Same here, the asteroid missed my house by about a metre, hope you have a nice day!
“2012 Apocalypse/End of the World" Discussion :P [Well, I'm stil alive, how about you guys?]

Assuming our minds don't compensate us dying by creating an alternate memory where what happened to kill us did not happen and continuing from there, I'd say we are all fine...mostly.

I have just received a transmission from the planet Niburu. The extraterrestrial life on that planet have sent me a transmission of the utmost importance for the survival of mankind that I must share with you:
We at Niburu would like to inform you that we have finally decide to delay our attack on your planet for another gunefternesh* because our planet has fallen into a jgffootyyrun** crisis. We have decided to inform you because we would like to have a negotiation with your people. If you would please spread the kiddhegr*** to our own so we shouldn't want to eat it now.
Please forgive my translators for the poor translation of the last sentence. They had to run the whole code through a huge process, and all they could come out with is this. This transmission clearly shows that the Mayans had miscalculated the End by an entire millennium. The actual End will probably not arrive until December 21, 3012
This is a rough estimate as to what the words might mean:
* millenium (most probable), century, year (, or even a whole different system of time)
** Horrible, uncontrollable, or somewhere along those lines
*** word, message, (or something that we do not now yet...?)

^ is wrong
< is right
This post is a paradox

No, not necessarily a paradox. You could be referring to the post itself, in which case you're saying your own post is wrong, and that you're correct in saying that it's wrong.
If you're referring to the body of text that you said, saying that the body of text is wrong but you were right, then uh...yeah that's like saying "I always lie".

what if the world actually ended, and some survivor was able to stop the destruction in the future by going to the past to prevent the destruction.... leaving us with no memory of the incident.....

Well, time to start worrying about more CURRENT events. Such as school....................
In another parallel universe the world didn't end (AKA our universe :P)
Don't ask me those questions XD They boggle my mind

1) You're late.
2) As a result of being late, your post is just...ech, considering recent conversation you should have read upon return, which evidently, you did not.
3) Don't try me. On these sort of subjects, I get ticked very easily.

All these people making up for the fact that the world didn't end by being Grammar Nazis. They'll say they don't, but hey.

as my sister said...
"Well, I'm still here. Looks like The Doctor has saved us again."
Doctor Who is AWSOME!!!!

"All these people making up for the fact that the world didn't end by being Grammar Nazis."
I'm a grammar Nazi anyway, and weren't you listening when I said at the start 'I don't really care if it goes either way', and my later angry rants over all the
buckets going 'lol xd u all stoopid idiots i laff at u'.
If you're going to post something, at least TRY not to tick me off?

Just saying... =\
I agree though.
BOTH sides are being a dumb.

You really don't get it, do you? The point of my ranting is that it is bad bad BAD for people to think their opinion and their opinion ALONE is correct, and like 'word of god class' correct, because of pretty much how screwed that logic is.
General world for example. If everyone thought that their idea was perfect and anyone who thought otherwise had mash for brains, I don't even need to describe the ensuing bucketry that would pretty much run riot everywhere in the world; households, schools, governments, countries; EVERYWHERE.
In a less physical sense, what happened to 'everyone's different'? That phrase has been circulating before whenever I can think of when it started, and it hold no water ANYWHERE in this world; already people don't tolerate differences, they see them as faults, anomalies, mutations even, and ridicule said 'different people' for being different.
In a more relevant example, what about religion? Sure Christianity is more or less the most 'used' religion (Using the umbrella term, there being all those sub-classes and split-offs regarding themselves as separate from Christianity), but what about everyone else? What about the Greeks, the Romans, the Buddhists, the Muslims and all the other religions; can you imagine how annoying it would be for every single religious person in the world who isn't of Christianity to be told: "Your religion is wrong, your god doesn't exist. You yourself have been living a lie like a proud fool."
People think differently. It's what gives humanity it's variety and it's what defines each person as 'different'. What fun would anything be if everyone thought the same?
Point being, people should be allowed to believe what they think, so long as it doesn't directly and overly interfere with the lives of others. (Or if you go so far to commit suicide over this end of the world, then that it pretty silly, considering if the world did end, you'd die anyway. If you didn't, then you died needlessly.) And one can hardly expect to be given that right, the right to think for themselves how they want to think without showing that courtesy to everyone else in their life; it's hypocrisy otherwise.
That said, I don't agree with fanaticism, because then it create problems between people, and usually ones that can't be solved with talking, like those murderers I heard in the news a few years ago screaming "God told me to" or some bull as they were dragged away; it interferes with other people's lives on a very personal and severe scale, and really is just stupid to follow. If the god is so 'godlike', why would he ask you to do stupid things?
I don't like fanatics.
I'll say it again: You cannot expect to be allowed to think what you want to think, if you don't let people think what they want to think, unmolested.
A basic courtesy that seems to have been lost in more recent times.

1. people are different. I always say "Everyone's different to some one else." What I'm saying is both sides of this argument have faults. Period.
2. I am a christian, and proud of it. People should believe what they want. And, many "christians" are jerks. Sorry. It's judging to say christains are jerks (even though SOME are.)
3. God told me to. People are stupid and use this because it sounds good. Thats all. I think we ALL agree murder is wrong.
4. I AM trying to make you think differently, not forcing. As a christian, I should try to get you to see God.
To finish, may I ask you 5 questions? one at a time.
What do YOU believe?

