I'm serious. I was eight when I started thinking. Twelve was when I bothered piecing them together. Thirteen was when people started noticing.
“2012 Apocalypse/End of the World" Discussion :P [Well, I'm stil alive, how about you guys?]

Thou shalt not worry. Thee shalt protect you.
Oops, wrong chat.

*shivers* 3 days left....................
These people>>> http://sg.news.yahoo.com/never-mind-mayans-us-preppers-ready-anything-18... have a point o.O

Link's broken Infernus.
I find it somewhat amusing that people think that the 'End of the World' is something that they can prepare for, specifically with guns and large stores of food.
The only scenarios where those would be useful is in the 'Zombie apocalypse', or something the like and/or alien invasion.
But I highly doubt the Mayans would predict (if they in fact did) a biological catastrophe in the extremely distant future. Alien theory is only a little more likely; maybe they were visited and told?
I personally find it silly that people like to believe that the bulk of their issues can be solved with a big enough gun, but I suppose we'll just have to see if that direction of precaution is more valid in this scenario.

So, I have a question..
All the people who believe this silliness:
Will you be relieved, or disappointed?

I'd be a tad disappointed if nothing happened, but otherwise I could care less.
Also, Softhead, Jen says she needs to talk to you. Your main, that is, and not to tell you off.

Really? You'd be disappointed if the world didn't end?
Life in NZ must be pretty boring in the modern world, eh? lol

Well, we did just finish discussing the more shallow end of my immense irritation at the human race.
Other than that, I just want to see something happen. So much hype and no action would just suck, and I like seeing something out of the ordinary happening.
Then again, our area was hit by a tornado a few weeks back.

Yeah, a tornado at an island must be as rare as a hurricane in Florida.
So much hype and no action would be awesome. That way, there'd be no more D000000000000000000000000M-sayers going around every few weeks.
Really, if the wind picks up above 20 MPH in the U.S., they're gonna say "SEE! IT'S A SIGN OF THINGS TO COME!"

"Yeah, a tornado at an island must be as rare as a hurricane in Florida."
You don't get it, NZ hardly has any natural disasters, until recently. We're sitting on a PLATE MARGIN, tectonically active, and haven't had a volcanic eruption for ages.
Surrounded by water, most recent disaster was an earthquake. And again, in pretty much the same place, two years later.
Natural Disasters here aren't very frequent, BioN.

Yes, this year and last year have been very strange... The tsunami and earthquake in Japan, hurricane Sandy. Maybe its just bad luck?

There were 2 earthquakes in NJ after hurricane sandy.
But the world isn't going to abruptly end on the 21th. I can prove it. We would all have off on the 22nd. No boss is ever going to allow 2 or more employees to have days off or break time at the same time. We might get too friendly or something. We will never, EVER, see the day come when everyone is off at the same time. They just won't allow it to happen.

Derp. Ever hear of the 11-year cycle?
Idk why people have to conclude it's the end of the world somehow. I know everyone wants to believe real life is just like a reality show but...doesn't really work the same way.

If you ask me.............the only reason people are thinking that a lot of bad stuff is happening this year, is because they are more AWARE of it. If I brought you to a house, and claimed that it was haunted, you would most likely notice every single "paranormal" (or just normal) thing that happens. Turning off the lights only adds to the effect. If I brought you to the same house and told you this was my house, you would most probably not notice a thing. BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING TO NOTICE!
Yeah, they didn't really mention what timezone the mayans were following did they?
Well, it would be nice to see SOMETHING happen. I don't know...............maybe the people celebrating the 21st go crazy and start launching fireworks everywhere? Maybe that's the end of the world? People who have a phobia of fireworks all die?
Either way, I'm gonna see what happens tomorrow (maybe 2 days later for some of you). If the world doesn't end then, YIPEE!. If the world does end, then it was nice knowing you all. /salute
But really, I'm just gonna be celebrating tomorrow since it's a "new year" for the mayans.
Oh, and if the world doesn't end, I'm gonna go on the Portal 2 website and play "Still Alive" all day long ^^

Now just don't talk about it-_-.
What I meant, was that due to recent natural events and some, well man made ones, as well as fanatics.
I think the collapse of society will be the cause.
Sit around the fire children, if you want to listen to the idiot story. Obviously, this won't happen, but if 2012 did happen yeah, my version.
Think, some people can commit suicide, in the masses. Suicide in general will most likely HAPPEN if the world doesn't end.
People will riot. People will kill. Guns, bombs, whatever.
Over an large period of time, society will screw over its self. Only the remains of what's left will pick it up, or die off. either way, the apocolypse is basically destroying the world via man.
If we survive the world will never be the same.
People could be planning some of their attacks before. And like sheep, people will go. If it happens, the 21st would be something similar to a large scale planned one.
This may be either the depression, or the idiodicy speaking.

"I know everyone wants to believe real life is just like a reality show but...doesn't really work the same way."
It's funny, I once thought that.

We'll see who's right tommorow and tommorow if we r still alive I will post ere how stupid people r beleiving the mayans(can't wait)

"I will post ere how stupid people r beleiving the mayans"
I could point out how stupid your english teacher is giving you a keyboard to use before you could spell, but I don't, because I'm not as much of a bucket as some people.

nope, never, for those who think it will if it does you will not see it coming, also no cake for you because i will be having cake laughing at all u all.
edit also take time to learn history the group who made calender was attacked buy 2 others which took them over da.

Im usin a very flipsy iphone to type while I'm on the go so forgive me for the typos.
And no I still do not beleive in the mayans and I don't think I have to read to know that.

I love how mature you 'non-believers' are being. Sure showing us the superiority of the human race.
"And no I still do not beleive in the mayans and I don't think I have to read to know that."
Apparently you also don't believe in seeing the point(s), otherwise you would understand what the firestorm we're on about by now.

