((You're right, some of those color schemes look a bit... Off. Wait, I have a black with red trim scheme? Straaaaaange.))
Machinauts: Far Side of Cradle - A stat-based RP

((Your character is Thrynn, so you'd be black with orange trim
EDIT: Er, black with amber, but close enough
Btw, the color schemes are based off the original posts, so they may or may not be currently accurate, such as Fallen King now being blue w/ grey trim rather than dark grey w/ light grey trim))
((EDIT 2: Why don't we start with the interrogation?))
"Now that that's done with." Faidra turned to the Farsor Numbers. He scanned the units for their serial numbers and names before taking a quick glance at Trezfa.
>I doubt that one would talk, let alone to us.
*I see.*
Turning to Harfly and Grojas, Faidra crossed his arms. "We need to ask you some questions. For your sake, I hope that you will comply."
While he spoke, Maydra sent a message to the other Machinauts.
"Each time they warped out, I noticed there was some data left behind where they left. If we can read it, we can find out where their base is when they transfer."

"Are you sure?" KV-103 responded with a private message, "How can you be sure that those aren't dummy data they use in an attempt to lure us into traps?"

(Doctorspacebar isn't dead, he's still working on preparing stuff for Chapter 4. As such...we have hit a minipause. Welcome to the Minipause².)

((My apologies for not posting. No worries, i'm not dead, and 4* crafting will be most likely ready within 3 days, depending on certain factors like the defense rework.))

Trezfa scoffs at Faidra, seeing him glance at him before turning to the others.
"I see no reason to tell them anything." Grojas looks at Harfly, and Vex nods.
《Well, you heard Grojas.》Harfly shakes her head.《Although, depending on what you ask, I may answer it.》

"... This is going nowhere..." KV-103 said, "Farsor numbers, I know now that you turn coats were working for the hooded Gremlin, and since he already stated that his chance of vengeance have slipped by, there is no more reason for any of you to stay, so go now, leave knowing that you have shamed the Torchbellow clan."

"We follow no one but our own Master." Grojas stated.
《You say we have shamed the Torchbellows,》Harfly's voice was gradually raising,《but your clan shamed Master long before he built us, especially their creator.》She said, pointing at Faidra.《He's the reason why the other scientists showed him no respect. He's the reason why Master got corrupted by his Dark Matter research! He's-!》
「That's enough.」Trezfa stepped forth, a low growl in his voice. The other three instinctively stepped back.「I will allow one question from the Sertak Number only, seeing how rude the others seem to act.」Under his visor, Trezfa glared at King.「Then we leave.」

>Even so, we should check the data and see where it leads first.
Faidra stepped forward, though not before saying "Your impatience never lets us get anywhere," to King. "Why did you turn on the Thaargans and the hooded Gremlin despite working for-slash-with them?"
King -> makes retort or insult
Maydra: "Not now, King"]

((oh I forgot to say WHYNA IS ALIVE!!!!!))
Matikclocker tried to tell something to the Farsor Numbers, but seeing as Trezfa said that she and other Farsor Numbers said that they will listen only to DSN-001, he turned to Fallen King.
"I understand that you are always skeptical about everything that fought us before or are just xenos, but your text was kind of pointless, you don't think? I mean, look at them. They fought us only once, but they *ahem* probably felt guilty and tried to help us."
Matikclocker paused for a while, then he looked at the pictures of the Machinauts fighting various xenos and others.
"Sometimes you need to be pacifistic when you notice someone you fought once. Just spare them. Show them some mercy. I was about to ask the Farsor peeps some questions, but with your pointless chatter about shaming the Torchbellow Clan I won't get the chance to do it."
Matikclocker again paused, only to call somebody. After he finished, he continued, "So, in conclusion, try to spare others, Fallen King. If you spare somebody you fought once, then they will be your friends. If you keep bring merciless for entities you fought ONLY once, then everybody will fight you. Only fight when somebody fought you more than once."

The four were silent for a moment before Harfly spoke.《They've wronged us. They stabbed Master in the back and tried to take us from him. But we got free, and we wanted to get back at them for betraying us.》
「Now that we've answered your question, we leave.」Trezfa raises a hand, and Grojas and Vex transfer out.
Harfly sighs, putting a hand on her hip.《Just be glad that Mil-》
「Master.」Trezfa quickly corrects her.
《Oh, sorry. Just be glad that Master doesn't want you destroyed.》As she says this, she's looking at Faidra specifically.
The two warp out. Left behind is residual data that, when decoded, will tell the Machinauts their end location.

After the DFNs leave, Faidra turns to the others. "Matikclocker. What King said wasn't pointless, but unnecessary. If he hadn't been so impatient, we could have gotten more information out of the Farsor Numbers." He paused. "Though I am curious about what 002 'Harfly' was going to say before 001 Trezfa cut her off."
After another short pause to think, Maydra remembered the leftover data. "Oh right, we should check that data and see where they went to."

"You do realize that those traitors will divulge just as much information as they did before in the four consecutive ambush they have staged for us?" KV-103 replied to DSN-001, "And besides, how can we know that anything they said is trustworthy? You can't honestly expect truths from the lost and the damned."
"Trust me Maticlocker," KV-103 turned to the other machinaut, "They have no intention of making friends with us, I have already seen it in their ambushes, they ran instead of falling in battle, and they justified their cowardice with excuse that what they do may one day redeem their 'master'. Between us and them, the line is drawn, it is to kill or be killed."

