at the lower spectrum would need to farm harder to get back to the middle. In this case, raising CE prices would "speed up" the game.
But if you do the cut off to the right of the "norm", you not only lose the tail of the curve. You also lose the bulk of the people buying CE from you. What is the trade off here? After the cut, the curve would be fat tailed (this is a dangerous curve because it's hard to forecast, causing more mispricing and wrong decisions in the long run). If you keep raising the CE prices, you would be increasing the size of the tail (why? Because buyers notice and would cause the prices to be downward sticky, eventually build up a new fat tail). Can you expect the people in the tail to farm their way back to the norm and retain the original shape of the curve? Of course not, at certain point people would just give up and move on. So the curve "recovers" by losing its fat tail and begins a slow recovery to build up the norm again. In this case, raising CE prices would "slow down" the game.
This is all assuming OOO won't intervene in the market. One way they could intervene is to offer energy package promotion. This has the effect of increasing the supply of CE and depress the price of CE in a short run.
I found the title of this thread a bit misleading. I propose the title "Let's misprice the CE further so the whiners would quit".
Gonna buy out all of the CE soon guys! Then gonna put up a offer for 50K!
Nj I remember the day you made this thread.
... what a day it was.
Now I'm only laughing at the revisited joy it has brought.
That made me giggle I <3 you to Icarus.
I will give everybody a brimstone or a light shard once CE hits over 10k. :) IneedCE to be crazy high.
I really don't think the price of CE being at 7.3k isn't bad at all, but if it reaches 10k, that will be about 80k to buy 800 CE, and the original prices being at 7.3k, it will cost me about 56-58k to buy 800 CE. I will probably quit if it reaches 10k, but I doubt I will since I love this game, and I almost have everything I want in the game, so its not much of a problem, just a few more weeks, right? >.>
I don't think this game should be P2P, and I have made CE purchases in the past before, about 10$ worth of it.
I hope it fluctuates between 8k and 13k in a month
The CE price has been going down too much, in both crowns and dollars (Starter Pack). Sellers need to organize and raise the price of CE back to 7k where it was before all those greedless Steam players arrived!