high grade c-4, which i would then use to blow up my school therefore having more time for SK and to have fun here!
either that or the cookies i keep stealing from kuger so i can grow him a cookie tree
high grade c-4, which i would then use to blow up my school therefore having more time for SK and to have fun here!
either that or the cookies i keep stealing from kuger so i can grow him a cookie tree
I would put more dirt in the jar of dirt, derp.
I would probaby put some water then more dirt then more water. I will make new World in that jar. And there will be peoples and animals and plants. I will make my own World.
(sorry for my bad english)
Previous Winners 2/29/12
New question 3/1/12
Sorry for taking so long, been busy.
"If you had a single jar of peanut butter, How would you use it?"
Keep it and use it for the following purposes when needed.
If you had a single jar of peanut butter, How would you use it?
I'd give it to some poor kid I find.
I don't particularly like Peanut butter. Don't hate it, but don't like t much either.
And it's initials are Pb. In other words...
You're all eating Lead.
NO! Psycho, you stole my idea! >:(
If you had a single jar of peanut butter, How would you use it?
Make a peanut butter and nothing sandwich. I don't like jelly.
Or I'd try to use it as pencil lead... and leave a yellow gloppy mess all over my homework.
I could have a peanut butter war.
Give it to a very starving hobo... who's allergic to peanuts. Cruel, I know. XD
Or I'll just throw it away... I just read an article about food poisoning in school like, yesterday, about a peanut epidemic that killed 9 people and made about 19000 people in the US sick and gave them bloody diareaha and sludgy vomiting and nose bleeds and blood and mucus and snot kept flowing out of there body. seriously. what a coincidence that I read about peanut poisoning and the day after you have a question about peanut butter. O.o
Question 03/01/12
If you had a single jar of peanut butter, How would you use it?
I would take take the jar and plant it and make a peanut butter tree.
Wait, what do you mean it doesn't work like that?
Question 03/01/12
If I had a single jar of peanut butter, How would I use it?
I'd use it to rot and take up space in the corner of my refrigerator. After all, everyone knows you can't have peanut butter without cream cheese and bacon.
If you had a single jar of peanut butter, How would you use it?
I would use it to butter peanuts. That's what peanut butter is for.
Oh, you mean peanut butter, not butter for peanuts!
I'd set it on fire. Fun times!
Threaten a major politician or millionaire with fatal peanut allergies to get what I want.
Previous Winners 3/1/12
New Question 3/2/12
I found this in your room, What is the meaning of this?
I don't know what you're on about. There's nothing but life in my room.
If you expect me to be able to tell you the meaning of life, I'm sorry t leave you sorely disappointed.
But feel free to ask this guy. He knew it, even if only for a second http://letmesaydotcom.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/life.jpg?w=480
What is this room you speak of? Why I've been living in a shrubbery for my past nine lives! Short-lived you know. This massive spikey... blob kept attacking it.
I swear I was a snipe before... how'd I get in this body?
It's not my room I tell you. wait... it is?
Well then where's my shrubbery?
I found this in your room, What is the meaning of this?
What are you doing in my room? You know I've been trying to remodel it to stop being a dimensional portal to the underworld! That's not even my stuff, those darn devilites just keep hiding stuff there. Plus, they always start throwing pitchforks at me when I ask them about it.
"I found this in your room; what is the meaning of this?"
Crap, she found my stash! *Jumps out window*
"Hey wait! I just wanted to know why you had the candy!"
i would tell you to look at what's inside it ...
then probably dance around and get hit by a flying purple chair... ; ^ ;
I found this in your room, What is the meaning of this?
Well...uh...i...um....Mom well i....uh....you see...uh... it's yours.
PS @ Diamondshreddie, you're a day late :o
"I found this in your room, What is the meaning of this?"
*braces for hour long lecture and scolding*
"If you were given 10,000 CE, how would you spend it?"
Runs and Crafts and Sell and Help Anyone and Buy good weapons...
There. All in one sentence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Previous Winners 3/2/12
New question 3/3/12
I stole your fork. What are you going to do about it?
The only logical thing.
Get a spoon.
I stole your fork. What are you going to do about it?
first reaction: "WHY!!!!!! THAT WAS MY FAVORITE FORK!!! TT-TT"
second reaction: "what do you want with my fork kuger?'
Kuger:" i wish to create a robot made from only forks"
final reaction:" oh ok here i have a whole draw full of forks. would you mind if i was to help?"
then suddenly: epic uber fork fight in which kuger almost cuts my head of but i freeze him with liquid nitrogen
"sorry kuger, by the way how is that cookie tree?"
kuger:" mmmm....mhmhmhm....MMMHMMM!!!"
"oh sorry i know i had a blow torch somewhere around here...where did it go..."
*finds blowtorch , unfreezes kuger, and then kuger and i play a boring game of checkers in which he wins and i must give him my brownies*
that is what i would do about it, and i hope you are not allergic to nuts kuger cause there be peanuts in the brownies
I stole your fork. What are you going to do about it?
Well you know what? I stole your spoon! So there! MWAHAHAHAHA! I've got a hostage, you need to listen to me!
i would steal your knife, now we are even -,-
also i used that knife to cut off your fingers,a fork is not so useful without fingers now is it!
