Question 02/14/12
Repeat: If you were given 10,000 ce, How would you spend it?
I would obviously use it on the QOTD! Like you would for people because one it would make another big topic and two its generous! ;)
Question 02/14/12
Repeat: If you were given 10,000 ce, How would you spend it?
I would obviously use it on the QOTD! Like you would for people because one it would make another big topic and two its generous! ;)
I would go around telling people that I'd give them 100 ce, then just give them 99 ce! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH! You can't do anything with 99 ce!
Except save yourself from dying a horrible death at the hands of giant evil monsters. Or just buying 1 ce to fill it up.
I'm still a bad person. :D
i would buy myself a set of each kind of armor gunner sworder and bomber set and then i would make lots of good weapons and give them to noobs
Question 02/14/12
Question 02/14/12
Repeat: If you were given 10,000 ce, How would you spend it?
I wouldn't spend it. WHenever a noob begged me for stuff, I'd trade, and put 10000 ce in the ce bar, and afk, eateing a snadwhich. the noob would go crazy because they are so close so a fortune, yet so far.
TL;DR: TRroll trolls.
Who left the toilet seat up? >:(
well that would be my cousin. they always forget to flush and put the toilet seat down.
they even forget to wash there hands and then they go play again. i have washed my keyboard soooooooo many times.
I would make a crapload of Polaris guns (Polarises? Polari?) and give them to everyone.
Previous Winners 2/14/12
New question 2/15/12
What should I do about Question Of The Day when I leave this month for 3 days?
We'll cry.
And not get over it.
Then I'll pretend your name's Ian:
Good answer: Find someone else who would be willing to not enter for three days and give out the questions, and send the three you want asked. Then pick the winners at the end of the three days.
Other good answer: Give all three questions right away and let us answer, then pick the winners at the end.
Stupid answer: Never do another question of the day again and laugh at our cries of distress. Then make a healthy fruit smoothie out of our tears and quaff enthusiastically. As a bonus, laugh maniacally after eat gulp.
Well, ask someone else to do it for you, so the cycle of life (questions?) will continue and all haven will rejoice and give snipes for you.
Another suggestion is to bring a phone with you while you're gone and do it on your phone.
What should I do about Question Of The Day when I leave this month for 3 days?
Why, give it to Three Rings to manage for those 3 days!
This is such a fantastic thread it deserves to be a sticky.
Gah double post.
Please don't attack me with a furball.
:D I could give the prizes too!
@Jamoo As much as I love this thread, and love hosting, And even though we're the 2nd largest thread on the whole forum, I doubt OOO would take my place for three days... will they?....
You can ask them, but they will probably say no.
And even though we're the 2nd largest thread on the whole forum
What's the largest O_O
What should I do about Question Of The Day when I leave this month for 3 days?
People have said many good things, bring a phone, do 3 questions at once, find someone else who participates often (If we do we should do a vote and I vote Lordofnecromancers :D). But the worst idea is, well second worst idea is Jamoo's "Why, give it to Three Rings to manage for those 3 days!
This is such a fantastic thread it deserves to be a sticky." lol, it's just my opinion nothing personal Jamoo XD. My worst fear and worst idea i've seen so far is Netknights. :P
Question 02/15/12
What should I do about Question Of The Day when I leave this month for 3 days?
(wont have internet)
Pose an extra large question when you get back. One that requires larger, more detailed answers. Or maybe a "question" that actually consists of multiple questions like: "What did you do for the past three days? Why? Would you do it again?"
Real answer: You should pick someone to ask the questions, but make your choice wise!
Fake and stupid answer: UR MOM! (Lame)
Oh, and I think the largest thread is the "Buying Reciped Thread"
What should I do about Question Of The Day when I leave this month for 3 days?
You can't leave this month for three days. because no matter where you run, not matter where you hide, it will always be february! you can run, but you can't hide! therefore, this question is irrelevant and impossible to answer.
unless you had a time machine... then you could leave this month. I'd go through severe CE withdrawal, as you are my only source of that precious CE, me being too lazy to grind.
