My Death Star would be made in China.
Question of the day! (win ce) (Closed until further notice)
"Where would you build a Deathstar?"
Right next to anyone who used that word, so I can threaten to self-destruct on them unless they tell me what it is, even though I already know.
No, no, NO you idiots! Not me! The Deathst-AUUUGGGGHHHH
Ah well, I set off the Deathstar in the explosion-
Wait, I didn't explode!
Forget it. T.T
"Where would you build a Deathstar?"
I would build one in my brothers head, but very slowly when he is asleep, so he doesnt notice, and then, one day, his head gets to big and he clonks over to the side and he tries to lift it, but its too heavy, and he rips his head off and it rolls down a hill and up a ramp and then it flies into space and a rock hits the laser button inside his head, and lasers come out of his ears, mouth, and eyes and they destroy earth :O
"Where would you build a Deathstar?"
Inside a cloud of gasses and dust and black matter and energy and the such like. then, a star will form, that causes death. and I will go around with my giant ball of flaming helium and bring death to every corner of the world! XD
"where would you build a deathstar"
I'd probably build a deathstar at the carnival... that way people could have fun in the deathstar and stuff and they'd have to pay to go inside everyone wins! ^_^
"Where would you build a Deathstar?"
Nowhere. The very notion of building a Deathstar is completely foolish, as it will be destroyed before its completion. Guaranteed. In fact, it is part of the schematics. It is like naming your new boat the Titanic 2; doomed from the start.
((BTW dont send me E, i dont play anymore!))
Question 02/22/12
Where would you build a Deathstar?
I would start by building a Deathstar in my brain. A mental blueprint I slowly imagine, create, add, change, build, subtract, etc. I can't really think of anywhere else I could begin.
Previous winners 2/22/12
New question 2/23/12
If you had to choose one knight to battle the core with, Who would it be and why?
Psychodestroyer. Who else would I turn to?
If you had to choose one knight to battle the core with, Who would it be and why?
I would choose the mecha knight. Authentic mechanical skills would cause the core to blow up :D
if you had to choose one knight to battle the core with, who would it be and why?
i would get the stupidest knight i could find who had a graviton vortex, i would then convince him (from a distance) to place the bomb on the core, then i would run like hell to my spaceship, which i kept hidden from the spiral order for obvious reasons, and leave the planet. the graviton would absorb the core, turning into a bigger vortex, which would absorb the planet, which would make a bigger vortex, which would absorb the solar system, and so on until the entire dimension no longer exists. i of course have already fled to a different dimension, and can now safely blame it on the stupid knight, who can not deny it =3
"If you had to choose one knight to battle the core with, who would it be and why?"
My hubby, of course =) Even if it wasn't because he's an awesome gamer in general, it's nice to be able to communicate out loud with your team (haven't gotten around to setting up any voice chat thing yet, so unless you're in the same room with me...) haha! Plus, he likes to handle strategy, so when I'm with him I can just destroy!!! :D
Too bad SWTOR has eaten our souls and I mostly solo when I play SK now XD
If you had to choose one knight to battle the core with, Who would it be and why?
I'd choose a clone of me. That way, I'd always know what he'll be doing, and he'd know what I'll do. Perfect team coordination. Besides, clones are awesome.
"If you had to choose one knight to battle the core with, who would it be and why?"
I would choose Frey from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (Show some love for Fire Emblem!). He is a Cavalier/Paladin that uses both swords and lances, with much experience in both (but more so with lances over swords). I would use him because he was my most lucky knight in Fire Emblem (aside from Rolf in Radiant Dawn), as he was able to 2HKO the final boss. I used every stat booster on him, and he maxed out his Speed, Power, Defense, and Movement. It would be great to have him along with me because he's a very brave man, willing to sacrifice himself for others. His speed and power would triumph over any boss in the game, even making Vanaduke cower at his Gradivus, the legendary lance. Frey could dodge practically dodge any attack, and attack twice as fast with at least double the power. Also, I would have Frey join me because I gave him all the equipment he uses, and I leveled him up, so I know his tactics and strategies. Besides, ALL MONSTERS WOULD COWER IN FEAR AT THE THOUGHT OF HIM TRAMPLING THEM ON HIS TRUSTY STEED!
id use the super smash bros melee version of jigglypuff... y? cuz i can pwn u all with her epic supermove. that supermove=sleep, but i have mastered it. not only does it put her to sleep, but when used right, it as powerful as a homerun bat. NOT EVEN KIDDING, it throw enemies across the screen with ease. if uve ever done the mission mode in the game, mission 51 is gigabowser, which the developers turned into bowsers final smash when they made brawl. jigglypuff.. is the only character.. out of all of them.. that i could beat him with without getting a lucky homerun bat to drop.
If you had to choose one knight to battle the core with, Who would it be and why?
Why would I bring a knight? I would bring a thwack hammer to fix it. Duh. Its been sitting down there locked ever since we found it, it must need fixing.
If you had to choose one knight to battle the core with, Who would it be and why?
Why would I battle the Core? It's an inanimate object that contains something. You can't fight it. The best you can do is repeatedly smash it with a sword until you break the blade.
Question 02/23/12
If you had to choose one knight to battle the core with, Who would it be and why?
If I had to choose one knight to battle the core with, it would be Kuger because I'm assuming that Kuger knows something regarding this matter in asking this question that I do not know.
"If you had to choose one knight to battle the core with, Who would it be and why?"
How can you even battle the Core? It's massive and there's no way to get down to it...
Also, destroying the core would result in much of Cradle's mass lost, and the planet would probably disintegrate because there would be no gravity from the core to keep the planet together...
I would fight with the Black Knight from Monty Python.
