Eeeerr... So ive been watching an anime calld soul eater where some of the weapons are actually humans who have partners that wield them in weapon mode. Ise, can i make IceKlaw a real Knight? I got the idea from the anime.
The Battle for Haven! Chapters 1-14 out! [Role-casting now closed] one chapter left!

I've watched Soul Eater a long time ago, A great anime but wasn't true to the manga.
Heck I even got some volumes of it and I still need to buy some.
Oh, am I coming in the next few chapters?

Why'd you call me "Lord Ice"? Lord Ice charged the three enormous demons and screamed at the top of his lungs. I don't think that's right ;) I'll leave you to change that.

Oh... I'm sorry I didn't see yyour post abve my question. Umm... sure I mean it's your fanfic, but that would be really REALLY wierd :P maybe in some suprising twist where IceKlaw saves his life if that's true I'd like to create his arsenal. But.. I will take your suggestions on what star he is, thanks!

Would it be ok if I make somemore characters? I could have sworn I asked this question before... but anyway I have some ideas (omg Deja Vu) for some character apps (O_O Is this the first time I asked this?) Thanks!
Yo Kaiju, sorry it's taken us so long, but we've got your commission ready!
Let us know what you think ;D

Humans: Daaaaang...
Monsters: D:
Ace: U jelly?
Monsters and humans: D:<
Tsuna: *grins* Yeah...u jelly
P.S. if u can make anothr trailer, id be grateful. Here it is.
Setting: burning Gloaming wildwoods with a Snarbolax in the background
Erin: lol eyes dont show,Ash tail set and a Swift Flourish. Twisted Targe on back. Has a com unit.
Vot: green eyes. Mighty cobalt set and Mighty defender. Has Ascended Calibur.
Kaito: purple eyes, a cutter, magic set, owlite shield.

Name: Unknown
Gender: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Color(only for knights and monsters): Shadow Purple
Race: Unknown, assumed Swarm.
Good or evil? Evil
Personality: A notorious, unknown killer. He has been known to wipe out entire squads in Tier 3 Graveyards.
Armor: Dread Skelly Set
Shield(optional): Dread Skelly
Weapons: Gran Faust, Acheron, Umbtra Driver, Dark Retribution
Bio/history: Probably the descendant of Darkfire Vanaduke's twin, he kills any Knights that cross his path, and has even been known to even EAT one!
Relations: Any cursed monster
Twist degree:

Sry Pow, i got two things to say.
1: First of all,i am no longer accepting characters on this thread. This is the link to the role casting thread.
2:Second, I am NOT going to accept any more of youre characters as you make too many, plus youre making Pow all godmod(meaing he doesnt die). You made WAY too many pets, yet you expect me to fit EVERY one of them? And you made Pow seem all perfect and stuff, trust me, a story is better with flawed characters.
3: THIRD, YOU KEEP MAKING CHAPTERS THAT I DONT GET. Ppl may see them and not want to read the story anymore.
whew... Now that i have spazzed out and raged, I am glad to say that ill be working on chapter 9 soon and will post it by the end of the week,


Btw i have posted chapters 1-10 now! Yay! Im gonna start chptr 11:Betrayal soon but now, i gtg to school!
"Now... We strike."

This spot is Reserved for Chapter 11: Betrayal. Here it is! A strange knight has boldly entered the human camp! What does he want? Why is general Adrian missing? FIND OUT... NOW
Chapter 11: Betrayal
Transmission start-
" You! Why am I in here?"
" Hmph... You say you wish to take the power from the planets core, yes? I am here to help with that..."
" How do you know of our plans? We merely wish to leave this planet..."
" Liar... You are a sign. You have come to cleanse the Order."
" What are you talking about? What do you mean?"
" You will save us from the corrupt Order... You and your soldiers will help me start a revolution..."
" No... We dont want to hurt anyone. I dont want to..."
" Then I have no choice... Die, human."
chapter 11 continues here.

