• • Tier Zero • • A mostly Tier 3 guild for mature, experienced, and clever players.

A wild recruitment post appears!
It's really quite difficult to think of an eye catching intro, but you're already in the thread and reading the post so just stay with me for a minute or five here. :D
Tier Zero: What We're All About
Tier Zero is aimed at having the most skilled, intelligent and active players in Spiral Knights. This doesn't mean you won't be welcome even if you're fresh out of the rescue camp, it just means we expect you to be able to learn and hopefully have loads of fun in the meantime.
The most common guild activities include:
• Killing Vanaduke. He owes us lunch money.
• Killing the Royal Jelly. Because it makes delightfully squishy noises whenever we do so.
• Killing … okay, we'll kill pretty much everything. Why not?
• Discussing market trends and money-making ventures.
• Herding lichens. 5-7 Giant Lichen Colonies in one room are a beautiful sight.
We'll happily do most other things too, though. We're not active in guild lockdown, but we do have some lockdown players and have had GvG matches happen on a few occasions. We also do shadow lairs when we feel like it.
Of course we also like to chat and engage in all sorts of hijinks. Examples of such antics include:
• Speed jelly runs while frantically flailing our weapons around.
• Listening to our resident walrus proclaim its love for boat.
• Lulzing around in tier 1 with ridiculous amounts of health.
• Using low star equipment in higher tiers. Because why not?
• Friendly Fire Firestorm Citadel runs.
Gaming is for entertainment, we just try to keep it as entertaining as possible! :)
About Those Guys With The Invite To Guild Button
http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z121/Mazzelh/TeamZero.png (This group picture totally needs to be redone, but I'm lazy.)
Guild Master
That one member with all of the things and a lichen. UVs are lovely and shiny and all, but gear variety is what truly ticks this knight. Usually found wielding two swords, a gun and a bomb, but would probably wield anything from a forklift to a pillowcase if given the option.
Officar team
A dashing gunner with a flair for FSC runs and humourous trolling, Cryo often ends up telling the rest of us about his antics with hilariously terrible PUGs. He seems to always keep his head as cool as his name, though.
Our resident walrus. Commonly referred to as Kal and has a strange affinity with boats and amazingly UV'd guns. She owns a Scrooge McDuck-esque amount of those shiny, flat things called boss tokens that she is hoarding for who knows what reason. It may involve world domination.
Trydeth might be our one sane man. Or hiding a madness greater than all the rest of us. His obsession with pants would indicate the latter.
Commonly referred to as "Pony" or "that horse guy", this whinnying fellow has been with TZ for over a year - or he would have, if he hadn't gone on a pilgrimage to other guilds. He returned to his fold eventually, though, and we rewarded him with many a carrot.
Volty aka Voltorb used to be a purebred gunner, then he quit SK. When he came back, he had digivolved into a hybrider despite OOO actually buffing guns in the meantime. Despite being busy with school, he seems to be one of our most active members.
Officar PC Box
These guys are currently inactive and you should not mail your application to them, but they're still pretty awesome.
Also known as the Rathface. Fond of things as adorable as bacteria and as horrifying as My Little Pony, this guy seems to spend most of his time flirting with Rogue's GM or thinking up sick MtG card combos.
We like to think the Kitteh known as Touchmyfrag is on our side of the forces of lulz, but rumour has it his mind is dominated by a most sinister mewkat. Questions about this have only lead to "what dark ritual?" repetitions, though.
The hipster queen, according to many. Mainstream weapons and armour? Not in this knight's arsenal. Be it Iron Slug, Volcanic Pepperbox, Sudaruska or other oddities, she uses them with great enthusiasm. Beware the Tsuda.
Guild Roster & Ranking System
If you would like to see our current guild roster or how we award ranks, please visit our wiki page.
It's up to date most of the time (or at least some of the time), but you can always join us if you want the very definitely up to date list. ;D And speaking of joining-
Applying For Tier Zero
TZ is accepting pretty much any player these days as long as they can account for being awesome as a person. We can be picky, though, as we'd like to be convinced prospective recruits will fit in. Make sure you put effort into that first impression!
To apply, fill out this short questionnaire and post it below. Alternatively you can send it to Incoherrant, Cryoworld, Kalaina, Rathayibacter, Touchmyfrag, Trydeth or Tsubasa-No-Me as an ingame mail.
1) Why did you start playing Spiral Knights and what keeps you playing?
2) If you could have any one of the monsters in SK as a playable character, what monster would you pick?
3) Choose one of the following: Phoenix, Sycamore, Ferrari, Balloon, Supernova, Motherboard, Puppy. Explain your choice.
4) What is your favourite aquatic mammal? <-- Way important.
5) 7x + 13 = 55. What is x, and where would you take it out to dinner?
Feel free to write about anything you want in addition to your answers to the questions. :)
Thanks for stopping by!

