Dirty-Harry posted:
"Not to mention that 2 lines of the gunner hats look exactly the same as their 3* versions for all of the upgrades, and the only other 2 lines look exactly the same as eachother. It's not that big of a deal really, but just kind of shows how much they are overlooking gunners/getting lazy with them. Or maybe is it how gunners are strangely left out of having a Shadow Lair set designed for them? Or that the only gunner set that gets any form of positive status resistance just happens to be not gunner specific? (Let alone that it's a curse resist, the rarest status you'll find other than sleep). Also, the gunslinger sets all start at 3* so you can't even rage craft them as well as the other sets for bombers and swordsmen, making UVs for them really rare unless using Punch. There isn't even a forum picture for any gunslinger set (other than the cyclops 1* and odd pictures of guns that aren't in the game). It's all one big conspiracy man!
Obviously this is just me nitpicking at random things that don't really matter that much, but after a while, you really start to wonder...."
No sorry.