Hooray for second page!
I thought I should take a moment to say that depending on how I am feeling, I may also be present in the form of an alt. If I am, it would just be Depapier, so not super confusing, haha!
Hooray for second page!
I thought I should take a moment to say that depending on how I am feeling, I may also be present in the form of an alt. If I am, it would just be Depapier, so not super confusing, haha!
I think it would be helpful to list the times for different timezones in the US at least, because the common american is too lazy to check and might miss the competition :D
Then again, if it would be more of a hassle than it's worth, posting all the times isn't necessary
YAY!!! second page :D
You guys arent prepared for this. I decided that when I saw the grand prize. The sketch from ters is nice a all,
but I think it needs more WOW if you want to attract ppls into this. Looks like you guys decided on the prize after the thread was written.
Come on. As much as I respect you, Ters, this contest isnt ready.
Oh ya, Thor. I think I should just set this now.
If you're here for the money, there's the exit. If you're here to have fun, for the event, you're more than welcome.
I don't think you quite understand the purpose of this event. We aren't organizing it because we have money falling out of our pockets and don't know what to do with it so we decided to host a contest and throw it there. No, actually, all the hosts are pretty poor right now.
"But then you shouldn't do it!"
Excuse me, what was that? We shouldn't host an event because we're poor? Oh, so only rich people are allowed to host events, and only if they throw money all over it? I'm sorry, but that's just plain stupid.
Now we've clarified that we aren't hosting this to give out money, but for the event itself, shall we go on? The prizes are merely symbolic. This is not a source of income. It's a source of fun.
Oh, and, being prepared =/= being rich, but rather, = having the knowledge and experience for hosting such an event. /)_-
...lol your "i respect you k" reminds me of those kids going around "lol ur momma's fat but no offens k?"
Will most likely be judging from Vap-Vap, since that one's guildless atm. Just fyi. :3
Also, totally willing to do a rough sketch as a prize too. Can't do more than rough, tho, too behind on commissioned work.
@Vi & Inco: I'll add in your alt's names to the OP
@Light: I'll do it anyway- getting people to come is more important than avoiding hassle
@Thor: I think Ters dealt with you. Basically, we've put months of work into making this. Countless hours spent on the computer. I think we're ready.
@Ters: Brilliantly said if I do say so myself. ;)
I'm definitely joining, but I suck with timezones, never really learned about them, so the timezone converter doesn't help much. Any chance of someone telling me what time it'll be for me? I'm on the US east coast. :D
Hey, I want to join. My outfit is not much good but only a few wear the same outfit like me.
Kellnox, it would probably be more helpful if you actually told us your timezone... -_-
I presume around 5 PM, if east coast.
2 PM PST= 4 AM here.
*rages by poking redfevrier in T2 LD*
:3. Well, enjoy the competition!
Whoa qurl, where do you even live?!
On a side note, I'd just like to share this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYVjetrr9yM&feature=related
I said I suck with timezones, idk what it's called, so I can't really tell you which I'm in. It's whichever one has the US east coast, though. That SHOULD tell you which it is, so I'll assume it's 5 PM like you said. I just really don't want to miss this. :'D
I'll try to make it, but no promises. ;D
@Kell: Sorry! I said I was gonna post those times! gah! The updates yesterday kinda got in the way :P
@My: We'll be happy to have you in whatever costume you have :3
@Incineron: XD You could always do the submission one ;)
@Ters: ......European music....kinda odd.... (Just watch, in a few mins. I'll be listening to that song over and over)
@Potato: Okie dokes :) If anything just come and watch!
Edit: Sorry, still haven't added the times- Been a busy day today XD I'll be sure to do it first chance I get!
Since this contest seems set on having art as prizes, I may as well offer my services in that department, for lack of better things to do.
So yeah. One character, either lined color or monochrome, in whatever pose/costume/accessories/colors/whatever they want.
Also offering up to three sketches to whoever you want to award them to.
Good luck with the event guys, and have fun.
I won't be around my computer over the weekend.