I think I'm in if you guys can help me get a blackened crest :)
I'm more of a ''farming jelly gems'' kinda person :P
I sell the auntiga/sealed sword....:)
I got like 10 sealed swords in my inventory
Below is my IGN(In Game Name) and the other stuff:
Equipment: Skolver set, Grey Owlite shield
Weapons: Divine Avenger, Cold Iron Vanquisher, Dark Retribution, Warmaster Hammer, Chapue of the Green Rose Plasmatech Stuff.
Please send me an invite, I really want to get my Snarby Armor but i don't have the energy for a Shadow Key :L
:O I LOVE healthy foods( Like lichens) :P sometimes i eat pizza(made from Jelly King) to :D but i really hate fried Snarby >:D
Good Luck

i liek boat
We're looking forward to getting some new members. If you're uncertain about us or anything just drop me (Kalaina) or Incoherrant a line. I personally love being bugged, so like if you really want to declare how much Megatron from Transformers is your hero or something that's totally cool too. We're a close-knit group but we also enjoy making friends with people who are already spoken for in terms of guilds, so if you're on the fence or don't want to join, send me a friend request or something (preferably with text in it) and we can do some runs. After all, the game's about having fun, and that's what we value most.

ign fireherat
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? spring or summer of 2011
What is your current and your dream loadout? my right down my upgrading set and my dream loadout is with star5 everything
What is your favourite food? <-- Important. pizza made from vana, fried snarblox that tasle like pork and fries
Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
idk what that mean but i dont want to exploding everywhere
sent me a in game mail if i can join
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Used to play in late spring/early summer of last year, quit since then and have recently started playing again at the beginning of this month.
What is your loadout?
Vile Striker, Antigua, Dark Thorn Shield, Miracle Set, and a Prismatic Cake Helm for good looks. I like to do lots of damage and I like to do it fast.
What is your favorite food?
Veggie pizza
I'd like to join a guild of competent badasses in order to enjoy endgame content as much as I can.

we need to join the guild got mail
EDIT: what i mean is sent the guild mail so we can join and P.S i got BAD spelling so dont spell it right if you dont understand it at all

1. i have been playing for about a year and a half.
2.my current loadout is voltedge, argent peacemaker, miracle cloak (ash armour for show) miracle hood and grey owlite shield.
dream loadout: vog coat, chapeau of green rose (with pipe) grey owlite shield, voltedge, argent peacemaker,voltaic tempast and electron vortex.
3.favourite food is pie 8D
4. and no, "your never too young to die" xD
I have completed every boss solo including vana, took me 11 days :)
And i am thinking of becoming a bomber,it looks fun!

