Nj is my hero.
Lets Raise the price of Ce
Nj isn't responsible him/herself for the raise lol (was kidding on the [lovely] medal of course). I think his/her post was actually created before the crafting costs were even updated. That time there was just no harm in it. But I think some might have misinterpretated what was the point of raising CE price, and that maybe I say, there were limits not to cross.
Thoran, don't make me wash your mouth out with soap.
Recently, whether it was just out of disgust or whatever, I posted a bid on the CE market selling 100CE for 10k Crowns. If my bid ever goes through, meaning someone buys it because it was the cheapest available price, I will be very disappointed. Disappointed enough to quit the game? I don't know yet. It's possible though.
No. Imagine the terrors of wearing that in any fire stratum.
Their are no terrors when you can fly over everything thus a cape.
I thought you were one of the sober ones Njthug when I sided with you on the update that increased CE for crafting. You had good arguments imo. Now your just coming off as a fanboy tbh.
Have you seen the game NJ? The population should be growing, that's what happens with most MMO's and they become succesful because of it. The CE prices are just demotivating me to play untill my next paycheck. And i'm sure it has done the same with many others. It just simply demotivates. It kind of sucks that you're not able to view things from point of views beside your
Yeah, I think we should raise the price of CE. With any luck, we should be able to force the complainers to leave.
This thread is a madhouse
These forums are a madhouse. FTFY.
But the trolls and whiners are usually easy enough to ignore.
At this rate, you won't have anyone to sell the CE to anyway.
You might enjoy to play the game with yourself though.
If it means no more people going "OMG THREE RINGS IS KILLING SPIRAL KNIGHTS WITH RISING CE PRICES BECAUSE THEY'RE EVIL MONEY-GRUBBING PEOPLE!" then that's a sacrifice I'm willing to handle.
"then that's a sacrifice I'm willing to handle."
Raising CE price until SK becomes unplayable for most average characters, is that what you call a sacrifice? Knock it off.
Those of you intentionally manipulating the market and rising the prices of CE are MORONS, you are killing the game with your shenanigans.
You should be banned, all of you, permanently.
Banned for playing the game? Harsh.
Yes price manipulation is a form of scamming, OOO should take this view and take action against those using manipulation practices.
No, it's maximizing profits as dozens of people have stated before me. Your skewed and ignorant view should NOT be adopted by the developers.
My view is not ignorant. Your way of "maximizing profits" is artificially raising the prices of a specific commodity and collaborating with others to do so. This is called price fixing and is illegal in certain jurisdictions. People are angry about the increased prices, but still shell out the crowns because CE is a commodity that is essential to their gameplay. If the increase in price was a natural one, fewer people would be angry, but the increase isn't natural, it is a result of people artificially raising the price.
Certain jurisdictions which do not include the online game of Spiral Knights. I say your view is ignorant because there have been plenty of posts that have been able to rationalize why prices are going up and are still in active discussion (An example: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/10725 something the argument about "artificial inflation" severely lacks outside of speculative posts on the forums). There is nothing going on that should result in players being removed from the game. I have yet to see anything proving ANYONE is manipulating ANYTHING outside of "OMG I SAW HIM DO IT@!!!" which is is hardly evidence. People don't get put in jail because someone "saw them do it" and there is no evidence otherwise. At least in a perfect world.
I have thousands of CE - I will only sell for 20k per 100 or higher PST in game please.
We don't know who is doing in ingame because offers are posted annonomously, but when price floors of 100 offers to buy at one price is put up and once people that need CE fast outbid that floor another floor pops up, it is obvious manipulation. OOO rings needs to take the view that manipulation will not be allowed otherwise angry players will quit.
Yes recent updates have increased the need for CE, but this rate of increase suggests that players are taking advanatage of the update to manipulate energy prices while having denyability because they can claim that CE has become more desireable.
If you allow me, the market currently makes me think of common abuse of online auction webstores real classical abuses, which consist in bidding your own offer to make it more profitable. At the only exception people dont genuinely do that: they buy CE and resell it more expensive. But that's pretty much the same kind of Dirty manipulation, if you don't mind the play with words.
Point is I think, what would you (randomly Dirt) say if every phone operator decided to give a 50% increase on all their offer, on a common agreement because people would STILL have to pay for that, just pay more, because they couldn't do else?
I think you're the one lacking judgement; more precisely, you seriously lack of empathy. Your opinion on the problem is quite narrow.
but when price floors of 100 offers to buy at one price is put up and once people that need CE fast outbid that floor another floor pops up, it is obvious manipulation.
Or maybe people are desperate for crowns and others are willing to pay those prices? I'm sorry, but I still haven't seen any convincing evidence that it's happening.
The comparison of Price Walling to 'anonymously bidding on your own auction to drive up the price' is basically spot on. Well said, Thoran. Why this sort of action is generally conceived of being unseemly or wrong, in the case of the Energy Market in Spiral Knights the naysayers are correct when they say there is no rule/law/consequence in Spiral Knights that states a player is not allowed to "maximize" profit in this way. Indeed the way the market is currently set up it in fact encourages this sort of profiteering.