I was planning to pop by some point to at least say hi, be a spectator, and hang out, but RL isn't having any of that.
Looking forward to seeing lots of screenshots.
I'm wondering if we'll see any guardian armors/helms now. I think so, it can't take that long to make an outfit if you have the knowledge and well, money.. mine took like 5 hours.
When looking at my costume during the event, please know that all the highly prestigious accessories on mine were on it before the release of the volcanic/divine boxes ;_;
I actually had Divine and Volcanic costumes already made before these boxes, I think the developers stalk my mind :O
Your costume isn't rated on how you got it or how expensive it was. It's about how awesome you look. Just fyi.
Quite late, but I think I'll participate ..
sign me up, tho i might not make it
@Allthenewcontestants: Great! Can't wait to see everyone's brilliant costumes ;)
Among other things I finally added the basic time conversions for the US as well as a better timezone converter. Sorry for the delay :P
@Divisor: We did discuss having Mawa as a judge, but as the contest was meant to be hosted by bloggers and mawa is not one we shirked the idea. Ters is only here because he occasionally helps with Spiral Meets Chanel and he's one of my best friends XD
Mawashimono has no fashion sense.
There I said it.
Oh I remember that.
It's sad how much we managed to rustle Ruby's jimmies by saying that money doesn't equal swag that day. :(
Wait, the show's already over ? Damn, that timezone converter is rubbish.
Also, while I couldn't always agree with Mawashimono's reviews, she has a better taste than you.
Anyway, glad to see you managed to ruin your contest all by yourself. Have a nice day.
It isn't. It hasn't even started.
And yes of course, she has a "taste" for the masses. I guess mine is too complicated for simple brains.
No, this has nothing to do with taste. Scarf on Salamander, Dragon Scale or Wolver looks downright bad, every sane person could tell.
I think I'm too late to sign up. 0.0
Here, GMT+8, Sunday.. I'm unable to login to SK and post my Regalia set, but what the hell.. I might as well go for this one.
Also, I can't participate the main event, so I have to use website.
Note: This is my earliest concept costume before I bought those accessories, now I own them, apologizes for the AH previewing, but I forgot to post up the 'after concept'.. so I had to use these pictures to help me out on this event. If ye are looking for more proofs, all I can pray is ye may ask St-Leone if I wore it before.
Here are the pictures of my current costume, on the category of Submission right?
I hopefully do wish I am not late, and worthy of being accepted. And I apologize again if this was done in a silly way.
Well, I can only be on here a few minutes, but suddenly something has come up. I'm going to a special event with my doubles partner, and so I'm only able to be on shortly. I can only provide one picture, since I have to be quick, but here you go: http://oi50.tinypic.com/wt86s3.jpg
It's taken at a slight angle so you can see the front, side, and back a little.
>guy loves both dragons and scarves to death and it was the only fitting accessory for the costume that could be grey in order to balance the grey parts of the armor
/)_- Sigh... There's no point in doing this but I'll explain I guess: The armor has grey parts and the helmet does not, so I had to do something. Ribbon is out of question, and so is feather as I dislike those and made no sense. However, I love scarves and it fit the theme and also the grey so there. You're bashing me because of a personal choice I made for myself that does not fit your personal taste. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Thunder, there's no sign up just be there on time.
There will no longer be a submission category as nobody signed up for it so you guys will be counted in the actual competition if you'd pass the prelims and judges will look at the pics and judge your costumes too. Category will be picked by us to fit.
Alright! Can't wait to get things started today! *sniffle* Probably my last answering questions post D:
@Modelp: Funny thing- I actually read that several times before I organized this event. Now, the important thing about the latter sentence is that I said "several times", meaning I'm very familiar with Ruby's guidelines (whether I think the whole "guide" is one whole rudeness fest or not ;D) and that I also said "I organized". This event was my idea, I was the one that first contacted Ters about the idea of the fashion show, and I was the one that wrote the whole OP (that took 6 hours to write). Ters likes to handle all the press for this, but if you're going to talk to anyone about that guide you need to talk to me. I shall look forward to seeing what category you put yourself in nonetheless.