A voice in a soundbox spoke up:
"Fallen King of La Mancha, you will never change."
In a nearby monitor the frontal image of a machinaut appeared. It was wearing a Fused Demo Suit, with a standart Demo Helm shading it's blue-glowing eyes. A Mega Cannon Puppy strapped to the Machinaut's back friendly barked at the screen.
Some text in the inferior part of the screenfeed said that it was coming from the ship's powerplant room, on the enginnering deck.
((Allright, I'm coming back in. If no cool explosions are gonna happen on this ship, I'll just take what I can get for a comeback.
Mute- Equipment
-Mystic Orb
-M. Cannon Pup.
- Doom Watch
-F. Demo Suit
- Demo Helm
-Network Block
-Serial Periodic Block of Elements
-Elemental Tome of Hearty Fortune
I did the math, and pretty much all my crown (and Warrior Points) are spent in buying the 14 Orbs of Alchemy and Mystic Orb/Network Block recipes.))

"You say that, but don't seem to remember that we didn't give them any chances to talk when they ambushed us before. What they did tell us they already attempted as you saw against Viduur." Faidra crosses his arms. "And that 'excuse' of theirs, if their word is anything to go by, wouldn't apply to their previous escapes."
"Why are you trying so hard to defend those guys?"
"I'm giving them benefit of the doubt. We may not be able to trust them, but we can't just assume they're automatically lying because they were against us."
"You still can't just believe what they sa-"
"Fallen King of La Mancha, you will never change."
"We'll continue this later, Maydra."
"Good, because I need to try and decode the data."

((@Whyna: Welcome back! When the 4* crafting is ready, I'll update your bio so that your current gear is three-star and you're all caught up with the rest of the team. Then you'll be free to sift through the new stuff.
@Magmaul: Welcome back, also!
The gear is taking quite a bit longer than I expected. I'll probably have to push the "finish date" to Tuesday or Wednesday- Thursday at the absolute worst- but there'll be plenty of distinctions to make each item interesting.
The Finisher rework will have each weapon charging Finishing Moves in the same way as before- but they'll all go toward a universal counter. Once it's full, you'll be able to use any of the weapon's finishers, so having many weapons will be useful.
The Defense rework will simply add a percentile damage reduction after everything else is calculated; for 4-star attacks and weapons, this will be (defense)/(3000+defense), for a 25% reduction at 1000 defense.))
IS-M44 sighs. "Whoo... they are a complicated bunch, aren't they? Who's 'Mil'..."
"That said, they have a point. Our current information shows Farsor got a raw deal; there's records that show he was publicly humiliated by some of his peers. That's the reason he began unsanctioned Dark Matter experimentation. Some of the later instances were especially vicious... the Torchbellow are worthy lieges for the most part, but we can't forget they're capable of wrongdoing."
"Maydra, good work on getting that data. Let the lab boys have a look at it, and maybe we'll get to the bottom of this. In the meantime... were they aware of the Hooded Gremlin and the Swarm? Shame they didn't answer..."
"Fallen King of La Mancha, you will never change."
IS-M44 chuckles. "Good ol' Mute. He showed up along with the first wave of Geonids as far as I can tell- may be wrong there- and I've gotten nothing but compliments on his service. Right, Mute, do you copy?" IS-M44 says, "If you want, rejoin Advance Force on their way to the Refuge. You could all use some service, and I've got word that a certain "King of Kicks" is looking for you. Also, Boost mentioned a few of you by name- he's got a shipment of four-star equipment arriving by Magnet Tram... and he knows you're probably loaded for bear with Crowns."

"La Mancha?" KV-103 scowled, "Is that even a place on cradle? I never recall such place."
"..." KV-103 face palmed, "The fabrics between realities seems to have teared... this is all the swarm's doing isn't it?"
Commercial Time
Fallen King: "I don't understand, my neuro AI catalogued all languages spoken by the denizens of cradle, I am fluent in Almirain, Gremlinian, Katese, English and Isoran. But even then, I can't find a single match as to the foul words spoken by that PAD-103."
Me: "Hm, I went up to google and found something related. Have a look!"
Fallen King: "Who is google? Is he a wise sage from your planet?"
Me: "You are half right, google is a sage, except he is a lot more mechanical and stuff."
Fallen King: "Is that so? Then perhaps he can enlighten me to as to what PAD-103 said."
Me: "Oh, he will show you things alright... but see here, La Mancha is a Spanish state, a place on my planet."
Fallen King: "How can PAD-103 know something like that, WAIT, IS HE AN ADVANCE SCOUT FOR YOUR HUMAN INVASION FLEET ON CRADLE?!"
Me: "No, no, no, we don't even have space faring battle vessels yet... oh, La Mancha can also mean 'the stain', so maybe PAD-103 was calling you the Fallen King of Stain."
Fallen King: "Of course, that is a given consider how many have died beneath my blade, all of them the blood stains of xenos filth."
Me: "Hmm, judging from IS-M44's chuckle, I think what PAD-103 was truly referring to, is the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha. I think that is where he got the title from. The man who shared this title with you was a character in an old novel, who attacked windmills out of sheer lunacy because he thinks he was a cool knight."
Fallen King: "Then I guess PAD-103 didn't know I am powerful enough to destroy windmills with my bare hands, I was not classed as an Ultra Heavy Machinaut for nothing. I would gladly destroy those windmills if they pose a threat, despite how unlikely that may be."
Me: "Yeah, the truth is, I think PAD-103 is pointing out how overly paranoid you are, just like how the knight in the story hallucinates windmills as enemies."
Fallen King: "Overly paranoid? Even as the swarm reached out onto cradle's surface?! If anything he and the rest of my strike force are insane to believe that they are in a safe position! We may be seeing the last shroud of twilight on cradle before too long, and as the darkness sets in, they mocking laughter will be consumed..."
Me: "Okay, let's say, what if the Swarm did win? What would you do then? Keep fighting an enemy that will never die until the bitter end?"
Fallen King: "Yes, for the will to survive is also the madness to live, that is the curse I share with every last living beings in this universe."
Me: "Fine, what if the swarm is defeated then? What would you do then?"
Fallen King: "I will slay all the enemies that may remain hidden in the dark corners of cradle, and after they are cleansed, I will station myself at the gate of the core terminal, for that was my ultimate destiny, the eternal vigil of clockwork, from now on until the end of time."

