One of the reasons the next person is excited for the Dark Harvest Festival is that they can get more Hallow accessories and costumes.
Hit and Miss
The next person's favorite event is the Katastrophe.
I don't like the hats. And I've never done the event before.
The next poster abbreviates Energy as CE, and not E.
I don't abbreviate Energy at all.
The next person sometimes confuses CE with CR.
The next person got invited to a guild even though they are already a part of one.
Nobody is inviting whoever comes now because OOO is too lazy to release NEW content. Are they still working on Arcade Redux?
The next person thinks that an non-prize box and non-event update will come before 2016.
the next poster expects the dark harvest festival to come next wednesday and be shortened to one week
The next poster wants a Darkfang Shield... A lot...
The poster below realized that there were 7 misses in a row on this page before he/she saw this post.
Not a Vanguard.
The poster below thinks that the poster above is new to Gremlin Chatter.
witelite is new to the forums, therefore also new to gremlin chatter
(btw, gitm is a prestige mission, not a rank one, so it can be played before vanguard)
the next poster has read the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
Knowing Spiral Knights for years, but this account existing for 3-ish months.
If Person A (you) and Person B are walking around, and Person B is ahead of you by 8 squares...
You find a key room, would you go get the key?
The next poster realized that my previous post didn't say whether the post before it hit or missed before I posted this.
I was wondering whether to tell you or not
the next poster owns at least one of the permanent dark harvest masks
The next person owns exactly 3 Authentic Dark Harvest Masks.
The next poster thinks that Phantom Mask is spoopy.
The next poster has ran into T3 lockdown, not posting any messages other than "I'm a Kat, mew", "Mew", and "/me mews.", going full T2 Kat mode (see General Discussion thread "sp00k/\t!!!!1!!1!").
also, costumes dont show up in lockdown so you really cant go spookat mode
the next poster has bought at least one punkin sprout (last event included)
"the next poster has bought at least one punkin sprout (last event included)" was a miss. I hardly play all that much :P
The next user has been confused by computer code at least once.
The next poster had enough determination to get an authentic mask in one day.
The next poster had enough determination to get 3 authentic masks in 1 day. (I did)
I actually got all 4
the next poster has never done an arms appropriation mission
I had a chance to do one with a crappy Calibur but I didn't feel like it.
The next poster is thinking why they're on the forums instead of Spiral Knights.
I'm thinking about what manga series I should check out next.
The next poster has more than 1 battle sprite in-game.
I have a drakon, maskeraith, punkin maskeraith, and volcanic maskeraith
the next poster has less than 453 radiants at the time of reply
I have no idea.
The next poster is going to ask another question involving Spiral Knights.
The next person uses Tailed Helms and other helmets with Plumes as costumes most of the time.
I had an alt who dressed like this most of the time
The next person has played spiral knights in the past 24 hours.
Have to run with alts as well besides my main.
Next poster didn't see me in-game at all so far.
That depends on whether see means noticed or... y'know what lets leave it at that.
The next poster frequently uses loopholes.
The next poster thinks Fight-Beetle intentionally upsets people.
He's alright, though I think that I had unintentionally made him upset by showing some gear in my arsenal earlier... :S
Next poster doesn't have either exactly 486 recipes or more they learned.
The next poster thinks that "don't like" is synonymous with "dislike".
(Spring-at-peace never really made me upset, cos he haas been around for years now. I, only for one of years.)
The next poster treats eternal orbs as a valueless item and frequently vendors Perfect Mask of Seerus without selling to other players.
hit: eternals are near worthless to me, I have over 100
miss: but I dont "frequently" vendor masks, I just hop into the occasional och run I see in my social tab
side note: its never worth the unbind price unless you get a good UV
the next poster owns a pet of some sort (has to be living, rocks dont count)
5 cats and 2 leopard geckos, along with 5 strays outdoors that I'd consider pets for now (a mother, father, and 3 kittens that we're planning to give away. They're eating waaaay more than my own cats...).
Next poster knows that anime refers to Japanese cartoon, yet doesn't know that dessin animé means French cartoon.
Hit: Clicked it.
Miss: In Incognito Mode.
The next poster prefers bananas over potaotes
Yeah, if the potatoes are: Cooked in a pot full of water, or they're orange.
The next poster wants other posters to post Hit.
I want to see how peeps answer my posts. :3
The next poster doesn't call me bae.
The next poster thinks Hershey-Kiss's snout is brown because he was eating chocolate.
I thought only his mouth/lips would be chocolate covered because Hershey kisses.
The next poster thinks that I'm a wild sexy beast, yet I'm not their average boy toy.
Hallow Sallet & Culet.
The next person has bought at least one status effect costume prize box.