I woke up before everyone else. It was sometime around 7:50. I decided to get up and sit outside for a while. I sighed as I stared into what I could see of the sky. All I've ever done in life was mess things up. I've been the death of several people, faked being another person, and left an innocent warden to die. I took my pass out of my pocket and stared at it. I hate my life...
Times Have Changed

My eyes widen, and I'm speechless for nearly a minute. Just...who does that? Seriously, what sane person trusts an insane murderer with her life? I mean, she's not wrong to trust me, but if I were her, I'd run far, far away from me. Something about this just doesn't feel right to me.
Or maybe, she is sane. Maybe she's working for the government, and is trying to build trust with me while preparing to sell me out to the authorities. Maybe she's waiting for me to let my guard down, and then arrest me and claim the reward. Or maybe she knows that I am accused of treason, and plans on killing me or letting me die somehow. She can't possibly be altruistic.
Not that I care all that much. I'd probably deserve whatever punishment comes my way. I've murdered and tortured enough people on my own; why shouldn't they do the same to me? They owe me at least that much.
But on the off-chance that Sanaca's intentions are tolerable, I think I'll indulge her. It can't hurt much more than I deserve.
"Thanks for believing in me. I won't let you down." I rub my eyes and sit on the barstool. "So...you have any secrets I should know about?"

The question caught Sanaca by surprise, she wasn't expecting her Gwen to ask, but she complied.
"I don't know if you would call it a secret, but I healed A bandit that attacked me. I'm just worried that if Archemiday found out, he might, I don't know, think differently of me." Sananca looked into Gwen's eyes. "But I guess I shouldn't be worried about that." Sighing she said, "Gwen, I know what you've done, or at least have heard rumors about it, but I want to know that you can get past that point in your life. You've done nothing to me that would make me think otherwise of you. Sure I don't want to stick to you like glue, but I don't want to think about it either." Sanaca got up. "We should follow Arche's lead, let's get some rest." And with that, she went upstairs to sleep on the floor with Archemiday.

"Wait...you healed a bandit that attacked you? Girl, of course Arch will think differently of you - he will kiss the ground you walk on if he found out. Treating your enemies with love and respect is an admirable thing, not a shameful one, and don't you ever let anyone tell you otherwise." I smile at her reassuringly. Maybe she's not so bad after all.
Heck, I'd probably kiss the ground she walked on too if I didn't harbor any nagging doubts about her.
"Don't worry about Arch. I think his tin brain is pretty bombshell-resistant." I grin and get up from the counter. "All right, I'll head off to bed too. Good night, Sanaca." I march upstairs, waltz into my room, and flop onto the bed.
Okay, okay, I'll stop writing now. Good night, dear reader.

Red woke up. It was pitch black, there was no wind. He inspected his back. Whoever had done this was a really good healer! He opened his arsenal, dropping 1,000 crowns on his bed. However much he wanted to see this healer, he needed to get out of the town. He shouldn't be here. People meant trouble. And trouble got you killed. Changing into his proto armor, which was in better condition then his cobalt, he opened a window, dropped down and rolled to safety.
Standing up, he headed into the direction of the crafting machine, stopping in every shadow, making sure no one was following him. After a few minutes of this, he found it. Putting in the neccesary materials, he threw in his brandish. While that began to craft, he put his cobalt armor in for repair. Waiting a few minutes, he took them out, when he heard a sound behind him. Ducking, he twirled around, stabbing upwards. It hit nothing. Looking around him, he couldn't see anything or anyone. This town was creepy. It had an odd sense of foreboding around it. He wanted out. Running through the town, he jumped over objects silently. He ran for his tree house, looking back every few minutes, his mind telling him someone was following.

Third person mode activated.
Unfortunately for Red, someone was following him. It wasn't a high-school crush, either. Oh no, it was something much more sinister, something...hungry.
He ran inside and hastily shut the door.
A twig snapped at Red's treehouse. The door creaked and moaned, and sometimes even hissed as the ghosts of the mind attacked it. Another twig snapped; perhaps it was the wind, or a fleeing animal. The ladder to the treehouse protested against the endless howling, singing a song of dread and woe for its owner.
But there was no wind.
Then the door creaked open.
Red didn't touch it.

