Food Fight!
Miraculously dodges the tacos as they whiz by. Slaps Porcrhind by accident as i cant see or orient well with a face full of ice cream.
yes, but i shoot you point blank in the stomach, i then stab you with a pineapple.
Pineapple juice .... my only weakness .... PSYCH!
bashes Fallconn's head in with a giant chocolate bar.
Runs in and grabs the broken pieces of chocolate. What a waste!!! Melts them and pours the chocolate syrup into a supersoaker water gun. Sprays everyone with chocolate.
Throws the most chocolate absorbent item into the nozzle of the gun; plain ice cream. The nozzle overloads and backfires, leaving Iamnoone in cased in a shell of chocolate.
And loads icecream into it until it explodes (cookie dough favor)
YAY!!! I'm covered in chocolate and ice cream. Becomes double-jointed and licks myself. Once done and clean, I start sugar rushing. Runs around quickly finding all the rotten fruit available to throw at everyone. Pets Varm, Trobolta and Fallconn with the stinky, rotten fruit.
i watch as Falcon hits you in the face with a piece of broccoli, i watch as Varm stabs you with pineapple, i watch as Trobolta trolls you while squeezing lemon juice into your eyes, i sit there, grinning, i break into a laugh and shove a apple in your mouth, OWNAGE!
I used my shotty to shoot sprinkles at you. XD
I slash Varmintt's back with a sharpend bagel and squirts lemon juice into the wound.
Uses shotgun to blast Grittle's head with colored sprinkles.
i eat the srinkels, take your sprinkle gun, and eat you whole
Sprays you with whipped cream .... that's highly flammable and turn the can of stuff into a makeshift flamethrower.
Throws live crabs at Trobolta and watches them take hold with their claws.
Jumps into a boiling vat of butter to burn those crabbies away. Climbs out buttery and scalded. Throws Iamnoone into the same vat and closes it on him.
Scratches at the lid. Screams horrible, nasty words at Trobolta. Feels my flesh curl and melt away. My muscles sear like a high quality filet mignon steak. But I refuse to die. I will not let the life force leave my body. My eyes pop out of the sockets leaving black holes in my skull. I become quiet and still waiting for dinner to be served. I squirm as the blood in my veins being to boil. I still myself again and lay in wait. Once the lid is removed from the pot, I jump out and pounce on Trobolta . I grab him and hold on to him, burning his flesh with my butter dripping body. I feel for his head and turn it, making him look me in the eye sockets. Now you will die, I say. I cock my head to the side and bite Trobolta's neck tearing into the jugular vein. Blood quickly spews down his burnt body and splatters the wall behind me. Paler and paler Trobolta grows until all the life force has bled from his body. Trobolta falls to the floor.
And thus, I was no more. Cue next Trobolta entering the room to flamethrow Iamnoone to a crisp. Serves him on a platter with a side dish of salad.
and loaded it with soup filled tin cans making it into a cannon. fires it at trobolta for using an non food weapon. (they will hurt when they going at 150 MPH.)
Has a soup can embedded into my face. Throws shuriken bagels at Varm, piercing him.
since your head is crippled your aim got worse, so you missed (you saw 2 of me). Then I shoot your arms (your aim is gone) then your legs (can't move). You should get stimpaks to heal yourself or get a medic.
I pour corn oil on the floor. Those medics fall on their faces while running to save Trobolta. They can't get there in time and Trobolta dies.
Manages to reach a health pill in time and eats it. Regains much of my health and physique. Throws shuriken shaped corn chips at Iamnoone, impaling him as he humorously tries to evade.
Aims the rpg at Iamnoone in V.A.T.S. head head head, fire! three soup cans hits Iamnoone's head and knocks him out.
Dumps Vanaduke's Specialty Pepper Blaze Snipe soup on top of Varm's head. Watch as he screams in pain. :D
Staggers and stumbles. Pulls the soup can from my head. Having blurried and double vision I lob the can to Trobolta. Here, pelt Varm for for me.
remedy capsule, and shoots him in V.A.T.S. RLeg, LLeg, LArm, RArm, Head, Fire! I fired 5 tin cans at you and your arms, legs, and your head are now crippled again, (health capsule only heals 3 blips) Finally uses 10 stimpaks to heal myself (Head, RLeg, LLeg, LArm, RArm, Chest, and Body) Since my medic skills are 100 i get 90 HP for each full body (360-400 HP)
..... Pelts Varm with the can, knocking him outwith one hit.
.... Cooks Varm and serves him to Vog. :D
..... Pelts Varm with the can, knocking him outwith one hit.
.... Cooks Varm and serves him to Vog. :D
You 2x posted and the Vog eats you not me. I respawn and get my shotty and my rpg back.
Telefrags you as i respawn because you didnt bother to move your [Static].
Throws pieat your telefragged ragdoll.
Runs in with a basket full of fresh veggies. Starts to wildly throw them around and down everyones throats. Punches and kicks everyone in the stomach making the gag reflex take over and forces everyone to eat their vegetables.
You didnt have to do that! I like carrots. Dx
Speaking of which, sharpens a handful of them and shivs Iamnoone with super sharp carrots.
Throws a can of creamed corn at you. Leaves the circle imprint from the bottom of the can on your forehead.
"Spring the trap!"
At Doctor Spacebar's command, the Lumber lifted its arm, letting the rope loose. It fell, and pulled a gear which opened the bottom of a crate. Iamnoone looked up as the large amount of green Jell-O plummeted down toward his head. Iamnoone jumped, almost avoiding the Jell-O. But he didn't, and the mass of gelatin quickly engulfed him.
Doctor Spacebar put down his remote, and said only one thing:
Shoves the Doctor's head up a roast snipe and i plunge him into the jell-o prison with Iamnoone. Enjoy your Bromance~
Throws handfuls of jello at Trobolta.
digs out, sees chaos everywhere, makes a bunker, and holds position until evac arrives. Throws cookies at iamnoone.
Slips a jell-o into Eg's bunker. It's made of unstable core gel and watch as the bunker and Eg explodes.
Sees the explosion and grabs the marshmallows. I toast them and allow them to catch on fire. Once burning I start flinging them at anyone who is around me.
You flinged it at a mirror and the marsh mellow bounces back onto you. You catch on fire as a result. :D
Grabs a weenie and holds it over my head. Anyone for a weenier? Stands ready to ram it down the throat of the first person who says yes.
No. Please. I'd like my hotdogs to not taste like burning gremlins. (I see everyone according to their avatars. Yes, that includes inanimate objects.)
Dumps alcohol onto Iamnoone and watch him burn more. :D
Follow suit and squirts Trobolta with chocolate syrup.
Ducks and they hit Egpnd in the face.
He suffers 42nd degree burns from the peri-peri (really hot stuff) cheese.
Throws homing maize-siles at Iamnoone.
Makes nacho chips in the shape of discs. Throws them like frisbees at the next person who comes in here.
My frozen body falls over Iamnoone, crushing him and breaking me free. GASP- Gets chocolate chip ice creamed to the face.