Hey people! I was kind of away for a while, being busy with non-spirally things and as such didn't have time for this thread for a bit. Not sure what happened to Kali in that timespan. But hey, Effeczee managed to join us (guessing via ingame mail) and I'll get an invite out to the rest of you later today, assuming you're still interested in joining. I kinda hope you are, cos you sound nice.
Will try to keep a more active eye on this again from now on, but for people stopping by here with interest: Try throwing an ingame mail, it is likely to get seen faster. :)
Also bumpface. More people, more!
Also have a picture of a mini-guild hall party because a handful of us got together and just chatted for a while. Was happy times. More people showed up later on but then I forgot to screenshot.

This thread could do with a bump.
So hello, here's a bump. :D

Quick Bumpz.
And all zeh descpritionz zeem zo correctz.

Wiki page got an overhaul earlier today, courtesy of Kalaina.
Also, bump.
Also, no promotions for your kitteh, Fraggy! :O

Tsu is in this guild...
Meaning... a Suda user...
Which I can combine... with my Vortex. For Massive Damage.
*runs to join guild*
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?:
JOKE ANSWER: Since I took an arrow to the knee.
REAL ANSWER: Since around the time Shadow Lairs came out.
What is your current and your dream loadout?
JOKE ANSWER: I'm Iron Man, so I've got shoulder missiles, jet shoes, a mechanical suit of armor, and no shield. My dream loadout is another nuke, like that one I hurled into a dimensional rift thing. This time I'll try hurling it down into the Grand Arsenal, or maybe into FSC... yeah, FSC. Then we don't have to grind it anymore.
REAL ANSWER: A lot of bombs. I've got a Mad Bomber Mask and Volcanic Demo Suit, Dark Retribution, Shivermist Buster, Electron Vortex, Nitronome, and of course my trusty RSS, all heated to 10. I've got a Spike Shower (working on that DBB), and plan on getting AoA, then VT. My only shield is an Aegis. (Cheap bomber is cheap; I got the recipe free from the mission. But some day I'll get, say, a Grey Owlite, or a CoA... some day.) My dream loadout? Full Mercurial Demo with Max Pierce/Shadow/Freeze for each piece, Vortex with VH CTR/Construct/Undead, RSS with VH CTR/Undead/Fiend, DBB with VH CTR/Beast/Gremlin, DR with VH CTR/Slime/Gremlin, a Grey Owlite Shield with VH Pierce/Shadow/Freeze, and two Max Bomb Damage Trinkies. And some other VH CTR bombs on the side- notably AoA, Shiver, and VT.
What is your favourite food? <-- Important.
JOKE ANSWER: A combo of Volt Oil and Blast Powder. Spicy!
REAL ANSWER: Bagel with cream cheese, two slices of whatever other cheese i've got on hand, and some ham. Bonus if the bagel is fresh baked. Double bonus if all the ingredients are gourmet. Of course, I like a lot of food. In fact, I like food. Fooooood.
Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
JOKE ANSWER: WHAT?! WHAT DID YOU SAY?! *insert multiple random expletives*
REAL ANSWER: If you mean as in "getting angry", I can easily refrain from exploding. If you mean as in "blowing yourself up", I can also easily refrain from exploding.

Cos I lazy. Nawh, I'll do it now. Should probably get around to listing myself as GM too, been a while since Kal adjusted the wiki page.
Also, bumpface. :)
I've been soloing through the clockwork for months now, but Vanaduke is one hell of a boss to fight. I would like to join this guild, it seem nice.
My current loadout: Leviathan Blade, Divine Avenger, Ash tail coat, and Ash tail cap.
coming soon: Skolver Coat, Skolver Cap
planning to get: Argent Peacemaker, Barbarous Thorn Shield, and Shivermist

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Almost 2 months.
What is your current and your dream loadout?
Current: Ash Tail Cap & Coat, Wise Owlite Shield, Avenger, Fireburst Brandish
Dream: Vog Cub Cap & Coat, Grey Owlite Shield, Divine Avenger, Blitz Needle, Barbarous Thorn Blade, Acheron, 2 Elite Slash Modules
What is your favourite food?
Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
I usually don't get mad or angry unless something really bad happens.