"Or maybe you never read something called a book befo--"
Mute gestured Lightbulb to shut up.
"You have a lot of literature to catch up with, King." He said, and proceded to tap some buttons on a control panel nearby.
"Yes, M-44, I did come here with the first wave of Geonids. I was ordered to secure the ship's power core. I'm currently keeping it from detonating. The swarm attack latched a virus on the system, and it is trying to order the powerplant to detonate, but I'm containing it."

(I don't have any witty dialogue to share - so I'll amuse/confuse you all with this. Forgive me - I'm stuck in Kalos with a Mega Charizard X.)

((Recently, there was a death in the family, which caused some delay in the new weapons. As a result, I will unfortunately be delaying 4* crafting a little longer; most likely it'll all be ready tomorrow.
I'm very sorry about all the delays!))
"Wait, what?! ...Confirmed, Mute's correct." IS-M44 sighs and says, "And of course the part of the ship we'd want the most is about to go up in flames. Go figure. All units, grab any treasure near you and evacuate immediately! Bravo Unit, enable prisoner release codes now, we don't have time to lose!"
"Right, Mute. Once evacuation is complete, your orders are to get outta there. We've got a team on a disconnected terminal patching in to their mainframe remotely... they should be able to keep it from going boom until you're well on your way outta there. Figures they'd throw one last problem our way."
Fortunately, evacuation appears to be going off well enough. You leave the Thaargan ship for the last time, and begin the march back to the Refuge...

"This planet and its strange relationship with crashing ships," KV-103 commented, "I guess Tinkinzar never bothered with space exploration for a reason..."

((Oh my, a family member death! No worries Doc, I had it many years ago.))
"Crashing ships. Like any other. It's a standard on Cradle." Matikclocker had his random chatter for a while, then he looked at the same place where he was once when talking about a Matik Co. Superweapon long time ago.
"Maybe we will be finally able to reach the CRS Assembly Line? I would be able to greet you all to my workers, co-workers, Matik Co. CEO and even some of my clones!" Matikclocker cheered himself.
Then he proceeded to message somebody on Clockworks.net about...something. It's a secret.
((Actually, Matikclocker messages one of OVC employees about his arrival (as long as the CRS will be in the Refuge)))

((Good news and bad news. Good news, the link near the end of this post will hook you right up to the 4* gear, which is pretty much done!
Bad news, I haven't updated everything yet, so it'll still be one more day before folks can get crafting properly, but this gives me a little more time to get important feedback and answer questions about the new weapons and the Forge Styles system.))
"It looks like we only get big ones, too... some Thaargan are saying they saw something fire on their ship as it entered orbit." IS-M44 says, "It's worth checking in to."
"Anyway, Matik, your CRS Assembly Line will probably be the first place you all visit after you get done shopping. ...Oh, yes, and word is you'll be getting five thousand more crowns each, so spend, spend, spend!"
After a short elevator ride, and a bit of a march, you arrive back in the Refuge. The Gremlins on the Autowall cheer as you walk back into the Refuge, and you get friendly nods from Gremlins and Machinauts that pass. Near the entrance is a crafting sector where Boost waits, rifling through a list of Alchemy Machine recipes; Celloh is standing next to him, looking a bit less shaken.
"Ah ha! Didn't see you there. Welcome back, welcome back!" Boost, despite having his face entirely concealed, seems to be in a very good mood. "Celloh's doing much better now. And I suppose we're ALL doing much better thanks to you putting an end to that bombing run."
"G-good day, Machin-n-nauts." Celloh shivers a little, then says, "Like B-Boost said, I'm doing f-far better. Not many of th-them around... we're safe."
"So! Advance Force. Has a nice ring to it." Boost nods. "Right, I know exactly why you're here. You'll have to wait in line for the Alchemy Machines, though." Boost gestures toward the Alchemy Machines, where a number of Gremlins are currently alchemizing some heavy farm equipment. "They're a bit busy."
"But while you wait, you can look through this catalog of four-star recipes!" Boost seems to grow especially eager. "My brother and I have been talking with other Strangers. We've got merchandise from all across Cradle! I'm sure you'll find some of this to your liking!"

