I then summon the awesome powers of NYAN CAT! He causes you and everyone else to seizure over!
Food Fight!
I am immune to Nyan cat(seriously, my friends play it to annoy me a lot.)
and this is a FOOD fight.
anyway, I cream pie you. But the cream pie has a gremlin bomb in it.
I then fire a jelly baby missile at RR.
I used Nyan cat also known as POPTART cat. Seriously he's a giant poptart that's food! But that's beside the point, I then bomb the battle field (it's not a building because I blew it up with poprocks and soda) with cows hope you're not vegetarian!
I use Zenthon to blast Microwave beams at you then shoots a Jelly Bean missile at you.
Fire off a ICBM at Atrumvindex
(look at my post quite a while back to find out what it is)
I eat all the food in this thread and use an AoE regurgitating skill at everyone.
I equip fox's reflector. Or falco's.Or wolf's. doesn't really matter
Your call...
NOW YOU'LL ALL DIE!!!!!!!!!!! *Hurls pies in everyones faces*
I am sorry Damastaa, but my armor strongly resists pie damage. My armor absorbs pie like a sponge absorbs water. Furthermore, I can release the absorbed pie in the form of an energy beam to obliterate everyone standing in my way (and people standing away from me too).
I also ate your CE and mist tank, so no revives.
lemme take care of him Atrum.
/e takes candy cane from Atrum and knocks Damastaa's head off his shoulders
Eats Damastaa's head along with vegetables and milk.
Comes in to protect Damastaa from the gang up beating. Uses a pee shooter and starts shooting out everyone's eyes.
I impale you with a rock candy stake.
Now I continue Banhammering Daamsasta.
I bump this thread back into existence. Thank you lamnoone, you are a true friend and Atrum you are BLEEEEEEEEGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!
I suck in Damastaa's thanks and use it to create a sandwich blasting gattling gun
but i use the power of logic! i then make it into a vat of icecream and throw you in! you then drown in logic.....haz fun :D
The power of logic sucks especially when it comes to me and ice cream. I suck down that ice cream saving Korakc from a tasty death and spit it in Fallconn's face.
I make the ice cream into a creme egg when it is just about to hit Korakc, filling his eyes with creme and he goes blind. I THEN EAT IT WHEN KORAKC TURNS INTO IT
*gets Oreo cookies, licks the cream off of them, then throws them like frisbees at Atrum's face.*
I then use Blaze Pepper to blind Pow then Uses a candy cane to impale him....
I then use the british (and my) favourite biscuit, CUSTARD CREAM! It crushes you and you die of tasty sweetness and heavy weight.
I think about throwing my reese's cups, but then I don't. I eat them and throw mayonnaise.
I chew a piece of bubble gum and spit it in Ruckwortz's hair because he didn't throw his reese's cups at us.
but i eat a sandwhich! giving me supa powas! i then use the power of sandwhich's and kill you :3
I use the sandvich. then kill you with the holy mackeral
but it wasn't holy...so i just slap you with another sand-which, which also haz a dead fish in eet
waste all the food you want cause i shall be the victor!!!!!!
i reprogram roarmulus twins to splatter food all over people of cradle expect me.
nobody can ever stop me! muh ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!>:)
Playerman watches the Roarmulus Twins spread food over themselves, causing them to explode and cover Piosionus-Snarby in grape jelly.
That was easy.
I come back from the dead bringing zombie juice with me. I fill a super soaker with the juice and spray all the living people in this thread with it.
but i drop a 600 foot dead fish on the all of the zombies including Iam, and arty, since the cookie is "infected" i make a cupcake with some darkmatter and throw confetti everywhere >:]
I shall battle on!
I took cover from all of the food launching and summoned the power of TEST SUBJECT BLUE from Nitrome.
Test Subject Blue goes mad shooting food at everyone in haven that's not me!
Ever heard of Asura' Wrath?
I call Asura in his berzerker mode, He beats your _ss and then I pour citric acid and sake in your wounds.
but i take out your mom's shopping list! and stuff it down your throat, i then pour gasoline in it, then drop a fireball in there, i then walk away and watch the fireworks >:]
I stand in the middle of the fireworks allowing heating up and allowing that nasty dead fish smell to permeate everyone nostrils. Then I throw jello cubes at everyone.
Its time to summon another nitrome character.
i summon out fat cat and blue owl!
fat cat blasts giant laser at your wrath guy and obliterated him out of the face of the Earth and the blue owl fires random food mixture at atrum.
as for fallconn...... I sneaked up behind him and squirted my homemade poison sauce at his/her mouth! (grantee to poison your veins when you touch them) i done this before you got any ideas about me>:)
>vurisk vomit
>toxigel goo
>void gel goo
>plague essence
>toxic core
>corrosive acid
*throws a bad of salt and vinegar chips at Piosionus-Snarby* Want some? *nom*
you missed this
*cream pie in your face*
Did you forget i have a bottle of poison sauce? Ha! i squirted my poison sauce at your hand!
Playerman: aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! * dies instantly*
I use Staple Sauce! You eat it because it tastes good. Then you contract the disease "Bleeding Esophagus." It is fatal. (you will notice this isn't directed
I walk in, armed with Modifyied antiguas and a Nitrome. The Nitrome Releases stinging nettles and the Antiguas release Rock Candy.
A hail of death swarms this topic.
i throw dried ice at you, you become so dried out that u die, the end.
@Piosionus-Snarby I love poison. Goes great with chips.
P.S. That's a horrible failure at trying to think about what I would say.
well then.....i pick up a bazooka, load a bunch of ice cream in it, and fire it at Piosionus-Snarby unfortunately it malfunctions and explodes, shrapnel fly's everywhere, and a piece smashes right into Piosionus-Snarby's face. thus killing him in the process!
very soon i will launch one of my most dangerous heavy attacks against you all. you won't stand any chances against the attack at tomorrow
Does the 'Miq death' on you while marinating you.