Have Gold Tabard
I want any color Chapeau
IGN Splinter
Have Gold Tabard
I want any color Chapeau
IGN Splinter
WTS Gold Tabard
Looking for 4k CE, but I am willing to haggle.
IGN: Boingboingsplat
WTT Calibur ASI Very High for it
IGN Eggboy
Green Tabardx2
Blue Tabard
Any Chapeau or Gold Tabard
Blue Tabard - Green Tabard acceptable, must throw in 250 CE
Straight swap, my green for your blue.
IGN: Bitter-Cold
If you're a Steam user you could also send me an in-game mail with link to your profile for easy communication.
Looking to buy Black Chapeau!
Offering a good deal!
message me ingame: Rasorlol
LOL ^ this kid thinks he can get a black chapeau for like 10kCE loooool
Did I mention 10k? NO! so shut up you fool...
kids jumping to conclusions....
Blue Chapeau
Green Chapeau
Want to trade for
Gold Chapeau
IGN Splinter
green chap
blue tabard
gold chap
blue chap
will take green chap as well for the blue tabard
ign spaghetiman
[COMPLETE: green tabard + 500CE <---> gold tabard]
Have: Green Tabard
Want: Gold Tabard
*can throw in some CE for the trade
IGN: Supremum
Have: Blue Tabard
Want: Green Tabard
IGN: Tfwacker
Paska? Both for the gold?
Wacker, I'll do that if you throw in 100 CE. Either way,
I won't be online for at least 30 hours.
I'm mostly looking for gold yes. I might be inclined to trade green for blue or blue for green with a bit of CE incentive.
But would u do both chaps for my gold?
I'll do that wacker, if you still haven't traded
As I now have a gold chapeau, I'm still up for the trade but I wont trade 2 for one.
Want a Gold Chapeau but not enough CE. If you are interested in TF2 giving all of them: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Dirk_Pitt/inventory/ and I have an Anger too which is not listed right now but be in the list tomorrow(Downloading game again). May be more don't remember other game prizes.
Yes i will hold it for you. Perfect timing :)
Btw what is your IGN?
I guess you weren't online when I checked & because it never says "no such user" I had to make sure :P
Blue Chapeau
Gold Chapeau
Blue Tabard
IGN - Merchanter
Prices are negotiable!!
If possible, I'm looking to reserve Green/Gold Tabard.
2k CE for Green, 2.5k for Gold.
Reserving because I have very little CE/cr, can't buy any, or else I'd probably have what I want by now, or offering another piece(s) for the ones I want.
Will save up a larger amount if needed.
If I get one of the Tabards, I'll be looking for a Chapeau of the same type, 3k for Green, 3.5k for Gold.
Again, will save up a larger amount.
Message me in-game as Remiliaoftheearth, which you're selling, if you will sell for the amount I offer, and if not, for how much, and if you have a Chapeau of the same/other type, and its price as well.
I will reply, if you have stated a price higher than mine, to say if I will buy it or not. I'm only a poor Knight! But if it's the price I offered, the acceptance, of course, is instant.
I understand it may be less than the worth of the item, but please tell me calmly. I've looked at the AH, but the prices are so varied, with one going, at the moment, for less than 20k cr, and another's buy price for 500k cr, that my calculations are thrown off.
I will edit this if I get an item I want, or if I am able to increase the prices.
I have a Gold Tabard.
I'll trade it for a Gold Chapeau.
IGN is Synaptic. If I'm not on, send me a letter.
I have a Gold Tabard.
I'll trade it for a Gold Chapeau.
IGN is Synaptic. If I'm not on, send me a letter.
wtt talbard of the gold rose for any color chapeau .pref. gold IGN fallconn
I will trade both Blue Tabard and Chapeu, along with CE and maybe some other stuff for your black tabard.
signed mail/whisper me in-game. IGN: Zylo-Wolfzan
Zylo the Wolfbane
Trading full Blue and Green sets. Looking for Gold Tabard, but will take offers of CE.
in game: Kono-Yaro
WTB Blue Rose Set.
PM or Mail me if i'm offline (:
IGN: Ancyker
Still willing to Trade my Green Tabard for a Blue Chapeau, and I'll add energy. Just message me
IGN: Quotefanboy
WTT Green tabard + energy for a blue chap
Selling Tabard of the Black Rose!