You took my fork, idiot. That's the Holy Grail of the Spiral Knights COOL CLUB. I know you're dead, cause you touched it, but im writing it to you as an undead. Also you forgot one thing we have a knife, a skewer, a spoon, and the most sacred item, a spatula to defeat you all!!!!!!! Lets go Rageful Grass Blades!!!!!!
I stole your fork. What are you going to do about it?
I don't use forks. I use chopsticks. I must embrace my Asian heritage and use chopsticks.
I stole your fork. What are you going to do about it?
umm.......sadly,i dont use forks either. I also use chopsticks because my family is chinese.But for the question, I would make a sad face :'(. also, i would p®oboably go take a poo then come out and then i would call 911. U get arrested then i finish eating my lunch. the end.
i would come to your house and drool in your food until you gave my fork back
"I stole your fork. What are you going to do about it?"
You stole my fork you say? Well... go on then... eat the delicious cake I've placed in the fridge then as well!
The cake a lie? How did you kn... *cough cough* how did you come to that conclusion?
Though I'm required to remind you, that you will be baked, and then there will be cake.
"I stole your fork. What are you going to do about it?"
I would send waffles to eat your soul.
"I stole your fork. What are you going to do about it?"
"Actually, it is not mine. It belongs to a friend of mine.
"What friend, you say?
"Well..... look out! Behind you!"
As he turns to look a devlite runs out from behind me, punches him on the back and grabs the fork. The devlite disappears.
"I answered that. Problem?"
"I stole your fork. What are you going to do about it?"
I always use chopsticks like a boss to keep up my Asian heritage along with Lordofnecromancers.
Why you steal forkie? WHY???!!!
Hang on... I'll bring forth... the ultimate secret weapon. PUSS IN BOOTS BEGGING!!! Give Puss the fork plz?
Don't make me get Kitty Softpaws... She will get your stuffz.... and I will use them... >:P
Waitaminite, I know an SK friend of mine who has that name as an alt, I just forget WHO....
I stole your fork. What are you going to do about it?
It's ok Kuger. I use a spork.
I'd let you have it. I'm sure you wouldn't have stolen it unless you really needed it. In fact....
Out of the generosity of my heart I'd buy you more forks so that you wouldn't need to steal any more in the future.... around Oh I don't know five or ten thousand of them, and with great and meticulous care I'd plant them all up-right in your lawn because honestly it could use the aeration, and for all this I wouldn't expect a single dime or word of gratitude from you because I'm such a kind and generous person.
P.S. - I hope you don't mind if I borrow your spoons for a while... ALL of them. Enjoy your fork forest!
Previous Winners 3/3/12
New question 3/4/12
If Three Rings gave you the opportunity to name one of the nine Crimson Order, What would you name him or her?
Wanna know why?
So I can smash him/her into a PULP then INCINERATE it for making THIS: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/45788
If Three Rings gave you the opportunity to name one of the nine Crimson Order, What would you name him or her?
Of course Qbcio, he would be my twin brother and we could be a competition for Roarmoulus Twins!
Trivyal, to go with Seerus. He's the Crimson Order's resident idea judger: If he approves, they won't do it. Essentially, he's the idiot of the group.
Also suggested that the Roarmulus Twins were outfitted with love puppy guns and tried to eat a tier 3 jelly. The only reason he's in the Crimson Order at all is because they need a source of entertainment.
If Three Rings gave you the opportunity to name one of the nine Crimson Order, What would you name him or her?
The joker.
Why so Seerus?
"If Three Rings gave you the oppurtunity to name one of the nine Crimson Order, what would you name him or her?"
I'm not sure, so I'd name him/her (I'm not even sure of the gender!) Idontknow.
okay now i will give you a serious answer.
probably Heretek. he would be one of the dark gremlins, would make sense since they are a totally different kind of gremlin.
Idk Raphael cuz the name sounds cool, and hes my favourite ninja turtle, then the girmlen with that name would be my favourite grimlen. Even though the Crimson Order grimlen's are bad.
hmm black ninja gremlin.. Silhouette ( refer to hero on HON ) this name will be epic xD
i would name her Duoviux, herald of Eternal Suffering cause she is at a Teir 87 level an no night can withstand her mighty Vulnex Megaton Meteor (since you fight it in a factory with a ceiling laced with supersized roarmulus cannons), and so she can enjoy your suffering and misfourtune, she would place all along the walls about 100 total love puppies just to torment you.
so basically she would keep hammering you till you have half a life bar left and then would bring on the love puppies just to keep you alive long enought to decide which way you knights body will be destroyed, after which she would trap your sould in a jar and then go forth and devour them.
All knight everywhere fear her might, but fear even more the might of King Tinkinzar, whos power is that of teir X (past the final teir) and is too strong for even vanaduke (both gremlins have already cleand up all of the clockworks with vanaduke's mangled body 50 times)
"If you had a jar of dirt, What would you put inside it?"
Combustible lemon seeds.
Then I'd use those combustible lemons to BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN!
*evil laughter*