Now that the elevator pass is a normal buy, the price will actually go down or maybe continue its slow upwards tendency. Why? Because now people who want to continue playing by buying energy from CE may find more attractive to make a 1-time-per-month "subscription" type buy, and this people will then stay out of the energy market, leaving only crafters and such there.
Lets Raise the price of Ce
@ Aumir: And then theres the p2p group who feels like buying ce is less valuable than an elevator pass, and only buys ce for their own crafting uses, ad thus sell less ce.
I've noted that in the hours following the patch, ce prices went up several hundred. This, in regards to the past few days, where ce was rising about 100 - 200cr a day, is a huge jump. But it could just be a temporary rise in prices.
it doesn't make sense, if you support this it will simply prove how no-life you are. -_-
This does make sense Nova, it allows us to have more crowns to roll with for sure =) lets make Ce prices reach 10,500 for 100 ce thats like 200 ce a roll =0
I support it getting up to 20K CR per 100CE. That's two vana runs for 100 CE. It's not so bad. Then it'll be 100 CE per roll.
*Malsvirbranea puts on his flame-resistant suit.*
And I'm gonna buy CE and hoard it until it goes above 15K.
I like this. I am for Njthug's plan. I'm gonna be rich!
Lol, Njthug's old plan. Made me laugh back then.
Nj, it doesn't matter what price I sell it at... It just matters that I bought my CE for cheaper. Prices mean nothing to me, profit is made from margins =)
If the price of energy (on which the crafting and auction economy is now entirely based due to the removal of recipes) keeps going up, nobody's going to become rich. You can read about this same exact scenario in Mark Twain's book A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. The amount of CE in the market determines the value of crowns, so if CE just keeps going up without any dips, the cost of playing also goes up - people will increase prices on craft items accordingly because of the scarcity of energy. You will have to sell more CE than you want to keep up with your purchases, and somebody will inevitably sell it for lower - and perhaps snag a rare item with their cash as the market crashes (which usually happens during combo deals) and you're stuck with useless, cheap CE while you watch the limited edition items slip away.
Wealth is changed and actual buying power is made during market fluctuation. Unidirectional increase in profit and cost is just inflation.
I'm already rich. And i'll become more rich. Every little imbalance in the game i will squeeze the poor and make them pay for my displeasure.
Sorry guys.
Though I understand why CE is shooting up (as Kaffa mentioned, it isn't gouging or racketeering but simply inflation due to the obscene amount of crowns the King of Ashes mission gives to a successful crew), the phenomenon troubles me. It's not for my own sake -- I'm T3, 5* Loadouts, even got UVs on some of my best weapons, and I can run King of Ashes almost whenever I want to. It's the newbies I feel bad for.
Newbies get a rough spot in SK as far as I can tell. I see people ripping them off for mats or junk gear that has no good upgrade lines. They only adventure for a limited time per day and get screwed by people in their party booting when they need a rev (without even a warning). Not to mention that SK's learning curve is rather steep when you approach T2. And once they do finally make it, they need CE to upgrade their loadout, or they're stuck.
I've invited a lot of my friends to play SK because I enjoy it so much. I'm in a not-great-but-at-least-secure financial position, so I can afford an elevator pass for myself, but most of them don't have that luxury yet, let alone to buy a CE pack. The inflation needs to be tampered before it can alienate the new players who, honestly, need it more than any of us accomplished vets. How to go about this besides a patch to King of Ashes, I'm not sure.
No, seriously, leave the market alone, it'll raise and lower on its own practically what with all the people selling at different prices.
This thread was practically made to rile up people and watch them react, same for those threads complaining about the C.E. prices being too high.
Just don't reply, I'm shocked you haven't noticed the creator of this thread making nonchalant remarks about this whole thing even early on.
It's blatant trolling.
Only reason I'm even replying to this thread is because it's not going to go down unless this is said, and even then this can result in failure.
I disagree with you, name which is too random to remember. CE acts more like stock. The price will rise when sales are good, which they are. Since players will buy with crowns either way, the consumer's limit has not been found yet so, we, the manufacturers of the energy since we are the ones who sell it out to players for crowns, can continue profit on player's demand. Until players truly reach a point where their demand is not equivalent to the cost, we will continue to profit. BUT, here comes the best part, if we sell high and then wait, eventually OOO will step in and decide enough is enough and put out a special deal (like the dragon wings or the chapeau sets or even Explorer Pack deal) and costs for this energy will plummet and, if timed properly, one can buy back the energy they sold at this high prices for dirt cheep and win out. It's the bulls and the bears, my friend.
How could you say this is a troll thread? I want to see CE go up to 10k crowns per 100, this way it becomes dirt cheap to roll for UVs compared to the prices before.
You're not really disagreeing with me, Trydeth, because in the event of a package release, energy sellers will have to reduce prices in order to get energy sold - which is in direct contravention to the plan in this thread. Moreover, the fact that these items are limited lends credence to the idea of fluctuating buying power - as the market becomes saturated with angel wings, they'll be at their cheapest now, so anybody without a huge crown reserve as well as a huge energy reserve will have to fork over energy at reduced prices to buy the angel wings of their choice. Either that, or they miss out on cheap angel wings to buy cheap energy. When energy prices go back up, the prices of angel wings will also go up, so their buying power when energy peaks again will probably be about what it is during this deal frenzy.
That's the way it works now, but this thread is advocating a moratorium on cheap energy sales, which is a useless gesture for the reasons stated above. High energy prices are not a bad thing, but they're not a good thing either without market fluctuation.