((All crown values updated.
@Whyna, Magmaul: I was generous and gave you quite a few extra crowns to make up for the loot you missed. You're listed in the main Bio section.))
The last Alchemy Machine makes a slight "ding" as a bolt made from Sun Silver pops out of the machine. The Gremlin workers start hauling the parts off, pausing to wave to you on their way.
Now that they're done, you're all set to begin crafting. Boost nods, cheerfully lowering his package of goods. "I've got some of the best stuff around! And for indirectly saving my skin, I'll give you all 5000 Crowns off your purchase. It's only fair!"
Crafting is enabled! Also, you gained 5000 Crowns! You'll have at least a week.
Boost's Bargains:
[4*] Elite Orb of Alchemy - 6000cr for 3
[3*] Advanced Orb of Alchemy - 3000cr for 3, 1000cr for 1
All 4* recipes - 1500 Crowns each
3* Alchemical Base - 2400cr
Spark of Life - 2000cr
Shining Fire Crystal - "Eh, hold on, I'm still looking up the price on those..."
770 Heat (To be applied)
Opening the Iron Lockbox revealed a 1-Variant Ticket for everyone! (To be applied)
-Ally Rows-
KV-103: 0
DSN-001: 0
Mark: 1
-Cannon Puppy: W
LV-909: 1
D-07: 0
-A.I.M.: W
903:99: 0
Matikclocker: 0
Nano2Nano: 3
Royal: 0
Thrynn: 1
-Player Parameters-
KV-103: 3000/3000 HP -- [ KO Meter: |||||||||||..... ] -- 0 Retribution (2/5)
DSN-001: 2000/2000 HP -- 1 BP (+3) -- Saber Storage: (Poison x2) | N/A
Mark: 3000/3000 HP -- 1375 Retribution (2/5)
Ignem: 2000/2000 HP -- 0 BP (+2)
D-07: 2000/2000 HP -- 0 BP
ASSASSIN: 2000/2000 HP -- 405 Retribution (1/4)
Matikclocker X: 1250/1250 HP -- KO METER: [ ||||||||||....... ] -- [OVERCLOCK METER: ||||]
Nano: 3000/3000 HP -- \_/ [ |450Nm| |450Nm| |450Nm| ] -- X-Bomb active!
Royal: 2000/2000 HP -- KO METER: [|||||||||||.......] -- 0 BP
Thrynn: 2000/2000 HP -- KO METER: [|||||||||||||.....] -- 0 BP (+3)
FXZ-42: 2000/2000 HP
KV-103: 75/75 (Nm 60)
DSN-001: 750/750 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
Mark: 600/600 (Nm 450|10 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp)
Ignem: 600/600 (Nm 450|10 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp)
D-07: 75/75 (Nm 60)
ASSASSIN: 50/50 (Nm 100)
Matikclocker: 750/750 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
Nano2Nano: 75/75 (Nm 60)
Royal: 500/500 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
Thrynn: 500/500 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
FXZ-42: 750/750 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
-Combo Attack Log-
Link here
-Player Allies (Requires Updating!)--
A.I.M. (D-07 "Ditto") [A8|B1|R6 (Turret)] - Waiting (0/450 HP) | 300 Nrm | 1200 Prc | 0 Ele | 300 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x400 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Destroy (Nano2Nano) [A8|B1|R6 (Turret)] - 450/450 HP | 300 Nrm | 1200 Prc | 0 Ele | 300 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x400 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Mega Cannon Puppy (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (430/430 HP) | 300 Nrm | 1200 Prc | 0 Ele | 300 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x400 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Surge Mail Polyp (SEE-4) [A6|B2|R8(+2) (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Weighty Heave: 2 ROF, 190 Nrm, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun, Back Row penalty enabled | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown}
Lightbulb (PAD-103 "Mute") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
-Player Team-
KV-103 "Fallen King" Stats [Midnight-Dj]
DSN-001 Stats [Sonosuke]
Mark30-Longshot Stats [Colray]
LV-909 "Ignem" Stats [Gatrnerd]
D-07 "Ditto" Stats [Spirals-Ore]
903:99ASSASSIN Stats [Herozenzero]
Matikclocker Stats [Matikclocker]
Nano2Nano Stats [Nanonizer]
R8-368 "Royal" [Trymal]
Thrynn G-54 Stats [Liminori]
FXZ-42 Stats [Blue-Knife]
PAD-103 "Mute" Stats [Magmaul-Ace]
K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" Stats [Whyna]
-SEE-4 Stats [Eternity-Terminal]
-"Sephiroth" Stats [Saucce]
-E-304 Stats [Arylide]
-BETA-01911 [Dreathuxy]
Idle (Ch. 1)- Post in this thread and I'll give you crafting information if your name is listed below!
-'Cobalt' [Hexlash]
-M4g1k [Snakey-One]
Total Crowns Earned: 38312
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 7783 (+26 WP)
-Chapter 3: 39665
--???: 57.9%--
1 Super Fire Vial [**]
3 Super Shock Vials [**]
2 Super Stun Vials [**]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
3 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
(Philosopher's Materials can be used as one of any same-ranked Material!)
31 * Beast Scales
34 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
29 * Emptied Clips
39 * Gel Drops
27 * Brimstone
31 * Scrap Metal
40 * Grave Soil
23 * Spark Plugs
24 * Cheap Gunpowder
24 * Sharp Fangs
23 * Rock Chips
18 * Philosopher's Motes
11 ** Owlite Feathers
11 ** Forbidden Fruit
14 ** Chitin Frags
14 ** Waste Modules
12 ** Power Cells
19 ** Ammo Boxes
17 ** Iron Gears
14 ** Fuel Canisters
16 ** Gremlin Gizmos
13 ** Frayed Fabric
13 ** Translocation Residue
11 ** Cooling Cells
14 ** Physics Applicators
14 ** Dead Gold
15 ** Swordstones
15 ** Philosopher's Pebbles
8 *** Bushy Tails
8 *** Rocket Sprockets
8 *** Phials of Phear
14 *** Unstable Cores
7 *** Fine Fabric
8 *** Striker's Scabbards
10 *** Mod Calibrators
7 *** Soul Dust
7 *** Force Dynamos
9 *** Torchstones
6 *** Hailstones
9 *** Volt Oil
10 *** Brute Cores
6 *** Toxic Cores
10 *** Philospher's Chunks
-Key Items-
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It was used to decipher the Audio Log you found.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
HEZ Audio Log II (A slightly newer Gremlin-made Audio Log found in Archdevil-IT Mardrux's office. Click the link to see what it said.)
HEZ Audio Log III (A Gremlin-made Audio Log left behind by a sinister hooded Gremlin. The Old Cipher doesn't translate it...)
-Unused Gear-
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {0/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Kat Claw (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L5 Shd Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+5), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken} [S1]
]-** Featherbow “Snipe” (L5 Prc Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage} [S1]
]-** Pulsar [Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7(+2), ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 3x127 (up to 3), Chg: 255 (up to 5)) {--/15 triple-target shots} [2E]
]-** Featherbow (L6 Prc Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
]-** Iron Knuckles (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Com 140/151/270 (base 130/140/250), Chg 564 (base 486) (Good chance of Mod Stun), can still Block while Charging) {--/15 full combos} [D2 E1 S1] (slated for unequipment)
]-** Monster Buster (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 7, CTR: Low, Clip 4x115, Chg 577 (60% chance to carry Overkill)) {9/20 Hits with 2+ Bullets}
]-*** Bird’s-Eye Featherbow (L5 Prc Gun, H 34/200, Acc +8, Chg 920, OverChg 1621) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
]- ***** Durandull (12 Acc, 15 CSPD, 400/400/400/400/500 Nm/El, Special Effect: Actually deals 1 damage per hit) {0/20 Sword Hits}
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]** Owlite Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 450/450 Nrm 150|Prc 0|Ele 400|Shd 0 (Resistance: 2 vs. All)) [2R]
[]** Support Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L6 Armor, H 88/120)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
/\** Desperado Hat (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Vial/3 turns)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>** Powercooled Risk vs. Reload (Can use with a standard Gun Attack, either halves Reload Time (65% chance) or take 50 recoil damage during attack (35% chance))
13 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Lil' Wiz, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
** {Calibur, Cutter, Energy Saber, Flourish, Iron Knuckles, Katscratch, Ray Shamshir, Snarl of Cerberus, Spat-O-War, Autogun, Catalyzer, Featherbow, Mire Crossbow, Monster Buster, Pulsar, Wallbreaker, Cannon Puppy, Doom Watch, Magic Orb, Meteotillery, Surge Mail Polyp, Demo Suit, Desperado Jacket, Medisuit, Plate Armor, Wolver Coat, Cobalt Helm, Demo Helm, Desperado Hat, Plate Helm, Wolver Cap, Defender, Non-Shield, Owlite Shield, Support Shield, Advanced Periodic Block of Elements, Binocular Critical Scope, Bucket Dimension Mk II, Burst Module, Combo Chronopacitor, Default Coil Mk II, Master's Gauntlet, Mega Rocket Boots, Owlite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Owlite Tome of Impact Retribution, Pauldrons of the Knights of Rounds, Power Gauntlets, Powercooled Risk vs. Reload, Title-Seeker Belt, True Knight Bracer}
*** {Beam Shamshir, Capacitant Energy Halberd, Dire Katscratch, Gaze of Cerberus, Magna Lance, Sealed Sword, Shining Energy Saber, Striker, Swift Flourish, Tempered Calibur, Antigua, Bird's-Eye Featherbow, Cryotech Alchemer Mk II, Mobile Siege Ram, Multiburst Brandish, Pepperbox, Radiant Prisma Scope, Supercharged Buster, Faeflare, Graviton Charge, Mega Cannon Puppy, Tactical Meteotillery, Great Defender, Luxury Support Shield, Tempered Non-Shield, Boosted Plate Armor, Dusker Coat, Fused Demo Suit, Gunslinger Sash, Medisuit Plus, Solid Cobalt Armor, Boosted Plate Helm, Dusker Cap, Gunslinger Hat, Medicap Plus, Solid Cobalt Helm, Brave Default Coil, Challenger Belt, Charging Combo Chronopacitor, Defender's Bracer, Dragonblaster Boots, Elemental Tome of Hearty Fortune, Elemental Tome of Retribution, Honed Master's Gauntlet, Incredibucket, Risk vs. Reload Deluxe, Serial Periodic Block of Elements, SMART Critical Scope, Super Burst Module, Super Power Gauntlets}

