Updated March. 7
Note: This thread was necroed by someone else, not me, so don't say I shouldn't have brought this up again cause someone did it for me.
I would like to say right now that I would really appreciate feedback from the Devs on what I say here.
Last update added a new helm and changed the Antigua line, and from what I hear the Iron Slug will be getting a buff so its good to see that the devs are finally addressing the long ignored requests by gunner players, nonetheless several months of asking and hoping for new gunslinger hat textures and nothing.
Key changes been asked for:
Balance the Shadowsun Set
Gunslinger armor is not the greatest, I can live with that, however the Shadowsun set damage bonus is too low to outweigh its resistance reduction, the demand for it to be fixed has been repeatedly brought back up for half a year now with no response or action from the devs, its basically a shifting of number values and not asking for a whole lot yet other weapon balances that are not as big of an issue or as old are been addressed while this one is completely ignored, is there a reason for this?
When Spiral Knights was made the developers put much effort and detail into making every piece of gear distinctive and unique in its appearance, then something went wrong, maybe everyone wanted to go home early, or save $0.03 on the game budget, or just got plain old lazy and just copy and pasted the gunslinger hat a bunch of times, changed the stats on them and called it a done deal.
The developers took all the time and diligence to make every other piece of gear unique for every other line of helmet and armor, then seemingly made the gunslinger hat line almost as an afterthought that they threw together as a half baked job. How come the devs can find time to fix the appearance of the Surgebreaker, Blizzbreaker, and Blazebreaker helmets but can't be bothered to fix the glaring issue of 4 (and 2) identical looking hats? How come they can't even do something as simple as this?
Every time there is an update I always hope that the Devs could at least have some minor graphical changes but no, several months of SK and they haven't lifted a finger (or paint brush tool) to do something that should take under an hour to do, the fact the textures can be changed even by users themselves show how little effort it would take to rectify something that should have been done when gunslinger hats were first made but continues to be ignored or put off.
New armor for swordsmen, bombers, and... nope that's it
Did the devs forget about the existence of gun-oriented players when they made the Shadow Lair gear equipment or thought no one would notice the lack of a gunslinger set? The release of the Shadow Lairs really showed how seemingly little the devs think about the gunner role as to be able to make five sets of new armor and somehow decide that the gunslinger line did not deserve to be somewhere in there, how could they put creating a new jelly and lizard set as more important then the gunslinger set. The whole thing was a punch in the gut for gunners as to be left out in such a major update. If a new boss (+ a respective shadow lair) is added in the future it better provide something for gunners.
There are other things I wish would be fixed or implemented, the lack of gunslinger friendly accessories, PvP balance, new shotgun weapon, new pierce line for the Antigua, etc. But that's nitpicking and can wait for the future, the ones I pointed out here are issues that I really think should have been fixed a long time ago or are so simple that I find it incredulous that the devs haven't fixed them yet.
Other Issues that have been brought up
- Give Gunslinger gear resistances
- Make the Deadshot set a 'true' gunslinger armor
- Gunner oriented shield line
- Possible 2* Gunslinger set
- Buff the Callahan + Iron Slug range
- Show bombers some love too
I would have to totally agree with this. Even as a swordie, looking in on the issues here most are really quite blatant. The hat one to me is the most egregious. As happy pointed out, every other piece of equipment is different in it's own way, but three hats are actually identical. There is no difference unless maybe you take a microscope and check the pixels. This really is the biggest indicator of how little love gunners get.
I basically agree with all the other points, the brandish one is quite a good point raised by Happy as well. As an avid brandish user, yeah I thought that the charge was a little weak, but it served it's purpose, and it didn't need to be huge to work. As far as I know, no one has really complained about it, and while I LOVE the change, I'm not sure the issues that Happy brought up should have been overlooked.
The bottom line I guess boils down to: if you're going to have gunner specific armor, it's because you think guns should be used not as support but possibly as a main weapon. So just with the equipment choices, it seems that it should at LEAST have a fraction of the effort that is put into sword and bomb stuff attached with it, but that really just seems lacking. Yes, the vast majority of players use swords and YES only a tiny number in comparison use guns, but give a little love? I love the nameless set, the whole Clint Eastwood reference is great, but if you can put that amount of effort in there and then just kinda blow off the rest? Makes me sad.
All that being said, I still love SK, this is not a deal breaker for me, just I guess show a little love where it's due.