Looking to buy Green Chapeau with CE.
(If you're going to add me, make sure to mention the Chap in the request.)
Ultimate Rose Regalia Trading Thread!

Selling a blue rose set and a gold rose set preferably for ce. Send me a mail in game or leave an offer on here.

WTS blue chap, pm, mail, or post offers in this thread http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/54571
Found Coral Chap already!
Still looking for a Violet Set!
Selling my Red set!

I saw your deal for the red set... Too expensive.

WTS Green rose tabard, b/o 5k CE. PM ingame: Uncosung
WTS Green Rose Set
(Chapeau & Tabard)
IGN: Bomml

WTB White Chap, willing to trade Arcane Halo + CE if necessary.

WTS>> Only sell a set. Coral Rose Full Set. I have buy but dont think i will use it, so, I will sell. B/O 1,2mCr. Can Make offer in CE/CR. Can send mail to me, thanks.
IGN: Knightrock

WTS Gold Chapeau
WTS Blue Rose Set (Chapeau + Tabard)
Contact: Caelifer (via in-game mail)
[EDIT] Now a 24-hour Auction:
WTT My Skolver Coat Normal Defend Maximum for the Black Rose Chapeau if other color then it must be full set and u have to pay the unbound price
Send mail to Gabriknight (in game)

WTT (I have a ton of stuff, mix and match to the price we agree on or if you want I'll sell stuff and pay in ce) for white chap.
IGN: Axirts

WTS Tabard of the Gold Rose. 550k CR or 7k CE. PM in-game if interested.
IGN: Jonnyjinx

Looking for Blue Chapeau. Can pay in CE/CR and items.
IGN Tersakoff
WTB a violet chapeau: saving up so I don't know how much I will have
IGN: Thedarkarchon
Out of commission atm. I'll be back when I want something. ciao

Buying a Violet Chapeau
Offer for the price
WTB: Any Chapeau
Mail me offers.
IGN: Sneakyplex

WTB any chapeau 200k crowns. trolls will be ignored.
Speedy replies will be rewarded!
IGN: Erky

I will trade Shadow D Wings for a Red, White or Black Chap.
I might be convinced to throw another rare item into the trade also if you are courteous!
My IGN is Red-Rascal. Ignore the word "post" - that is just my forum account.
Send me a message or PM me.
Looking for Dark souls PC - I have gold blue and green sets for trade, and some rare accessories. IGN : Jygantic send me mail with your asking price and we'll see.
Thanks for offers, I have my copy now

WTB any chapeau will pay in cr + items
IGN : Phantom-strike

WTS Tabard of the Gold Rose 500kcr!!!
IGN: Ravendarksky
C/Os - 16.7K CE also another offer offering about 21k CE in Items, but I prefer CE
WTS Gold Rose Set (Chapeau + Tabard) - 20k CE.
Will check SK once or twice a day.
However if buying and you're from steam, can also add me on http://steamcommunity.com/id/djllb03
WTS red rose tabard - 1600k cr
IGN Lord-Kactus

WTB Green Chapeau, i can pay in crowns or ce

WTB Tabard of the Gold Rose! Will pay in crowns or CE, or both. :D
IGN: LupusMchappy
Or add me on steam! http://steamcommunity.com/id/lupusmchappy

I have a Blue Rose Regalia Set (Chapeau+Tabard) for sale, also a Green Tabard.
I will probably sell them in ce, because I don't play this game anymore and need currency to trade for other things.
If you want to contact me, my steam is your best bet: http://steamcommunity.com/id/phasewalker/
I am usually on from about 11:00 am to 12:00 am GMT+8

WTS Red Tabard 20K CE ~~ Negotiable
send me a message in game if you're interested

WTS Green Rose Set 20k CE or 20 TF2 keys.
Add me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ASMoxie/
Buying a set! PM me if u got one.
Buying a set! PM me if u got one.

Selling Blue Rose Set 30k CE.
Can sell it for 33 Team Fortress 2 keys.
My Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/iamDante/

-PM Aurais
Buying any Chapeu(exept for coral) offering 1x Haunted aura, 2x Golden Laurels, 3x Tricorns, 2x Shogun helmets, 2x Medieval war helmets, Hallow Toupee, Hallow Parry blade, Hallow vertical vents and other Hallow stuff. Negociable
IGN: Markone
Pm me
WTB Black Rose Set :C