(Time to upgrade EVERYTHING...this'll be fun (/s) and exorbitantly expensive to boot (If it's 31k with the 5k bonus...then eesh), especially with orbs (seriously, I did the calculations: enough 4* orbs to make a full 4* set would cost 126,000 crowns). Anyway, let's hope the command spam doesn't break things.)
[Purchase the following:
Recipes: Silent Nightblade, Grand Flourish, Master Blaster, Volt Driver, Sturdy Support Shield, Sunset Duster, Sunset Stetson (10,500 crowns)
Orbs of Alchemy: 6 (12,000 crowns)
3* Alchemical Bases: 2 (4,800 crowns)
Leftover crowns: 4,056 (down from 31356.)]
[Craft the following using Alchemical Substitutes and Philosopher's Materials to replace the normal requirements:
Silent Nightblade (1 *** Philospher's Chunks, 2 ** Philosopher's Pebbles, 2 * Philosopher's Motes, 3* Alchemical Bases)
Volt Driver (1 *** Philospher's Chunks, 2 ** Philosopher's Pebbles, 2 * Philosopher's Motes, 3* Alchemical Bases)]
[Unequip Radiant Prisma Scope & Dire Katscratch, equip Silent Nightblade & Volt Driver.]
(So yeah, this is a problem...I won't be able to afford crafting everything I need. So: Requesting permission to sell all unused gear if possible.)

