It starts raining meatballs. Whats ur reaction?
YES MEATBALL PARTY! *noms all the meatballs* well, at least ppl can have food all the time now! No ones goin hungreh! TYL
It starts raining meatballs. Whats ur reaction?
YES MEATBALL PARTY! *noms all the meatballs* well, at least ppl can have food all the time now! No ones goin hungreh! TYL
Previous Winners 3/8/12
New question 3/9/12
I wouldn't crash it, like he did te Skylark. ;)
What would you do if you were invited aboard the ship of Cap'n Cleaver? 3/9/12
Considering Bigfootm's observation about Cap'n Cleaver's tendencies to crash ships, I would tell Cap'n Cleaver to fix the [)@^^N black screen glitch that if for some miraculous reason a manage to fix, it then causes the floors to go black and my armour diappears! (Irou_Knight regains composure), I would then wave good bye and jump off the ship before it is too late...
What would you do if you were invited aboard the ship of Cap'n Cleaver?
/Walk up to him.
Me: "So, what are you doing?"
Him: /looks at me. "No, what ARRE ye doing?"
"What are you doing?"
"No! What ARRE ye doing!?"
"What are you doing!?"
"NO! What ARRE ye doing!?"
"What are you doing!?"
Him: "WHO do ye think yo-oh forget it."
Me: "..."
Him: /to RG: "Shut up and go clean the head."
RG: /mutters nervously "Yessir right away sir..."
What would you do if you were invited aboard the ship of Cap'n Cleaver?
I would be like... what is this... Is it really... OMG REALLY!?!!?
Lets get going.... NAO! :3
What would you do if you were invited aboard the ship of Cap'n Cleaver?
No thanks, I'm seasick (who is Cap'n Cleaver anyway??)
What would you do if you were invited aboard the ship of Cap'n Cleaver?
I would have the most radical cut and dice party ever. I would sing from the masks with knife in hand slashing and stabbing. It would be a total cut up.
I would turn down the offer because I would probably die in a crash like milions of knights did that fatefull day... (moment of silence)
(/moment of silence)
"What would you do if you were invited aboard the ship of Cap'n Cleaver?"
I didn't know about Cap'n Cleaver, but then I ate some oranges and it was k.
I'd ask him everything about OOO's history, how he founded OOO, and the development of Spiral Knights.
I'd also throw in a ton of suggestions for Spiral Knights.
"What would you do if you were invited aboard the ship of Cap'n Cleaver?"
Mutiny. SK needs some newer staff that have good ideas for SK.
IGN: Blitzman
"What would you do if you were invited aboard the ship of Cap'n Cleaver?"
I'd ask "Where's the internet? I need to play Spiral Knights"
Previous winners 3/9/12
New question 3/10/12
If Wolvers had the ability to speak, What would you imagine they say?
"Yarf arf!"
What? You said they had the ability to speak, not that they could actually speak English already.
Question 03/10/12
If Wolvers had the ability to speak, What would you imagine they say?
Bacon? Bacon?! Gotta get that bacon! Cripsy bacon crunchy bacon! There in that bag! It's bacon! NUM NUM NUM!
If Wolvers had the ability to speak, What would you imagine they say?
Anser:Cant believe u guys make clothes frm my hide.We are abt to be extinct .
If Wolvers had the ability to speak, What would you imagine they say?
(read as if hyped up on caffeine)
"Ooh hey, there's this guy over there! Hello guy! Wanna see something cool? I can bite things! NOM NOM NOM. What's that you're holding? My teeth are SOOOO sharp... Burrowing is fun! I'm gonna bite you cuz that's what I'm supposed to do! Rawr! I've met the Snarbolax, have you? Oh no, you've got some sort of pokey pokey stick! Don't hit me please? No, no, NOOOOOoooooooo..."*dies*
"If Wolvers had the ability to speak, what would you imagine they say?"
In Tier 1-
In Tier 2-
"I'll bite y-Ouch!"
In Tier 3-
"I shall bite you for you cannot match me. Wait, wha-AAAUUUUGGGGHHHHHH"
The Snarbolax-
"RAWR. How dare you kill all my people. I shall revenge. Arf arf!" *bell rings* "Ouuuoouououuuoooouuou" *stops being stunned* "Why you... I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS AAARRRGGGHHH" *bell rings* "o...uu.u..oo..o.u..o.u.o...u.o...u...u.u.o...o.o.o..." *defeated*
And the Knight fighting them all-
"Well....That's boring."
If Wolvers had the ability to speak...
Wolver: "Hey, you got any ribs?"
Me: *Checks arsenal* "Nope sorry."
Wolver: "Not the food kind of ribs, the KNIGHT kind of ribs!"
Me: *Checks arsenal again* "What is knight ribs?"
Wolver: "Here I'll show you"
Me: *Holds out the bag for the Wolver*
Wolver: "Slaps the bag away with his paw and starts chasing me*
Why did you have to ask Kuger? :P
Wolvers seem very hyper so...
"ooo,abone,igotdahbone... hidedahbonehidedahboneKNIGHT... imasneakupondatknightDIG...POUNCE,hah,igotdahknightigotdahknight... OHGODasword,DODGEheheheheh,idodgedahswordBUTTERFLY,ooochase,chase,chasedahbutterfly,JUMP... hahahaha,igotdahbutterfly,igotitNOMNOMNOM,byebyebutterfly... WHATSDAT,ohnothin... BUTDATWASSOMETHIN,letsgoseedahsomethin.... FOOD OMNOMNOM... ooo... im... kinda... tired now..." zzzzzzzzzz
If Wolvers had the ability to speak, What would you imagine they say?
