the next person is like "FINALLY WE GOT A NEW PAGE!!!" and sucks at board games(you can do hit for one if you don't have the other, just tell them which one you have if you have one of them but not the other)
Hit and Miss
The next poster has a hard time coming up with things to say
The next person knows someone named "Rory" (Fictional characters count too.)
Hell yeah I know Rory. I know an "Amelia", too.
The next poster plays Skyrim.
Yes I do. I love it.
The next poster can't wait for The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel
HIT. Elder scrolls online...?
The next poster is a sexy beast.
The next poster is a girl. Is so pls be in london.
Unfortunately I neither female, nor do I live in London. Again, I stress, Unfortunately.
The next person lives on Earth. (please say miss)
The next poster...
Noticed immediately that one of those has two dots.
I didn't bother looking at the dots at all :I
The next person can remember a dream they had last night.
Didn't have one so I guess I don't remember.
The next poster has killed a tortodrone (I haven't).
EVERYONE dreams every night, but people don't remember them.
The next person didn't sneeze today.
The next poster loves puns (c' Atlas!)
The next poster is very punny
The next poster loves to post.
Really, this is just a force of habit. I'm addicted to the forums. xD
The next poster owns a clay jar.
Miss, it was destroyed by someone in green tights
The next poster is afraid of spiders, specificly, giant spiders
The next poster has seen the old TV show Hogan's Heroes.
oh goodness, miss. So corny.
The next poster is.... the Neravarine. [And gets the reference]
Miss. [twas a reference to an Elder Scrolls game. Morrowind.]
The next poster is interested in my new RP.
Eh, miss. I do like roleplay, but I'm not really that interested in a japanise one. Idk why.
The next poster is something
The next poster is a Wolver, a variant, has Wolver armor, or has Wolver variant armor.
Hit to them all
The nex poster will fill me with ideas
The next poster has a copy of Simcity (The new version)
I have a very old version of SimCity. It might be the original, idk.
The next poster prefers a brush over a comb for personal hair care.
EDIT: yep, it is the original SimCity that I own. That game is old! :D
Salamanders are just too badass!
The next poster doesn't like mushrooms.
The next guy wants to take over the world for no darn reason other than being bored.
When I take over the world I'll have a perfectly good reason.
The next poster feels like chicken tonight.
I had Quizno's. And my sammich contained no chicken.
The next poster is a 60 year old virgin, living in shame with a younger sibling.
The next poster will get me Quizno's, because I'm hungry now
The next poster has or will violate forum rules. (Hopefully not.)
But anything's possible!
The next poster has a poster on the wall.
The next poster is alive. Sarcasm is allouwd.
The next poster knows who Gumby and Pokey are.
The next poster has seeen two GM/Dev in one day (would be hit for me)
Winterfest snowball fight.
The next poster is wondering what the groundbreakers are doing in the garden.
Miss, I know they are building the box, and you don't want to know what's in the box
The next poster thinks I'm weird after knowing what's in the box
Miss, I'm not weird, I'm Pi.
The next poster will thank me for necroing this.
Uh, I mean... HIT!
The next person will know what game will be called "the next Minecraft".
You're not allowed to spread the hate.
The next poster knows that holes in the ground are filled with ice cream.
Winwhat? Is this a new TV show?
The next person win million.
the next person sucks at board games