((Doc, why my crown balance is the lowest here? Should I act as I have 39665 crowns more?))
"Let's craft! Logging into the Alc*Station system..."
"Here we go."
Supercharged Gunsaber recipe (My Calibur is useless from now on)
Ionic Double-Bow recipe
Cryo Driver recipe
Graviton Bomb recipe
Mighty Defender recipe (Split-craft: DSN-001, 50% off)
Mighty Cobalt Armor/Helm recipes
Cryo Driver: Debilitating
Supercharged Gunsaber: Mighty
Ionic Double-Bow: Dangerous
Graviton Bomb: Heavy
Mighty Defender: Unbreakable
Mighty Cobalt Armor/Helm: Durable
Equip all weapons (for Supercharged Gunsaber, replace Calibur with it)

1: I'm interested in the dagger upgrade path but I can't really find the 2* or 3* lists...
2: speaking of which, i've never upgraded so i might need to fix up my armor or nab something in the unused and upgrade it with lists i don't know where to find
3: i've no idea what i'm doing with this upgrade system. perhaps i missed the explanation

(I like your crafting stages, Matik :P)
4* Vile Striker Recipe
4* Spectral Scissorsword Recipe (Shadow Def. only tripled on charge atk. right?)
4* Strike Needle Recipe
4* Plasma Capacitator Recipe
4x 4* Recipes (1500cr each) = 6000cr
1x 3* Alchemical Base (2400cr each)= 2400cr
4* Mighty Cobalt Helm Recipe
4* Mighty Cobalt Armor Recipe
2x 4* Recipes (1500cr each) = 3000cr
Vile Striker - Ferocious
Spectral Scissorsword - Ferocious
Strike Needle - Dangerous
Plasma Capacitor - Dangerous
Mighty Cobalt Helm - Durable
Mighty Cobalt Armor - Durable
Great Defender - Secure
4x 4* Alchemy Orbs for Weapons
2x 4* Alchemy Orbs for Armor
Total Recipe Cost: 9,000cr
Total Alchemical Base Cost: 2,400cr
Total Elite Orb Cost: 36,000cr (Wow, that's a lot)
GRAND TOTAL: 47,400cr (I will barely afford this after Boost discount, I'm at 42,693 cr right now.)
Equip all weapons and armor in order listed above.
Finalize purchase? Y/N
(Only go through with purchase if Scissorsword only triples Shadow def. on charge attack)

"If only the Merchants can loan us better war gears in a time like this," KV-103 commented, "Then again, smart Merchants don't take sides in a conflict..."
5 X 4 star Alchemy orbs (3 stack) = 6000 X 5 = 30,000 cr
Buying recipe for Maul of Cerberus, Forceful Energy Halberd, Heavy plate mail and Heavy Plate Helm = 1500 X 4 = 6000 cr
"Always good to see a fellow fencer in the strike force," KV-103 turned to Ignem. (splitting with Ignem = 750 cr)
--Forging style--
Maul of Cerberus - Mighty, renaming it to the 'Eviscerator' if possible
Grand Flourish - Ferocious
Forceful Energy Halberd - Heavy <- if I am not wrong, I think we all got a UV ticket as a reward for saving Nalki's skin, if so, apply to this
Heavy Plate Helm - Durable
Heavy Plate Mail - Durable
--Total cost --
37145 - 30000 - 6000 - 750 = 395 cr

((@Midnight really? Well, then I will use the ticket on my gunsaber.))

((@Blue-Knife We have non-shields for guns and bombs, they're the Ammo Arm and Network Block.
Remember to not be that guy *points at DJ* and split the price if someone is buying what you want. I guess another rule of thumb is to not craft until everyone's done buying, but no one cares anyways.
Wait, is it 5,000 cr off the subtotal, or 5,000 cr already in our inventories? Because if it's the latter, then woops.))
Zero Energy Saber - 1,500 Cr
Proto Buster - 1,500 Cr
Meteotillery Prime - 1,500 Cr
Mighty Defender - 750 Cr (Split with Matikclocker)
Heavy Demo Suit - 750 Cr (Split with Mute)
Sunset Stetson - 750 Cr (Split with Ignem)
Elite Orb of Alchemy x18 - 36,000 Cr
Advanced Orb of Alchemy - 1,000 Cr
Subtotal - 43,750 Cr
Discount - 5,000 Cr
Total - 38,750 Cr]
Zero Energy Saber - Specialist
Proto Buster - Mighty
Meteotillery Prime - Mighty
Mighty Defender - Unbreakable
Heavy Demo Suit - Quality
Sunset Stetson - Durable
Brave Default Coil
Equip: All]