The precious... Gollum! Gollum!
What should I do about Question Of The Day when I leave this month for 3 days?
Don't do anything. That ways, when you come back, you will see how loved you are when this post is spammed with a thousand "KUGER COME BAAACK! WE NEED YOU (AND YOUR QotD!!!!!!)!!!!!!" ;)
But if you are seriously looking for an answer, do what you aforementioned- post several questions and award them all at once. Either that, or name a friend you trust (so we know who it is) to temporarily fill in.
P.S. Enjoy Dr. Who!
Question 02/15/12
What should I do about Question Of The Day when I leave this month for 3 days?
Obviously you should troll everyone by posting a question like normal, and then everyone will panic when the thread isn't updated.
Previous Winners 2/15/12
Jamoo (Took your advice, Awaiting GM answer)
New Question 2/16/12
Question 02/16/12
Who left the toilet seat up? >:(
Well it wasn't Boswick (he uses a bush). It wasn't me either because I always close both lids completely. So the remaining suspects are: Konjuring Kat (I'm sure this guy's totally innocent), the Royal Jelly (uh...), and Punch (there's always drips all over the floor when he's done). Now who could it be? Of course! It was Monomi! No wait... That can't be right...
Who left the toilet seat up? >:(
Kuger wants to know who left the toilet seat up.
It was YOU!
RG: Who me?
RG: Couldn't be!
Then who could it be who left the toilet seat up?
....It doesn't make much sense, but meh ><
(It was me.) U mad?
It must have been Vanaduke! He is the worst roommate; I swear!
And this is the last straw! On top of all the dirty clothes, the unwashed dishes, and the random fires that burst out everywhere, he leaves the toilet seat up?! I just can't take it any more!
I'm kicking him out, and I'm letting the Rabid Snarbolax Brothers move in. I rejected them last time because I was weary of the spikes, but they can't be as bad as Vana.
Who left the toilet seat up?
It was that little invisible pixie that follows you around wasn't it. ............. What do you mean what pixie you know the little invisible one that follows you around all the time. .............. What do you mean are you insane! it's the little invisible pixie that follows you around. The one who steals the tv remote when you want it, tries to get a spider into your bed at night to bite you, the one who opens the door to get wasps into your house the opens up the door to the attic where it's nice and damp so they reproduce and make a nest and keep you up all night long. ................What do you mean which pixie is this! it's the one who all ways move the tissue box when you need it and make you go out buy another and then put the tissue box back where you though it was. ......... NO! NO! NO! how could you say "so let's get this strait, it's a little fairy who-" and so you make me cut you off to tell you your WRONG because it's not a FAIRY it's a PIXIE they are not the same at all, OK you got that in you mind yet? ............. WHAT THE HELL! how could you possibly say could this be a demon, i just told you it's a PIXIE! ................ NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not need medication, and if i did the little pixie would just flush them down the toilet. ........ WHAT DO YOU MEAN "ah, can you tell me what this pixie does" i've just told you ............ yes i have ............. yes i have! ............ how are you saying "no you haven't" ............. OMG your response is the same except for you say "because you haven't" jeez you idiot. ............ fine fine i'll tell you more about this pixie, the one who turns the shower cold by flushing the toilets and running the sinks .......... YES I KNOW THAT IT"S DEFINITELY NOT FAMILY MEMBERS ........ Yes i am sure on that .......... yes i am positively sure on that ................. again it's a pixie not a fairy, it's the pixie that eggs your house and rings the dorr bell but just stands there since it's invisible and you can't see it ........ ah finally a good question "what else does it do"well it pees in the peanut butter or i guess it's then called the peenut butter ........... oh you don't find that funny! huh whats wrong with you? you really need to go to a mental hospital man ......... good thanks for apologizing, but guess what worst of all the pixie puts up the toilet seat and leaves it up which is why people have to ask " Who left the toilet seat up? >:( "
Who left the toilet seat up?