I wake up feeling refreshed and hungry. I step downstairs to the kitchen for a bite to eat, but then I remember that I have no cash. I approach the bartender and ask, "Say, could I entice you to trade me food in exchange for work?" The bartender strokes his beard thoughtfully, looks around, then declares, "Clean up the place, and I'll make you a decent breakfast." I salute cheerfully and reply, "Deal!"
The inn is dusty as heck, the tables are disgusting, and every corner has cobwebs. I sigh, grab the broom, and get to work.
First, I whip off those cobwebs. Any spiders get expertly sliced by my sword. Cool, right? The dust gets swept from off the counters, tables, shelves, and floors, and swept out onto the street. Dang, this is more fun than I'd have imagined! Cleaning the tables is a welcome challenge; I find a rag, spit into it (saliva is sanitary, I hear), and wipe the crum off the tables.
Don't tell anyone my little secret, okay? No need to gross anyone out. Thanks.
Once finished, I replace the broom and rag to their original places and march up to the bartender for my payment. He came out to check my work, and had to pick his jaw up off the floor. "How...how the heck did you do that so fast!?" he asks, flabbergasted. "Hungry diligence, I reckon," I reply cheerfully. He composes himself, goes back into the kitchen, and prepares the finest breakfast I've seen in years. It tastes just as heavenly, too. He really nailed those scrambled eggs, I must say. Once I finish that glorious meal, I thank the bartender profusely and dart out the door, ready to take on the world.
Hey look, even my shoulder is healed now!
I step outside to see Arch examining a piece of paper. "Hey Arch! What's that you've got there?"

"Hm? Oh. Just the only thing of value I have left in this world." I sighed and stood up as I put it in my pocket. "How was your rest?"

Sanaca woke up to find the room deserted. Archemiday was gone and the Knight, who's name was still a mystery, to her was also gone, a pile of 1000 crowns the only indication of his existence. A bit worried, she ran down to find Gwen greeting Archemiday just outside the Inn, she relaxed and met up with them.

"I slept well, thanks. Oh, hi Sanaca! Anyways...what is it that's valuable to you? Is it a ticket out of here or something?"
(OOC: @Hexlash, it's a reference to Majora's Mask. It's epic; you should play it.)

OOC: Well that's what I thought, I have a strange addiction to reading wikis but more so for video games, I just wasn't sure. As for YT I was referencing the fact that Mekikoi doesn't know what YT is. OH GAWD I'm hitting that point! Dont even know which RP is which, but since Ise is in this one, whatever...

Sanaca thought for a second, then frowned.
"For now, all I can think about is getting back to Haven."

(OOC so apparently my tree house has a door? seems legitXD)
Red woke up. e couldn't shake the feeling off. Something had followed him, he was sure of it. Maybe it was because of his recent crafting. Probably some bandits. Whatever it was, he needed to find out immediately. Jumping down from the tree, he charged his fireburst brandish, and set the trees around him on fire. He kept twirling, each time more and more light was produced. It was starting to look like daylight, just red. Diving imbetween a gap, he ran, sprinting towards the town. Surelely it wouldn't dare show its face over there! Turning around, he took out is blast and shot into the darkness. He heard nothing. He kept running, and began to charge his bomb. Hopefully it wouldn't fail him this time. Dropping it silently, he continued to run, waiting for the explosion.
WOOSH! The air around him pushed him backwards. He fired shots from his blaster in every direction, hoping to catch the appearance of... something. He still wasn't sure what it was. Still nothing. Turning around, he began to jog towards the town. If anything, at least it would provide some cover.

"I'd rather not talk about it. If I go insane, take it from me, you'll figure out after that.". I replied. I stood up l. "Say. Gwen, do you remember any orders from when you were one of Freyjas Valkyries?"

