I don't even plan on mentioning that food wasn't the original topic.
I don't even plan on mentioning that food wasn't the original topic.
It's so childish to deny your own mistakes. If you didn't know something, just admit that you don't know.
Also my replies have been quite adequate, you just insulated them from the context.
Oh, so you decided to show me all your photos. That is really doesn't make sense, like most of your posts.
Well, what else can be expected from kid with such nickname.
"That is really doesn't make sense, like most of your posts.
Well, what else can be expected from kid with such nickname."
Blah blah blah, get a life Nem. Making sense is not your strong suit; you can hardly criticize other people for not making sense(when they make more than you)
Kid with a nickname? Mecha please, this coming from a silly boy who's nickname is derived from a term for 'Enemy'.
Get real Nem, it's hardly worth even taking you seriously.
Anyway, since you insisted on being a bigger baka, chapter 4: Avoiding arguments and more ironic namecalling
EDIT: Also, "It's so childish to deny your own mistakes." <- Irony.
"Also my replies have been quite adequate" <- No. Plain, simply, no.
you guys should really join me with zone talk.
used to ruin zone talk with my former guild. now its just me until some merchant player gets rage angry and tells me to dry hump a snipe
then i stop.
and then begin to Private Message the guy >=3
I wanted an obscure name, so my brain went to the Casino and drew out "HINA". "Hina" is not obscure enough, so I chain-Googled and came up with "U+5384" which refers to a character that is related to that character. My name in Spiral Knights is a unique nutcase due to the name bar refusing to type out numbers, so the name got stretched into "Uplus-Echd" with "Echd" meaning "5384" out of numbered letter placement in alphabet.
I seriously considered going as "Swirly-Hanzi-Guy" but that would get probably warrant uncreative name alters from Nemezis and other bitter people than what my name is of now.
By the way Nem, you are not an Ocean Master as you think your name aught yourself to be.
EDIT: Oh crap, editing does bump threads. I need to use decisive proofreading now.
Also my replies have been quite adequate...
Ha. Hahaha. Hahahahaha. You so funny I laugh hard.
Explain this to me: how can you justify calling anyone besides yourself greedy whenever a free gift given to you is not "good enough" for you?
I'll give an example for you:
It's like getting a surprise bonus at work based on the number of hours you've worked that year. Now let's assume that (like with SK) you get to, for all intents and purposes, pick your own hours. Say that a coworker of yours decided to work more hours than you for whatever reason. At the end of the year, he gets a bigger surprise bonus than you because he worked more hours than you even though neither of you knew about the bonus when you chose your hours. Would you complain to your employer about getting a smaller bonus than your coworker even though he put in more hours? Would you ask them to give you the chance to put in more hours now to get a larger bonus? If you would, then good luck in life. You'll need it.
Would you ask them to give you the chance to put in more hours now to get a larger bonus?
I presume that's rhetorical, because let's face it....we all know the answer.
Maybe I'm just overly optimistic about it, but I'm just hoping that if I say it enough times in enough ways, it'll eventually get... well... somewhere anyway. Sort of like the monkeys and typewriters thing.
Lol, did you ever read his rage thread?
I participated in it too. Either way, it's also fun to watch people make absolute fools of themselves when confronted with logic.
Oh, was just makin' the point that from his posts there, he gives the impression that he'll never, ever learn. Just one of those people who don't want to listen, I guess~
I don't eat pork. It's gross and dirty, and it smells funny.
I'm pretty much the same as UV on this... I'm just not as strict as he is. :p I still give in to my ice cream every now and then.
The yogurt I can get behind. I do that myself actually. I like to put maybe MIO with it or like crystal light packets. Put some strawberries with chocolate protein power... YUM. :D
I'll totally splurge on veggie pizza. get like a really thin crust and put tons of veggies on it. amazing.
Not even barbecued pulled pork sammiches? Not even... GASP! Not even bacones?
did this topic reach five pages because nemezis was being himself again?
shut up, nemezis, you're ruining everything
Because that the last Nem post shows how much a jerk he is. I'm guessing that using the report function takes time is it's forum based.
Even a person who accepted the same views as him doesn't like the way he's acting, yet acted rude to him.
Ah, Nemezis. You're breaking so many ToS rules....
Until you answer otherwise, I'll choose to assume that your link means you don't understand how to respond to logic.
@Thimol: Actually, much of it was food-related. And what a yummy discussion it was!
And what a yummy discussion it was!
Bits and pieces anyways...some stuff just sounded so....*baulk*
But don't worry; pig sandwiches did come up, more than once~
I think there's a general consensus that the biscuits and gravy part was good. And some of the sausage discussion. But for the most part, that was mainly about plastic tube-meat.
Did we ever decide on whether the "tube meat" was plastic or animals? Cuz' I left that part of teh conversation pretty confused tbh~
I think we determined that the plastic is not actually eaten and that, in some cases, it is intestines and the like. But something has to hold it together to make it all smooth and stuff.
I'd much rather it be other bits of animal rather than anythin' remotely equated to plastic D:
We really need to just get food that doesnae need to be held together...like aquares, or bacon! :D
Well how about we talk about... homemade food? My Gramma makes the best homemade mac n' cheese.
I'm a scummy student living with another student in a student city. Homemade food barely exists here. We have booze and "munchies" for dinner and live on takeaways and pot noodles D:
Well you have to have had some form of homemade food in your life...
