I am looking to buy any chap preferably violet or coral i also will trade a prismatic party hat for one or just add the party hat to the cost of a chap not sure of the prices but i will get the money if it is over my limit. Lordzen is my in game name mail me. Please.
Ultimate Rose Regalia Trading Thread!
Friendly advice on prices:
Prismatic party hat is worth about 100k cr at the moment, and those two chaps cost 495k cr from featured if you beat the people who have it timed. They generally sell for 800k cr+ at resale
WTB Magenta, Cyan, and Periwinkle Chaps for Skolver Set [Shock MAX, Pierce MAX, Normal MAX] [No accessories attached!]
show their offers
IGN: aveengeer
I"m still in search of Violet Chapeau, and I'll definitely pay good amount of crowns or CE.
IGN: Kethrius
Chapeau of the White Rose : Current offer 90kCE.
Red Set (Chapeau + Tabard).
WTS Gold Rose Set, Selling set only.
Current Offer 38k CE
-> White chapeau
C/O : none
-> Red chapeau + Red tabard
C/O : none
WTS Tabard of the gold rose for 500Kcrs.
In game : Flasholait
Otherwise mail me in game with offers : Znen
Selling Tabard of the White rose, 30k CE
Mail me in-game. IGN: Tails-San
2x Blue rose sets - 33k ce/set
2x Green tarbard - 10k ce/piece
steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/fortunePaw/
I'm strongly willing to get my hands on a Black Rose set. I've got some Steam games (Don't Starve and Poker Night at the Inventory already purchased) that I can buy and gift for you, Super Monday Night Combat stuff, plenty of Team Fortress 2 items, along with Spiral Knights crowns and energy. I'd much rather prefer to buy a Steam game or give up some TF2 items for it, but we can work something out. I'm looking to get the full set at once, though. I'd be much easier that way
New price for my stuff!
2x Green tabard - 7k ce / 600k cr
Add me on steam if interested to trade: http://steamcommunity.com/id/fortunePaw/
Offering 750KCR
Black,red,white,coral, for steam card or buy and give the ce
I still have an unbound Chapeau of the Red Rose.
Price Check on Chapeau of the Red Rose plz.
Thank you.
Hello! I am very, very, very interested in one or both pieces of the Gold Rose set. Message me in game (Taran-Wanderer) and/or add me on steam (StupidFox).
Mail me in game i will buy name:Duct-Tape-Man
WTS Blue/Gold Rose Sets. I can sell just the tab or just the chapeau.
IGN: Noobie
Looking to sell Tabard of the Black Rose, 30k CE
If interested, please mail me in-game @Objectified
Can anyone help me figure out the Value of a Gen 1 Tabard of the Red Rose?
WTB Violet Chapeau for a reasonable price! Mail me.
I have a Blue Tabard for sale :3
B/o 500k Cr
Message me in game!
IGN: Aandy
WTB Chapeau of the Moonstone Rose with a steam-game: Don't Starve
If you're interested in trading, send me a friend request: http://steamcommunity.com/id/vorpal56/
or email me at: anthonysukadil1@gmail.com
WTS Violet Chapeau - Msg me offers, add me on steam: buildl0rd
WTB Chapeau of the Amethyst Rose. I'll pay in CE.
Add me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/henryleonheart/
WTS green chapeau, pm me in game or post in my shop thread
A friend of mine wants to buy a chapeau of the moonstone rose!
PM him: Holy-Vizard-Inoru (he also buys for ce)
or me: Gaiaofchaos (i will contact him later if is he not online)
Willing to buy a moonstone chap or trade it for a malachite and citrine chap. PM me with offers.
ING: Genras
Gold rose set
Garnet rose set
blue tab with cool parry blade
green tab with dusky parry blade
moonstone tab
gold tab
Thanks, Soapchicken.
White / Red SET
Black Chap(only)
for very interested players only
WTS Blue Chap - 30k CE
IGN: Rating