Im sorry for whining but i just dont like it :/
Lets Raise the price of Ce

imagine this.
ce goes up super high, about 8.5-9k cr per hundred.
very few floors give 850-900 cr each, so everyone would be spending all their time grind FSC, which is very boring.
people who dont have access to FSC cant afford to buy CE, because they would be losing money all the time, making them unable to advance to FSC.
said people would no longer have any reason to continue playing.
except for a very strange few, higher tier players would become bored of grinding, and either stop playing, or go spend all their time in lockdown.
with no one buying CE anymore, P2Pers would have to go grind for cr themselves.
basically, good bye smooth economy
these "people" i mentioned are F2P, or only buy here and there
i play about 2 hours a day, 20 mist on the prestige mission, 50 mist on one FSC run, and 30 left over for giving a guildmate a hand with something, or doing a coupla graveyard runs.
i'm hoarding my crowns for when ce prices drop, or crown income from the clockworks rises. if it doesnt, i may just stop playing, and i know for a fact that i am not the only one who feels this way

Wait a second, you WANT inflation to happen?!

@Flyingninza: Yep. Pretty much nailed it.
I still have some game left in me. I have chosen to support OOO as a Paying player by buying elevator passes, and by buying the expansion(s?). Unless CE goes WAY on sale, I will NEVER buy it. I have, what, ~$17 into this game, and I have spent ~4200 CE by grinding for crowns and having a good time, and I could currently buy about 4700 additional CE with the crowns I have, at current market prices.
If CE were $5 for 10,000, I'd buy some today. I'll bet thousands of F2P would jump at a sale like that. Hmm, sell 1,000 CE packs for $20, or sell 5,000+ CE packs for $5, or $3? Easy money, OOO wins, P2P wins. Everyone want good bang for their buck.
A decent set of 5 star gear, based on my current 4 star stuff, will cost me well over 425,000 crowns. That's like ~180 RJP runs.
3 months of daily grinding to get ONE set of 5 star gear? This is a fun game, don't get me wrong, but not that fun. There is no end in sight when it takes that long. There is still a big chunk of the game I have yet to see, and I want to see it before I get bored, or Borderlands 2 comes out, whichever comes first.

I think the creator of this topic is a child who have parents to buy everything for him...

You need to give this kid like some Max Shock Skolver coasts and a ASI max FF or something because I can tell he's gonna get you some money.

Everyone knows about Eury/Njthug/Vanaduck. Are you suggesting that the Vanaduck is a spoilt child? Or that coconuts migrate?

Hm....Troll thread...about the CE prices thread everytime...etc...
Got it?

That's it! We're doing a great job guys, just 1.5K more and we're at the 10K mark!

This scenario happens with gasoline. Just so I can watch the riots in the streets.
OP is trying to kill OOO business. OP is trolling.

"If the ground were covered in jewels, they'd be worthless."

Keep going, team! We're almost past the 9000 mark.
Thank you everyone so much. I'm almost speechless, it's just amazing. We're really pulling through on this.

>9000 congrats everyone, We're rich! Time to trade in for Bitcoins.

Pffffft 9k? I want it to be over 100k. Hurry up guys. Make it happen.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee
Why the hell people agree with this
Yes,I'm P2P,I still disagree

Bwah hahahaha... Necrotrip.
Funny to see the sins of the past get dug up though, we can just blame Nj for the CE price & end all the current threads complaining about the price of CE.

Ah... so this was the source of the sin.

This wont work. At some point people will disagree on buying energy and just use their mist and crowns instead

There are ways right? And even if there aren't, people could always hold their crowns and just play for fun while gathering more

I want inflation. I want more people to quit playing. It feels me with joy when people quit.

"people could always hold their crowns and just play for fun while gathering more"
We can live without your crowns. Selling energy is just a shortcut so we dont have to grind much. We win crowns by farming Vana with our other 3 paid alts, or pwning in LD with super UV'd gear and health pendants. But you need energy to advance and keep playing, and there isnt any other way to get it.
Good luck. Pray for equipment drops from treasure boxes.

I can do 2 hours a day with mist energy. Enough for a free player. Of course there will always be alot of dummies out there buying energy at the highest offered price. 10K can be reached, but there will be few people buying energy at that price which will cause the price to go down anyway, unless there is some manipulation going on. But still I expect the refusers will be in the majority.

Players that sell energy want crowns fast. But as those players advance in the game, they'll reach a point where they dont need much crowns anymore.
It's a matter of time, unless OOO comes up with more sinks.

Or we f2ps can just pack our bags leave this game so p2ps can grind for thereselves so they know how it feels =D

Nj is cruelty to f2ps -.-
Lol jk.

The price of CE is falling down back to 8k may even go under for a week or two if we are lucky:3.
A small message for all those that want to raise the price of CE:
Have fun ;3
(and no I could not resist)

Oh it'll go down. For a while.
I'll be sure to help put it back up though, don't you worry your pretty little heads ^^
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

You guys took my Challenge of 100k ad shattered it. Well done.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

Just make it 1 million and solve the problem,you should stop whining like i did and accept the fate of F2P in this game :D
i like Nj's opinion,its reasonable...100ce for 6,000-10,000cr
so what if it goes to 1 million i dont mind,i would just spend my 100 mist on T2 or jelly run and keep stacking up crowns until the price of CE drops to my expectations...
i just took some advice from other experienced players,and come to my own solution,let it raise to 1mil or more,it just makes me laugh more
just stop bying CE and price of it must drop..eventually
"Knowledge is your Power"
"Patience is your Virtue"

Sigh. When will people understand this is a spiral knights economy. Not a real world economy. Just like we do not have jellies and silkwings and clockwork levels in the real world, spiral knights does not have a US capitalistic economy. Spiral knights economy is as similar to our real world economy as their wolvers are similar to our real world wolves. ATTACK UP!
It shows that you both do not understand the in-game economy AND the true nature of real world supply and demand.
/rant i find this endlessly frustrating.

For items, sure, but in what way does basic supply and demand not apply to the CE market?

NJ's Fluence Cause this mess.

Just give njthug a banstick, unlimited mist and lock out her ce tank.
Alongside all her proxies/friends in EoS.
Obviously enough they earned it.

Let's figure a way to put this gently:
This post above
This thread is from what...*checks the date* OVER a year ago. So man if Nj has been planning this for over a year dang! Obviously it wasn't Nj, no clue why people are attacking him. In truth, Njthug wasn't even online...guess that kinda blows a hole in your story. Secondly, you can't just extend punishment onto the entirety of all 69 members of Echo of Silence, I speak for the guild when I say we had no part in orchestrating this. In fact, many of us didn't even know what was happening until the rage threads show up on these here forums.
If you're basing your accusation because Nj posted a screen shot of himself having 69,696,696 crowns. Well let me just enlighten you. Several of our guild members pooled our money with Nj so that he could get that ScreenShot and have his dream number of crowns. Like I said earlier, Nj wasn't even on during the CE boom explosion thing.
So in regards to "Obviously enough they earned it". Think twice before arbitrarily accusing people, nay an ENTIRE guild, of something they didn't commit.
EoS Trolls Hard, But Not Like That.

Everyone knows Njthug is the direct cause of everything bad that happens related to CE prices. It's just a given.

I spilled some water today. Pretty sure it was Nj's fault.
His trolling goes beyond CE, Kalaina. His trolling knows no bounds.

Njthug ruined my marriage. Please perm ban immediately.
We can just keep it open forever. And watch the hurt of the bottom flow.