Regarding Red...
Before Red had run far, he nearly ran into his pursuer.
It was the most hideous being he had ever seen. The first thing he noticed was its piercing yellow eyes, staring intently into his soul, watching him the way a predator watches its prey. Its skin, or what was left of it, was matted with the dried blood of the condemned and blackened from the flames of suffering and despair. Its body seemed devoid of nourishment and care. There were scarred, bloodied stumps where its breasts had been, and its head was completely shaven.
Black wings lay folded on the creature's back, and its long, razor-sharp claws extended from its fingers. Four sharp fangs were visible when the creature opened its mouth.
i FoUnD yOu.
Regarding Gwen...
I nod in agreement. "It's okay Arch. I won't make you talk about it if you don't want to." Arch stands up, pockets the paper, and asks me, "Gwen, do you remember any orders from when you were one of Freyja's Valkyries?" I nod and cross my arms. "My first order was to establish diplomatic relations with the native inhabitants of Isora. The solution I settled upon was to create a unified council consisting of representatives sent from each race and nation. In hindsight, my choice of location for the council was less than tact, but it did the job."
"The only other order I ever got was...was...I'm sorry, I don't want to talk about it anymore." I bow my head in solemn remembrance.

Red stood still. He was petrified for a second, but then his mind clicked in. And not too late either, seeing as the huge beast lunged forward. Diving backwards, he whipped out his blaster, and fired it at the beast. It reflected of its hide, hitting a nearby tree.
"No freaking way" he muttered under his breath.
He wished he had his vog, but this cobalt would have to do for now. Charging his brandish, he let the blast lick towards the beast, making sure he didn't get too close. The blasts each did only 15 damage, and judging by the size of it, this beast was worth around 5,000 damage points. He needed to think of something, and think of it fast.
He set bombs up, running around too quickly for it to hit him. But the beast just flew 5 feet above the ground with an amused grin across its face. Dashing to the side, he narrowly dodged 4 claws as they swiped at his chest. Clouds rolled above his head, and a thin sheet of rain began to descend. The beast pounced, and Red sprinted forwards, sword up, raking the beasts belly as it jumped over him. He turned around, satisfacted, thinking he would see a large rip. He was wrong. Instead, it was just a silvery trace, like a red mark on its skin.
A plan began to fold out in his mind. He couldn't attack this beast to death, but maybe something else could. Grinning, he sprinted to the nearest tree, and swung his blade at it. Turning around, he dashed backwards, just in time to smell the beasts breath as its fangs clamped into the air where he stood. Continuing this tactic, he kept on slicing at the tree, running away, completely ignoring the beast except to dodge it.
The rain stopped suddenly, the ground barely even wet. After a few minutes of this, his arms were tired, his chest was heaving. The amount of energy from his young age felt like it was never coming back. The tree was sliced, all along its side, in a nice circle. he ripped the pieces out, still dodging this beasts ferocious attacks. Finally, the last stage of his plan was ready. Jumping backwards, he threw a vial filled with yellow liquid into the beasts mouth. It smashed, and confused the beast, stunning it and making it slower.
Grabbing another of his vials, he threw it into the leaves at the top of the tree. The tree went on fire almost immediately, each single leaf ablaze. The beast was still stunned, which was good, but Red threw another vial into its mouth to be sure. He charged his bomb, and placed it in the cut out circle in the tree.
The bomb exploded, the tree separated from the top half of its trunk to the bottom half of the trunk. Red ran around it, and pushed against it with all of his might, making it fall on top of the beast. The beast cried out in pain, its eyes sorrowfull. It still wasn't dead, but at least it was trapped. Turning around, he ran towards the town. This place was crazy. He needed some friends.

HM. She never got the order to capture me then. "Sana, Gwen, shall we head out?"

Sanaca nodded, "Where to? You want to keep looking for supplies? We got a hefty amount of things from those Enforcers. Oh that reminds me!" Sanaca dashed back to their room and retrieved the Flourish. "Here Arche, this was in one of the tents." She said, handing it to him. "Where do you think we should go, Gwen?"

"Lets go to a different forest than last time.". I said, pointing in a direction while twirling my flourish. I felt like someone was watching me from above. Hmm.