It was probably my new puppy Snarby. He is a very smart dog and gets into mischief when you aren't watching him. I wouldn't be surprised if he found a way to lift the seat up, allowing him easy access to the magical drinking fountain in the bathroom. I mean, who could resist that wonder swirling vortex of crystal clear water. Or the wonderful smell of cleaning chemicals. OR the beautiful sound as that white porcelain handle is pushed down.
Excuse me for a moment, nature calls. *scampers off into the bathroom; multiple toilet flushes ensue*
*returns from bathroom*
Anywho, have you seen my chocolate lab, Snarby?
Who left the toilet seat up? >:(
well that would be my cousin. they always forget to flush and put the toilet seat down.
they even forget to wash there hands and then they go play again. i have washed my keyboard soooooooo many times.
02/16/12 Question: Who left the toilet seat up? >:(
Those noobs who forgot to press the button at the beginning of D27 vanaduke...
Who left the toilet seat up >:(
Ive been narrowing the suspects down and all the evidence led to no other then the...... COOKIE MONSTER. (Jaws theme song playing). Jail the Cookie Monster for such a despicable crime!!!
Who left the toilet seat up >:(
I did.
Hey, you didn't expect me to pee with the toilet seat down, did you? I'm a guy!
im pretty sure theres a little creature hiding in my ceiling, cuz every time i finish in the bathroom, i put it down, but when i leave, i hear a small tap, turn around... and its UP AGAIN. ive looked under the sink, but theres nothing there. even when i put it down again, i leave and it pops right back up...
im certain theres a mischievous something hiding in my ceiling that keeps lifting it again, so i have completely given up on trying to keep the seat down
Who left the toilet seat up? >:(
Kuger, don't get mad at us; It was a toilet seat jelly! (whaaat??) They're like rock jellies- they have a rare chance of spawning in place of a toilet! The reason they leave their "seat" up is so they can eat you next time you try to use it! (Hey, I have no idea what goes through Nick's head... :I )
Previous winners 2/16/12
New questions posted for weekend.
At the today of yesterday's tomorrow in Finland, Loopy candy.
Where's your favorite restaurant?
What restaurant?
If you had had a nickle every time ____ happened...
To do this mathematically:
If you had had a nickle every time ____ happened...
___ = x
time = y
Therefore if I had a nickel (5c) every time x happened, then that would be:
But because the variables are undefined, the true values cannot be substituted in, so the equation remains unsolved.
Nothing yet. But I have my schedule set to 'cry 2 hours each day'.
I feel like doing one at a time, so hopefully I remember to do the ones after XD
"Where's your favorite restaurant?"
I can't decide what my favorite restaurant might be, but my favorite one to go to (which is different!) is like literally less than a minute from our house, right up the street =) Well, it's probably more than a minute to walk, but by car, it's less than a minute XD And I love it 'cause the people there recognize us and like us and they gave us a 10% off card XD <3
Wheres my favorite restaurant?
my favorite place to eat is in the hottest part of anywhere, where spontaneous combustion is normal and no1 even cares. where red is every1s favorite color cuz its pretty much the ONLY color, and everything tastes like a ghost chili.
TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL!!! (or subrosia in 4swords misadventure terms)
Man1: If i had a nickel for EVERY TIME you asked me what just happened at such a stupid moment...
*BOOM, guy runs up, sees car on fire* Man2: what just happened?
*person gets hit with a club and is knocked out* Man2: what just happened? are u ok? (stupid question anyway...)