5. Yes, there's a LOT of "christians" out there. It's like Greek (Liquid) Fire; the more water (persecution) you put on it, the bigger it grows.

"I am a christian, and proud of it. People should believe what they want. And, many "christians" are jerks. Sorry. It's judging to say christains are jerks (even though SOME are.)"
I'm not SAYING Christians are jerks! That would completely invalidate everything I said in my last post! I used Christianity as an example because it's the most widespread religion I know about, hence the most 'dominant'.
"I AM trying to make you think differently, not forcing. As a christian, I should try to get you to see God."
Please don't, I had a friend back a month or two back who would not get off my back about it, and he was none to gentle about it. So much as mention 'a' god, and he would say they were wrong and God is the ONLY God, and we shouldn't be thinking otherwise.
"What do YOU believe?"
I don't have a religion. I'm what they call agnostic; not Atheist. Atheists don't believe in a God, period. I don't believe in a specific god, but I am open to the idea that there may BE one.
Conversion is a normal 'procedure' most religion's do, but it's not necessary, IMO. In the Christian faith at least, God is supposed to have everything planned out for the future, is he not? In which case, if I were ever meant to believe, I would, eventually. God shouldn't need a proxy to do that, when he can manipulate events to make me see what he apparently wants me to.
"It's like Greek (Liquid) Fire; the more water (persecution) you put on it, the bigger it grows."
I would rather not argue that point, and it's not because I don't have a point to argue. I'd just prefer not to go there.

Fair enough. Sorry, I was kinda mad. I should not have acted like that. Please forgive me.
ok... uh, what do you mean by "agnostic"?
Also, what do you believe about death/after life?

This will be all I'll ask you about christianity.
Ps. In answer (God is supposed to have everything planned out for the future, is he not?), he knows all, planned alot, but does not place every thing in order. As mention in the book of Job (1st chapter) God lets Satin do his thing too knowing he'll be locked up later. He also gives Humans free will. But... that's quite the can of worms... should I go into it?

"ok... uh, what do you mean by "agnostic"?"
Agnostic means that I don't align myself with a religion, but I am open to the idea that there may be a god. A God, but none currently being worshiped.
It's like an inbetween of Atheist and Religious.
"Also, what do you believe about death/after life?"
That's a very complex subject for me. Like the subject of time travel, alternate dimensions and realities and other such continuum, I have many theories, suspicions and ideas, but no set belief.
"But... that's quite the can of worms... should I go into it?"
Preferably not.

next question:
How do you know that it's true? AKA: How do you know there is a god, let alone one we don't worship or isn't?
@Soft: not much left here, any way. =\

"How do you know that it's true? AKA: How do you know there is a god, let alone one we don't worship or isn't?"
I don't. I don't support my belief with fact, nor do I try and disprove other's religions with fact. I think in terms of what ifs, whys, and the like. Most religion just doesn't seem to fit, to me. Most are based on mythologies and legends, others with benevolent beings who have a 'great plan' in mind (Not just Christianity, there's more than one)
I don't think any of them are wholly correct. Some personal thought and whatnot. I've been thinking for a long time.
I don't think, but i don't discourage other's of their own. I could be wrong, easily, so it'd be wrong of me to prevent other's from being 'right'.

before next question, I find no one gets the "great plan". Have you seen sheep? There dumber then cows, and, well don't understand anything. We are called the sheep in God's word. We don't understand why things happen, but our shepherd says there is a reason.
next question: What does what you believe matter (what difference does it make)?

"What does what you believe matter (what difference does it make)?"
Frankly, it doesn't. However, I would rather not believe anything specifically than believe something I don't actually believe in.
With religions, there are usually commitments, of sorts, among other things. There was no need for me to align myself with a religion, so I didn't.
Further reflection for an actual reason or logic behind my own 'faith' (or in this case, lack of) stemmed from being asked about joining particular religions, most prominently from my family, who are Buddhist, but only in some ways. In fact, only my mum knows I'm agnostic.
Then there was the mandatory 'Christian lessons' we got in school. Why we had them, I never understood. I was about 7 at the time.
Generally, with all these religious activities going on around me, none of which I actually believe in myself, I had to determine my own religious standing. Hence, agnostic.
To me though, it really doesn't matter. Religion is just a faith, a way of life even sometimes. Regardless of it, people are still people, and to judge them according to their official standing is just silly, because in the long run, if it doesn't interfere with anything you do between yourselves, you just mess things up by dragging religion into it.
It's hard to explain. But in short, I don't think it matters much at all. But I don't believe in anything, so the need for a religion isn't there either.
Also, why exactly are you quizzing me on different aspects of my religious standing?

this last question is based on Pascal's Wager... most people haven't heard it. It says "If I, am a christian am wrong about there being a God" (or THE God) " Then I have done nothing but live by a set of rules, out of a book, and added a little more good to this world. But if you, as a NON-believer are wrong, are you willing to face the consequences?"
I think we all know about Heaven and Hell. Eternal Life, or Eternal Pain (such as one experiences in death). I do pray that this helps you see God.
A couple of clarifications:
1. God does ask us to do things. In subtle ways. For example, he did tell me to tell you about Him.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."Act 1:8
2. Christianity is a relationship with God. Not religion.
That's all. yep.
And, I'm asking you all this because I want you to think. That's all.

