Really awesome update, really love what I saw. So, next step is housing for solo players? Please do OOO.
November 14 Update - Discussion
I completed mission 9-3 last night before bed, and foolishly decided not to do the "congratulatory" 9-4 missions and Vanguard promotion until the next morning so I had something to look forward to when I got up.
Oh, what a burn that is! I'd totes send in a ticket and explain that; go for the sympathy vote!
I want to confirm a couple of stuff here:
-Is it true that only officers and guild masters have the ability to buy furnitures and expansions in the guild hall?
-Is it true that only veterans, officers and guild masters have the ability to move and remove existing furnitures, rename rooms, and general designing in the Design Mode? (in other words, is it true that only these people have access into the Design Mode?)
"Don't diss the Levi, it's a can do sword in every situation, especially it's charge attack."
Your legs are "Can do" in every situation
But if you have a car, wouldn't you rather use that?
As Damienfoxy, I want that awesome Snarby we saw on the preview video.
Big problem is : he is nowhere to be found, there is no info on it (I searched the wiki, the forums and looked in wealthy guild halls). Do anyone have any info on that ? Me want Snarby :'(
For the rest ... I'm happy that the devs added a good crown sink, but the only thing really worth my interest is the mist well. The rest will probably be forgotten in a week or so.
"But if you have a car, wouldn't you rather use that?"
But if you didn't?
Or if it's tyres were flat?
If the steering wheel was shot?
If the engine was missing?
If it was moving so slow you may as well walk?
Also if you just wanted the exercise because it's JUST PLAIN GREAT WALKING!!!
Pfft extenuating circumstances. What if your legs were broken? See, I can play that game too.
Leviathan is mediocre at best. Sure there's worse swords, but there's not really any reason to use it aside from the charge attack. Everything else a different sword could do better, or even switch to a bomb/gun.
You could, but why do that when you prefer to stick with your weapon of choice?
Also, if your legs were broken, you'd have almost more trouble getting into a car than it's worth. Especially if the nurse wont' go away.
Stop judging people for menial thing that only matter to you when it comes down to it. Do you get annoyed at gender-confused people also because you believe they can't make up their minds and be who their body says they should?
Spiral Knights isn't a game where gear matters to a significant extent, you can do all the content in the game with sub-par weapons with some skill, and judging someone based on their weapon choice is not only naive, it implies you probably aren't very skilled yourself. Regardless of that though, outright laughing at people who lost CE under unfortunate, unpredictable circumstances because "lol they were making a bad sword anyway" is completely obnoxious.
Do you get annoyed at gender-confused people also because you believe they can't make up their minds and be who their body says they should?
Referring to transgendered people as "gender confused" isn't the greater show of tolerance and compassion on your part either. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it was just a poor choice of words attempting to make your point and not actually malicious.
"Referring to transgendered people as "gender confused" isn't the greater show of tolerance and compassion on your part either."
Sorry, only term I could think of to refer to people who were like 'girl in a guy body' and vice versa.
But yeah, I didn't mean anything bad by it.
Sorry, only term I could think of to refer to people who were like 'girl in a guy body' and vice versa.
I figured as much, "transgender people" is the go-to expression for simplicities sake although "people of differing gender identities" works as well. "confused" on a fundamental level sounds like the age-old "oh you're not who you say you are, you're just confused" which is not only immensely patronizing, but it's dehumanizing and essentially rejects our entire identity. It also implies it's purely psychological despite transgenderism having a proven biological basis, but this is veering heavily off-topic.
Anywho, no offense meant, no harm done, just felt the need to step in and clarify that since it seemed that you weren't being malicious and by extension it would be a pity if somewhere down the line you actually did end up offending someone accidentally, especially when you're actually arguing in the defense of said group.
Back on-topic, has anyone actually gained access to the assorted boss trophies yet? And if so, how much do they cost?
Oh, what a burn that is! I'd totes send in a ticket and explain that; go for the sympathy vote!
Thanks for empathizing. I did submit a ticket explaining my situation but they said they were sorry they wouldn't do anything.
I know it's still a free item and all so I should be happy, but I can't help but feel a little bummed I missed out by not playing an extra 5 minutes. I hope they do come up with a system for appeals, like back when they introduced "bind to player" equipment :(
Hi everyone,
I'm one of the GMs of a (very) small guild, and I need some help on handling the upkeep costs.