The world ain't ending anytime soon.

People see what they want to see. You can shove something into someone's face and they still will ignore it.
i could go into what i believe but i honestly don't care and neither do other people.

Y'know, I'm just so tired of telling people to shut up and read before posting their stupid fanatics, I'm not even going to bother this time.

It's funny, I once thought that.
You haven't gotten any wiser, then. lol
The only way it would be is because people watch that stuff so much they try to emulate it...no wonder the American Culture is a bunch of gang-culture, criminal in nature, irresponsible people.
In other words...it's not by nature. And fortunately, at that.

12am still here u all fail haha laughs evilly. and now for something completely different: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAn7baRbhx4

"You haven't gotten any wiser, then. lol"
That was when I was 3, dude.
@Kamen-Rider-Faiz: Do me a favour, and don't post here again. If you were listening, I could are LESS about what happens, and I don't need your egoistic, snotty opinion on how much of an idiot everyone is, considering the reverse is likely more applicable.

12am still here u all fail haha laughs evilly. and now for something completely different:
How come you type like a mental invalid?

Boom! Ima still here notin's happenin'!
Where's the end NOW!

And there's that bucket I ordered...
So how old are you, six?
Great, you'll have enough time to tell your kids ten years from now how much you showed those idiot believers back in 2012 how smart you were with an impaired slur.
Honestly, the idiocy of some people is purely intolerable.

Well, it's the 21st of December, 5 pm (for me at least), and the world hasn't ended yet ^^ So I'll just be chilling around in my house, hoping that nothing happens in the next 7 hours. :P Nothing deadly, that is.
Honestly though, we've been through all this silly doomsday stuff before.
Also, interesting fact, since birth, I've apparently survived around 32 different doomsday predictions...

"Honestly though, we've been through all this silly doomsday stuff before."
Perhaps, and I do not mind naysayers.
What I DO mind are supremacist buckets who laugh at other people's beliefs because they think different and like to believe in unknowns. Do they walk around screaming all religions are scams in their spare time? May as well, considering.

Well I'm sorry I didn't really know that the way I post offended people. I'm really sorry, during these days I'm kind of been in a bad mood. Hope you understand.
Psych, I'm tempted to say "Welcome to the Internet", without sounding too condescending.

"Well I'm sorry I didn't really know that the way I post offended people."
To be frank, you'd be surprised how many words in the average person's vocabulary can be used to offend people. For future reference, what what you say, when you say it, and how you say it.
Or write it. 'Saying' is kind of hard over an internet forum that runs on text.
For that reason I learned to be culturally and religiously sensitive, as well as sympathetic to other people's beliefs and issues, contrary to my quick anger. People are allowed to think what they want, but that right goes both ways, and no-one should have the right to dictate what another person should think, let alone mock them for it.
It comes with the 'everyone's different' theme.
Granted, you said you've been in a foul mood, and you apologized. Most people would have normally retaliated to my evidently pissed post.
Apology accepted. Be mindful of other people's thoughts and feelings in the future; the world would be better if everyone was more like that.
Then I wouldn't have to hate humanity for it's arrogance.
...Eh, fat chance.
It's fine. I was half expecting someone to say that anyway.
Regardless, that's not really an excuse. They may be people on the internet, but first and foremost, they are people. It doesn't matter if they're behind a mask, a wall, speaking through light screen, using a puppet or whatever; there is a mind behind what that 'image' is saying. The mind of a person. And if that 'image' is being a bucket, then the human behind that image cannot be too different.

so, how was everyone's doomsday?
Well, Psycho.
There just happens to be a certain... Theory on the subject.

Psycodestroyer, thank you for forgiving me.
Well it was the end of the world for me since I have to study diring the Christmas break because I have an exam on the 16th of january.
Why do I have to suffer such cruelty?!

Merry December Fool's!
It's only 10 AM here, but some people have already gone through the day in other countries.
"You all fail"? I don't think anyone in this thread was a proponent of this prediction...lawls.
"That was when I was 3, dude"
Your point? lol
Life really isn't at all like a reality show. Jussayin'.

That theory may be correct. However, that 'Slagwad' personality had to have stemmed from somewhere. The internet doesn't decide your online persona; that is chosen by the user. Perhaps they were bullied as a child and have no social interaction with people, so act like a badbucket online to be cool.
That's no excuse. They're naive if they think that being a bucket is cool, because that's idiot logic. The fact that they think anonymity provides a virtual shield between them and the rest of the world, both to protect him and to prevent them seeing the true 'him', and use that to advance their bucketry in the name of being cool is bad enough. That means their strength of character is weak, not even being able to choose between what they KNOW is right and what they WANT to do, for the sake of feeling bigger about themselves.
A person doesn't just become someone else on the internet. The conditions may bring up latent personality their lives have suppressed. It doesn't come from nowhere.
Me for example. You would catch me actually SAYING this in real life, even if you stalked me for 20 years. I don't have the confidence nor does anyone in my life have the attention span, interest or even the courtesy to listen to me and take me seriously.
Online however, I'm treated by the way I carry myself. For the first year, I over-compensated, appearing too sensitive. Nowadays, I've more retracted to my natural, uninfluenced behavior. I can speak my mind freely, because I don't have to shy away from anyone because of the 'anonymity'.
That's me. Other people, some will choose to be slagwads. That's their fault alone. The internet didn't choose their eventual personality, they formed their online persona themselves.
My point is that when you say 'not any wiser' you appear to be referring to present times, when the first and last time I thought that was when I was 3, courtesy of asian-family paranoia and hearing snatches about the Truman Show.
"Why do I have to suffer such cruelty?!"
I'd bring up the subject about my dad, but that's a very, very messy subject.