((Welp, I ran the numbers. A few of you may have gotten the price mixed up; it's 6000 crowns for 3 orbs, and only 2000 crowns for 1 orb. You can craft an item for 6000 crowns.
As it stands, it's:
-7500 to upgrade a 3* item to 4*, or to make a 4* item from a new line like the Spectral Scissorsword
-9900 to make a 4* item from an existing line, like the Alchemers
Matik's current crown totals are indeed correct, and the boost is being applied. All of you are over 30K Crowns, so you should be able to upgrade at least one weapon along with your armor, shield, and helmet.
There's going to be a lot of crowns dropping in the coming chapter, as well as plentiful crafting opportunities. Part of the challenge here is saving money, and choosing what to upgrade to tide you over until you can get all the upgrades you want.
1) Whoops. 3* gear is here, 2* gear is here. I would update the OP if I could, but due to the account mixup, I can't.
You can also spend 2400 crowns to skip straight to a 4* item by buying the 3* Alchemical Base; you don't need this if the item is in a new upgrade line (like the Spectral Scissorsword and the LeBeau 4000).
2) Answered above, I think.
3) The Forge Styles? With that, you just select a style when crafting it, and you'll get opportunities to switch later; the equipment gains the bonuses listed with its respective Forge Style. (For example, a level 7 Calibur with Mighty gets +15% damage and CTR: Low, while a level 7 Calibur with Ferocious gets +9% damage, Damage Penalty: Low, and Attack Speed Increase: High.)
If anyone else needs any help, just let me know.))

((EDIT: I'll keep this post updated as everyone else purchases their things, in case anyone wants to split.))
Giga Cannon Puppy Recipe 1500 Cr (Nano talked about splitting the price for this one too, but I didnt see any reference of a Gig. Puppy Recipe on his purchase list.)
Wizardry Orb Recipe 1500 Cr
Heavy Splinter Bomb Recipe 1500 Cr
Heavy Demo Suit Recipe (Split w/ Sono) 750 Cr
Blast Boost Basinet Recipe 1500 Cr
Bombastic Network Block Recipe (Split w/ Nano) 750 Cr
Mega Gravitant Rocket Recipe 1500 Cr
Alchemical Base for Splinter Bomb(3*) 2400 Cr
Alchemical Base for Network Block(3*) 2400 Cr
15x Orbs of Alchemy(4*) 30 000 Cr
Total: 43 800
Blast Boost Basinet - Unbreaking
Bombastic Network Block - Quality
Wizardry Orb - Debilitating
Giga Cannon Puppy - Ferocious
Heavy Splinter Bomb - Ferocious
(No, I'm not crafting a Heavy Demo Suit yet. I'll forgo protective gear for the meanwhile.)
Blast Boost Basinet ->> Demo Helm
Bomb. Net. Block ->> Support Shield
Heavy Splinter Bomb ->> Slot 4
Wizardry Orb ->> Slot 1
Giga Cannon Puppy ->> Meteotillery
As the new equipment assembled in the Alchemy Station, Mute proceded to report his activities while away from the team:
"Leaving the team without explanations was undesirable, but I had something important to do." PAD points at the shapeshifting carcass of Lightbulb's gun pup platform. "I've wanted to interrogate the Battle Sprite ever since it's uninvited arrival, but considering we were inside an underworld server, we both agreed to stay silent. The whereabouts of the Spiral Order is something too big to further unveil in front of a Devilite, or anywhere near one."
"Lightbulb: Besides, I was never going to talk about my people if it had to be near mister La Mancha, anyway."
"Okay, back to the platform, Bulb." Mute put the newly crafted Giga Cannon Puppy in the ground near him and multiple cords between him and it. "So, on the first chance to slip away from the team, me and Lightbulb began some data exchanges. This led us to a crashed ship on Tier 1, were Light found a few working devices, wich we salvaged to use as uplinks to the Spiral Knights." Lightbulb shuffled happily on his new platform. It was obvious he was liking these constant upgrades. "Now, before anyone asks, no, we're not talking to them. I reached the conclusion that it is best to wait until theyre actualy moving towards us before letting ourselves appear to them."
"I still think we'd be better off tapping a few fingers deeper into their networks." The Gun Pup let out. Mute made a gesture that clearly resembled a shrug.
"In fact, the main reason I could not talk to any of you during this interval was because I had to keep every bit of my being focused on Lightbulb, so he didnt start talking to them. We only have news feeds and a few pieces of literature to read from, but it should count for something later on."

"So you were collaborating with this heretical machine in secret?" KV-103 said to Mute while pointing at lightbulb, "well, I am certainly not impressed since you could have just gotten a tap on the spiral order from Pholy, the xeno geologist who is staying at the torchbellow settlement. The Spiral Knights' arrival on this planet is no secret, their headquarter is at Haven, a former town for the strangers, those are all we ever needed to know."
"And last but not least... it is SIR of La Mancha to you, Heretical machine," KV-103 turned to Lightbulb, "wherever that is..."

((Oh, this is just... great. We have a sharpened lumberdirk and a plywood lumberdirk, which I assume are either 0* or 1* items; meaning upgrading that and using it as a weapon is about as likely as finding a needle in a haystack.
Just when I thought I had found a fun item, too. . .
Basically, I want to try to get up to an Ironwood Lumberdirk- but that requires upgrading past plywood, sharpened, redwood, and elfinwood.
So I guess the question is how we upgrade things that far back???))