Our guild now has a complete ground floor plus the west wing of the first floor.
In the guild expansion options i see that the west wing of the upper floor can be removed, but the two wings that compose the ground floor seem to be locked.
Is this how it works? only wings of incomplete floors can be removed? or once i remove that wing I'll be able to also remove one wing of the ground floor?
(We bought the additional wings to unlock more room types but we would prefer to keep the room number to a minimum to lower the upkeep fee)
Then I have another question. What happens if a guild should fail to pay the upkeep fee? Will the rooms just become unavailable until the upkeep is payed for, or will they be deleted and completely lost?
PS: I think we really need a wiki page explaining all those things and many more, like at what "floor" you unlock new room types, etc.
Thanks for your help.
yeah sry I edited... by second floor i meant the upper one ;P
perhaps make the new Honor equipment upgradeable, so that you can still get 5* versions if ever you weren't a vanguard during that time. Or perhaps a unique alchemy machine just for equipments like these.
@Tutajkk or anyone else who has trouble with rooms/expansions not showing after you publish the guild hall - please use the support form (? button in the top left of your game screen) and a Game Master will need to kick your guild hall. In your support request, please include the room that is not appearing correctly and where you placed it (such as checkered floor room, far left 1st floor).
Though I do enjoy having a new set of nice looking sword and shield for free, but I think that a lot of people did get kick in the shin with not being able to upgrade them because you are not that far into the missions, I think a good way to help this would to upgrade them when you reach the next rank in the missions during the first two weeks of the event/update release, to help those who missed out on getting the 5* or the one they wanted, to be able to get it.
I think a good way to help this would to upgrade them when you reach the next rank in the missions during the first two weeks of the event/update release, to help those who missed out on getting the 5* or the one they wanted, to be able to get it.
Yes, this please. I know lots of other people who would be appreciative of this as well!
If the expansions are removed, are they added again after you pay the upkeep? And if that happens, do we have to place all the furnishings again?
Yeah so few question since no one asked yet.
1. What's the furniture you get when you take one expansion (Like I'd like to know if having red and yellow flower pot is in the 3rd floor or 2nd floor?)
2. What special room you get when you take one expansion (we have 2nd floor East side and we have AU and craft room but when will I get UV room?)
3. Don't you think 400k cr per week is a little too much? I mean it's nice for big guild that are rich but for tiny, friendly, guild. There is no chance we getting a 4th floor... o.O. 40k per week for both 1st floor and 1 2nd floor :S
Can someone post a list of the cost for each special room [AH, Variant Punch, Training Hall ect.] and when you unlock them?
I just really want to know the budget to get everything.
If someone had already done this please post a link.
@Shamanala: Small guilds are supposed to have small guildhalls. That's the way it works!
I would also like to throw my two cents in that anyone that has the items should be able to upgrade them once the higher rank has been obtained (at lest until the end of the promotion)
Here's a thing I thought of earlier. Can the devs fix it so that when you view your friends list and someone is in a Guild Hall, you can also see *which* guild's hall they're in? It's a small thing but I think it's nice :)
So is there really a PVP-based training hall? The only training hall I got to see so far was one that looked PvE based and wasn't too essentially different from the advanced training hall.
No PvP training hall, as far as I know. The PvE training hall is neat because it allows you to test damage (and maybe even interruption?) against all six monster families for all three tiers.
I think we need "locks" to restrict access to rooms. e.g. we want to restrict access to Mist Well so that only people who have contributed to the well's pool can access the wells.
Well i'll be damned they actually did it... Still don't feel like playing tho.
Never really cared about guilds and stuff I played this game with my brother because we liked going through the clockworks and exploring doing runs and getting new equips... I'll come back when they add new Bosses/Gears (mostly non sucky bombs)
So far I've just been using plants/etc things to block the room with the mist well, etc things. Doors would be an amazing addition so those new recruits can't steal the mist.
On the plus side, in the guild records, it shows everything. This includes the mist added/taken from mist wells, by which player, which amount, and the exact server time/day. The records also shows everything else, such as who contributed to the treasury, who purchased things, etc. Very useful and mandated to see which guildies are trying to scam ya :)
Doors are on the list of things we'll be adding. They will even have access levels :)
I'm curious about how much variety is planned for furnishings. All the new stuff is great but it's really just scratching the surface of what could be available for interior decorating.