*demolition crew knocks down building, same guy wakes up, looks out window* Man2: what just happened? im trying to sleep
*Man1 trips Man2* Man2: what just happened? that hurt
etc etc etc
Man1: hmm... not as many as i thought. maybe i could buy some ice cream with that much.
what did i do in kugers absence?
well, since the name sounds like 'cougar', i went to the mountains to try to find said fierce feline, brought 1 home, named it kuger, and hoped maybe it could bring me as much joy as the free ce from the qotd. yes, it was fun for the first day, but when i woke up the next morning, my house was destroyed, and the next day, the cougar had grown used to its new surroundings and completely kicked me OUT of the house.
where is my favorite restaraunt? WHERE is my favorite restaraunt? i have 2, one is located on the corner of brook avenue 471262847823748327918732901283894741284789 WAY, underground 4000 miles, and my other one is an easy question... the royal jelly palace! free jelly! YUM!!!
that one is easy, I played spiral knights obviously.
i lost my marnles, found them again, lost them again, went through a time-space paradox event, was abducted by aliens, killed of an alien bounty hunter, stole kuger's cookies again, ate the cookies, used the last one for a intergalactic peace treaty, fought in the Occupy movements, learned a important secret, forgot it ( good thing i did or the world would be gone), and replaced kuger's cookies.
"If you had a nickel every time __ happened.."
I'd give nickels to everyone and then rage because I didn't know when I would get 'em, the blank not being filled out, and also because I didn't have any more.
Oh well.
I still have my $1000000000000000000000000000000000....
Disregard that.
Why? Well... um... ah... it was a lie!
Yeah, when I said it was a lie that was a lie.... but you didn't know that I said it was a lie because that was a lie and I didn't want you to know it was a lie that I said because what I said was a lie.
Anyway, the point is I ain't got no nickels but I have tons of $s.
That was supposed to be a secret >.<
It seems I was a bit carried away..
I know! I get nickels every time I play SK :3
There, now I just have to rage because I don't have any right now...
I'll go play SK. xD
"If you had had a nickle every time ____ happened..."
If I had a nickle every time someone thought I was ridiculously younger than I am (I understand getting it wrong by 2-4 years, but any less than that and it's downright insulting!) then it still wouldn't be enough to make me feel any better about it. Unless that nickle came from them. And they had to keep paying me those nickles until I felt completely better :D But... maybe that would never happen, and they'd be in nickle-debt to me forever.
It's most annoying because I know people look at me and think anywhere from my age to 2-4 years younger, but for some reason, when they go to talk about it, they always make the number even less. Because people like hyperbole. And it's annoying.
Question 02/17/12
Wheres your favorite restaurant? -------------------------------- My favorite restaurants are the ones that have edible food.
Question 02/18/12
If you had had a nickle every time ____ happened... ----------- If i had a nickle everytime someone said "if i had a nickle everytime ____ happened," i would have a nickle. Thanks!
Question 02/19/12
What did you do in my absence, without your updated question of the day? ------ I sat down in front of my computer, wondering how i would anwser this question.... (I still am wondering- oh, wait)
Favorite restaurant location: Estes Park, CO
Nickel every time ___ happened: I blank a lot... so I figure somewhere in the __________000000.___ range. XD
What have I done while you've been gone?
Well... I've been fighting a cold. Hearing my dad rant about how I don't do enough around the house/ am too lazy to be useful :/... crafted (thus far) 3 3UV items, all of them circuit breaker helms :/, played SK, wondered where you are on SK and then remembering... that sorta stuff. Playing in the little snow we have here too. (not good for my cold but dang it I want a snowball fight for once)
What is your favorite restaurant?
If I had a nickle for every post is on this thread, i would be rich
What did you do in my absence, without your updated question of the day?
I started freaking out and throw a tantrum
$750 is indeed quite rich. (btw that's the calculation including this post.) XD
"What did you do in my absence, without your updated question of the day?"
I answered the ones that you put up in preparation.
I also wondered what a Kuger was, and I could wonder as much as I wanted to because you weren't here.
Wait, why am I telling you this?
I refrained from asking someone else, 'cause they were likely to tell you.
But now I'm telling you.
Uh, well...
I guess I like it that way. :P
Hmmmm....... I would probaly buy like 8 shadow keys and waste them all in the same day. Then i wud realize that i didnt leave enuf to buy almirian cruasader, but it wudnt matter because I lost all 8 shadow lairs :(