I resurrect them
I throw a party and everyone on friends list and u guys too are invited
I resurrect them
I throw a party and everyone on friends list and u guys too are invited
Another Skylark crashes.
I go and take my frosting back and Pi's fur and Thowardz bones
I put all our stuff where it belongs, go through the portal, kick Use back into the pot, slam the pot, revive all the canivors, pour boiling water in the pot so Use drown and dies, go back through the portal (with everything Use has and some of his bones) and destroy the portal so use can't come back
Use gets aten
Did you read the last posts? Doom-Xx started a party and we are all in it (yes that includes you and me) but another Skylark crashed.
I dance around happly
I invite the canivors
They cook us all and we can't escape.
I use Cupcake-God's frosting to kill the canibles AGAIN.
I ate your cake.
Thowardz got mad because I ate his cake.
I stop the violence.
I kill both of you as punishment for trying to kill Bacon.
I revive.
I make everyone exept me and bacon explode whit proto bomb.
I said "NOOO!!! I didn't meant to kill you! WHAT DID I DONE!?!"
I kick Popoixd off the cliff
I die.
I revive and throw thowardz off the cliff.
I watch
I throw Popoixd at the moon
I was on a vacation on the moon and i got hit
I blast him to Jupiter
I cry on jupiter.Everyone basting me./cry.
I go back to moon,take Doom-Xx and throm hem/him at Cupcake-God.
I stand on Mars.
I wave my arms in the air and yell to Cupcake-God, "here, here, I'm open."
Cupcake-God notice you
I Fly to the moon and give Popoixd a chocolate. "I forgive you, Here take my chocolate."
He is actually allergic to chocs and he dies
I crash a rocket into the sun
The sun blows up. (Must've been a big rocket)
I buy a furry cape
It's infested with bugs
I nuke an anthill with FoV
The thread bug cause of post number 973,974 and 975.
I make the thread feel better.
The thread stops vomiting.
I learn how to do a Kamehameha.
I barf at your poor lack of judgement of moves.
I cast Divine Judgement (see Tales of Symphonia) on Ascratchable and eat ramen.
I kamehameha you in the face for doubting my sense of judgement. I know what move I'm dealing with. Have you ever seen Dragon Ball Z? That move can destroy a whole planet.
I buy a low rider. (A car, not pants.)
It crashes behind Hyllia
I eat the car
It's poisonous and you die.
I announce a 50 ce prize for whoever makes the 1000th post. No spamming though!
Its kill you.Yes the vidéo kill you.
I die cause of my sluch.
Midgets dance and sing to celebrate your death.
They cover your dead body with donkey poo believing it will ward off evil spirits in the afterlife.
The spirits went up to the body and said "Aw, that's disgusting! I ain't going near that thing!" so it worked!
They said I could be anything, so I became God.
The spirits made you god of the tiny poo people they didn't want stinking their heavens.
Midgets around the world chanted praise to their poo god.
With my new powers I make poo into gold bars.
I tell the funniest joke ever told.
But your funniest joke you have doesn't make sense. So The king of god turn you into satan.
I Playing Spiral knights
You get killed by tortodrone.
I play Cube World.
I ate a porkchop (cooked ofcourse)
It get out of your belly by opennig it from the interiror.
I approach of post 1000th.
Club 994 declared Club 993 outdated.
You joined Club 995.
Club 995 gets outdated.
The CE prize goes to the 999th poster.
Good for him/her/it
I shall try to be 1000th poster.
I quadriple post
I become the 1000th poster
I quadriple post
I become the 1000th poster
I quadriple post
I become the 1000th poster
I quadriple post
I become the 1000th poster
I build a portal back to Haven with the powers of this new page and with some of Pipipipipi's fur, Thowardz's bones, and Cupcake-God's frosting. We are safe!