@Div: The "guide" was written about the very first fashion show in SK history. We'll be the fourth to be organized, 3rd to be conducted live in-game, and as I said in the OP, hopefully the best so far.
@Thunderbog: Yay it's totally fine! Glad to see some online entries coming in :3
@Poke: Aw too bad you can't make it D: Ters'll be happy though, he was worried his section wouldn't have anyone participating in it!
@Ters: Uh huh, yes, thank you. You've made your point. Stop turning people off now :P
Bottom line about Ters is that he has strong opinions and you may or may not agree with him. I don't want to see any more arguing on this thread alright? Besides! The contest is today! Too late to stop now and reconsider the choices we've made!
"You're bashing me because of a personal choice I made for myself that does not fit your personal taste."
I am only copying you, girlfriend.
After reading that post on how fail your contest went and reading through your "Fashion Appreciation" thread, you bash Mawashimono and turn fashion into a math problem. You kick people out of your contests because they wear wolver armor or use expensive accessories, or accidentally stood to the left.
You, saying your quote above, are a total hypocrite. Fashion isn't a math problem like you try to always make it: "only fitting accessory for the costume that could be grey in order to balance the grey parts of the armor". All I have ever seen you do fashion-wise is bash people for their own personal tastes. You aren't creative at all, and that is what fashion is all about: being unique and creative, being yourself.
Quit making it a math problem. I can tell you a thousand times how disgusting your "masterpiece" math problem costume turned out, since that is apparently your type of math fashion: Don't ever expect you won't be bashed back, honey. Then take a whiff of your foul smelling contest, and understand that this type of stuff isn't for you.
In fact, I would like everyone to take a whiff of a Fashion contest, ran by Tersakoff just like this one, and predict how awful this next contest will turn out: http://jemgaming.net/forums/content.php?94-How-not-to-run-an-event-in-Sp... (thanks to Ruby for making this).
Oh, by the way. I love the finishing touch on your fashion appreciation thread, girl. It was cute.
And this is not my contest, it's Red's. I'm just here as a judge.
"I wish Mawa would do that while Groswal is doing his usual hindquarter tasting."
I would rather taste someone's butt than get a whiff of your stale fashion sense. By the way, I love the taste of that hint of growing anger, sweetie.
You guys are in for a treat, Tersakoff is like really pro at fashion related things. I highly suggest you show up and everything, be ready to take screenshots. I want to know the results.
Can you please stop it? You're making poor Red frustrated as she's never seen an internet argument before. You're hurting her more than me actually, and she's done nothing to you so I believe that's not desirable.
Show a bit of maturity rather than throwing blatant insults again maybe?
Didn't you read my post? I said "Tersakoff is like really pro at fashion related things. I highly suggest you show up and everything, be ready to take screenshots. I want to know the results."
I am asking people to show up. This is going to be great, I cannot wait to see the results of this competition, and I am truly not lying. I am hoping people show up, the more the merrier! If you know what I mean.
Just be sure to get your screenshot button ready, folks.
By the way, way to treat your friend like she is inexperienced. That truly makes me unable to hold back my excitement to see the result of this contest.
Yes, but calling her "poor Red" makes you sound like you believe she is completely dependant upon you. It is disgusting that you don't treat your own friends with respect. Then, you assumed that I was "hurting her". What if your friend is actually not offended at all?
*Chuckle* I'll enter, but this won't be the first nor the last time that I enter such a chaotic event like this one...
So! I finally remembered that I'd promised to reveal the final judge on Tuesday and... well... it's Tuesday.
After slight mix-up about whether we cared about alts or not, Incoherrant has accepted the position as Now Trending's fourth and final judge! However, because all the judges are leaving their guilds for a short while to make communication easier, Inco will be present in the form of one of her alts :3
Edit: [freakout]Ohmaigodwe'vegotasecondpage![/freakout]