Thimol (dumbest person here)
Shut up? Who the h are you to telling me shut up, huh? You shut up!
You have even smaller brain than a butterfly. Your posts are stupid as hell.
Jerk huh? So you don't have any reasonable arguments so all you can say it's a jerk. You are so stupid.
Look at you guys. All you can do is attacking me, because you could not answered nothing smart in the past.
You blame me, because you feel how stupid you are.
Psychodestroyer, so you are too, of course.
If you used videos and you swore and insulted and bellitled. Do you have short term memory?
Or are you're just an idiot.
You know that no one really is bothering as much. becuase this thing got derailed more. Becuase talking to you is the main focus of this thread.
So why fight a losing battle and get hated on?
If you were as clever as you say you are, you would of come up with something to respond to my passive aggression.
Anyhow, your arguments are BORING; all ad hominems based on straw men. You got nothing to prove here, unless you prove the facts.
Come on. Step it up.
Look at you guys. All you can do is attacking me, because you could not answered nothing smart in the past. You blame me, because you feel how stupid you are.
Oh that's it.
Now look here, Nemezis. I've tried to be reasonable. I've countered your points respectfully and sensibly and half the time you haven't even afforded me so much as a one-word response. Even when the idea to respond does manage to make its way through your skull, you completely ignore the point of the post and resort to name-calling. You want to talk about people not coming up with answers? I can provide several examples of the primary offender for you. And guess what? They're going to be all of you. Want me to do that?
I'm not done yet.
You want to call me stupid again? You sure? 'Cause I've tolerated it until now, but you just keep coming up with your oh-so-mature elementary school insults. Think twice before you insult someone's intelligence. My name isn't just for show; I started taking college classes at 15 and have maintained a 4.0 GPA since. What've you got? Seriously, I want to know. Have you even completed high school yet? You really want a battle of intelligence? How about common sense? A spelling bee? I can guarantee you you'd lose every one.
Consider the gauntlet thrown.
"Consider the gauntlet thrown."
Is this the one I'm allowed to catch?
Since I gave up taking Nem seriously and am convinced he's just trolling, it's actually pretty funny to just read his posts now~
Ofc, mostly funny in a "wow, some people" kinda way, rather than the actual content being funny. We have some much more clever trolls for the intellectual, but I'm easily amused at least~
Yeah, but I've wanted to be mad for a while. It was fun.
@Psych: You could try, but since I threw it straight down it's probably hit the ground by now.
"@Psych: You could try, but since I threw it straight down it's probably hit the ground by now."
A bit late, it landed on my face already.
No, I was not.
I'm certain I don't want to know what you were or were not.
five pages. this is just getting sad.
I think the game masters are getting a kick out of this thread and is keeping it around for laughs.
So... back to food.
I'm working on going gluten free and only eating stuff in season. lol. Maybe i'm secretly turning into this hippy. aaaah... save me.
Is this the one I'm allowed to catch?
No, this is the one with the freakin' Ice Fiends that are crazy hard to kill.
And yeah, Nemezis... you're really not going to convince anyone of anything by yelling at them.
Anyway, back to bacon. Or whatever food, really... I just like bacon.
Mmm. Bacon.
Sent 2 support tickets bout him. No replies.
You will eat gluten.
What's gluten?
it can affect quite a bit of people. You could be allergic to it and never really realize it. Since I've started changing things up in my diet I've felt better. I went through all my make up, hair supplies, shaving cream... everything and got rid of anything that has gluten in it.
I could see myself going vegetarian some day. Working stuff in slowly. Getting my body used to it bit by bit. Although I'll still probably have a cheat day a week where I have meat. Just to make sure I'm getting what I need. :D Plus... i really love a good steak.
Can one get banned if their grammar is just that bad?
Vanilla! There's something just charming about its plain, basic taste. It mixes great with the more conventional favors, too.
From someone: "I love raege. I rly LOVE being a spiteful little inconsiderate brat. I love to appear in someone's thread and start talk hateful nonsense and grade-C insults that don't even make sense because there is no other way to attract attention or maybe because am an illiterate hateful numbskull"- Man in Fused Demo wielding Irontech(totally not Nemezis what made you think that hee hee)
I feex for u
Hope u enjoy
But one place it should never have gone back to is page 1. Thanks Twerpsy. Thanks a lot. If you plan to be a professional necromancer, threads like this are not the way to go. I am disappoint.
oh hey this topic is still alive
maybe it can go for another page without having Nem post on it whilst we all ignore his raging and pretend he's actually a mime secretly trying to ruin the magic of Christmas for us all
or then again, maybe not
@Burq: Yeah, it got derailed about 5 times then got rerailed to another ragefest by someone who refused to accept that OOO wasn't going to adjust the free gifts everyone got for his sake. Good times.
By the way, I think the general consensus on the Plastic Sausage Debate is that you're meant to remove the plastic wrap before eating.
can we ignore nemezis now?
to OP, no you its a celebration sword i won't be special if can be craft.
You guys, just read this:
I think most people would consider eating pig innards to be disgusting. Huh.
But yeah, there's an article in Wikipedia that says they used to case sausages in plastic. I'm not quite sure what would happen if you managed to get them mixed up before cooking, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't taste too good.
Mysteryu meatu is probably marginally better than Spam (TM).
Also, page five has no mention whatsoever of the original topic of this thread. Let's keep it going that way, guys! 8D (Or at least until Aphrodite turns up and decides that this belongs in Gremlin Chatter/Graveyard or something.)