Blue Tabard
Green Tabard
Looking for:
Gold Chapeau
Gold Tabard
IGN: Seajay
Blue Tabard
Green Tabard
Looking for:
Gold Chapeau
Gold Tabard
IGN: Seajay
Trading blue tabard
looking for other regalia
ign: glutesbrah
Buying blue, gold, and green rose regalia sets.
Mail me ingame with your prices.
I have 2 mod calis, which i can sell for crowns later today, but im interested in buying rose items. anythign i can buy with 2 mod calis?
Hey, I'm looking parts of the Red, Black, or White Sets. I can trade CE and/or Materials for any of those. Also a few sets of armor/weapons with UVs, but I don't have many that aren't already bound. Name your price and what you're selling and I'll see what I can do for you.
IGN: Mariogamer
Steam Name: MarioGamer159 (Best way to get a hold of me)
Golden Tabard
Blue Chapeau
On right now, PM me if interested. If I'm not on when you want to contact me, leave me a message and we'll do business when possible. :)
Want to trade blue Chapeau for white
IGN: Xmtwentyk
Chapeau of the Green Rose
Chapeau of the Blue Rose
Feel free to send me a message, mail, or tell in game of you'd like to trade. Thanks! ;)
IGN: Knightydood
Have: Complete Green Rose set
Want: Complete Gold Rose set
IGN: Kinkypenguin
Have: Green Chapeau
Want: CE or CR
IGN: Dairi
Have : Green Chap
Want : Gold or blue
IGN: heron
*Fang of Vog
*Volcanic Demo Set
*Gold Rose Set
IGN - Vlad
Mail me if i'm not online.
I currently do not have a credit card to buy any of the Rose Regalia Redux sets. However I'am going to college very, very soon and I will have my credit card by then. If anybody could please hold the entire blue Rose Regalia Redux set for me I will pay them back their 20 dollars worth of ce.
Could someone please help me out. Please message me my IGN is Tbigsby.
Got a Green Chapeau. Looking for any other parts of the rose sets.
I have both chapeau of green and gold. i will trade either for blue chapeau!
IGN: bluemach
IGN: Sturak
I have the Blue Tabard.
I am looking for a Gold Chapeau.
Please contact me if you're willing to trade.
Have: Blue tabard
Want:Any chapeau
Message me in game with any offers!
IGN~ Hydraulikz
I have a Blue Chapeau and want either 400k crowns, a Green Tabard, or Blue Tabard for it.
IGN: Rampantgun
Gold Tabard
Blue Chapeau
IGN: Boingboingsplat
Send me a message/friend request.
Have:green chapeau
Want:Blue chapeau
Sadly I was to late to jump on Ramps offer -.-'
Message offers in game!
Green Tabard
Gold/Any Chapeau
IGN: Pandecoco
Looking for a gold chapeau. Paying crowns or CE.
Ingame name is Carthiah.
Trading my Green Chapeau for Gold Chapeau
IGN: JonnyJinx
have : green tabard
want: blue tabard
ign: trashcatt
I would like to trade my green chapeau for a gold one
My in-game name is Fallenafm
Ign bigfootm
Green Chap
Blue Chap
Blue Tabard
Green Tabard
Gold chap
Gold tabard
Gold Tabard
Green Chapeau
Blue Chapeau
IGN: Inochi
Green Chapeau
Gold Chapeau
IGN: JonnyJinx
Looking for Red, Black and White Chapeau.
I have lots of stuff to offer: CE, TF2 items, Steam games; we can discuss the details. Add me on Steam (
Please, don't offer me sets and tabards, I'm only interested in chapeaus.
Trading: Green Tabard
For: Blue Chapeau
IGN: Vixter
Update: TRADED
Have: Gold Tabard
Want: Any Chapaeu
IGN Aldarias
Have: Green Chapeau
Want: Any Other Color Besides Green
IGN = Exlegend
Have: Gold Tabard
I want: Gold Chapeau
I'm also willing to add 400 CE to this trade.
IGN: Synaptic
Have: Green Chapeau
Want: Gold Chapeau
IGN: Seajay
Selling extremely limited numbers of the First Edition Rose Regalia (Red, White, Black). Looking to trade these primarily for CE.
Red Chapeau: 45k CE
Red Set: 55k CE
White Set: 65k CE
Black Set: 75k CE
White and Black sets must be sold as a set. Each of the above is limited to a single set as there are very few of these still up for trade. Both CE and the crown equivalent (at current rates) accepted. Thanks!