Wolvers: Hey!...Hey!...Hey!... what are you doing here funny looking big headed creatures, didn't you smell the pee stains, this is our territoty, ours.
Knights: Use piercing weapons!
Wolvers: Oh fantastic, first gremlins come to conquer us then you come to kill us for no reason whatsoever, maybe we can team up and... holly $l#*% is that wolver fur you are wearing. RELEASE THE SNARBOLAX AND GUARD THE BELLS!
If Wolvers had the ability to speak, What would you imagine they say?
All I know is... they would most likely swear and stuff because that's what people do when they get killed by them. Those are the word they mostly hear so those are the only they know... except for 'woof' and 'arf'
If Wolvers had the ability to speak, What would you imagine they say?
"Let's play tag! Hahaha can't catch me and my teleporting! Tag you're it- wait, you didn't tell me your arm could come off..."
If wolvers had the ability to speak, what would you imagine they say?
Wolver: Hello... testing testing one two three
Knight: AGHHH A TALKING WOLVER *fainted*
Wolver: Hmm... easy kill
Previous Winners 3/10/12
New Question 3/11/12
If suddenly you were asked a question you could not answer, What would you do?
Look through the QotD history. The question in question should have been asked at some point, so all I gotta do is find the right answer.
Also, just noticed the # points at the bottom of your OP.
My reactions are as follows:
#rockethammersrock: /Eyeroll What, did you expect them to water?
#seerusismyluver: A) Ew. B)You cannot be seerus.
If suddenly you were asked a question you could not answer, What would you do?
I'd say... Ask that hobo down the street. *points to a random guy down the street* Him
If suddenly you were asked a question you could not answer, What would you do?
I would ask a question about the question for example,What is a Question?
If suddenly you were asked a question you could not answer, What would you do?
I would chew it over with Twix. I have plenty of Twix.
If suddenly you we asked a question you could not answer, What would you do?
Hmmm... do you just get that question from Kuger's Questions of the day? Oh wait, maybe you are Kuger!
"If suddenly you were asked a question you could not answer, what would you do?"
First I would look around the area to see if the answer was hidden in the cracks of the floor/ground or the wall if there were one, then I would rage because I couldn't find the answer, and finally smile and come up with an answer that is totally unrelated to the question. Then I would rage again because it wasn't right and walk away, then come back and ask you a question, so easy that you would answer it immediately. I would rage for a third time and go play Spiral Knights since it's the answer to everything.
If suddenly you were asked a question you could not answer, What would you do?
Well, frigbuckets. The ironic part of this is that I don't know what I'd do, therefore making this the question I cannot answer. Hmph.
If suddenly you were asked a question you could not answer, What would you do?
It depends on the question.
If I didn't know the answer I would lie to look smart :D
If I knew the answer, but didn't want to say it, I would lie to avoid trouble (because if I didn't want to say the answer something bad would happen if I did say it) :(
It matters what the question is. If it was a question asking why I have such long hair, I would say I like it like that.
But if the question was asking why I am a kleptomaniac who has a looooooong history of violence, I would say I liked to smell new merchandice I stole.
If you asked why I am telling you this, I would knock you out. 'nuff said.
If suddenly you were asked a question you could not answer, What would you do?
Do the American Politician thing. Evade like a boss.
I do not like this question, because that is impossible, I know EVERYTHING I could tell you how the world was formed, who invented the Klondike Bar, hehe sorry good memories from that jail cell for harrasing the Klondike Bar guy, and I could tell you what the Hamburger you're eating is made out of YES YES I KNOW YOU'RE EATING A HAMBURGER! It's made out of *STATIC*. Ok, now you know!
id break a window. in response the person would obviously ask "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!!!" this would be a much easier question to answer, and i would simply respond "that fly on it was askin for a beat down, and i didnt want to deny him his wish."
after they rage at me, they will have forgotten said unanswerable question, and i would be free to go.
Previous Winners 3/11/12
New Question 3/12/12
P.S... Check main post for special announcement!
How many knights does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Depends how many it takes to look through their inventory only to find they don't have a light bulb, how many go begging 'lightbulb giv plz' and how many it takes to figure out which way it goes in. (turn direction)
How many knights does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None, there are no ceilings for which to screw one in.
How many knights does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Probably all knight! I can't see a thing!
How many knights does it take to screw in a light bulb?
All it takes.. is me :3
How many knights does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Legends tell of a knight who will have the mystical ability to screw in lightbulbs...
His coming will usher forth a new era, where knights carry their own light source and nobody will fear such levels as Candlestick Keep. We shall pave the way with our screwed-in lightbulbs all the way to the core, and we shall learn that for the core to be opened, one must screw in a lightbulb...
Unfortunately, the legendary knight will only come to get the Spiral Sallet for TF2. Better luck next time, folks!
how many knights would it take to unscrew a lightbulb? It is impossible they are on a pc lol
How many knights does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None, as knights use fires or those purple-ish sticks for light ;)
Question 03/12/12
How many knights does it take to screw in a light bulb?
1 it's knight ferchrisake.
It suddenly starts raining meatballs. Reaction?