Hello! Iv,e been reading alot of these wise ass posts lately and thought it was kinda catching on. Some of you probably won,t agree with me but do you think this can become a meme?
Wise Meme
found the wiseman pic (i mispelled it on accident, but so lol its perfect)
Quickly someone make a video saying this sentence, then add some captions with the comma instead of the apostrophe.
How does someone make a video of a sentence?
Just write this sentence on facebook and twitter and all that stuff
More publicity for Spiral Knights:
The point of origin of the most annoying meme on the planet
No, sorry, even if this becomes a meme it will never be the most annoying. Pretty sure "Umad?" is going to be one of the biggest, if not biggest, for a long time to come.
I am disappointed in you Oakgear, the orphan grammar school raised you better.
Who needs to always be grammatically correct while posting
Do you happen to have a youtube channel, Oakgear? With Spiral Knights videos on it?
But that would be great for the situation, but if anyone does have one:
Go up to the AH
The screen there zooms in
Then type this sentence
"Oakgear is not a meme" meme
Also, MAD finally realized that a mash up of 80/90s references doesn't work when the audience doesn't recognize the references. (Copied Robot chicken and lost.... how is that even possible?). Too bad their doomed to an SNL cycle of 1 good skit out of a whole episode of crap. *now get off my lawn*
You got the meme wrong, the sentence is going to be like the one at the top
But when in meme form:
Hello! Iv,e been reading alot of Obama,s plans lately and thought it was kinda wise. Some of you probably won,t agree with me but do you think that Obama is wise?
Hello! Iv,e been reading alot of Madadder,s posts lately and thought it was kinda wise. Some of you probably won,t agree with me but do you think that Madadder is wise?
Hello! Iv,e been playing alot of OOO,s games lately and thought it was kinda fun. Some of you probably won,t agree with me but do you think that games from OOO are fun?
The chance of this ever becoming a mem is downrocketing through the roof.
Wait wut?
The key to a good meme is being able to blurt it out without thinking much.
And your idea...... let me
Along with the "wise whatever" threads.
Yes, I believe this thread is off-topic.
At least I did not suggest the graveyard, so you can still have your cake and eat it too.
its a gd for a meme that originated in the SK forums
Besides no one in gc will know why this is a meme
What you're doing is forcing a meme. Forced memes are characterized by being unfunny, never being in context, and not actually being memetic.
Memes evolve naturally and are transmitted through language by their own merit or similar. They are not made by a committee sitting around deciding what would be funny enough to re-post over and over with the purpose of attributing a "internet joke" to its enforcers.
Please, just graveyard this.
You misunderstand, this meme is funny it's just that it originated in a forum that many hate
So they refuse to ever accept this as funny and all possibilities that it can be a meme
Of course nothing happens naturally SOMEONE or a GROUP must start creating a reference, statement, picture, etc.
Its just that there's lots of following the crowd when it comes to the forums
GodofSkype is the closest thing to a SK meme here
Don't know him
Don't use people from the 1800's Madadder
Slow down there old timer
history is important you whippersnapper time to EDUCATED YOU
hmmm we need a picture and 4chan spammers, but it can work.