((you can read the introduction of the 4* recipe manual:
4* item upgrades require the corresponding 3* item. However, they can substitute a 3* Alchemical Base, which can be purchased for 2400 Crowns.
So all you actually need, is 2400 cr for the base + 1500 for the 4* iron wood dirk recipe and 6000 cr for the orbs, if only crafting in SK was that easy))

"We know that they're here and that they're in a city called Haven."
Mute stopped to put on his new helmet.
"No, Fallen, that is not enough. We need to know about their activities in the Clockworks, what they realy want. And we need that information from their own sources, not from what one knight said or heard, even more so because I wouldnt manage to keep track of him if I requested some sources from Pholy. Lightbulb is a machine like us, I can give him necessary information but still be sure of what he'll do next. The same would not be possible with Isorians. I discarded Pholy as a viable source long ago, for there is no ensurance he'll relay the truth to me."
Mute stopped again to shut down Lightbulb's speakers.
"Besides, Pholy would make a lot more noise than this Battle Sprite, and even if they allready know about us, if they find out we're peaking at them, they might come here precociously."

"Hey Mute, it seems that you re getting a Net-block and a cannon pup, how about we will share some recipes like Faidra said?"
After a while Nano turned towards the alchemy station.
"Time to craft."
> Virulent Catalyzer (gonna throw my alchemer out) (1500 cr)
- Alchemical Base 3 star will be used (2400 cr)
- Mighty
= 9900 cr
> Luminous Faeflare (1500 cr)
- Rename to "Luminary"
- Dangerous
= 7500 cr
> Bombastic Network Block
- Quality
- split with Mute (750 cr)
= 6750 cr
> Medisuit Prime set (3000 cr)
- Unbreakable
= 15000 cr
> Incredibucket (1500 cr)
= 3500 cr
TOTAL = 42650 cr
45255 cr in account.

((How strong is the Status Effect Amp? I like to have exact numbers to make decisions with :P
Also, are only 3* Trinks available with 4* Weapons? I already got 3* Trinks with my 3* Weapons, so I'm a little confused here.
What armor do you guys think I should get? I'm looking at Mighty Cobalt for health or Shock or Poison status sets.
@Matik: Thanks for the tip about the shields, I don't think I'm going to get a 4* Shield just quite yet. Or... I might drop one of my weapons and get the shield. points at shock bomb))

(Well, there go my calculations. That's the last time I try and do the math at one in the morning.)

((Doc, you didn't answer my question in the above post about the 5,000 crown discount, because if it isn't what I think it means, then I need to change my shopping list.))

((@Sono: The discount hasn't been applied yet. Sorry for the wait.
@Blue-Knife: The 3* Trinkets are there for convenience. Some people have already gotten them, but some people haven't.
Status effect amp generally adds +5% infliction chance per point, and two points of SEA will add one turn to status length. Doom is an exception; higher Doom Effect Amp will lower the time Doom takes to apply by one turn per two points, in addition to increasing damage beyond 100%. Yes, this means Doom can deal Overkill damage.
Each status's effects also become varyingly more potent; Fire, for example, gains a straight +15% damage per point, while Shock gains 5% disable rate per point. I'll probably put together a full list tomorrow.
I plan on starting up Chapter 4 by July 5 or 6, assuming no one has too many issues.))

((Thanks, Doc.
In other news, I'm working on the info spreadsheet during this. Those who were active during Chapter 3, but haven't replied since Doc's 4* crafting post, have their Status slots changed to yellow until their return, and will be changed from "Active" to "Standby" when crafting is done.))

Just for clarification, the 3* base includes the prerequisite weapon, or no?
Edit: Rip Progress, my plugins crashed firefox.
Specialist's Iron Chef’s Spat-O-War (33% flip rate at lv 1, 50 something at 10)
Ferocious Ironwood Lumberdirk (Good thing you can't put specialist's modifier on this eh?)
Mighty Ionic Double-Bow (For Combos)
Shields: no
Armor: Need clarification before choices are made.
I'm torn between grabbing the fencer set and the snakebite set.
Attack speed increase is a little confusing with this battle setup. (Fencer's)
On the other hand, Charge time reduction sounds nice, but it would still take two turns to overdraw? (Snakebite)
Brave Default Coil or Incredibucket (Opinions, please?)
Charging Combo Chronopacitor (CCC)

((Short Answer: Yes
Long Answer: The 3* Base is the substitute for the prerequisite gear item, so technically yes, it includes the prerequisite weapon.))

While waiting for doc to finish things, I drew some fan art for some of the machinauts, this one is for liminori.
And here is a list of all of the machinauts that I have drawn:
KV-103 unit one 'Steel Justicar'
KV-103 unit two 'Fallen King'
Gun wolf
UTS-00003 'Bismarck'
ZX-125 'Steel Butterfly'
Edit: @Mati fixed the link

((Could you please fix the link to my machinaut art? It seems thst it is either nonexietent or you tried to play a trick on me (but you'd never do it, right?)))

((I think I still have a faint ring in my ears from that and fireworks.
Anyhow, I'll be ready to roll by the 5th, or the 6th if something comes up on the 5th!
@Sono: Thanks for being awesome and helping Liminori out/making that chart.
@DJ: That art is freakin cool! I really like UTS-00003- it's a really cool overall design, and the majestic hat gets two thumbs up and a Dispensah from the TF2 fan in me.))
((I was looking back at the Machinaut color schemes (found here (top row, back fill is main color, word is trim), currently re-adding previous Machinauts' gears) and I just noticed that a handful of character's would look really weird with the colors they chose. Special mention goes to SEE-4 (Pale Red w/ Cyan trim) and Nano2Nano (Yellow w/ Blue trim)))