This spot is Reserved for Chapter 12: Attack
Well here it is! I hav started chaptr 12! (sry im using iphone to type at the moment)
Chapter 12: Plan of Attack
"NO, NO, NO!" Tinkinzar screamed. His black eyes blazed with anger at Tsuna's proposal. The Archangel had asked him to join forces with the Knights. His sinister shadow armor burned in almost an evil way, and it chilled the Knight to his core.
"King... Even you know what will happen if we dont unite against the terrors that have invaded Haven. Even you and your huge army will be destroyed..."
The Gremlin King stared at Tsuna with a murderous look in his eyes. He knew he could never beat the young boy, but he would NOT help the knights who had killed his men. They had made rumors that he was a tyrant and that the Crimson order was a cruel and heartless organization. IT WAS NOT TRUE! He hated them and wanted to kill every one of those upstart Knights.
Tinkinzar sighed and finally nodded. He said "Fine, but only because of you, Archangel. But be warned... I will kill you if this is a trick. I dont want any more innocent Gremlins to die... Lead the way... Commander."
Striker was, to say the least, very surprised. Tsuna had said he would bring powerful allies, but to be so desperate as to request help from Tinkinzar?! This was foolishness! He tasted his own blood as he gritted his teeth inside of his Vog armor. Tinkinzar himself walked past him with a glum look on his face. Striker whispered to him, "Tsuna is a kind soul... I will kill you if you do anything to him... Gremlin."
Swift the wind, Tinkinzar pulled at a nightblade and held it at Striker's neck. "Keep blabbing and youll see what Ill do... Knight." Striker growled but said nothing. He didnt like the Gremlin... And he couldnt shake the sick feeling deep inside of him...
Blue stared around the room. It was a huge hall with small wooden seats for everyone, Gremlins, Knights, Wolvers, even Devillites to sit in. The room was filled with important people, including the Devilite Inc. CEO, Geryon! Tinkinzar the Gremlin King was there! Even the Snarbolax and Jelly King! Monsters of all sorts sat in the room, walking, barking, etc.
Some Knights were there, a good 1000 of them. In the crowd she saw Ice and Frost, two Knights who specialized in glacial weapons. Everyone was there! They were all chatting, but quieted when Tsuna came up to the front of the hall.
The Archangel's orange eyes blazed with a ferocity Blue had never seen before. He said "I called you all here for a reason, guys. We are all at risk. Cradle's been invaded. Soon, the Clockworks will too. We have to band together and forget our differences in order to win this fight. I know Knights and Monsters have had a bad history, but today, we will unite! We can create a birghter future, together! Today, we will win! Today, we will fight! NOW... WE STRIKE!!!"
There hope u liked it!

This spot is Reserved for Chapter 13: The Battle for Haven
Here it is... The final battle! The war to end all wars! Its chapter 13! Enjoy!
Sora shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She wiped her Dusker coat, scratched her Tail helm and coughed. The leader of the squad, Pow glanced at Tsuna, the new leader of the Order, and walked away. Spark, another part of their assigned squad, nodded to Sora and strolled into a tent to get ready for battle. Sora sighed.
This would be it, she thought. This... Would end everything. All the deaths would be avenged... Maybe she could even find out about her past. Dont get your hopes up, she thought. She would never find out who she really was... But the important thing now was to help out. Sora coughed again. She walked away and got ready for battle.
At the human camp...
Adrian's azure eyes widened in surprise at the scouts report. "The kid... My son... Daniel... Hes... Hes dead?" the scout nodded and Adrian started crying. "That idiot," he said. Adrian cried and cried... His face was wet with tears, and he sobbed. He just... Cried.
Back to the Spiral union...
Tsuna gazed into the crowd, his orange eyes filled with determination. He stared at his four Guardians, his most trusted friends. They were in this order:
Tsuna: leader, Guardian of the Sky
Striker: second in command, Guardian of the Flame
Ace: third in command, Guardian of the Wind
Blue: fourth in command, Guardian of the Sea
Angela: fifth in command, Guardian of the Earth
He looked at them, pride in his eyes. He gazed into the crowd of Monsters, Knights, Strangers, even Snipes. This... This was the new and rebuilt Order. It was a union, peace between everything, psychotic and sane all together. It gave him hope for the first time in a hundred years... It gave him the will to continue on. The will to fight. The will... To win.
At the entrance to the Coockworks...
Adrian held the fiery Phoenix Blade on his shoulder, his brown hair flowing in the wind. His azure eyes looked into the battalion and stared at the lift. "Sarah!" he yelled. A young girl came up to him and started pressing buttons on the lift. She had blonde hair and red eyes. She wore armor similar to the spiral culet. A few soldiers stepped onto the lift and descended, their weapons gleaming. The General smirked. Soon, the Core's power would be his.
Tsuna stood at the front of his army, with the monsters and Knights lined up behind him. They had been waiting for hours, and finally, the last of the humans came down. Some of the squads had arranged into a turtle formation, their shields in a position to easily blck any attack and all attacks. Others were in offensive mode, holding their lasers up. The two armies were completely silent, but then some one yelled, "ATTACK!" and shot the air. The armies charged each other, the humans versus the Knights and monsters. The Battle for Haven... Had begun.
The battle was nothing short of chaos. Knights charged ith their swords and the humans fired lasers. The monsters barely hurt the enemy forces and were shot back. Knights were blasted into pieces. They were being destroyed! Still, with the Strike Team, there was still hope. Tsuna and his friends tore through the enemy lines and fought in complete sync. The other Knights and Monsters saw this and the Gremlin King, Tinkinzar himself screamed "CHARGE!" Cradle's inhabitants fought the humans with even greater ferocity, and managed to push them back up to the surface.
They pressed on, and succeeded in driving them out of the gates of Haven. Tsuna yelled "STAY BACK, FALL BACK!" his troops obeyed. A spark of hope glinted in the Archangel's eyes as gave his best friends a smirk, said, "Lets do this." and charged the remaining humans.
There you go, chapter 13 is complete. Ill start chapter 14: Suturaiku soon.