Name: Pow
Age: Approximately 15
Personality: Kind if you're kind, mean if you're mean. Trustworthy. Fills with rage when he sees an enemy.
Specialization: Using a sword as a massacre tool.
Faction: Likes to work with people. To him, doing things solo is the devil.
Anything else: Wears a Dismantler Crest which hides a Spark of Life and also wears Knight Vision Goggles to obscure his anger. If possible, swap his Brandish for a Flourish. One of his friends actually swore and lashed out at the judge at Pow's fake arrest.
Weaknesses: Ranged attacks, fighting with a gun (he might hold it the wrong way and shoot himself in the face!)
Strengths: Melee attacks, using bombs as grenades
By the way, if he doesn't wear his KVG, his eyes turn red and go fiery when he sees an enemy.

Seriously... guys? anyone there at all? i'm not sure wether to move on until you guys make another move.

I know Ariav :c. Hex and Thin! Post now or the role play ghost will haunt you!

(OOC: @Ariav: By power-playing my character in your post, you've severely limited my play options. If you have to choose between having a short post for lack of anything to write and power-playing a character to make a long one, make a short post. Anything is better than power-playing, unless the affected player gives you permission.
Now to critique your power-play.
*The creature's skin is only thick enough to withstand claws and such, not crafted weaponry.
*The creature is human, Ariav. I think its battle tactics are smarter than just "leap and pray."
*Its inexperience is balanced by its combat skill. It won't easily get hit by weapon strikes, and will undoubtedly land some vicious swipes on Red.
We need to settle the combat together, okay? No more power-playing.)
Returning to Gwen's perspective...
I sigh and cross my arms. Something doesn't feel right today. "Okay, we'll explore the forest. Just...can we stick together?"
We venture into the forest. The place looks dead and very dreary. Tall, scorched trees line our path, and decomposing leaves carpet the forest floor. Any trees that aren't scorched are dried and withered. There are even a few animal skeletons in the distance, their bones rotting and filled to the brim with ants. At least there's something alive in this forsaken place.
I spot a particularly strange-looking tree in the distance. A second look revealed it to be a treehouse of sorts. "Hey, guys! There's a treehouse over there! Let's go take a look."
My heart suddenly dives into the pit of my stomach. Something terrible is going on there, I just know it.

Sanaca nodded, but them warned,
"We don't know who lives there or what's up there so, lets just lay low, and be as quiet as we can."

I seathed my flourish and drew my blaster, advancing to the house slowly along with Gwen and Sana.

(OOC: May I have the pleasure of killing the creature? There will be more of them.)
A hideous creature suddenly leaped at them, its gaping mouth wide open to receive them. Gwen stepped aside, and it snapped at her as it passed. It whirled around and backed away, snarling threateningly at the group.
They turned to face one another, and in that moment, she saw herself in the creature's hungry yellow eyes. A lifetime of misery and insanity flashed before her, and she realized that this tortured soul was none other than a clone of her former self. It had only been alive for but a few decades, and already it was forged in her likeness.
No one should be allowed to feel my pain, to suffer what I suffered, to destroy what I have destroyed. No one!
Gwen let loose an animalistic snarl as she cautiously drew her gunblade. The creature responded in kind, snapping and growling at her in a vain attempt to intimidate her. She lunged forward and threw a vicious swing at the monster. It stepped back to evade it, and replied with an equally vicious swipe from its intimidating claws. Gwen batted them aside with a backhand swing and shield-bashed the monster in the same movement. The creature recoiled and tried to flee, but Gwen ducked and rolled in front of it and unleashed a flurry of deadly combinations upon its hide. Left, right, left, spin, twirl, thrust. The creature met each strike with uncanny accuracy and retaliated with a powerful roundhouse kick. Gwen ducked under it and slashed across the creature's chest as she came back up. It tried to block with its claws once more. But there was no bone in the world that could stop the finely-honed edge of Gwen's deadly gunblade, and the claws finally broke and fell off.
Gwen gutted the unfortunate creature with a powerful uppercut, and as it lay on the ground bleeding away its life, it realized that the heartless warrior standing over it was none other than the Huntress, the original template from which all its sisters spawned.
With great effort, it extended its scarred hand to Gwen, hoping against hope to find forgiveness before it passed away.
Instead, Gwen cut off its hand.

