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Simple improvement/s of the forge system

4 Réponses [Dernière contribution]

Aight, I think most players would agree that the current forge system on Spiral Knights it’s at the very least a bit frustrating. Not only it just slows down the process of leveling up gear way too much, but because of the fact that Fire Crystals are way too overprized on the Supply Depot, it basically does not benefit the company to use this system at all (plus, Prize Boxes do a much better job when it comes to monetize the game if I might be honest). So here are two possible solutions that have come across my mind that should make the player’s experience better:

Solution #1: Return the leveling system back to what it was before
This one should be BY FAR, what most players would consider the best option. As I stated before, Fire Crystals are not only a very ineffective way to monetize the game, but it’s just plain unnecessary, so I recommend to simply make the level up system just work on it’s own like it did before, which made the item rise on power automatically whenever its heat bar got filled.

Solution #2: Forge Anvils at the start of every depth on boss missions.
This is not the best solution, but would definitely help, and it’s that at the start of all depths of the boss levels (Snarbolax, Jelly King, Roarmulus Twins and Vanaduke), a device that I would call forge anvil is available, that will let you forge your gear whenever you access it, but at the contrary of the Arsenal Boxes used in the preparation room and other levels, you won’t be able to change your equipment with it.
With this change I would also like to see an increase for Radiant Fire Crystal’s spawn rate between the depths 24 and 29 , since the number of Radiants required to completely forge a 5 star weapon is quite… Well, big.

Portrait de Midnight-Dj

Solution #3: Allow radiants to crafted from shinings, ect.

There really isn't make much sense that Crystals can be broken down into its lesser form but not the other way around. I would say 10 shining -> 3 Rads is a reasonable conversion rate. This would allow new 5* players to actually be able to craft their gears through arcade and give the leftover 3* / 4* crystals some use.

Solution #4: Increase crystals quantity per CE purchase in the supply depot

I am no economist but, demanding 700 CE for 50 rads at the supply depot is ridiculous. 700 CE is what you would have to pay at minimum to craft one 5* gear back in mist era. So the fact that 50 rads wouldn't even get you 1/4 of the way from heat lvl 9 to 10 on a 5* gear is an insult to players' intelligence (whales or otherwise). It should be at least 300 rads for 700 CE and even then it is a rip off. But this is GH we are talking about here, the same people who had the GALL to sell gatecrasher helmet at 3.8k CE.

If you want to do P2W, at least do it right GH.

Portrait de The-Ancient-One

I feel as though endgame grinding is mostly fine except for a few key points-

1.) It's very hard to get into, because the game only gives you enough rads to heat maybe half a set at most. I've addressed that here-

2.) There aren't very many areas to grind in. We have all of Dreams and Nightmares and Firestorm Citadel I've addressed that here-

Radically reforming the crafting system is a fun thought experiment for the suggestions forum, but is costly and risky in practice, as you risk losing players who have put in the work already, and muddling with the system tends to produce unnecessary complexity.

I think the most obvious solution is to release the next set of missions, move the danger missions and others I've listed down a bit, and have these new areas be difficult + fun radiant fire crystal farms. I also think that giving the player enough crystals from the get go to heat a set and a half would help them tremendously with breaking into these difficult areas.

But, if you want sweeping reform, might I suggest losing heat instead of fire crystals when you fail a forge?

Portrait de Jessecho
level editor when?

I would rather that they improve the endgame grinding experience by making existing missions more profitable, as Fehzor suggested via adjusting The Gauntlet, Shadowplay, Danger Missions and others to end on Depth 28 for maximum Radiant drops. Guaranteeing that there is always a Depth 27 or 28 Arena and Treasure Vault in the Arcade would also help, as would letting Danger Missions be played twice a day.

Besides that, I don't want to see GH try to tackle the Forge, rocking the boat for the few active players and whales who remain without pulling in any newcomers. The ship has already sailed for them to ever go back on it. The only situation I can see them doing so is if they commit to rebranding and reinventing the game and we see an influx of newcomers, and the only way I see *that* happening is if they add a level editor and publisher. That would probably be way easier than even designing one new mission.

Sounds about right

A lever editor could be a great adition to the game and would increase the replayability of it, but I hardly doubt Gray Havens can do that without a proper developer on the team.