Looking for the Black Chapeau, add me or mail me with a price.
Ultimate Rose Regalia Trading Thread!
Looking to buy a White Regalia set. add me or mail me price!
IGN: Noodz
I've got a black rose set and a white rose helm available for bidding this weekend.
For details, please visit the thread at:
i wanna buy the helm (any color) and the talbard ( any color)
2kce each
pm : Risa
Looking to trade my Black Tabard for a white or black chapeau
IGN Splinter
Looking to trade the Black Rose Regalia set for the White Rose Regalia set.
Interested parties send mail to:
IGN: Caelifer
Would love to buy any of the Tabard & Chapeau sets but specifically a Red Chapeau and White Tabard! send me some mail naming your price.
Knight Name: Tapfer (I'm a Steam player, if it matters)
Looking for red set.
Willing to pay about 8-9k for the set.
IGN- Scissoleo
Looking for white or black Chapeau (prefer white)
paying CE
IGN: Betrael
If anyone still has a chapaeu up for sale, then please add me and we'll talk prices! I'm not really looking for any colour in particular.
IGN: Emuhong
I am in desperate need of this set, i can pay 16,000 for the set (BLACK set only)!
Contact me on Tssahn@hotmail.com or ingame on "Brynnza" (without quotation marks) if you have these and are interested!
Still looking to trade my white or black tabard for a black chapeau - (also willing to trade a black tabard for a white chapeau) PST IGN: Splinter
WTB White Chapeau AND/OR Black Chapeau
Want to buy Black Chapeau.
Add me ingame and send a mail with price.
IGN: Ravinor
WTS Red regalia set or trade for black chapeau (my whole red for one black chap)
Also interested in selling white tabard.
Contact me ingame to negotiate.
IGN: Eze-kill
Interested in a White Chapeau.
IGN: Enguarde
Want to buy Red Chapeau for 7,000 CE
IGN: Kyarameru
contact me ingame, and i'll make you an offer.
Want to buy red rose or black rose Chapeau.
IGN - Grumpet
Want to buy a white OR black chapeau.
Also want to sell a black tabard. If you have a white/black chapeau and you want a black tabard, we could work out some sort of deal :3
IGN: Laserbam
I want to buy white or black rose chapeaus, will be paid in crowns. My name is Hakumenhuku in-game
Trading white tabard for any chapeau (black preferred), no idea what this is worth in ce/cr though
I'm looking to get the White Chapeau and Tabard.
Anyone who has them for trade, please contact me. I'm Sturak in game.
I'd be happy to work out fair payment in Crowns or Crystal Energy.
WTB any Chapeau, any color. Just PM me in-game. (I'll buy a set if it's a good enough price)
IGN: Laserbam
WTB White Chapeau, message me prices!
IGN: SubtlePanda
WTB white chapeau or black chapeau
Price negotiable in crown, CE, or a combination of the two.
IGN: Walestan
I have two black tabards and one white tabard.
Gimme a good price and i'll sell them to you :D (you don't have to buy all of the pieces, just one of them if you want)
Also, I want to buy a black or white chapeau.
why are u bumping this old thread, make a new one :\
WTB: Black Chapeau
IGN: DirtierThan
send me the price :)
WTT Black Tabard for Red Chapeau.
IGN: iekeliene
Buying White chapeau add me with a disc. to say your selling
im interested in the white tabard. do you have a price in mind?
Any of these will do, White or black preferably, I will pay alot!
this thread is old as dirt. dont bump it.
in hopes that people will use this. since we now have 50 new Rose threads in the last hour.
I'm going to buy some energy soon, will trade whatever I get for Chapeau of the Gold Rose + 5k cr.
Edit: I forgot! My IGN is Benb. Whisper me and we can negotiate if you want.
WTB Rose reg. pst price and item IGN: Guun
selling off my chapeau of white rose.. hoping for 2.5k ce+ if possible
add me or mail me. thanks :)
ign: screwuguys