Those are the tentacles of Hancymcfancy. Wait, what?
Unfortunately, another guy came, permanently glued the SoL to his chest, and jumped into the tentacles.
Those are the tentacles of Hancymcfancy. Wait, what?
Unfortunately, another guy came, permanently glued the SoL to his chest, and jumped into the tentacles.
Fortunately the tentacles tore the SoL off his chest.
Then the SoL teleported to Timmy for unknown reasons.
Unfortunately, Timmy was teleported to the SoL at the same moment that the SoL teleported to Timmy, causing them to switch places. Timmy was devoured by the tentacles and is now only a pile of bones. Timmy can no longer be revived.
Fortunately, Bob fell into the tentacles.
Why is that fortunate? Because Bobs are annoying.
Unfortunately the tentacles were all cut by GeoCorp.
Fortunately, Bob's sister was still mad at him for the bed so she pummeled him.
Fortunately, it was the Leviathan's tentacles, so the Leviathan spit everything he ate out of his endless maw before it was chewed because it tasted terrible.
Unfortunately, she was spat into other non-Leviathan tentacles.
Fortunately, she flew straight past them into a Luminite Bar household that was indestructible.
Unfortunately, that didn't actually happen because she was spat into the tentacles, not over them.
Fortunately, the tentacles were the Nahtaivel's, which acted in the same way as the Leviathan's.
After she was spat out, she landed next to Bob. She continued to pummel him.
Unfortunately, Bob's sister got crushed by a falling car that appeared for no reason
Fortunately, the car crushed Bob as well.
Unfortunately it was a toy car and Bob lifted it easily.
Fortunately, that meant Bob's sister wasn't crushed either, so she pummeled him.
Unfortunately, Bob's sister exploded because she accidentally swallowed a grenade
Fortunately I've plasma'd Bob so he doesn't exist.
You didn't plasma him, you just blew a raspberry and your twisted, warped, psychopatchic prepubescent mind thought that he will stop existing. By the way, I thought you preferred using your machine launcher thingy or something.
Fortunately, Bob's sister didn't eat a gernade either, just a bunch of completely non-lethal and normal grapes.
She continued to pummel him.
Unfortunately Bob knew how to dodge, so he did and lost her aggro.
Fortunately, Bob accidentally fell off a cliff and died.
His sister was arrested by 2 officer jennies that came out of the local Dunkin Donuts with jelly filled donuts and hats that were frying pans turned into drying pans because it was raining.
Fortunately Timmy landed safely on the new rimworld alive and with supplies.
Unfortunately, this story isn't about Timmy, so your post was ignored.
Fortunately, the officers were actually fake and were just pulling a prank on Bob's sister.
Unfortunately, your post was ignored too, as you owe 1 post ignore to Matikclocker.
Fortunately, timmy exploded and the story went back to Bob's Sister
Unfortunately, following Matikclocker's defensive protocol you are set as main threat to world's existence.
Matikclocker has an army of his clones fighting alongside Matik Co. Techs ready to crush you.
Fortunately, all the clones and techs turned out to be incredibly weak, so Bob's sister easily pummeled them.
Unfortunately Bob managed to get away and hide while his sister was focusing on the clones and techs.
| printinfo("Fortunately the army's weapons weren't weakened, so Techs pummeled Bob's sister and proceeded to Blizzardknightt.");
Unfortunately, Bob ate all the techs because they were all actually really tiny and made of candy. This restored Bob to full health.
Techs and Clones were made from hard candy so Bob failed to eat anything.
They were still fragile and lightweight, so Bob was able to destroy them by throwing them at each-other.
Fortunately Bob is too weak to throw them.
Techs proceeded to Blizzardknightt while Clocker Clones remained to fight Bob.
Unfortunately he already threw and destroyed them before suddenly becoming too weak to throw them for no apparent reason. He continues to run and hide from his sister before suddenly falling into a portal that leads him into the Bob and George comic universe, where he suddenly becomes Bob/Napalm, and gains really powerful fire magic.
His sister follows him through the portal and gets pummeled by Bob.
Also, something was messed up in the previous post. Something might also be messed up in this post.
For one, Matik said it was fortunate that Bob's sister was pummeled by the clones and techs, when that's really supposed to be unfortunate.
Fortunately, they're only clones.
Techs are currently punching the [REDACTED] out of Blizzardknightt.
Unfortunately, Curg jumped in started blowing up all the Techs. Blizzardknightt managed to escape when the Techs shifted their focus to Curg.
Fortunately a nuke landed and killed the techs that were punching the [REDACTED] out of me, and Bob got affected by the radiation from the nuke and may die.
And, as long as he stays in that universe, while random things like Blizzardknightt's things do happen, he always survives for one reason or another.
And, as long as I stay in that universe, while random things like Blizzardknightt's things do happen, I always double post for one reason or another.
Fortunately, Bob's sister was in that universe and threw Bob out of the universe where she pummeled him.
Unfortunately, Bob was already pummeling her, so she was unable to throw him back into the portal.
Fortunately, A fortunate fortune occured and it was all just an illusion
Unfortunately, the fortunate fortune never happened and Bob knocked down Bob's Sister.
Bobs sister called the Leviathen and a humongous tentacle of the Leviathen's crushed Bob for her and Bobs sister was saved
Why is Bobs death fortunate? Because Bob the Tomato is SOOOOOO annoying
Unfortunately, your post implied that Bob the Tomato died, but the Bob in this game isn't Bob the Tomato. Bob is unharmed.
Fortunately, a world free of tentacles and Bobs has started.
You continue to bump dead threads to the point where this world is full of them
Fortunately some guy jumped into the tentacles and threw the SoL to safety before he was eaten by... Whatever it is those tentacles belong to.