I ask for a wolver battle sprite (this is both)
Before and After Game
You Got OOO to try to and make one
I ask OOO To Take Tortodrone Back
OOO say no.
I make a charged quicksilver mail.
You becom Crystal Energie Man.
I eat mist energie.
you turn into mist energy
I use Popoixd on a tier 3 cr run
someone thinks it is a penny and picks it up
I ask you to get on SK
Can't it's really late here in where I live :(. Just makin some last minute posts
I Buy Hamsters
Your Hamster Is cute And then*Turn into Spookat's ugly face*
I Drink Red moon potion
the moon turns red and crashes into you
I buy mewkats
You wasted too much cr for that many monster pockets
I run into the lab in the garrison and steal a maskeraith
Your maskeraith put you on poison
I try to find mewkat*Mew*
the mewkat turns into a spookat and kills you
I make Doom edit his post because I didn't buy monster pockets, I bought acual mewkats
Your offer was false advertizing and the mewkats are fake.
I get a UV on my Combuster.
it is "cupcakeyness: LOW"
I give cupcakes to everyone
You got nothing but word "Thank you"
I give the next poster a Mewkat
I say thank you and kill the mewkat for some cr.
I start to run.
I splat you with a cupcake
I go to cupcake heaven
Then you never come to earth again
I order some pizza
you get a pizza with a cupcake in it
I make cupcakes rain from the sky
Some people yell at you "HEY WHO WILL CLEAN ALL THIS MESS"
I ask Cupcake-God to post some thing that not about bakery
He say no.
I try to revive I stole the cookies game.
it turns into the I stole the Divine Creature game
I run away from everyone, splating cupcakes in their face, in hopes I don't get captured and stolen
I order the destruction of all cupcakes
Anyone who has any will be fined 2737277327738237$273727362736276372338939399839389384934ce
the police don't fine me because I'm a god
I splat a cupcake in doom's face
I'm the Dark Shadowlord and I totally pwn you and anti immortalize you
I dump your body in hell
it happened to be good guys hell and they heal me and mortalize
I get Dark Shadowlord resistanst: MAX
I use magic spell "weaken God" which make Cupcake-God Have weakness to everythings in universe
Also make him can't move
I try to save a cat
You die trying to save him.
I go to MacDonald.
You lost 199$ To eat some meal there
I revive Because of stick
hit you in the head.
Children has a seance.
That children soon not scared of ghost
I want to go to the ocean
You sit on the beach and realize the ocean is watching you.
I see you sitting on the beach and throw a jelly fish at you.
Thowardz gets box jellyfish venom
I slack off on my big bed
Your Bed Messed Up
I Going To Buy Some Accessoriessss
I stole them.
I put them on my dusker coat.
The GM used the Banstick, (it was very effective)
I Saved the world from destruction. The world in turn must Save me from the whitespace of time. The Savior of the world has gone missing and you need to Save the hero...
/e message ends
No I don't.
I ask for 10000 free ce
everyone tells you to stop begging
I blow up the world making Egpnd's world saving pointless
I ponder that very perplexing sentence.
I throw a manikin out of a window onto a busy road.
The manikin Get crushed From a Big Truck
I Lying on The road
You get run over by a pickup truck
I call the ambulance
they run over Thowardz and park on him
the ambulance asks you what happened that doesn't involve Thowardz
You don't know how to answer since the real problem is pancake-Thowardz.
They smack you with their stethoscopes.
the ambulace takes him, with Thowardz stuck to their wheel
I drive the ambulance on to fire that only effects Thowardz
It effects Thowardz in a weird way.
Thowardz walks around on fire, setting everything he comes in contact with on fire, but he never actually burns himself. He's now known as burnyman.
All the Thing That I contact With Got burned.EVEN WATER GET BURNED (But how? Can you tell me Iamnoone?)
I Try to use spell"Abra ca da bra ga" At myself And wish I turn back to my normal form
I join OOO I work 16/5
I give everyone battle sprites