Hehe, economics in games are part politics, just like how it is in the real world
A small note to Three Rings to greatly increase player satisfaction AND revenue

I'm inclined to think you're right. In fact, if I recall correctly, Chris has stated (in this thread) that he has already sold all of his stashed Rose Regalia items, and I'm inclined to take him at his word if he says that he no longer has a horse in that particular race. It's possible that he centered his argument around Rose items as a smokescreen, using it to put forward a precedent that would apply to other cosmetic items (like Dragon Wings) in which he is still invested and future items of this type in which he will very likely invest, but I am generally willing to accept that he is both genuinely and primarily concerned about the Rose items and that he doesn't stand to make any money from a decision regarding Rose items either way.
I still think his conclusions and reasoning are substantially flawed, but, like you, I don't think that guessing at his motives is warranted or relevant.
You know, I don't quite think people got exactly what Chris was driving at. He wanted NEW tradeable limited items put in the game ALONG with a guarantee that they would never be re-released. The thread mainly came to focus around 1st gen rose items since they're the most prolific semi-rare item in the game, and make a somewhat decent comparison. Saying that Chris didn't stand to make money off buying these NEW items (which would release at a comparatively low price compared to what speculation and the like would drive them up to) and hoarding/flipping them is foolish at best. Now, whether those intentions are malicious or not is up for anyone; I don't hold an opinion on that. I just know that, with any way you cut it, he WILL benefit.
Also, it's kinda idiotic to say that OOO only makes money when CE is burned. When are they payed for a CE purchase? WHEN YOU BUY IT. Not after it is burned. The only thing bought CE does is influence whether *more* CE is bought or not, and that's a major difference to make. If the CE is not burned and is flowing in the market, it stands to reason that CE will be bought less since there's more of it around.
Also something to note. Anything held in reserve has little to no effect on the market. It's only when you're trading/utilizing it does it start to effect things (though CE in reserve shouldn't be discounted since it's pretty easy to inject it back into the market, and if enough reserves are broken open, we'd see quite the crash).
Point is, the single greatest thing OOO could do to further increase revenue is to make an even greater energy sink, forcing more CE out of the market than is being brought in. Chris' idea would just create more CE in the market or for P2P trading, which has a small effect if commodities value matches however much CE is floating about.
If you'd like an analogy, the CE market is like a stream. It's constantly being put in from a source, runs in the market for a bit, and then leaves into the ocean or something (any CE bought with the express purpose of being burned on sinks and never traded has literally no bearing on the issues of the stream; I just want to make that clear). If commodity value matches how "large" the stream is, or it's current volume, it literally has no effect on OOO revenue. CE in reserve are kinda like little pools off the side of the stream that can be dumped back into it at any time. Changing the size of the stream is what has the greatest effect on the value of its contents. Messing with the source of the stream (how you get energy), or how quickly it is drained out (sinks), has a far FAR more dramatic effect than messing with things that merely depend on the stream (items in the game).
These items usually have the effect of people siphoning more CE off the stream into pools, then dumping it back into the stream to acquire whatever items they want. This makes the market flail about (that is, ripples through the stream) at a rate proportionally related to the amount suddenly reinjected into the stream (that is, if the CE is truly reinjected into the stream instead of pools just transferring ownership or being burned/dumped into the ocean). If anything, they destabilize our little economy.
Another interesting thing to note, is that these limited run items are introduced so slowly into the game, barely at all, that it really has little bearing on the actual worth of these items. It merely kills speculation and price gouging, so people actually pay what they want to pay for such an item, instead of trying to use it as an investment token. People pay for the item instead of for what they think they could maybe make off of it.
Besides, with the OP blanked, this thread should be moved to the Graveyard. Too bad it's gonna keep kicking around here, like some demented zombie. Head cut off, but still lumbering about.

You can't really ask for a larger energy sink, because that will cause the lesser players to quit.