Willing to accept Gold, Green and Blue Sets for it! (not 1, them all)
Will also accept CE or CR
IG NAME: Rasorlol
Buying a Green Chapeau MSG me in game Djturtle for offers in CE BUYING A GREEN Chapeau be back in 9-10 hours
Hey everyone, new to the forums, not so new to the game.
I'm looking to sell a few sets I have procured.
I currently have:
2 Green Sets
2 Blue sets
3 Golds set
I want:
A black Set
As far as I'm concerned
gold comes first
blue second
green last
and Caps be ta-bards
so don't as for me to make a losing trade.
I am looking to sell these as SETs, to break a set will cost extra.
If you're still interested, PM me
username: Azraelwing
or check out my wiki TheTric/Azraelwing
just a note, I figure if I wait 2 weeks I can probably get about 18k-20k ce for a set.
But I might be persuaded to part with a set now for 15-17k, or maybe an alternative offer. well ttyl!
last time I checked market it was valued at about 500k.
a gold set can be sold for 10kce, which even in this market of 50:1 is about 500k.
If it was the chap, I could be more inclined to trade 2 or more sets.
but its not.
so I'm not.
And like I said, the price on these can really only go up. the event will end, people will equip them. they will become rarer and rarer just as the orig. sets did. and then you'll be hard pressed to find someone who will have a set, let alone willing to trade it for just one piece of an older set.
thats just how things roll ^_^
How much to break a set? I have eyes on your Blue Chap. I have a spare Green Chap I can add as part of the deal.
A gold set is 10k CE yes
But a black tabard is NOT 10k CE
The Chap is about 35k or more and the tabard is about 20-25k CE so don't try and tell me a full gold set is worth a black tabard, plus i already have a gold set so i wouldnt of took it anyways
Your offer for black set was quite reasonable
1) Trading Full gold set for full white red or black set!
please i want the set badly!
ig name: Rasorlol
2) Looking for White or Black Chapeau
Will give you full gold set for it!
ig name: Rasorlol
I agreed with you Rasorlol, a black tabard, without a shadow of a doubt, is worth 20-25k ce.
not sure where your pulling those numbers from...just watched a black set sell for as much as I just quoted.
to put it into cr the chap is worth about 1.1mill
the tab...eh 500k.
Yes the black tabard us nifty and rare. we have all oohed and ahhed at some point
its just another costume
well the last time I checked, a blue chap was worth about 6-7k ce
the tabard was worth about 4-5k ce
(those where about the price I paid for them)
I figure I could part with a blue chap for, eh 8-9k ce?
breaking the set is not at the top of my to-do list.
I haz a Gold Tabard :)
You can send me offers by mail if you want, my IGN is Cootiecakes
I'm looking for CE or a Chapeau
Thank you live2win, at least somebody isn't stupid to the prices. After all a full black set from most people go at least 60k CE or higher.
I think its decent enough for me to sell my black tabard for a few sets
Gold set: 10k CE
Blue set: 8-9k CE
Green set: 6-7k CE
roughly those are the prices which add up to roughly 24-26k CE
A full black so far as the cheapst I found when looking for over 55k CE meaning the black chap alone was about 35-40k CE making the tabard at least 20-25k CE
So I think the deal for my tabard that im trying to seel is reasonable.
Full 3 sets for tabard
Green and Blue Set with some CE for tabard
25k CE for tabard
Its the cheapest you will find by far
Okay, you win (although what im not sure XD)
I will hold onto my sets and let them age up for a week or so, heck maybe even a few days.
then we can revisit this whole triple set for a fragment.
that statement even sounds wrong doesn't it?
guess these get stuffed back into their boxes for a better opprotunity
The longer you wait the more the prices go up, even for your sets and other sets.
Best thing to do is to get them now while they are cheap rather than them going to sky rocket later on when the event period is over. Cause once its over any1 with a black set or any other set will up the price even more or just equip it since the event it over.
Blue Tabardx2
Green Tabardx2
Blue Chapeau, Green Chapeau, or Gold Tabard
1:1 trades