Okay this has been going on in the random thread so I'm starting a new thread! *Sets up bucket of water to hit the next person that replies*
Food Fight!
*Sneaks behind Duskfinder but slips.*
*Slams pie into windsickle's face while he is on the ground*
*runs in and licks the pie off of windsickle's face*
*fills the pie plate with pea soup and throws it like a Frisbee at Damastaa*
*The homeless orphans wander into this thread and get hit by Iamnoone's Frisbee pie plate of pea soup.*
*Windsickle cleans face with the spilled and slipped-on water and then starts tossing rotten persimmons randomly.*
*Watches on sidelines ocassionally throwing a waffle at people to enraged them into attacking others >:{)
*grabs a bottle of syrup and squirts it in Duskfinders direction*
Watches as the syrup falls in a puddle three feet away from him
*Grabs the waffles, dips them in the syrup, adds some strawberry jam and whipped cream, makes a waffle sandwich, takes a couple bites, then throws it behind carelessly while walking out of the crossfire.*
*Tackles you to the floor, steals your strawberry jamwhile spraying the whippped cream over your face, the jam is no more.*
*Rubs face on Jmtheawesome's back. Sneakily switches Duskfinder's waffles with gluten-free pancakes.*
Watches as windsickle walks up to him and realizes he is trying to be sneaky. Plays along and when windsicle leaves I throw the pancakes in Jim's face .
Hides sardines in Duskfinder"s back pockets.
*Jumps into fray with Wopper Burger from BK and mashes it in Hyperonn's face*
throws the ultimate whopper and it blows up.
laughs as dusk sits down and squishes the sardines in his pockets, spilling em everywhere >:)
throws a rock hard break stick at damastaa then pours boiling soup down his pants :O
Throws sardines in mystics laffing mouth and while he gags I slam a 23lb frozen turkey into him
Shoots everyone with AK47
*Atomic Kectchup*
Shoots everyone with RPG
*Rocket Propelled grapes*
Unleashes A-Bomb
*Apple Bomb*
Strafes with F14
Stabs everyone with Chive Knife.
Pushes refridgeratior on top of everyone.
Fires HSR
*Heat seeking Raisins*
Slaps everyone silly with a dead trout.
*Bombards area with G.M.L. (Gelatin Mortar Launcher AKA "Jello Cannon")*
*Jelly king gets mad that you are using his brothers as ammo and puts you in his jelly prison*
*proposes windsickle for him to be in his team in exchange for lettting him out of prison (eating jelly)*
takes a BK quintuple staker and trows it at damastaa face while he falls over Jm*
*Eats all of the food in the world so there is none left*
*Firehate Throws Two Wopper-Sized Giant Lichen Colonies At The Other Fighters And Watches With A Smirk As They Dissolve The Knights Inside-Out*
The GLCs Are Still Jellies, Right ?
throws....the most volatile and dangerous food of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dun dunn DUNNNNNN
*throws schools leftover rotten creamed spinach* :)
so I grab a jar of pea green baby food, and a spoon. I start flinging it around at everyone.
*Stuffs french fry up bigfootms nose for doing that*
*Dumps several dozen Ultra Blast Cubes into area.*
*flies over the battlefield on a pegacorn dropping multiple kegs of rotten apple sauce, splattering everyone * >:D
*I knock your Pegacorn out of the sky with... Potato Salad!*
*jumps out of the pegacorn before it crashes and throws pies filled ketchup at damastaa*
*jumps out of the pegacorn before it crashes and throws pies filled ketchup at damastaa*
takes hot dogs and stuffs in dusks face, then as he is chewing, throws spare-rib boomerangs at lamnoone.
then i take all food and eat, but not before forcing the jelly king into a giant sandwhich and slams it on everything, killing evry1 :)
*saunters in eating a deep-fried Wolver heart*
Hey guys, what did I miss?
You missed a can of rotten peas.
*dumps them on your head*
While trying to fling apple sauce in my plastic spork, I accidently fling the spork along with it, getting stuck in Iamnoone's eye.
/walks by munching idly on a Pack of potato chips.
/Looks at the madness, that is this thread.
/Sits to watch.
/Munches all food that comes his way.
Runs up to the unsuspecting bystander (psycho) and uses him as a shield to deflect oncoming projectiles and throws cookies at everyone.
This thread came back from the dead. Anyway *hurtles pies filled with bricks at Grievos.*
graps the psycho-shield and starts hitting dusk with it, then shoots barbeque sause everywhere and fires hot dog missiles >:)
Eats hot dogs and puts watermelons in catapults to fling at ppl
Garden Salsa For Everyone !
Don't Ghost Pepper Meh ...
*edit perhaps some indica fumar for spicing.
Jumps up and opens my mouth wide, catching some of those cookies Duskfinder is throwing. Once my mouth is full, I duck and run enjoying them. While crouching down, I find a pice of nasty, dirty cheese with hair stuck to it. Looks at Psychodestroyer and throws the cheese at Xombie.
*Builds the G.M.L. II. Decides to fire volleys of Ultra Blast Cubes in random directions regardless of Miqueas' location.*
[Primary Systems re-routed. Cleared for movement]
[Nanosuit 2.0 Online]
[Tactical mode]
Scans around fr all opponents and tags them all on my HUD.
[Cloak engaged]
Fades from the visible spectrum to avoid detection.
[Example, uploaded]
Walks in with umbrella