Sanaca was astounded at the swift reaction and the even more rapid dispatching of the seemingly furious creature. Sanaca shook her head, dashed forward, and began looking Gwen over..
"You okay?" She paused, staring at the profusely morbid scene laying on the ground, an ominous feeling struck her, one that could only be described as familiar, yet rejective. "That- that's... What?"

Back to first-person mode
I bend down to catch my breath, and nod in acknowledgement of my health. I sheath my gunblade and walk up to Sanaca's side. "That- that...monster...is a kind of huntress, I think." My voice lowers. "Such a monstrosity cannot be allowed to live. She would have slain numerous others had I not dispatched her."
"You don't believe me, do you?"

Random First Person Mode Activating.
"Less of a Huntress and more of a blood thirsty beast." I said shaking my head, still repelled at the disgusting thing on the ground. I sighed, "I suspect that you know more about this then you're letting up on." I forced myself to take another look at the beast, then looked back at Gwen. "Something about it, makes me feel very uncomfortable. What about you Arche?"

My lips curls up and contort into a twisted frown, and I shoot a sidelong glance at Sanaca. That monster may be many things, but a bloodthirsty beast is NOT one of them! Both of us were condemned to spend a lifetime in a living hell, cursed by insanity, and compelled to murder those we once held dear. It doesn't matter that one of us was a clone. That woman had no right to say what she did.
I elect to say nothing to Sanaca, choosing instead to hear Arch's ignorant reply.

First Person Mode Deactivating
Sanaca was taken a back by the expression that formed on Gwen's face. She was clearly angered, and if Sanaca didn't know better, even hurt.
"Wait, Arche." Sanaca turbed back to Gwen, trying to look into her eyes. "Gwen, what's wrong?"

Alright thin. This is turning into complete bs. I'm interrupting your character? You jumped into my character, took over what he did, and made a monster, that to me seemed too overpowered. And then you say bs about me power playing? If that's not enough, in the next post, you Maaagicaly kill the beast. Power playing, me? Take a look at what you do first thin. And stop putting bs hypocritical posts about me>.< Now if you don't mind, I'll just go ahead and kill myself, seeing as some players clearly do not want me here.
Red stopped. What was the point? Was he here just to fight beasts? No one would believe a 14 year old kid anyway, so he would never be able to fight back the charges of the Spiral order. This was silly. Changing into his proto armor, he dropped a bomb on himself.
The bomb exploded, no one around to hear Red's death.

Sintag!!! We need some time reversing action over here!
Ariav, you can't just do that, I didn't save you for nothing! And guys, guys, let's all just calm down, I understand that you both are having issues with each other, so let me just express what me, a by stander, thinks, so that we can resolve this issue. If you really don't want to play anymore, then I understand, but please reconsider first.
Thin, I believe that you introduced your own clone as an addition to the story, to provide some antagonist action and to satisfy part of your back story. You employed it on Red out of convenience, or just because. You didn't want Red to outright just defeat your clone, because you wanted to confront it yourself. You were angered when he treated your clone just as a sort of obstacle that was easily bypassed, and you didn't like how Ariav defeated it so easily, by easily, I mean 'power play'.
Ariac, I believe that you did not fully realize what exactly it was that Thin made attack your character, so you wrote a scene describing how you would fight it, assuming it was just something to bring out some action. You didn't completely understand what it was, but guessed that it was some sort of beast. You are mad, because Thin 'power played' through her own clone, while complaining about how you did so yourself.
I don't want some pointless feud to come out of this, so let's just take a step back, take a deep breath, and try again, okay? I understand that you are both not exactly happy about the other's actions, but that is the woe of such a loose RP.

Well true, I didn't know it was a clone. that clears alot up, but still, thin, you actually controlled my character, which I personally think goes out of RP bounds. I still don't feel like continuing this anyway, and I came in somewhat too late.