I've been reading your story :p

Btw guys i have a list of songs for the story! Ive gathered epic songs and here they are!
Archangel by two steps from hell----> Final Battle(Tsuna's theme)
United we stand divided we fall by two steps from hell-----> The new Order
Dialgas fight to the finish----> Friends forever (Ace and Vot's theme)
See what ive become---> To the battlefield!
Mother, Im here---->(Rex's theme)
Hisou from Naruto----> Sorrow
Eh.... I gtg soon, sry ill update the list later!
Kaiju, your second commission is done! Let us know what you think
-SH &Ly

Thnx so much Lysane and Hipster! I love the two commisions! Thnx for your time and effort, hope u like my story!

Can Frostrex's theme be Mother, I'm Here of the Bastion soundtrack.

Looking at Frostrex's post I have an idea IF my wish is granted my theme be JENOVA off of FF7 or One Winged Angel (Though I don't desrve to have such an epic theme song) that would be nice! Love that game :D

OMG U GUYS HAVE TO LISTEN TO TSUNAS THEME! Check it on youtube. Its called Archangel(coincidence, much?) and its by two steps from hell. IT IS EPIC!
Tsunas theme: Archangel by two steps from hell
Lasting friends(Vot and Ace's theme): Dialgas fight to the finish!
"Now... We strike."

Hello! Nice story. Has quite a bit of potential. May I suggest something for the plot?

@Shelrok: sure im open to suggestions. Im not one of those guys who rage quits if some1 disagrees wid me. If u want u can submit a character 2. Suggest away! 😃

I am on my way to a restaurant yayz!

Well, I was going to say that it would be interesting if you had some sort of Artemis Fowl/Doctor Who/Sherlock Holmes/Leverage style twist where some cataclysmic event occurs, then one of the heroes reveals that they had a plan all along and manages to avert the catastrophy. If you have no idea what I'm rambling on about, ask somebody who knows Artemis Fowl (books), Doctor Who (Show), Sherlock Holmes (books), or Leverage (show).
Also, I would recommend the song "Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart" (Gosh, I hope I spelled that right) from the series 6 Doctor Who soundtrack by Murray Gold. It would make a good theme.
Or, you could always simply disregard everything you just read.

Hahaha! Chapter 12 is done! Now, the monsters and Knights have united! Will they win the oncoming battle? Find out soon!
Chapter 13: The Battle for Haven! Coming soon!
"Now... WE STRIKE!"
~Tsuna Sawada

LISTEN(or read) CLOSELY! TSUNAS THEME IS SO EPIC. The ost is called Archangel. Heres a link.

Gender: male
Faction:any ones side when it fits him
Good or evil? wichever is the most fun at the curent time.
Class bomber
Equipment:Chroma Set(costume). Mercurial Demo Set(armor) Electron Vortex,Voltaic Tempest,Firecracker,(weapons)
Twist degree:consently changes sides you can never Keep up.
Appearance:Chroma Set with
Bio:free as a leaf fast as a Quicksilver and smart as a Owlite of his past no one knows.
Expendability:if you have to. (butt make it ironic)
Role:theif,spy and sabature.
i hope im not late.

-_- if u had read my earlier post wheni wuz raging at Pow, ud know that im not accepting characters on this thread anymore. But ill let it pass... Ill use him in my sequel though, as The Battle for Haven is coming to an end, and i will soon start Rising, Part 1: Peace. Its part 1 of my next fanfic... So... Yup.

Wait, I am a bit confused in Chapter 10 and 11, and 13.
In chapter 10 and 11, Daniel got attacked by that lone knight. Then all of the sudden he's fine in chapter 13, and his Father died.
Instead of Daniel talking to the lone knight, shouldn't it be his Father?
Am I missing something??

Hey Kaij, can you post a link to your other Fanfic on here?

Which fanfic, Isekuube? Skylark down or the sequel of The Battle for Haven? The sequel is called Rise from the Ashes.

