Discussion Thread
Lore Library
Thirty years have passed since the knights escaped from Cradle. A small garrison of knights was left behind to guard the secrets of the Clockworks and protect its native residents from evildoers. They would soon earn their pay when a Morai carrier, the Va'Isor, discovered the planet and launched a full-scale invasion.
But that is not the only problem the Knights face.
An ancient council of seven legendary individuals has resurfaced on Cradle, and they have all been corrupted. The mighty Snarbolax, the renowned King Tinkinzar, and others have traveled here to reclaim their positions of authority and exact vengeance on those they blame for their destruction. Between the Morai invaders and the legendary council, the garrisoned knights will have their hands full.
Welcome back to Cradle, soldier.
Welcome to the remake of Return to Cradle. If all goes well, this will be a sprawling game with numerous players and (hopefully) a coherent storyline, maybe even multiple storylines. First, let's lay down the groundwork of the game.
You can play as either a Spiral Knight or Morai Legionnaire. Other races may be permitted on my rare say-so. Refrain from power playing, god modding, metagaming, autohitting, or lorebreaking.
When submitting an app, provide the following information:
- Title: (rank, social position, etc.)
- Name:
- Appearance: (picture preferred)
- Faction: (Spiral or Morai>
- Race: (if non-human)
- Sex: (male or female)
- Life Stage: (relative age)
- About your character:
- Gear:
- Special Abilities: (see below)
- Stats: (see below)
For stats, assign 4 points between four ability categories, with 2 points per category being the maximum. 0=average ability, 1=honed ability, 2=heroic ability. Higher scores yields better permissions to write about it and better reaction times for each ability (if applicable).
- Muscular: (physical strength or precision)
- Sensory: (better eyesight, hearing, etc.)
- Analytical: (more advanced rational faculties)
- Endurance: (health, quality of life, resilience, persistence)
For Special Abilities, you get to decide if you want your character to have magical powers and such like, and I will decide whether I like your choice. You may have only ONE. There are a few pre-set abilities to choose from, but they are by no means all-inclusive.
- Precognition: I will PM you a hint about any one time period you ask for (provided I have your IGN) up to once every turn. The longer and further away the period is, the more vague the hint will be. I prefer to use poetry. You are not obliged to keep my revelations secret. :D
- Telepathy: You have permission to read a character's written, unspoken thoughts.
- Clairvoyance: You have permission to see things you shouldn't otherwise be able to.
- Regeneration: You have permission to fully heal immediately after a battle any wounds that don't dismember you. Lost limbs can be regenerated after a few in-game days.
Current Target List:
- Queen Valkyrie: unidentified, location unknown
- Fallen Valkyrie: unidentified, location unknown
- King Tinkinzar: location unknown
- Snarbolax: located in the Gloaming Wildwoods
- Lord Vanaduke: located in the Firestorm Citadel
- target eliminated: awaiting update
- target eliminated: awaiting update