How did I control your character? You said he was going to his treehouse, correct? You left it at that. If he were uninterrupted, isn't it reasonable for me to wait for him to reach it? So yeah, insofar as I made your character reach his destination, I power-played him.
But how your character reacted to the monster was left entirely up to you. You didn't have to react to the horror themes I have you. I didn't make your character react that way. I did not power play your character beyond making him reach the house you yourself sent him to.
I was not unreasonable in asking for you to stop power playing, either. By rights, I could have demanded that you edit your post. I could have overwritten your story. But I did not ask that of you, did I? I was prepared to let your story continue. I did not get angry at you, and any emotions you attributed to me were completely imaginary. I was being VERY reasonable with you.

Thin, according to your other post - unless the affected player gives you permission.
You did not ask for my permission, and so when I decided to attack the clone you sent to me, it also ruined my plans. And then, when I simply trap your clone, not kill it, not damage it, I left it there to get out of later,, you claim that I power played and should have asked permission. Also, you added this whole new thing into the RP. If you want to add clones and add alot to the RP, be prepared for other players to do their own thing. You also said that there would be more of them, so I doubt it really even matters.

I think I see where you're coming from. Allow me to explain this thing.
"Power-playing" is defined as "using another player's character without permission." I see now that you were attempting to avoid it by stating that the character's attacks did no damage, but you see, that makes no difference. What if I wanted my character to be harmed? You robbed me of the freedom to write my own reaction by writing it for me. Ruining your plans is not power-playing because that is not part of how the term is defined. I don't mind my plans being ruined; in fact, that's what makes roleplaying so fun! Bring on the plan-ruining! I love it. But don't power-play. That's a totally different concept.
Put simply: You can ruin someone's plans by power-playing, but you cannot power-play by ruining someone's plans.
Edit: to put it another way, power playing is not "doing stuff to someone else's character without permission." That's called "interaction."

The way I see it, you did powerplay by giving me a monster to fight. In the same way as you say that I robbed you of the freedom to write your own reaction is in a way what I mean. You did not give me the chance to either create my monster, run away, or do some other absurbed thing. And truthfuly, I ad no idea that what you sent me was a clone, I just thougt it was a beast, therefore I wuldnt need to wait for you to do anything. Anyway, I'd rather just leave this behind us. Red is dead, your alive, continue the rp and have fun.

Power playing is not "doing stuff to another player's character without permission." That's called "interaction," and is encouraged in RPs. As long as I interacted with your character without using him (e.g. "Red did such and such"), I have not power played your character.
You don't need to leave, Ariav. You need to understand how roleplaying works and what its terms are.

This is my first rp, so I may have this wrong but....
He ran inside and hastily shut the door.
Red didn't touch it.
You actually did move my character so... Herp.

Let's all just take one deep breath. Done yet? Good. :3

That power play I do acknowledge. My apologies.
Your other concerns, however, indicate that I "derailed" your story, which is different from power playing.
Useful Definitions:
"Derailing:" moving a storyline off its intended course.
"Overpowered:" causing a character to be, act, or react impossibly and detrimentally to the story.
"Power-play:" using another player's character without that player's permission.
Derailing is not illegal in roleplaying, but it is often courteous to undo it upon request. What were you planning?

Nvm, I don't wanna know.
And might I just say Thin, that for some strange reason, you're just one of those people that seem to carry a high authority to them, with great disdain and act really nonchalantly, but even if you don't that's how I read all your posts, it might be your choice of profile picture, or it just might be your intelligence, nonetheless, something about you always seems to be overbearing...
And, man I feel like I'm being just overly cynical lately, but I just wondered if you realized that...

Believe it or not, I am aware of it, though obviously not as much as I should be.
I tend to write that way when I'm trying to stifle angry emotions.

Red's remains are shoveled into a blender, blended back together (It blends!) and he is deposited with the rest of the party.
Myeh. Nothing to see here, carry on.
Sanaca look at Gwen in confusion, then disbelief. She stayed silent, coping with the new information until Archemiday left.
"I've heard about... Did you really?" Sanaca pushed back a bit. Taking a deep breath she said, "Gwen, what happened in the past in the past, is in the past. You have done nothing, well except threaten Arche, that has hurt anyone, and I trust that you won't do anything like that again." Sanaca truly believed it, they weren't going anywhere if they put up walls of suspicion between each other.