Yay! pending doors! That would be wonderful! No more having to lock up the mist well by surrounding it with plants :P
I can't wait!
The issue I am having is we have about 8 very active guildies (Everyday active and reliable) and not enough rooms to give each person one without going past the 2nd floor on each side expansion. 60k per week is already pretty steep for us, so no room to expand to more room at this time. We'll manage. It's a shame that we decorated the meeting room with blue furniture just to find that there's red furniture an hour later (after a quick upgrade). I hope the wiki comes out soon to show us the specifics so less crowns has to be thrown around.
Here's a request- allow players to shop at BirdSong Emporium for furniture items that get added to their own inventory. It makes sense that only GMs and officers may buy furniture with guild funds, but that shouldn't stop individual players from purchasing furniture with their own funds and donating it to the guild.
Any patch where we get free 5* loot is a good patch in my books!
Plus this seems to be doing wonderful things to CE prices, I might just start playing again!
So the new guild hall is looking nice, but a "veteran" comes in and does design mode, and leaves the design in a mess. They can't publish, and we have no "reset to current" button for the design.
Feature request: "reset to current", and a "undo history".
Sounds like that guy needs to be demoted. :P
That said, I do agree there needs to be some kind of reset button, or at least an intuitive way to leave design mode (and return to the guild hall) without saving.
Are snipes considered furniture? What level of GH do I need to unlock them? Thanks!
+1 mohan. i plan to set up my own room yet i can't even look at what is on sale or buy it myself. i want to know exactly how much i can/want to allocate for spending before i actually do it.
the mist well is very vulnerable to abuse. i think it would help if recruits were unable to access the mana fountain (cuz dats what it is).
some kind of improvement to viewing the guild log. smaller guilds might not have this problem but we have tons of pages as it is and its only day 2. it will get very tedious very fast.
make the honor gear upgrade-able. you could just make them somewhat different in appearance or something or make it a lil extra expensive at a special machine. for such awesome looking gear, its a shame it will be forever stunted. luckily for me, i have the 5* versions. im also damn glad i didnt get levi or aegis just for lulz!
btw @ OOO...
Haven East looks AMAZING.
HoH has an awesome ruins kind of look that would make an awesome tileset for a dungeon.
I dunno why you saw it fit to ghost-ify haven...
Honor gear is so pretty i tried to get married to it.
Perhaps i should just get used to it, but walking all around a large guild hall is a bit of a pain...
Yay CE prices!
What about small guilds? :(
"for such awesome looking gear, its a shame it will be forever stunted."
I too feel this shame :( I was supposed to finish 9-3 with my friends the very same day. Let us upgrade honor items please!
Privileges of Veteran need to be revised. For one thing I don't get: why are they allowed to change sign on rooms? I meant, every signs on every single room in GH?
Is there a rationale behind this? If the sign is to describe what that room is about. e.g. Snipe garden. Then whoever who has privileges to make that room to be a Snipe garden should be the only one who has privileges to change the sign of that room.
Simple and hassle free, right? I just don't see the point of Veterans to be able to change sign of every single rooms in GH, while they cannot even publish the changes to GH themselves.
I have added some additional information regarding upkeep and default in the patch notes:
Thank you for the clarification.
I was wondering if I could keep my snipe room if I deleted my 4th floor...shame I can't :(
Is there a penalty if you delete a floor or expansion before the 7 day timer ends?
Like if I build (and pay for upfront) a 3rd floor east expansion, then I delete it before the 7 days end, am I still penalized? aside from losing that initial money per se?
Do furniture items still remain. So if I really want red plants, we can upgrade to 4th floor (given that is the prerequisite for unlocking them), buy and place a bunch of red plants for 12150, then sell the 4th floor expansion. Do we keep the red plants? and we just can't make more without a 4th floor again?
I hope that this only applies to rooms. It'd be nice to load up to buy some snipes without having to keep paying 400k per week to keep them.
Furnishings are a guild's to keep once purchased. Removing rooms or expansions does not change that.
"Don't diss the Levi, it's a can do sword in every situation, especially it's charge attack."
An award.
You'll find it in your mental mail under 'Praise'.
Press Alt-Shift-Delete to receive it.