I like how many people are taking the exploding part as being about anger. I think Kali meant it literally when she first asked it of a potential recruit. :P
On a sidenote, spots are actually starting to get few. Currently we appear to have 90 members, but like five of them are kickable alts and another 5-10 have probably gone inactive. But hey, we're actually kind of a large guild. :)

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? About one week.
What is your current and your dream loadout? I have: Dusker Cap/Coat for armor, Tempered Calibur, Shockburst Brandish, Twisted Snarble Barb for weapons, and Twisted Targe for the shield. I want to get the 5* of all the equip I listed, as well as Gran Faust. :)
What is your favourite food? <-- Important. Hmmm, I love lots of food, but one of my favourites would be Rice. I love all kinds of Rice.
Would you refrain from exploding if given the option? Probably yes. :P

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
A year and a half Maybe.
What is your current and your dream loadout?
I'm using Cobalt helm and Magic Hood as a costume, Cobalt armor, Defender, Calibur, and Blaster. My dream loadout is a Vog Cub set, Leviathan Sword, Argent Peacemaker, and no shield?
What is your favourite food? <-- Important.
Egg. I'm a huge fan of egg. Egg with bacon. With extra pepper, yummy!
Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
Maybe yes, maybe no. It's debatable. But I prefer yes if there is no more option

Inco you need to update the guild officers.

How long?:
A year, maybe more, but I took a few reasonable sized hiatuses
Loadout: current and future
Current: Miracle cloak, Miracle hood, grand flourish, avenger construct uv high (roarmulous is fun :3), Acended calibur, wise owl it's shield
Future: grey feather cloak, divine hood, final flourish, glacius, divine avenger, grey owlite shield
Favorite food: butter pecan ice cream, coconut macaroon ice cream, strawberry cheesecake ice cream, vanilla icecream, that Costco handipped ice cream bar with almonds on top, indian kulfi ice cream, indian pista kulfi ice cream, indian mango kulfi, indian kesar pista kulfi, and sometimes I eat frozen yogurt but I prefer ice cream (I think that gives a general idea of what I like to eat...)
Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
I would assume explosions are a definite one hit KO in the human world, thus if given the option, I would refrain from exploding unless I had the pokemon ability sturdy, which would prevent me from dying, but allowing me to gain expirence in the art of exploding.

I'm interested!
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since the Steam launch (399 hours clocked in it so far)
What is your current and your dream loadout?
Current general dungeon-crawling loadout is a Skolver Cap / Vog Coat with a Barbarous Thorn Shield, and equipped with a Gran Faust, Warmaster Rocket Hammer, Barbarous Thorn Blade, and Argent Peacemaker. The Skolver Cap and Argent Peacemaker will sometimes, without warning, morph into a Snarbolax Cap and Sentenza depending on the damage types in play.
Current FSC-specific loadout is a Divine Veil (with wonderful max fire resist UV) / Vog Coat (Only 3 seconds of fire damage!) with a Grey Owlite Shield (although I'd like to try a Swiftstrike Buckler instead at some point), and equipped with a Divine Avenger, Barbarous Thorn Blade, Argent Peacemaker, and Blitz Needle, although if need be I can also do a mean Shiverspam (but who likes Shiverspam?).
I think I've basically got my dream loadout at this point, although I'm currently on a quest for a Voltedge, because VOLTEDGE.
What is your favourite food? <-- Important.
Everything bagels with various eclectic cream cheeses on them. Favorite drink is probably black tea, which I drink with an overtly British manner.
Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
Wholly dependent on what precisely I would be exploding into. If it's gross gooey bits, probably, but if it's something like kittens or confetti, I'd be all for it.
IGN is HasturHasturHastur, Steam Community name is chimaeraUndying. This application will also (hopefully!) make it's way to Incoherrant's mailbox at some point soon.

