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[FANFIC] Battlefield {Chapters Prologue-XXI Out) Chapter Twenty-One. The End. Art is Available for Viewing Now.

He stared into Greg's eyes for a moment.
He whispered something incomprehensible.
Then Seerus's eyes rolled back into his head.

"This is the Engineering Floor," Noah explained. "I was made here."
It definitely looked like an engineering floor, what with all of the machinery, but there were no gremlins about. The room had a suspicious air around it.
"We're being watched," Andrew decided.
At that exact moment, a Sentenza bullet whizzed past his face. He looked in the direction of his assailant, and saw a gremlin retreat into the shadows. He ordered the Squad to chase after it. They caught up to it, and Noah stuck his Flourish against its neck.
"Where is the power source?" he interrogated.
"I'll never tell you," the gremlin shouted.
"Guys, I don't think we'll need his help," Greg said. He pointed ahead at a large cylinder of energy in a room nearby.
"Lets go," Andrew ordered.
Noah knocked the gremlin unconscious and followed the group. The room with the energy cylinder was spacious. And the floor was covered in traps. Someone had known they were coming.
Andrew started to go around the sides of the room.
Noah held up a hand. "I got this."
One by one, Noah disabled the traps. Damien approached the cylinder.
"You know this energy could be made into a weapon, right? After this war, I could be the best Lockdown Player ever..." he commented.
"Damien, we have to destroy it," Mary said.
"Fine," Damien grumbled.
Andrew walked up to the power source, raised his Leviathan, and smashed down into the glass barrier. The glass didn't break, and Andrew's sword flew out of his hand. That wasn't normal glass.
"Good job getting rid of those traps. But sadly, you won't be breaking that glass. Ha, its made of warp dust and volcanic iron. You won't be breaking it with any normal sword," a shady figure announced. He had come from a side passage, and Andrew immediately knew who it was.
"Zoro..." he groaned. "We're going to break this cylinder open, and there's nothing you can do about it."
"How, may I ask?" Zoro snickered. "You can't do it. I know you can't. 'Sides, Seerus wouldn't even be dead if not for me. I helped you escape."
"What? Why?"
"Because I'm going to be the next leader of the gremlins. 'King Zoro' is what they'll call me. And you eliminated Seerus for me."
Zoro whistled and several ghostmanes came into the room, including the one Noah had knocked out.
"I have no use for you," Zoro explained. He turned to the gremlin with the Sentenza. "Kill them, Grimace."
The gremlin named Grimace attacked, and some of the other ghostmanes did as well. The Squad fended them off, but they kept disappearing and reappearing and it was hard to deal a death blow.
As they were fighting, Andrew realized something. If they shut off the power source, Noah would turn off too.
"Noah! We can't break this cylinder!" Andrew yelled. "You'll be turned off!"
"I've lived a good life. And I have an idea. Since I'm going to die anyway, might as well self destruct."
"Self Destruct!?"
"Yeah. I can blow up the cylinder... and this whole facility."
"No! No, don't Self Destruct!"
"It's the only way," Noah said. His voice sounded final.
Suddenly, Noah's eyes lit up red and began a countdown.
"We gotta get out of here!" Andrew screamed.
The Squad ran down the side passage that Zoro and his goons had come from.
Zoro grabbed Grimace and they jumped through a secret trapdoor that went to the surface.
The ghostmanes still in the room scrambled over each other, trying in vain to escape.
Andrew found a staircase with a light peaking out at the top of it. The Squad scurried up it.
The ghostmanes kept tripping on each other.
Zoro and Grimace made it out of the Outpost and started speeding away from it.
The Squad got to the top of the staircase and Andrew pushed open a door. They all jumped out of the hole and Andrew shut the door. It was white and lumpy which explained why no one had come in through that way but the gremlins themselves. Most would think it was a pile of snow.
The ghostmanes tried to follow the way Zoro and Grimace had come.
A ghostmane looked back at Noah. He didn't explode.
"Guys, we're safe! The construct didn't explode!" it called to the others.
They all cheered and started walking back to the energy cylinder room.
They were mistaken.
Andrew heard a loud explosion followed by an even bigger energy explosion.
"Get down!" He shouted.
Once some of the smoke cleared, Andrew looked back at the outpost. It laid in ruins. A huge hole was in the ground and it went down to the deepest depth of the factory. It seemed that the original two explosions had triggered the explosives on the Warmaster's level. And the whole place had been destroyed. Any gremlin that had been in there was either dead or mortally injured.
They had done it. Their mission was complete. Now all they had to do was get back to Haven.

Wow artist, you have done some work while I was gone, I enjoyed reading chapter 19 & 20, can't believe Noah is the construct though,I'm also glad grimace made an appearance, keep up the guud work arti!

The End- Or Is It?
Zoro and Grimace began their journey to the Southern Outpost. King Tinkinzar wandered from outpost to outpost, and they had gotten word he was in the Southern one. Zoro planned to assassinate him and take full dictatorship over the gremlin race.
"When I become leader, Grimace, you will be appointed as my royal adviser and as the new Warmaster," he explained.
"Ah, that would give me great pleasure," Grimace grinned.
"Now, lets talk about how we're going to overthrow Tinkinzar," Zoro chortled.
The two spoke for almost half their journey, telling each other plans, with the other adding their critiques to it. There was almost no way Tinkinzar was going to be alive when they were done with him.
The Squad began their journey back home. Several days passed, and once they got to the edge of the forest they saw a huge cloud of smoke in the distance. It couldn't have been the Outpost- was it Haven?
"Andrew?" Greg asked.
"Yeah?" Andrew wondered suspiciously.
"You know what Seerus said to me before he died?"
"No," Mary and Damien said in unison.
"He said, 'You're too late.'" Greg told.
"Mother of Cradle. Haven," Andrew shockingly realized.
"Its under attack!" Damien shouted.
"Or destroyed..." Mary commented.
"Well whatever state it is in now, lets go help them!" Andrew yelled.

The End.
Until Battlefield 2 comes out!
See ya then!

Lemme guess... Roarmulus twins attacking Haven? That's what they were built for.
Hope ye all like it.

Can't find it though :(
EDIT:oops I'm so stupid srry.
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Noah is Contruct I'm-too-lazy-to-type-down-all-those-numbers, the Chroma Whelp died, and Seerus got killed :O WHAT IS DIS SORCEY!
LOL JK. Awesome chapter. :D