Double post. =.=....
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Well here comes the fun parts: Thin, Gwen has been ordered to be taken alive to await a Trial because of her history with the Spiral Order (its only fair). A summary execution would solve nothing more then anger.

Wait, do I control the Warden and his Knights still? Cuz if I do, I pass control over to Malk. No wait, Thin.

I will not take control over anyone's characters at this moment. It's important for you guys to express what your characters are thinking as Gwen and Cicero arrive at the Arcade.

The only characters at the Arcade right now are my Warden guy and a bunch of generic NPC Knights. But I guess I'll still control the Warden.

It may be the Warden's job to say something, like "Put down your weapons!" or "Put your hands up!" or "Get down on the ground!"

I'm not at the arcade, But I can get there... I am nearby after all.

I was actually about to put something else for Warden Farsor's thought, but it was a bit... mature for the roleplay, so I switch-censored it.

I'm watching Star Trek II: Descent into Darkness. :D

Well Blesse just joined you in the Arcade and blocked off your Exit's as well as shut down the power to the elevator's in the Arcade. Honestly it was stupid putting her in danger like that but I feel she has an obligation to be their in person. After all she was the one who prity much called Gwen out this whole time.

As for Jax and Renao, good luck finding a way into the Arcade now until this all blows over.
Meanwhile Sono is back to square one: hiding behind the Mysterious Alchemy Machine.

Precious, wake your slumbering reptile. I need to hold audience with his Ghost of the Groundness!
*shoves Chromalisk in other Seatus' mouth to shut him up*

Your time has come. Show us what judgment Xindao can bring upon his Queen.

Um to be honest, the worst the Spiral Order can do at this point is Deport Gwen back to her native area and hold the trial their, at least thats how normal law works. I am just gald we did not have a Summery Execution right then :L

Yes. The Judgement is ultimate. For it is the Arbiter who issues it. That is the Arbiter of Doom, otherwise known as "Judge of Punishment"
This would mean he uses Punishment as his Judgement. Punishment, and only Punishment.
You can bet he will end all of this bloodshed with something worse than bloodshed.
And he will honor those who kept him against his will with what they really want. Immortality.
He will give the Morai what they want. The end of the Spiral Order.
He will give the Spiral Order what they want. The end of the Morai.
His rightful place will be built for him, by Architects and his Children.
And he will then be truly known as His Ambivalence, ending this until he must issue forth his own end.
Anguis will be his messenger.
All will fall back on his leadership.
Whether anyone likes it or not, he will assume control.
That is absolute.
Beware, and welcome, the Highblood all the same.
He comes to keep us all tame.
With open arms, guns, and anxiety.
Welcome, his Majesty.

Elzilia: "...Now this story is going nowhere... I wish skylark down is back, at least that story made sense. This is one is simply all over the place, with Mallak pretty much spamming and others mumbling with their high tier grammar. I don't get any of this, ugh... writter, just run me off a cliff or something."
Affraiel: "Yeah... Serris is long gone... I should have reduced him to a pile of pink dust when I had the chance... being living in prisons or carrying it for the past 60 years and now I going to die in the wild... fighting that people I chose to fight for... hmph how ironic, that freedom falls down upon me when I least needed it..."
Ursulan: "You guys, come on, at least we are making progress in our own story arc."
Elzilia: "Yeah, well, it is not really a RP if you are RP by your self... we are hardly relevent to the story."
Ursulan: "Well, that is good isn't it? At least Mallak won't be able to harrase us with his crude manner anymore, and Gwen won't get all bossy on us. And not to mention the mute hacker and the crazy highborn."
Elzilia: "You know what, you are right, maybe being irrelevent to this story is the best thing that ever happend to us..."
Ursulan: "To vanquish Spiral knights across the clockwork!"
Elzilia: "To slay all valkyries within the woodwork!"
Ursulan: "Spreading the influence of Morai across the galaxies!"
Elzilia: "Our presence Makes knights wet their panties!"
Ursulan: *crosses his arms* "URSULAN!"
Elzilia: *crosses her arms* "ELZILIA!"
Ursulan and Elzilia: "AND WE ARE-TEAM REAPER!!!"
Affraiel: *facepalms* "... Sometimes, I really wished that the turtle plushie my back was a real bomb..."

You called?
But yeah, posting for the giant wild-wood serpent now.

What did you guys think of my last two posts? Did Gwen come off as regal and powerful, or as something else?

Hmm...should Anguis speak vaguely & in riddles.
Sound like something an ancient serpent would do to entertain itself.

She came off as powerful, but demanding in a situation where she was forced in a corner. But other then that yes she did come off as she was powerful.

I see the story is grinding to a halt.

I know, I know. It's just... I have no life, so it's strange for me.