OOO ought to really consider some alterations to the Energy Market. Adding a listing fee, making bids permanent, something to add actual risk when playing the Energy Market. Because there are no consequences in doing so as the Market functions now.
It's possible I do lack empathy. I am a paying player, after all. What I see when I look at the threads complaining about things like the price of energy are people clinging to a few thoughts that have been popularized by some of the more annoying and persistent posters on these forums. I don't know where F2P players are coming from because I've never been there, but I have yet to see anything convincing that would make me want to side with them.
Well don't misunderstand empathy with sympathy. Let me explain: I'm playing for free (though I got a pretty decent gear and can sustain even with the current CE price-I decided not to pay for market energy as for now) so I can understand quite well how market is being critical to us and especially the way it is controlled. I actually do feel empathy for the CE sellers; I've said it sometimes ago, we might say CE price is crazy lately, both buyers and sellers found rights and wrongs concerning those 2 ends: making CE expensive and making CE cheap. But indeed I don't agree with the current point of view of the sellers who contributes to making the price raise, as for them, you could say I don't feel any simpathy. As for the sellers (heroes I call them) who are trying to create price walls, working hard on trying to reason the other sellers, I comply them, I feel simpathy. Trust me, you don't especially have to feel more than empathy towards the noisiest complainers. As for me I'm like neutral with a small bending on the complainers' side.
So I can't tell you much convincing words on why should we side with buyers, because I myself don't really know. There are sticks in the b. on both sides obviously, needless to name those on the buyers' side; unfortunately the sellers are more anonymous.
I have to watch my language because again I got a warning for saying a no-no word. Political-correctness doesn't matter much in my country, its hard getting used to it here.
It's not so much political correctness as the fact that children are playing this game too, and profanity around children is heavily frowned upon in many places.
Then again, people tell me I swear like a '60s villain. Drat-blasted dang fang dagnabbin' quacksalvers. Curses, I say.
Although I do agree that complaining too much is unnecessary, I think artificially raising the price because people still pay is wrong because you're paying for something that you need. You could play on Mist Energy which only limits you to the Jelly King then because you want to maximize your profits. Although I am acting hypocritical because I do Jelly King a lot anyways, it feels like a grind fest after a while because it's not really unique at all. And I do know that CE sellers will try to get the most from their CE since all you can do is buy recipes.
@dirt they aren't coming from anywhere - Ive already beat JK 4 times with my ME account i started on monday..... i don't get it.
@ Dirt. You know it's happening, you just get your jollies coming on here pretending like you don't. So quit playing dumb and at least man up to it.
Note: I am a paying player.
@ Fallout
Because it's not like you didn't know exactly what you were doing when you started that new account. You knew what weapons to buy, how to play so you didn't waste ME reviving, how to make money, and all the previous runs you'd have done the on Jelly King previously certainly didn't help prepare you for him when you made your new account.
The point you were trying to make with that post? It's silly. Of course the game is easy the second time through.
My best friend (who's a P2P) and I (who am F2P) joined this game together, and we've had a lot of discussions on this. The one thing most paying players forget is that this game relies on BOTH its P2P and its F2P players. They both give value to the game and provide services:
F2P players provide time. They sell this time, in the form of mats, recipes, and crowns, to P2P players in exchange for energy. If the game had only P2P, the population would be miniscule compared to now, and the price of all mats and recipes would be much higher and harder to acquire. Buying energy would only be used to play in the clockworks and as a currency for transmutes: there would be far less demand for energy, so there would be no quick path to riches by selling it.
P2P players provide energy. This is the obvious one that most people focus on and needs little explanation. Without P2P players, the population wouldn't be much smaller, but there would be far fewer people playing at any given time due to mist energy being the only thing players played on.
In short, P2P players are what keeps this game alive, but F2P players are the ones that make buying energy worthwhile for P2P ones.
Additionally, keep in mind that most players start this game F2P, and if they like it, may become P2P. If the cost of energy too high, new players cannot get into the swing of the game and quit. New players are the true lifeblood of the game, and that's the real issue at work here: the high energy cost is crippling this game's potential for growth.
Overall it just boils down to needing a) a couple massive crownsinks for end-game players to care about, like 5* recrafting for UVs or aesthetic ornamentation/outfits, and b) some regulation to end market manipulation, such as a listing fee for buying/selling energy similar to the AH.
"The comparison of Price Walling to 'anonymously bidding on your own auction to drive up the price' is basically spot on. Well said, Thoran. Why this sort of action is generally conceived of being unseemly or wrong, in the case of the Energy Market in Spiral Knights the naysayers are correct when they say there is no rule/law/consequence in Spiral Knights that states a player is not allowed to "maximize" profit in this way. Indeed the way the market is currently set up it in fact encourages this sort of profiteering.
