Hit. How did you guess.
The next person has at least 11111 prestige.
Hit. How did you guess.
The next person has at least 11111 prestige.
Hit. Unless your a generic forum skrub like Bopp, then you can't miss.
Weight does Bopp even play SK?
The next poster has seen Bopp while playing SK.
ummmm sure HIT, though I've only heard that name in passing.
The next person isn't getting me anything for christmas because they have no soul...
I'm not getting you anything for christmas because I barely know you and I don't have enough crowns to give random guys gi... Actually nvm expect a present on christmas.
The next person thinks my present for Professor-Ego will be an Ecto Drop.
everyone knows the best christmas present is TWO ecto drops
the next poster has commented on thjs thread before
It was Derpyclocker.
The poster below thinks I lied.
its the same knight name, so the same person, and dont even try to pretend you had your brother post it (someone tried that before, I forget who)
(who likes paradoxes?)
the next poster will say I missed with this prediction
ummm hmmmm miss, I guess
And yes I love paradoxes
The next poster is going to get me THREE ecto drops for Christmas.
Miss. You're talking about me.
The next poster is Vohtarak-Forum.
Edit: ninja ):
(ego, if you said I missed, then I actually hit, and by you saying I hit from that it would be a miss again, repeat cycle)
the next poster does not know my forum-check schedule
The next person doesn't like Vanaduke-Destroyer's new forum avatar.
too many other forumers have it and the armor itself is bad for destroying vanaduke
the next poster is curious about my forum check schedule
its because you make bad choices
the next poster knows vanaduke-destroyer in game
edit: I read the forums enough, and im not going to bother digging up something I dont care about
but you do make bad choices, you were (are?) in tinkering gremlins for a time and I couldnt help but notice some things...
^ Nope. You don't read enough forums. Keep reading through and you'll know.
The next poster is a troll.
I'm not a troll. I just like trolling.
The next poster has less than 500 hours on SK.
Hit probably.
The next poster has a steady supply of Reaper Ribs, Flame Souls, and Philoso Feathers to feed their Sprite with.
Hit/Miss. My main knight has Maskeraith, while my second (Energyload) has the Drakon.
The next person saw me (presumably as matik2002) on other forums.
If hit, tell the names of the forums I am posting in.
The next poster really thinks Vanaduke-Destroyer should change their avatar back.
The poster below thinks I should change my avatar back.
The other one was better.
The next person is unsure of my gender, (as they should be)
Hit. As I should be.
The next person Wears Cobalt Armor for Battle.
^ Is this better?
The next poster has once worn something on the Cobalt line to LD.
Yep, remember those days....
The next poster wonders why Vanaduke-Destroyer changed their profile picture (again).
Actually, I KNOW about it.
The next poster thinks about thoughts.
Hit. Occasionally. And when I do, I start manually breathing D:
The next person has referred to Vanaduke as Vanaduck, Vanadeer, etc.
Miss, I'm not even there yet :p
The next person uses a wired mouse
Also, Welcome to Gremlin Chatter where [snip, for further info check thread "Blogger" by Unparalleled]
The next poster played GASP, the worst free 2 play game on Steam.
I think that Vanabananas are endangered species and should not be fought.
The next poster helped contribute to the rarity of mewkats due to systematically eliminating them.
Miss. Never seen a Mewkat. That must mean that I don't contribute to the endangerment of their Species.
The next poster has at least one partyhat in SK.
Herex ran away from the next poster to continue on his plans in the Shadowplay arena, never returning so that you would always be trapped by the monster gates and no longer a threat, when he was supposed to appear and fight you directly.
An error has occured and Matikclocker must to shut down to prevent the Swarm.
If it's the first time you see this just STAY ON THREAD AND DON'T DERAIL.
Abusing results in being sprayed by Necromancer! Spray. Thanks.
Restarting in 3...2...1...
The next poster knows about distant...galaxies...other...than Andromeda...
Hit. Though unnamed.
The next poster has seen or heard "AK-47" at least 100 times in their life.
I just read that 100 times.
The next poster isn't a wizard
@Matik - What? That wasn't really derailing, though I did forget to put hit/miss (editing that in). That was "Hit or miss: The described event has happened to the next poster."
The event described in my previous post has happened to the next poster.
Herex ran away from me :*(
The next poster thinks that we should have a herex spinny blade aura for anyone who's beaten Herex.
The next poster thinks we should have a "herex spinny blade aura" in the game, but not obtained by beating Herex.
it makes more sense if you got it from herex, but as a boss reward, not the current punching bag miniboss fight
the next poster owns at least one bomb (in game)
Hit. I got a Proto Bomb and Blast Bomb. Eh.
The next poster has encountered the scenario room in the graveyard with the candles, lit or unlit.
The next person is unable to complete the first level of Grinchlin Assault! on normal difficulty alone in tier 3.
Internet connection issues.
The poster below got hit.
Hit. I'm not good at dodging lizards. ):
The next person got hit by Kleptolisks at least 5 times during Treasure Vaults.
The next person plays SK on a laptop.