See, Gwen operates by reading people's minds and determining which among them has murderous intent, so she can intercept them and kill them before they carry out their intentions. Defending that in court will be nigh impossible since no one else has such powers to confirm her statements, so she firmly believes that she will be sentenced to death. But being a Queen (of the entire planet, no less), the only person with the authority to judge and execute her would be Xindao, not Barrus. Furthermore, Xindao likely has more experience with the paranormal, allowing him more informed judgment on the matter.
That's why she was so demanding about who would judge her.

See, I have the feeling Xindao wants nothing more then to 'whip the slate clean' of the planet. Blesse believes he is a bit stuck up and he has the ability to mess with her work thus she does not like him nor does she trust him one bit. It would be fair to everyone if Gwen could stand before a judge, of the people, since Blesse can back the though that Gwen can read minds. An the front of 'paranormal' abilities, look at Blesse, she is making fire from thin air (puns!) so in Blesse's mind its only fair Gwen stand before a Judge of the people not Xindao.
Yes this makes me odd but hell why not.

Is the shield blocking both you and Cicero from all around or just the front?

@Darkwatck: Judgment before the people would undoubtedly result in a biased decision. Either the people would support her because of her beauty, or they would mob up and destroy her because they hate how she's a murderer. "None of us is as dumb as all of us," as the saying goes. Trial by jury would probably be more effective.
@Psychnade: All around. It's very draining on her.

Gwen managed to shield both her and Ciceco from the Spiral's waiting on her, but at the same time they are watching and waiting knowing at anymoment a summary Execution could be in order if any hostility's happen on either side. So in a since its turned into a stand off.
Thin: Trial by Jury would end up with Gwen being locked up for the rest of her natural life in some deep dark pit where even the Swarm would refuse to go. But they would be leaniant because of her record with the Order I am sure. The only ones who would be understanding and be fair are those who A: Are uneffected by the case. B: Know about the 'Paranormal powers' that are present. C: Have no known knowalage of the case aside from what they are being just told.

@Psychnade: Gwen's shield shouldn't have just a "slight shimmer". It's a firewall contained in a force field.
@Darkwatck: Basically Xindao.

@Thin: Oh ok...I should've seen that XD
@Malk: It's convenient how you can predict and see all of my moves....

Yeah, that occurred to me to. It does seem awfully convenient that he noticed.
Besides, I was intending to have Gwen drop the shield, just for me to see whether a firefight will ensue. Speaking of which, don't have Jaxter leave just yet. ;-)

You're thinking of Sensory: 2. An Analytical rating that high should make him like a criminal mastermind.

I'll post again when somebody brings Xindao up for Gwen's trial, or if someone else relents before then.

No one criticize Xindao. He's being fantastically blunt and perfect and wonderful. ;-;
Nah, he just wants to stop the toying that's been going on for millenniums with his children, and lead them as he was supposed to.
Also, he would not be affected by any anger or beauty or whatnot, since he is of course blind.
I wonder if he saw what he was wearing, he would change his style?
Everyone keeps having misconceptions about Xindao. They are right to not trust him, but for all the wrong reasons, as he is not out specifically for personal gain, but mainly because he is fixing things into the way that they should have been. He will lead the Rebellion and will do whatever it takes to heal his people together again, and have the King and Queen fall to their true Monarch.

*wiggle* ... *wiggle* ... *wiggle* ... *click*.
Congratulations, Youve caught a Wild Anguis.
Give a Nick-name to your Anguis? No? Ok.
Anguis wants to learn Uprising, but it already knows 4 moves.
Delete a move to learn Uprising?
> Dig
> Bite
> Take Down
> Glare

Okay, I know my story has being running off rail ever since the beginning, I was expecting Gwen gets weaker as more of her fellow friends die at Elzilia and her crew's hand. But It seems no one really cared, so I will stop the RP if no one is going to bother.

And now, stories tie together. We may have to pull Elzilia into the story somehow. OuO

Actually, I was thinking that now would be a great time for Elzilia to make an appearance with the other players. Really, there's no better way to stave off a trial than with a good fight between the accused and a common enemy.

Well if Gwen is imprisoned, her only hope of rescue is good ol' Affraiel and his tranny side kick, Midnight. They are on route to find Gwen, while Elzilia and Ursulan are going to investigate the prison of the primordial fallen, that is right, Deus Aradama will be reawakened to fight his little twin brother, Deus Immortelle. Awesomeness ensue, but just to make things clear, the Affraiel in this RP is much older than his skylark fall counter part, with no armor protecting him, all he has is a Morai sniper rifle.

If Gwen comes, then chances are Cicero will, and if Cicero comes, then Jax will, and if Jax does, then Renao does... that's my guess.

Then it'll be Just like before the Morai attacked.
'Cept, of course, the new party member. And the high tension between them.
So... will Gwen join us or not?
Xindao plans to get to Tinkinzar before someone else does. For......reasons. =.=.....
Others may come in directly after or during a conference Xindao plans to have with Tinkinzar.