i'm looking for a white set
Name your price and i'll see what i can do
i'm looking for a white set
Name your price and i'll see what i can do
Selling a Gold Set. MSG me offers ingame, and I prefer to sell as set.
WTB Chapeau of the Gold Rose for 3500Ce :3
How much are black rose sets going for & who has one thats selling / trading?
WTB a Red Rose Set, pm me with your price and we shall work things out
Username: Tiberusmd
I have a gold chap (300k), green set, and blue set for sale. Send mail with offers. I'm not looking for too much.
Gold chapeau is in the auction house for only 150k crowns, by me. Go buy it!
WTT Coral Chapeau for a Violet Tabard
I mis-clicked in the AH and bought the wrong thing a few days ago when I wasn't paying attention.
green 6k ce ... blue 7k ce send mail to dreadweap
Looking to complete a mismatched set of first edition Rose Regalia, I have a White Chapeau and a Black Tabard. I would love to trade either of the two for the opposite color so I can sell it as a complete set.
EDIT: SOLD - Thanks for the pleasant transaction, Dani.
@Dani: Aye, I'll message you in game when I get home around 6 PST
Okay, I'll try to be on, Timezones and whatnot. Thanks :D
EDIT: I love bio so much for selling to me :D
I'm buying a gold chapaeu. post ur price or find me in game
I'm looking to sell the original Rose Regalia sets in all 3 colors: Red, White and Black. I also have an extra White Chapeau. Add me in game to discuss the pricing, my username is Wolver.
Have: Gold Rose Set, unbound
Want: CE, Crowns, or black/white set for trade.
Post here or IGN is Bahaiguy. Mail me offers!
Selling Chapeau of the Black rose and Chapeau of the Red rose, post on my thread offers or find me in game. Buyout on both is 30kce
WTB Coral Chapeau
My in-game name is Filthy-Bucket.
PST time, but I'm online most of the day.
PM me ingame Irishespeon
if not online, just send a message
WTB Tabard of the Violet Rose
Send me a mail or PM.
IGN: Tennis
Hi, I want to trade the gold rose set for the white rose set. My IGN is Nixcko, Pm Me!
WTB Blue Tabard and Chapeau.
Mail me in game with your price. Also have some TF2 items for trade as well.
Selling red/white sets. 55kCE (min) or best offer if multiple offer as much.
ign Necare
WTB : Blue Chapeau
IGN : Rhymo
Send me a message :)
I'm willing to buy a blue rose of the regella set. I've got some trade up for it such as volcanic dragon wings but i'm hoping to buy the whole set out with ce. Mail me in game with ur offers =)
IGN: Kezzang
GMT+0 often online after 5pm GMT+0
I'm looking for a complete blue rose set, do send me a message or add me in game if you're willing to sell :) transaction preferably in CE.
IGN: Snubear
WTS Tabard of the Black rose, rejoined a few days ago after playing near the original promo and have a spare black besides my bounds.
PM me IGN: Kosta
Price is negotiable.
WTS Black rose set. Willing to let it go in parts if the price is right. I'm selling the full set for 55k ce.
IGN Ruyter
(better to contact me in game.)
I want to buy either a green chap or tab. can someone tell me the buy/offer prices?
thanks :D
IGN Blueninjax
edit: 3/13/12
never mind about the green tab, got one now.
Still looking for a green chapeau though, pm me in game for a price :)
thanks a bunch :D
edit: 4/25/12
have a chap now too. tyvm!
WTB White Rose set.
Many thanks. Mail me.
IGN: Endogeneity
I have a Gold Tabard for sale or trade for... other stuff and/or things if anyone is interested :)
IGN: Alfresco
Got 2 green tabs. Msg me if u have a gold chap for sale :0
I'm not on very often but I am looking to sell a Red Tabard.
IGN: Kynes
Send me a message and I'll get it when I get on
if anyone's got a black chapeau they're looking to sell, send me a pm with your asking price. :D
Hello, looking to buy a Black Tabard. Please PM me with an asking price if you are selling.
IGN: Heriva
Wtt for red or white chap. PM me and I'll make an offer because my inventory keeps changing.
IGN: Axirts
Selling 2 gold sets and a green set. PST forum name is the same as my in game name.