Sequel! Sorry I was on it earlier, but I forgot the name.

UPDATE: i will, before creating the sequel, Rise from the Ashes, will make the prequel, the Snarble Shadows! (tribute to my guild)
Itll explain how the strike team and ither squads were formed, and how they rose to greatness. So heres the order ill finish the fanfics in.
First: The Battle for Haven(current)
Next: The Snarble Shadows (prequel)
Then: Rise from the Ashes (sequel)

I have not post anything for awhile.(too busy listening to good old anime OSTs, as well as going to school etc)
Sora finally came for her debut before the battle for haven(see what I did there hehe)
Now I wonder who will die in battle...never mind
great story you have there, oh I accept your friend request(Well I think it's you)

Hey all im working n chaoter 13 now! (Update: i have changed the thing. Adrian is alive and Daniel is missing.) im working on it, about halfway thru.

Guys im taking a small break from The Battle for Haven. Im gonna do the prequel, The Snarble Shadows. Here is da link.

Well, guys, here it is. the second to last chapter of the battle for haven. Enjoy!
Reserved for Chapter 14
Chapter 14: Assault on the Mothership
Ace was downed. He wasn't dead yet, but blood bloomed around the gash in his stomach. Angela had been rushed to a medic Snipe
and Blue was unconscious. Even Vot had been knocked out. But Striker and Tsuna fought like tornados, the power of the fire and the
sky flowing around them. They blasted right through the remaining enemies, destroying anything in their way. Tsuna fought like never
before, and his weapons shone with divine light. Striker was all teeth and rage, shouting "HEY,YOU COWARDS! COME OUT AND FIGHT
FOR REAL! WHO WANTS A PIECE OF ME?!?! COME AND GET IT, YOU WEAKLINGS!" Tsuna stared up at the ship above him and tried to
communicate with Striker through telepathy. "Hey, I'm going in for the mothership. Hold 'em off for me. If you beat them quickly,
then find me in the ship. Got that?" Striker gave an almost imperceptible nod, but Tsuna knew it for what it was. He gave his best
friend a brief smile, then blasted up towards the ship, his wings brighter than ever. He landed on top of the ship and blasted the hull
with some shots from his Argent Peacemaker. He jumped in, and found... A human. He looked almsot normal, he had brown hair and
armor similar to the Spiralians. But the weird thing was the dark halo above his head and the crazy, hateful look in his eyes. And that
wasn't it. Dragon's wings sprouted from his back and a fiery sword was in his hand. Tsuna grinder his teeth inside of his helm. The
human said "Why are you here? Do you realize you will die now?" But Tsuna merely held out his Wild Hunting Blade and said, "I only
have one goal, human." Tsuna's gear and wings glowed brighter and he said
"You and me. To the finish."
Done! Btw guys, this isn't the last chapter. Chapter 15 will be the battle to end all battles!

Pow's theme: SotC Soundtrack The Opened Way (SotC is Shadiow of the Colossus)
32-min extend (you will notice how it loops) :

Ummm, Kaiju, when are ya gonna do this fanfic again?

@Pow: after i finish The Snarble shadows. I will no longer include your character since you keep spamming my threads. I will probably kill him off in a final showdown or something. If u keep spamming, ill make him die in a less honorable way, such as being assassinated. So there. If you stop spamming and offer CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, not ur spamming, then i will MAYBE let Pow live. STOP SPAMMING ME.
Btw theres only like 1-3 chapters left in The Battle for Haven anyway

Chapter 15: Ultimate vs. Ultimate! The Final battle commences!
The human referee stared nervously at the ground below. It's chaos down there, he thought. He looked over to the two warriors entering the arena. One was a Spiralians with a Valkyrie helm and Skolver coat on. He had white wings and blazing orange eyes. The General, Adrian, had a fiery blade in his hands. The hilt was a dragon's mouth and the butt of the sword had a Phoenix feather on it. The referee nodded and signaled for the two to begin.
Tsuna rushed toward his enemy and slashed wildly with his sword, then pulled his Argent Pwacemaker out and barraged his foe with elemental bullets. A cloud of dust filled the air.
Not done. In progress, will finish soon!

I'm excited! I just gotta finish this last chapter in The Battle for Haven, and a couple chapters in The Snarble Shadows, and I can work on Rise from the Ashes!
K, I gtg. Cya later guys

You misspelled *Peacemaker* as you said *Pwacemaker*
How Pow got Frostbite
Frost looked at what Pow was dangerously doing. He saw Pow fighting a whole Frostifur pack by himself, but one did not bite Pow. Pow decided that the harmless Frostifur could be his pet. So he named him Frostbite.