As someone who was a first hand witness to the creation of the TF2 economy and black market economy that followed. (I'll spare everyone the details, but I can give them if you want) I can give you all fair warning. What Three Rings should do is release previous promo items via Featured Items at the auction house, or CE promotion. And that no item, minus those that are locked to the account and can't be transferred any way possible, should be introduced in a finite amount. ) Currently merchants, claim that people will buy more CE in order to purchase rare items, thus give Three Rings money. However, the long term effects of that practice would be detrimental to Three Ring. The rarer an item becomes, the more a person could charge and the the end result in rising costs would inevitably result in sellers bypassing CE and asking for real money for their wares. (Let's be honest, if they could get away with that right now, they would.)
The interests of merchants and wealthy players of Spiral Knights be damned, re-releasing previous promotional items is something that Three Rings not only has to do, but they MUST do it. I would also propose that if costs for a certain promotional items reach a certain critical mass (by their standards), Three Rings should re-release the items for their next Crystal Energy promotion.
If people want to be part of something special, there are other items like that, but they are bound to the player and can't be traded under any circumstance. I.E the groundbreaker set. Those items are welcome, but an item that can be traded or sold inherently loses any such status since people seem them as tool for earning money or currency in of itself.
The fact that people who are selling rare items are threatening to quit shows they're scared, and don't actually care about the game itself since they're just focused on the meta-game trade market. Just like with people who said they'd leave because of the recent monster re-balancing, I will gibly say, good luck and good riddance. As long as Three Rings can market new content and maintain a majority of the current fan base while introducing new players who will pay, the vocal minority of a few older players should be ignored. Those people do not make or break this game no matter how much they aggrandize themselves.
tl;dr finite amount of a certain item in game + players who hoard them to maximize profit = bad for Three Rings. Three Rings should re-release older promo items.
Inb4 people accuse me of just wanting the older items and being to poor to afford them. I could care less about accessories or rose sets, I don't want this economy to turn into TF2's where a few people who hoard all the items can dictate the economy of the game.

Oh yeah and as a side note I would like everyone to understand that RWT is not possible in SK simply because we don't have the volume of users that Runescape or Maplestory does. It is much easier to track players.

RWT? Real world trading? Taking a stab here...
It isn't about the size of the economy, but whether the game itself appealed to people who do have the means to trade irl. That idea does seem to be quite a bit far-fetched for this game though.

Sorry Chris, even if I have no grudge against you, gotta say Fehzor is right. The video is no more on youtube, but we have your comments along with other's.
So, in his/her defense...
A ton of people have been bugging me for a long time to upload a video of my full arsenal, here ya go.
Inb4 the flames, skip to 1:24 for my costumes
As many people think I bought these costumes with real money, I did not.
I bought most of them for 1k-2k ce during the first few days of the event, I made the CE (mostly when you could craft and sell 5* stuff) without spending real money.
However I did spend some real money on buying some costumes, but not even 20% of them. I have a job so it isn't really an issue for me.
Instead of buying a couple new video games I bought some energy in spiral knights, whatever makes you happy right?
Also to note, every time I did buy a promo pack, the 3500 ce that came with it got me 2 or more rose pieces."
"Nice, I never know anyone with that much chapeaus and tabards, amazing!"
"Seesevn if you weren't envious you wouldn't have made that post.
People who actually don't care, don't post in the threads.
And I'm sure the best UVs you can get are the "basic stuff almost everyone has", what?
Think before you post please.
Countless people have asked me to upload a video showing my arsenal, so I did it.
If you don't like it, get out of this thread and stop caring about me.
Also the point of the Chapeaus and Tabards is that when I bought them, they were worth about 80k ce, now they are worth about 400k+ ce
Soon they will be worth 600k+ ce
And then 800k+ ce
It's something called investing."
Will you make no profit? Yesh, I believe in you Impostoclaus...

WHy do so much people hate the Innocent Chris? I DONT get it! Modern day society....

wat is this really about? Khris is kewl kid

Still a good reminder that all the old promotions should be released.
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Whether or not Chris is purely talking about himself is debatable. I would like to think he's referring to the Oligarchy as a whole, rather than just himself. However, to keep this thread on track it would be best not to think about motives but rather to first understand the economics of SK and to discern whether or not the protection of limited-edition items is the best way to go.
edit: as a member of Knightmare I do hold some bias....whether I am aware of it or not