As for UV rolling, which is the only static market force left, sales of treasured UVs are gernally ripoffs for the person rolling on average. I think there was another thread or wiki discussion on this that showed that people were seriously underpricing UV sales compared to the production cost because there's just not enough of a demand to justify a fair price. It's always cheaper to buy UVs from the auction than to roll for them, and since energy is only a trivial factor in the supply cost, that won't change with the economy.
Joe-Haha laughs. Dis is nothing compared to what Joe-Haha is planning.
Hey admins, can one of you please ban him?
although, there should be.
4/10/11 Created by Njthug
5/6/11 Moonsoon Bumps
6/8/11 Njthug Bumps
7/8/11 Kabol Bumps
11/20/11 Njthug Bumps
1/19/12 Rangerwill Bumps
3/12/12 Njthug Bumps
4/10/12 Joe-Haha Bumps
Worthless analysis:
Njthug doesnt want this to die. Based on history this needs to lay low for a few months then it is his turn to bump.
Moonsoon doesnt get enough credit for initiating the tradition of bumping this thread
#154 Spiral-Hipster is 7 days really a necro?
Yes I am that bored. Been a long day at work.
Why don't you follow the tips from an oconony expert?
And god said... Let there be BUMP!
Bump for the greater justice!
Sad thing is: the people who demand CE prices drop have equal voting rights as everypony else... Now think about the politics, global economy etc. "The state cannot pay for something? Durr-hurr! Du-uh! They have the money printers!!! Why do we even have to work?"
Time to go back to sleep until say ....... mid-june.
You are hurting more than just the complainers with raising the CE prices.
I've always hated people who punish everyone for the work of a few.
I used to go to school.
I hated it, all my classmates would talk during class, and the teacher would punish EVERYONE for what THEY did and I did NOT.
^ tragic, that teacher needed a swift kick in the shin ¬.¬
prices going up may lower the prices on Uv rolls. But what about the new kiddies? It will take em forever to get to 5* if we all raise the price of ce to over 10k. The first few depths only give like 800cr each. So that means it would take newbies about 160ce to buy 100ce. :( Those little rascals will be done for. D:
Artistbma, your exactly right (except starting levels give much less than that). The raise in CE prices is VERY GOOD for the player that has tons of CE to sell... but for the new free players, F2P, it will just drive them away. I remember having a hard time getting to T2 and 2 star gear... and then I realized that getting into 5 star gear was going to be more than 16 times more expensive!
The fewer free players there are, the fewer people there will be that are selling crowns. If everyone bought CE with real money, then no one would want to buy CE using in game crowns... that's bad. We would quickly be in a stale mate, and OOO would be forced to come up with a way to retain it's playerbase, since no one would be able to get crowns without grinding. Free to play knights MUST grind for crown so they can pay for CE.
Honestly, how many P2P knights actually take the time to grind for crowns instead of just buying crowns from the market? Of course most things are available with just CE, but to buy recipes and craft/buy gear, takes a substantial amount of crowns. Therefore, no F2P= no buyers of CE (many, many fewer buyers anyway).
Ideally CE would be bought and sold at a set price, much like real world currency. A fair price, in my opinion, is somewhere around 6,000 or 6,500 crown/100CE. Any more than that makes it feel impossible to grind for F2P, any less feels like a ripoff to P2P.
I couldn't have put it better myself.
This was mentioned somewhere previously in the thread, higher CE prices would either discourage F2P players from the game, but at the same time it can encourage them to go P2P. 5 JK runs on 100me give you about 12k cr, higher CE would make it more difficult grinding for cr.
You'll also likely see inflation in almost every item out there in the AH (especially the items below 4*) as it would cost more energy to craft them.
Just a reminder:
Let there NOT be bump.
Forgive me, but why would bumps possibly be against the rules?
I can understand if people do it non stop to intentionally keep their posts on top, but this is for discussion purposes.
How about we just graveyard this and be done with it. It'd make all the F2P players rage anyway...
Sorry, about those silly kids bumping this thread, you know me I always just talk about this amazing plan and how it worked lol, and thought it be funny to have two sides of the conversation due to (at that time and point and most likely in the future) we will have a lot of ce price rage threads on prices being high. Well anyways be sure to look out for love letters from me =).
Certain people are bumping this thread endlessly to try and keep it relevant in such a way they believe keeps THEM relevant.
IT was a troll thread to begin with. Its served whatever purpose it was meant to. It has outlived any usefulness it may have ever pretended to contain. Lets just lock and move to graveyard please, lest certain people link it in new threads every 2-3 months or bump it for their own self-gratifying reasons.
whats worse, its not even funny, and never was.
(edit: and we all know NJthug isn't sorry about it being bumped, as he links it every time its forgotten about).
Nope, I am sure Eury knows, I don't bump threads in a manor which is plain and boring. Also, if your trying to say I always need to be in the spotlight sadly I rather not be in it, but I could say the guy who makes 10+ threads complaining about the game since they seek attention well they might have some unresolved issues. Rommil, I do apologize if people found this thread more funny than all your troll threads though.
its funny in the same way chuck norris jokes are funny.
Saddly, i don't find them funny either.
but yes, i know....blappity, blappity..dogrock..blappity, blappity...boswick..blahpity, blahpity, cootiecakes..blappity blappity blah
of why or how the thread is being bumped, it should still just be graveyarded.
Why such a low goal? Aim 15k to 18k