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On The Old Flourish Nerf

7 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Saint-Olga

I recall OOO made a range-nerf adjustment to the flourish line weapons because of how effective they were in Lockdown, but I cannot find it in the release notes. Does anyone else remember this?

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
yes, but not precisely

It's never mentioned in the official release notes, I think. In the History wiki page, I listed the date as 2012-09-05. But I don't remember how I settled on that date. Probably by examining forum threads.

However, there are threads about piercing sword length nerfs as early as 2012-02-16. If you can help nail down the date, I'd appreciate it.

Bild des Benutzers Saint-Olga

Hmm, I guess it was rumor.

I found another post that explain what I too experience, with the 2nd swing/jab of the flourish.
(I only made it to page 160 in [Arsenal]--before I got bored of looking for anything flourish-related dated before 2012.)

It's like the Brandishes; instead of swings pushing mobs/players too far for the 3rd atk, it happens on the 2nd for the flourish lines.

Probably was always a latency issue.

Bild des Benutzers Thats-Rough-Buddy
i remember this, definitely not latency

Here is a lockdown video I found from February 2012:

This video is from Feb. 2012 -- If you go to around 0:52-0:54 seconds, and play the video at 0.25x speed, the flourish looks like it has about 0.5 extra tile range than it does today. The knockback appears about the same as today. Tough to tell though

Searching google for "spiral knights flourish range nerf", and closest thing I found were these threads:

And created by @Theirillusion: (maybe you could ask him if he remembers the date? he is still active, currently participating in Bleyken's LD tournament)

what is interesting is that a flourish nerf was actually an unpopular opinion, given the number of triggered downvoters in the threads, but OOO did it anyways lmao

Bild des Benutzers Saint-Olga

The jab trail-arc in the video even looks wider than it does today!

taken from a comment-link in the threads provided by Crispy: You can see them talking about the update and complaining about .25 range decrease on the first swing of flourishes.

Strange that they removed any notice about the flourish, in the notes, when Nick was looking into it from the thread:

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
complaints both ways

We seem to be talking about different nerfs. The one that I remember is simply a nerf to the length of the sword, changing it from long to short, roughly speaking. (The third, lunging stroke still reaches very far.) This nerf was made to address complaints that piercing swords were too dominant in Lockdown because the first swing was wide, long, and decently quick.

Player opinion was mixed, I recall. I was against the nerf, because it made the swords less powerful --- underpowered, arguably --- in PvE. The nerf improved the PvP game at the expense of the PvE game. :(

Bild des Benutzers Saint-Olga

Yes, I mainly do PVE so I cannot comment on the PVP change.
I kind of wish they would just increase the striking range of the 2nd jab and reverse it with the third. But I get that this would reintroduce the PVP range issue all over again.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
probably not

Maybe I'm out of touch, but I don't think a lot of people were comboing these swords in Lockdown. Knights mainly used the first stroke with shield-cancelling and maybe switching. So it would be fine if the strokes went short-long-long instead of the current short-short-long (or the former long-long-long).

Short-long-long would help the sword be a little more competitive in PvE. It might not make sense with the lunging animation, though. In fact, currently the third stroke doesn't make sense. The range is longer than the visuals suggest. You can hit a switch across a barrier, without it looking as if you came anywhere near the switch.

I definitely oppose making the third stroke short. Doing so would radically alter the feel of these swords, removing much of what makes them different from other swords. (And these swords don't need to be weakened.)