A few reasons:
1. He would be an amazing meat-shield. He has nearly endless hp pips; regardless of how many wounds he takes he not only continues, but his special status condition turns them all into flesh wounds.
2. His fighting style is strangely fitting for heavy swords, like gran faust and divine avenger. And since I'd need a swordsman as I go deeper, it's a perfect match.
3. He doesn't talk much. And in all honesty, I don't enjoy too much chatting while I'm trying to murder the denizens of the clockworks.
4. I would never have to worry about dying, because none shall pass him.
5. We could make really horrible coconut puns.
And the most important reason-
6. In the extremely rare and unlikely circumstance he does die, he would only becomes a new ally since John Cleese also played Nearly Headless Nick in Harry Potter. So if he "dies" he just evolves to a ghost knight, and then he can never die. I could probably then restore his other body with energy, leaving me with a ghost knight and a creepy but useful mindless flesh-shield.
Question 02/23/12
If you had to choose one knight to battle the core with, Who would it be and why?
I really miss him. :( He was the main guild master of my guild, and he's been gone for ages. He was real pro.
If not, it would be Boswic. He has not a ban stick, but a ban wand!
Previous Winners 2/23/12
New question 2/24/12
Repeat: Wheres the beef?
Where is the beef :P
Still on the cow.
Wheres the beef?
There is no beef. Only cow meat. And the cow meat is im my stomach cuz i ate it for lunch. so there.
Repeat: Wheres the beef?
As an awesome villain and crazy dude once said:
Beef? I am lacking in beef. Fawful is beefless.
wheres the beef?
is this a trick question?
Where is the beef?
Ace: where is the beef? The beef is there. *points to snarby*
snarby: eh?
snarby: Eh?!
Question 02/24/12
the beef had a happy life, he was fresh from the cow and young.
unfortunately he was rendered recently deceased when he encountered Ronald Mcdonald......
moral of the story: don't trust clowns with your beef T^T
Don't understand why peole are offering such complexed answers.
Its in the fridge, duh?
It's not any where at ALL in my house since
a)I'm weak and really scrawny
b)I'm vegetarian
c)I started an Terrorist group against killing cows........... it's not the smartest group the guys thought the way to protest was to kill cows i was like "dude thats what were against and then after an argument left the group.
wheres the beef?
I should use my previous answer... it won this question the first time anyway... but I wont.
now, lesee...
There is no beef. The cows went on strike and now only produce pork and chicken. No more beef from them... All we need to do now is figure out how to make chickens and pigs make beef...
"Wheres the beef?"
The beef's on a farm where cows cannot move at all and sit in their own manure. They're also given growth hormones, but their muscles haven't developed properly, so the cows are limping in their cage. Oh, they're also only fed corn, which greatly increases the amount of Escherichia coli O157:H7, which, in humans, causes severe diarrhea and, in children and the elderly, destruction of the red blood cells and kidney failure, in their bodies compared to feeding them grass.
Think twice about where your beef's coming from.
Previous Winners 2/24/12
New Question 2/25/12
At what time would be appropriate to press the Eject button?
When you're done with the DVD.
Wait, you mean the eject button on the falling rocket we're on?
Right now. Be sure to take the DVD with you!
At what time would be appropriate to press the Eject button?
Right after you start.
Or, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight..........................
At what time would be appropriate to press the Eject button?
Eject button? I don't use mine, I just plug in my iPod for everything.
"At what time would be appropriate to press the Eject button?"
Put some C4 explosives on a jet.
Then fly it.
Then fly it directly into another jet.
Then press the Eject button and detonate your C4 in free fall.
Enjoy the fireworks.
u get in the car, ur brother sits in the passenger seat. ur parents r forcing u to take him with u to the movies. about 7 minutes later, u tap a small button right next to the car horn. a loud hissing noise starts building from under ur brothers seat, followed by a metalic clang from the room as a square of it pops off. "whats wrong wi-*seat shoots straight up*WHAT THE. AHHHhhh." the scream slowly fades to silence, freedom and peace at last.
At what time would be appropriate to press the Eject button?
After you die... oh wait. YOU CAN'T!
At what time would be appropriate to press the Eject button?
It would have been great 5 posts ago when I got ejected by Psychodestroyer.
At what time would be appropriate to press the Eject button?
The time of 27:99, Fleptembuary the 74th, in the year ABCD, year of the Flying Squirell.
Question 02/25/12
At what time would be appropriate to press the Eject button?
Well there are many different scenarios, situations, circumstances, and "times" that would be appropriate. When you're out of fuel, the landing gear is broken, your engine is in flames, your controls are malfunctioning, your view is completely obstructed by debris, you're smothered in smoke, and you've gone deaf from the explosions... I think that's an appropriate time to press the Eject button.
At what time would be appropriate to press the Eject button?
Hmm... Obviously everyone knows when you would need to press the Eject Button... Don't you remember? If you don't then ur mad... Oh wait ur asking the question... Your MAD... Obviously you would have use the Eject Button when the world ends... December, 22nd, 2012!
the time to press the eject button is when you are playing a game that requires the disk to play and you haven't saved for a hour and you are on the finall boss then you press the eject button with your knee
seriously i just did it to one of my favorite games and i had to completely reinstall it
Previous Winners 2/25/12
New question 2/26/12
If you had to pick a single word to describe yourself, what would it be?
What else?
Aside from hasaproblemcantfixitmustbenutsImeancomeonhesobviouslycrazywhycantyouseethatareyoucrazynotakesonetoknowonesoyoucantbebecauseheis, that's the best I got.
@Psychodestroyer Achievement Get - First to answer question of the day 4 days in a row. Bwaha
If you had to pick a single word to describe yourself, what would it be?
Does it have to make sense?
Now where's my cookie? :D
Cake at least?
theres a new page! i've never started a new page before.