"And, I'm asking you all this because I want you to think. That's all."
I am trying really hard to not be offended by that statement, considering it's implying I haven't been thinking.
I've been thinking about matters like these since I was 8. I'm 16 now. Where I am, all you should be thinking about when you're 8 is homework and your friends.
Didn't have friends, homework wasn't a massive issue, so plenty of time on my hands to think.
"But if you, as a NON-believer are wrong, are you willing to face the consequences?"
Pretty much. I could go burn in hell for no particular reason for all I care, I'm not really a person with much self-worth. I lived my life, so I'll die my death. Whether or not it's fitting isn't really my choice.
Then again, I haven't done anything overly horrible, so I'd be a little irked if I was condemned for all eternity. But that's about it.
I already thought of that concept, actually, although not in the same words. The main idea remains the same. I could pick at the details and things, but I really don't want to.
I could counter-argue, but I'd rather not get into an argument with people over religion. It's a touchy subject, and one I prefer to avoid, all consequences considered. It's also rude and presumptuous.

I didn't mean that you're not thinking about it. ust wanted to give you something else to think on. Also, the penalty for even one sin is eternal death. That's why Jesus had to die on the cross (one of the worst ways to die). He lived a perfect life and died a sinners death so we could be redeemed. That simple. And, really... eternity? Wow...
I said this was the only time I ask you about this. If you need more/ask questions, I'll respond.

Technically, agreeing with Psychodestroyer's statements, if everyone were the same, then well, it's just an incomprehensible theory, as no one can truly think the same. That's what makes the world the world, you can't think the same as another, or else there theoretically wouldn't be another, you can't create a variation of a clone, then it wouldn't be a clone anymore! It's important that people think differently, or else advancement might as well not occur, because of the different mind sets that allow such ideas to congregate! There's a huge difference between thinking a like and thinking the same, sure you can believe in the same religion and carry the same values, but in no way can you ever think the same, because no one is a clone.
About Religion, it's just another thing that makes us, sentient beings who we are, we develop ideas as a means of compensation for our over-worldy views, the questions that seem simple to say, but are as complicated as the universe! No one is willing (probably besides Psychodestroyer) to sit around and (honestly) waste their time trying to answer questions such as why the universe exists, because if we did, then Mr. Bill Nye will ask how those conditions for the universe to have come into existence have come to be? It's just something that truly seems a way of morally securing ones owns sanity and it has become something that is more than just belief, but value. Civilization has practically grown from Religion, and I as a part of society can't say that religion is wrong, or that it's even right, because theoretically, everyone depends upon Religion in some form. Take Psychodestroyer position for example, an Agnostic, I might (sort of) akin myself to one, now that I know such a thing exists. Agnostics take into account (from what I've seen from Psychodestroyer) opinions that branch throughout everything. They neither deny nor accept one single idea, but rest upon what is proven to be true. I may be wrong about that, but hey, it's MY opinion. I may also think myself as a Scien-w/e religious person. I believe in the big bang, only because of the true hard facts that support it. Hey, if God comes down to shake my hand then so be it, but I see things the way they are and try to understand how the people see things as a way of expanding my own being. I can say things like, oh darn, Karma got me again, or I'm so 'lucky' but truthfully both of them are another excuse for describing things we don't understand. No matter how complicated arithmetics go, NO ONE can point out why in a theoretical situation without any influencing variables, why Jimmy took out the blue marble instead of the red one.
In conclusion, I believe both Psychodestroyer and Tedme, because they are both thinkers that have VALUES, OPINIONS, BELIEFS, IDEALS, that good stuff. What they believe in is who they are, and to say that what they believe in is wrong, is like saying THEY are wrong. So then I can ask you, what is wrong? Wrong is defined as the opposite of right, as described by Wikipedia "A wrong or being wrong is a concept in law, ethics, epistemology, and science. In a colloquial sense, wrongness usually refers to a state of incorrectness, inaccuracy, error, or miscalculation in any number of contexts. More specifically, being "wrong" refers to a situation wherein an individual has made an error or misjudgment." as you can clearly see, 'wrong' is a concept, just like what people think, so using that statement, I can say there IS no wrong, thus resulting in me saying that everyone is right! :D
Yes I'm afraid this thing has gone crazy lol philosophy has nothing to do, nah i take that back, philosophies in everything XD btw did you know that if you click the first available linked word in the beginning of every wiki post you'll eventually reach Philosophy? lol
But really, I don't wanna think about this stuff when I'm playing Spiral Knights, I mean really? XD

I will have my revenge! if it takes A-THOUSAND YEARS! MWA-HA-HA-HA-HAHA!
It's actually the 22nd for me here. Hope you have a NicE DaY!