The Strangers are a mysterious and seemingly friendly race of beings that inhabited Cradle before the knights arrived. These tall creatures wear elaborate clothing and masks that indicate their wares. They serve as vendors, selling some items, gear, energy, and recipes in exchange for crowns (or "shinies", as they call them). They are also very fond of Snipes, and most strangers in Haven seem to have several around them at most times.
But what do we know about them really? And what might they be hiding?
The Story:
Something is going on behind the scenes amongst this secretive race. Quince, a traveling merchant who was most often found in our original Rescue Camp, went missing under dark circumstances.
Rudkin, known mainy for his expertise in dealing with trinkets, was murdered in Bazaar to prevent the revelation of powerful, hidden trinkets which the Dragon Princess, Vin, Astran, and Sapphire discovered.
Bootshuze, a Stranger that is dressed like a Gremlin and offers some information on Gremlins and their culture, could no doubt offer at least some of the answers.
Hailoh, who greets knights entering Haven, and Plinkop, a Stranger that offers information about the Clockworks, would also be a natural providers of intel.
And what of the group of gear merchants - Greave the Armor Merchant, Kragen the Shield Merchant, Quillion the Blade Merchant, Ricasso the Guns & Explosives Merchant, and Vatel the Recipe Merchant? What secret alliances have they formed?
What connection is there between Vatel the Haven Recipe Merchant and Basil the clockworks Recipe Merchant?
Mawashimono, aka The Dragon Princess, is assembling a team of special investigators to look into the secretive world of the Strangers.
Who knows what dangers await?
Who is daring enough to accept this mission?
Writers who wish to be contributors to this collaborative fan-fiction will be assigned a Stranger to investigate according to their requests if possible.
As the story progresses, objectives will be introduced into the story by the Story Master, Mawashimono aka The Dragon Princess. These objectives should be taken into account in your storyline.
If you'd like your storyline to interact or borrow elements from other players' stories (this is encouraged), please make posts asking them about this.
Players should plan on making at least one post per week. The story will be advanced by the Game Master at the end of each week.
The title of each post will be your character's name and the name of the Stranger you are investigating, for example, Mawashimono & Rudkin - Part 1, Mawashimono & Rudkin - Part 2, etc.
Please take the following "facts" into account in your stories.
Strangers and Monsters
1. The Strangers get along well with the other two known races of Cradle - gremlins and knights. They also have an "understanding" with several members of the Crimson Order to their mutual benefit. The Crimson Order is a feared group of powerful gremlins. There are nine members, including Warmaster Seerus and Herex of Compound 42.
2. Strangers have a high degree of cyborg type chractersitics, giving them the power of teleportation, telepathy, and command over technology, including the ability to take control over all manner of constructs.
3. Strangers love snipes but are friendly with beasts in general.
4. The Undead do not seem to be able to see Strangers.
5. Strangers have a strong hatred for fiends and seem slightly afraid of them.
6. Strangers emit some kind of invisible field which repulses slimes.
Basically each writer will be assigned to a Stranger to investigate and create a story around while contributing to the greater story. You may request a Stranger in your application, but the assignment will come from the GM.
Here are the Strangers to choose from:
Quince went missing from Rescue Camp. Was he murdered, abducted, or did he flee in fear?
Bootshuze, a Stranger that is dressed like a Gremlin and offers some information on Gremlins.
Hailoh, who greets knights entering Haven
Plinkop, a Stranger that offers information about the Clockworks
Greave the Armor Merchant
Kragen the Shield Merchant
Quillion the Blade Merchant
Ricasso the Guns & Explosives Merchant
Vatel the Haven Recipe Merchant
Basil the clockworks Recipe Merchant
Example Introduction
Character Name: Mawashimono aka The Dragon Princess, or Mawa to her friends
Main Gear: Storm Dragon Helm, Radiant Silvermail, Lionheart Honor Blade, Argent Peacemaker
Appearance (optional)
Personality: Fiesty, Romantic, Natural Leader
History: The Dragon Princess is the leader of the Lionheart guild and keeper of the one true enchanted Lionheart Honor Blade. Many of her adventures can be found in ۞ The Dragon Princess ۞ Chronicles.
A link to some of your writing that you liked best [You can create a link to a specific post by clicking on the number of that post and copy/pasting.]
Stranger you desire to investigate and why: I want to investigate Rudkin (and his murderer) since he was killed while delivering a mesage to me.
Character Name : Vin
Main Gear : Grey Feather Cowl, Snarbolax Coat, Cold Iron Vanquisher, Polaris, Snarbolax Shield
Appearance :
Personality : A lax and childish person as seen by many, Vin can only be diligent and fit for combat when the matters call for it. And his guild-master and adoptive mother, Mawashimono, is always his matters. He does well as a second-in-command, and he's usually very compliant with his allies. However, to those who oppose him, it is not without fear do they hate him for his brilliant cruelty and nigh-insane mentality when it comes to administering the law, making him a force to be reckoned with.
History: Vin's life predated the launch of the Skylark, but it wasn't without turmoil caused by the events leading to the crash into Cradle. Little of it can be said explicitly, and Vin isn't the one to share it. It can be said, though, that he has seen trauma in all kinds of manners.
After his last guild died out, it was only by the sharp eye of Mawashimono that Vin became the capable man he was today, who sees his past as only the past. <---considered non-canonical, but it's the best I've got on THIS forum.
Selected Stranger : Basil - Vin, during his time as a disowned Knight, often traveled with Basil as a sort of companion, until Vin decided to cash in his money back at Haven. He hasn't met him since Mawashimono allowed him into Lionheart, and Vin wanted to meet the Stranger once more...