OOO ought to really consider some alterations to the Energy Market. Adding a listing fee, making bids permanent, something to add actual risk when playing the Energy Market. Because there are no consequences in doing so as the Market functions now."
If they wanted to fix it, all they'd have to do is remove the energy market as is, and make energy a buyable, sellable commodity in the AH (units lots of 100). Then Energy would find a break-even point. Just like you can't "drive up" the cost of an owlite shield, it would be much tougher to artificially drive up the prices of energy.
But clearly OOO has no desire to do this, they'd rather just keep watching the price drive up, as its in their best interest. Quite frankly, they created the game, thus its perfectly within their rights to let things go however they want, wether we like it or not. Its just kind of sad that some people are finding a flaw in the system and exploiting it. Energy is by-and-large a price insensitive commodity on this game, just like gas in real life. No matter how high the price goes, it is a "NECESSITY" rather than a "LUXURY" as far as playing spiral knights goes.
[note: while some economics terms are applicable to the energy market, and spiral knights in general, attempts at logically explaining this game using our real life economic model needs to cease. Its like trying to put together a model train with the direction from a model airplane. some crossover, but one does not have much bearing on the other.]
this is really unfair! parties are dyeing(as if they weren't dead already) mostly soloing at times. T^T man your killing all the fun of the social aspect of SK.
Njthug, I've been able to F2P and have for the last two weeks. I just got my first 5* today, Keep buying CE, I'll keep giving you my crowns for what I consider to be a fair price for your CE.
To the person above me and your crazy name and stupid smilies.
Parties are not dead and soloing will usually cost you more CE while giving you marginally better rewards for a less fun experience. Trust me, I party all day, free to play.
Guys want me to post a screen of my Divine Avenger that I ground Jelly King for two weeks for?
I've only played this game like four or five times, and I'm interested in how this game works in terms of P2P and F2P. I haven't paid a cent for CE, but I seem to be able to hold more than my own. Sure, I'm still at Tier 1 but the only thing stopping me at this point is the update (can't connect to the server. whoop-dee-doo).
The Calibur is definitely a welcome change from my Hot Edge..
Your Logic is flawed. P2P players like myself are using energy for upgrading. No need to sell it as we run through clockworks on mist. I make items with CE then sell some of those items. I have no need to sell CE! I used to, but now its used for everything and a rare thing to have.. I will hold onto it for now as most others are. This is what is raising prices(Low Supply and High Demand), not someone who is manipulating the market. So people who have the CE, well they have the power now.
Without P2P Players, f2p people would not be able to craft past 3* equipment. Long live High CE prices! I don't need to buy it!
srsly, did you really spent $400 on CE?
Is that really something you want to admit? I wouldn't think that is something to boast about.
That's just laughable and shameful considering there are free players out there have the exact same amount of everything you do.
I sure don't. Why would I be facetious about it?
for some reason I highly doubt any free player has what someone who spent $400 at the launch has.
To be a honest.
YOU'RE THE WORST PLAYER I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE EXPERIENCE OF PLAYING SPIRAL KNIGHTS. If only we were allowed to speak foul language I should've said it now. But were not allowed. I respect rules.
You're a person who has all 5-star gears, with trinket slots full of heart pendants , weapon slots full of 5-star gear, 121937 CE and one bagillion crowns that has NO, not even a single ounce of care for the other people around you. For the people around the world who ARE NOT IN THE UNITED STATES and have DIFFERENT CURRENCY instead of dollars. You're lucky you're there and you can spend all of your $$$$$$$$$$ on CE. You people boast your stuff and make other people look inferior as you think you're sooooo awesome, you're soooo epic and think you're one of the BEST. But you're not.
Some.... MOST of us find difficulty in trading REAL money for an in-game CE. Because we have the Philippine peso, the chinese whatcha-callem's or the Vietnamese vietnam currency whatevaaaaaa.
Now you walk in here and counter people who find difficulty over the skyrocketing CE prices. And you feel " Hahahahahahahahahahahaha LAWL " because of posting this thread. Of course many people will hate that. D:< But you don't seem to care about the newbies, the poor and the nubs. You only care about you and all your DUDES who are 'cool' , 'awesome' and 'pro'.
Eat those words. I don't give a crown what the next reply will be. I'm making a FREAKING STAND against this.
/prescence in the thread
You do realize this thread is two months old, right?
Screw it, prices aren't going to go down. Just raise ce to 25k so's I can collect ma recipes.
The Poor stay poor, the Rich get richer.
And some people should stop being so greedy, for the sake of this game.
blitzkrieg47's post should have ended this thread, I think I need to screen shot it. all I know is Im buying up CE now so I can sell when it hits 10k! :P
CE price is not showing any sign of progress (understand isn't lowering, by progress). Do people ever react in game recently? I just log 5 minutes a day so I can't really check it up on my own.
Hate hate hat.