"Inco you need to update the guild officers."
Updated both that and a few other things. :)
Sitting at around 90 members at the moment. It is le neat.
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Less than a month! I heard of it roughly a year ago because two of my friends started playing, but I only recently found out that it's cross-platform (I'm running Linux and I do not wish to dual-boot Windows due to my lack of willpower when it comes to games).
What is your current and your dream loadout?
My current loadout has Sun Shards, a Graviton Vortex, a Spiral Demo Helm, a Wolver Coat, and a Skelly Shield. It's kind of strange, but it balances well for defense, in my opinion.
My dream loadout involves having four weapon slots filled with Sudaruska, a Nitronome, Radiant Sun Shards, and a Graviton Vortex...with maybe an Ash of Agni as an alternate for something. Along with those, a Skolver coat, Dread Skelly Shield, and a Volcanic Demo Helm for a nice, balanced set with bomb reduction time and sword damage bonus.
What is your favourite food? <-- Important.
There are just so many, this is a hard question :( I think I would have to say fettuccine alfredo simply because it's one of my comfort foods.
Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
Honestly, this depends on the circumstances for me D: If I am going to harm anyone, then no matter what, I would refrain from exploding. However, if my death were to save the universe from collapsing upon itself, then sure, why not, the universe clearly has its mind made up about what should happen in this case.

Flung an extra question into the application formula just cos. Gonna update the wiki page too, it's overdue. :o

1) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
About 408 hours over the course of 4 months
2) What is your current and your dream loadout?
Currently I have a full vog set (uv norm high and uv norm med) with a BTS (med normal) , 2 ctr trinkets, FF (asi high), DA (low beast, med undead).
Dream loadout would be a full snarby with max fire, and my weapons having max asi or max ctr, and make up with whatever stat that is lacking with trinkets. This way I can maximize sword dmg, ctr, and asi, and defend against most threats using the appropriate shields. Pierce and Elem are kinda useless in PVE. A vaporizer line bomb with max ctr would be nice too.
3) What do you usually spend your time on Spiral Knights doing?
Mostly just to keep up with friends and previous guildies, test out new missions, talk about energy and equipment market trends. I used to also help newb guildies out by giving them crown loans, sometimes I like to think of myself as a bank haha.
4) What is your favourite food?
Homemade beef burgers served with my own version of mcdonalds sauce, avocado, bacon, dijon mustard, lettuce, tomatoes, and mozeralla cheese
5) Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
I don't have a temper of any kind. When you're a business student you're taught to stay calm. :)

I sent an in-game mail to Incoherrant.

Can't be on atm due to some connection issues, but I'll make reading your application the first thing I do when I'm able to get on. :) Hopefully tomorrow, woop.
Adding officer pic to OP.

1) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? In game name?
335 Hours on steam. IGN: Shadowki.
2) What is your current and your dream loadout?
currently I have: Seraphic Helm, Miracle Cloak, Wise Owlite Sh., Dark thorn Blade, Nightblade, Avenger, and Silversix. My loadout does not have UV's. This is my only loadout.
3) What do you usually spend your time on Spiral Knights doing?
Mostly hanging around Haven.
4) What is your favourite food? <-- Important.
My food of choice hmmmmm....tasty jelly gems! :). But seriously it would have to be ANYTHING choclate.
5) Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
If temper tantrums is what ur refering to then I have none.
Additional info:
I got kicked out from this one guild for helping a guild mate do a mission and giving them a sealed sword. I don't know I guess I have bad luck with guilds.
Oh, before I forget I also send out PM's if i'm leaving for vacation or anything else.
I also use my mic to chat. Makes it easier! I type slow cuz of my visual impairment. I'm not really blind though.
1) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Bout 3 days
2) What is your current and your dream loadout?
Sword/Gun - Spur/Autogun
Shield- Defender
Armor- Wolvar Tunic??? the T2 Robey one..... likin it.... makes me look more awesome.
Helm - Magic Hood
All of these are Heat Level 4 and I like to kill stuff with them.
Dream Loadout..........
T5..... PVP-centric Set. Dunno. I havent really seen the gear past t3 cause ofcourse i like the surprise of finding new stuff...
3) What do you usually spend your time on Spiral Knights doing?
Soloing Arcade and running rank missions..... i party if the people are cool....
4) What is your favourite food? <-- Important.
.......... Beefcake with awesome sauce? or anything my wife cooks for me, cause i hate cooking? Sometimes I partake in milkbones and dentasticks... but thats cause i am jealous of my dog... whom always seems to have better snacks then me. Smug bastard. PS my dog is imaginary.
5) Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
No. I mean i dont get angry often... but i do spontaneously combust from time to time.

1) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Only a few months, but I've already fallen in love.
2) What is your current and your dream load-out?
(Current) Ashtail Coat/Cap, Dark thorn Blade/Shield, Avenger and Tetra-Heart Pendant
(Dream) Snarby Coat/Cap, Barbarous Thorn Blade/Shield, Divine Avenger, Fang of Vog and Double Elite Slash Modules
3) What do you usually spend your time on Spiral Knights doing?
Grinding my way up and goofing with friends/meeting new ones :D
4) What is your favourite food? <-- Important.
Cheesecake... With a name containing both cheese and cake how could it not win lol.
5) Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
They do say its better to go out with a bang. I'd volunteer to test the theory xD

1) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
-About a year, give or take, on and off.
2) What is your current and your dream loadout?
-Currently - a small handful of 5* bombs (faves being Nitro, Venom Veil and Grav Vortex), along with Suda, BTB or Polaris as a sidearm. Mad Bomber Mask, one Penta-Heart and a monster-damage armor carries me just about anywhere.
Dream loadout - a reaaally well-UVed Merc Demo set, with a 3UV Venom Veil to match <3
3) What do you usually spend your time on Spiral Knights doing?
-Prestige missions usually, along with the occasional Arcade heat-run or Vana if a friend invites.
4) What is your favourite food? <-- Important.
-Hard one, what with having such a sweet tooth D: I'll settle on muffins, can't go wrong with them.
5) Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
-Depends on how many toothpick skolvers are in the vicinity. xP but nah, I'm pretty cool-headed most of the time. Maybe too cool even, but all the better for getting along with everyone x).
*Taps Down and B-button*

I'm making this easier to read.
1) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
December, 2011.
2) What is your current and your dream loadout?
BoltBrand, Radiant Pulsar, Nitronome, Shivermist Buster, Chaos Cowl, Volcanic Demo Suit, SwiftStrike Buckler.
Voltedge, Dread Venom Striker, Blitz Needle, Supernova, Chaos Cowl, Chaos Clock, SwiftStrike Buckler.
3) What do you usually spend your time on Spiral Knights doing?
Grinding FSC, chilling with people I like to chill with.
4) What is your favourite food? <-- Important.>
....anything, anything but mushrooms. Keep them away.
5) Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
That, my readers, is a difficult question. Let me rephrase.. "You have the option of refraining, should you choose to explode.. what do you do?"
Well, explosions are loud. And make a mess. And destroy things, which is deconstructive. And [run-on sentence]. I wouldn't explode in the first place. I live for creation and the preservation of all that is magnificent.
[stereotypical end signature]
I have been playing for about like a month or so
My curent loadout is salamander set, my dream loadout is skolver coat and divine veil (I'm gonna try to be a hybrid)
I usually spend my time doing T3 gates, I just recently reached the core.
I LOVE hot dogs
yes most likely, because I want to live.
my knights In game name is noahkgilman, please chat or mail me!

1) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since it was released on Steam (July or August 2011)
2) Azure with canteen and vitakit, Rock jelly helm with toasty toupee and toasy mustache, Voltedge or Glacier, Blitz Needle and Killowatt pulsar and Crest of Almire.
3) What do you usually spend your time on Spiral Knights doing?
I bid on the auction house, talk to my friends, do missions and when possible, vana. YES, I do it with 3* gear and 2*.
4) What is your favourite food?
Cheese, no waffles! PANCAKES! IT'S PANCAKES!
5) Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
I like explosions, I like big bombs! They destroy and make noise wich is bad... No I wouldn't explode.
Please let me into your guild, this guild is just the type I am looking for. It just seems too good to be true.
p.s. IGN is noahkgilman
1) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I have been playing since about June of 2011, but I took a huge break.
2) What is your current and your dream loadout?
I kinda want to get the Snarbolax set.
3) What do you usually spend your time on Spiral Knights doing?
I mostly run tier 3 to earn money.
4) What is your favourite food? <-- Important.
Sandwiches are the best.
5) Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
Yes, I would refrain from exploding. Imploding is a better choice.

1) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Since December 2011.
2) What is your current and your dream loadout? Current: Miracle set with CoA and Glacius, Blitz Needle, Gigawatt Pulsar and Divine Avenger
3) What do you usually spend your time on Spiral Knights doing? Failing!! XD Jk I do FSC sometimes and even RJP if I want to.
4) What is your favourite food? Cake. And I'm not lying :3
5) Would you refrain from exploding if given the option? Yes. I hate creepers. DO NOT TOUCH MY HOUSE THAT TOOK ME 9001 HOURS TO MAKE

1) I've been playing Spiral Knights for a little over a week. Although, a while ago I had a Mad Bomber with a few 5 star bombs. I stopped playing a little before the candle levels were added. I'm picking it up again because I've got some spare time since I'm only taking one class this semester.
2) I'm wearing Heavy Demo with a Heavy Plate Shield. And a good amount of 4* Bombs.
I'm well on my way to Mad Bomber and have some good UVs to help. Max Fire resist on the Helm, and Max Shock Resist on the Suit. Add in the Boom Module for max damage and the 5* bombs, and don't forget the people asking me to stop using Nitronome!
3) I spend most of my time right now playing Blast Network (I want the Ruby Bombhead Mask again) or Soloing the Rank Missions. Currently on 8-1. I'd like to go on T2 and T3 runs, but I'm not really a fan of soloing, which is why I want to find a guild.
4) A Burrito from Barberitos. Chipoltle Tortilla with Rice, Pinto Beans, Chicken, Lettuce, Cheese, Salsa, Green Pepper, Queso, Chipoltle Ranch, and Lime Juice. Too bad Barberitos is 2 hours away.
5) This is a trick question isn't it? Explosions are my friend, they would never hurt me.
Herro im hyofl and i am looking to join :D
1)i started playing on its first week of release but then left it for i while. about a month ago i got back into again and had no idea why i stopped :)
2)My current loadout is:
Volcanic salamander mask and suit,
Omega Shell
Graviton Vortex.
My Dream Loudout is:
Arcane Salamander mask and suit,
Crest of Almire or Ancient Plate Sheild,
Graviton Vortex.
3) i spend alot of time blasting through missions, helping freinds in current guild (there all noobs which is why i want to be in this one), doing jelly runs and doing vanaduke runs (trying).
4) Dominoes Pizza. the BBQ one is amazingly awsome.
5)i can't explode. because that implies death. and that implies failiure. and i dont fail.

You guys sound like you have a good time, and I was hoping I'd be able to join in on the fun, even though I'm not T3 yet. I want to learn to be awesome at the game, make tons of cash and have all the best equipment, but above all else I want to have fun!
1) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I played for a bit when it released on Steam, but realistically, about 2 weeks.
2) What is your current and your dream loadout?
Right now I'm in fused demo, with a fiery vaporizer Mk II, blaster and horned owlite shield. I think my dream loadout would be mad bomber, with every 5* bomb in the game, I love blowing stuff up! Maybe a few guns too.
3) What do you usually spend your time on Spiral Knights doing?
I've mostly just ran missions so far. I'm wanting to do more blast network though, and also just generally find trouble wherever I can.
4) What is your favourite food? <-- Important.
Anything that's not grainy, slimy or rubbery! I particularly like reuben sandwiches, pulled venison barbecue, and sauerbraten.
5) Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
Never! Exploding's way too much fun!
Hopefully you'll decide to take me in, show me the ropes, and teach me the secrets of lichen herding!

1) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?- 4 months, 700 hours logged
2) What is your current and your dream loadout?- Divine/Skolver with ALL the glowing things :) (GOS, DA), dream loadout is probably Snarbolax.
3) What do you usually spend your time on Spiral Knights doing?- Dying, Talking, Farming, Dying, Killing, Bombing, Dying, Swinging, Laughing, Dying, Spending, Earning, Dying, Reviving, AFKing, Kicking, Dying, Getting Kicked, Dying, Crying, Lying about Crying, and Trying and Drying my Crying, but still Dying.
4) What is your favourite food? <-- Important. -Lasagna, noodles, or if deserts are included: mint and chip ice-cream. :) Yum.
5) Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?- Depends. Am I 46? ;)
I feel a special connection with this guild because this guild held the people that carried me through my Champion rank. Tsu and one other from this guild (I believe) joined Kyube when I told Kyube that I needed help with some rank missions. They single-handedly beat Gauntlet and Vanaduke, and Tsu did it with the weapons that everyone thinks worst about... Iron Slug, Pepperbox, Suda, ALL the horrible things! And Tsu still did better than me... And still managed to pull off some witty commentary whilst dodging flaming mecha knights. While I got killed by a gremlin. You know. The one that heals.

1) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
5 Months
2) What is your current and your dream loadout?
Divine/Skolver And things that shine. I like snarby to C:
3) What do you usually spend your time on Spiral Knights doing?
Taking, Helping, Lockdown, Earning, Trading, Reviving. Laughing about laughing.
4) What is your favourite food? <-- Important.
Noodles, Pizza.
5) Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
I can't explode. because that implies death. and that implies failiure. and i dont fail.
Hows it going? its me Mustaf from long ago. if anyone even remembers. Hope the guilds still doing good and i apologize for not having been active in like forever. Just wanted to see if its all still good here.

1) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
--• About a year and a half, but I've had a couple long breaks
2) What is your current and your dream loadout?
--• My current is a Vog Set, Barb Thorn Shield, and (I need to rebuy) 2x Elite Slash Modules, with a CTR Med Voltedge, DMG Med Fiend Polaris, Blitz Needle, and Shivermist. That way, I could be the Offensive, Defensive, and the Nail-everything-to-the-ground roles and switch accordingly in mid-run. :)
--• I do want and plan on eventually getting Skolver and Snarb armor, 2x Elite QuickStrike, and maybe a DMG Med Undead on my Voltedge (So I can switch out my Barb Shield for my Crest of Almire)
3) What do you usually spend your time on Spiral Knights doing?
--• I had just got back from one of those long breaks only to find that my previous guild has since died off :( . But before the break I was primarily doing vanaduke runs with random people.
4) What is your favourite food? <-- Important.
--• Spicy Italian sub from Subway :D
5) Would you refrain from exploding if given the option?
--• Depends on the circumstances... If in a room full of explosive boxes, I'd try safely "disarm" everything with my polaris. If the bomb is strapped onto me, I wouldn't have much a choice on the matter and would instead attempt to kamikaze the enemy- while attempting to stay away from my party members. Probably screaming the entire time too.
I've actually been in numerous vanaduke runs with Tier Zero members before my break. Which I guess is why the guild's name stood out to me here on the forums. Although I doubt any of you remember me.
This is an updated recruitment thread since Weedle can no longer update the old one for us. If you're interested in seeing old shenanigans or looking at how other people filled out their application, take a look here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/26798
Hope to see new people soon. :)