I got myself a flamethrower and burn the world of jelly to the ground (including the cookie) and baked another cookie.
I was horrified of the sight of dead jellys,so i COMMANDED THE DEAD TO FIGHT AS I RIDE ON VANDADUKE AND GETS MY UNICORNS HORN OUT (IT REGROWS :]) and i stab snarbyaz other eye and squish tella with vandaduke.
i snatch the cookie and i laugh"is that it?"
then i go into the core waiting a building a fortress known as "fire citadel"
I pour water all over the citadel, creating a huge smoke screen that no one can see past their fingers. I see Gearsolider stumble out of the screen, stab him back and take the cookie from his/her/its dying hands.
I summon airstrike and all of you go boom
As I fly into the air from the explosion, I reach down and grab the cookie from you. I hold it close to me and flip throw the air with it away from you.
Thanks for the air time.
I grow wings and chase you and destroy the plane with a heat seeking rocket launcher and salvage the cookie from the planewreck.
Chase me if you dare but I'm not in a plane. I flip and fly through the air with the greatest of ease like only a high diver can achieve.
Iamnoone overestimated his "high diver" abilities and accidentally went out of the atmosphere, into space. I'm already waiting for him there, I snatch the cookie, go back to Cradle, and bury it in a 1mm deep hole, nobody will find it now :P
Snarbyaz stumbles out of the wreckage of FSC with both eyes closed. He sniffs the air and disappears in a burst of speed. He appears at the cookie's burying site and digs it out. AND HE EATS IT!!! Snarbyaz burps and makes a molasses cookie and throw it to papaya.
I've gone crazy and then I disected Snarbyaz and got the cookie! HUEHUEHUEHUE
I give Persef wings and i turn Takuyaz and Snarbyaz into harmless but bad.evil,silkwings.
While everyone was busy silkwinging, I go ahead and take the cookie right from under their silkwingwings.
Papaya, I threw the cookie a you...
Players, Snarbyaz and I are one and the same. It's the result of a fusion between Snarby and I.
So let's start from I threw the cookie at Papaya and disappear.
You threw the cookie AT papaya so I stole the papaya the cookie from him/her then I realized we had similar avatars! Then we teamed up.
And i kick persef IN THE FACE!!!! ...and take the cookie
And i kick Powernexus IN THE FACE!!!! ...and take the cookie
and kick you out of the thread for trying to steal it and...
kicks you in the butt on the way out.
Snarbyaz kick Iamnoone in his manhood! (hm... I hope he's a male...) and Snarbyaz gives it to his most trusted Alpha wolver to keep.
Snarbyaz kick Iamnoone in his manhood! (hm... I hope he's a male...) and Snarbyaz gives it to his most trusted Alpha wolver to keep.
Snarbyaz kick Iamnoone in his manhood! (hm... I hope he's a male...) and Snarbyaz gives it to his most trusted Alpha wolver to keep.
Snarbyaz kick Iamnoone in his manhood! (hm... I hope he's a male...) and Snarbyaz gives it to his most trusted Alpha wolver to keep.
Snarbyaz kick Iamnoone in his manhood! (hm... I hope he's a male...) and Snarbyaz gives it to his most trusted Alpha wolver to keep.
Sorry about about all the posts, I pressed the save button a bunch of times caus eit wasn't working and it ended up doing the above.
/smacks the crap out of you for all those posts
/smacks your lunch out of you for the kick
/walks away with the cookie while you puke
I apologized for all the posts!
Plus, I didn't have the cookie!
My wolver general did!
So there!
Kicks Takuyaz in the face for double posting 3 times. And I eat the wolver general and take the cookie
You ate the...ugh. Doesn't even bear thinking about.
Anyways, Snarbyaz retreats in to the gloaming wildwoods and plots, again.
I go to the gloaming wildwoods with my wild hunting blade! And I kill you then 9001 Fruminous Fangs.
I take out my Acme electromagnet and put it on a crane. Then I move the crane over you making you dangle high in the air by your wild hunting blade. I move the crane back and forth, shaking the cookie out of you. I exit the crane, with you still dangling in mid air and make my way south with the cookie.
Due to the "big flip" that happens to Cradle (actually it happens to the Earth, oh well, same thing XD), Iamnoone was technically running NORTH instead of SOUTH, so there I was, waiting for him, with my recon cloak on. After setting the death mark on him I pull out my Blitz Needle and shoot a burst of needles towards him, only stunning him for awhile (I don't like killing people XD). I then incinerate the gun so that nobody else can use it against me and blow up the incinerator. I then take the cookie and................not gonna tell you what I did to it =) The next few people who steal it will find out :P
I take the cookie, place it down, and run away. I hate cookies
I take the cookie and load it into my Callahan, then I catch up with xxpapaya with my striker pack and shoved the Callahan into his/her mouth. I then pulled the trigger and jammed the cookie in xxpapaya's throat
/joins Trabias and does a drop kick to Xxpapaya knocking that cookie all the way down Xxpapaya's throat
You will eat cookies and like them.
/runs to the kitchen and bakes a new cookie, a sugar cookie shaped like a pumpkin and decorated with orange and black sugar crystals
I walk up to iamnoone, pull of his hand, smack him with his own hand, take the cookie, and run away! Nothing like smacking people with their own detached hand. Ahhhhhhh memories :D
I eat the platypus pie and perform Heimlich maneuver on myself and get the cookie.
The cookie is covered with platypus pie.
/pokes Persef with my nub
Since I'm missing a hand you have to bake the new cookie.
I gave Persef wings right?I do nothing and Takuyaz turns me into a quicksilver[again]and cut lamnoone with my cookie cutter.
I gave Persef wings right?I do nothing and Takuyaz turns me into a quicksilver[again]and cut lamnoone with my cookie cutter.
I gave Persef wings right?I do nothing and Takuyaz turns me into a quicksilver[again]and cut lamnoone with my cookie cutter.
I gave Persef wings right?I do nothing and Takuyaz turns me into a quicksilver[again]and cut lamnoone with my cookie cutter.
I gave Persef wings right?I do nothing and Takuyaz turns me into a quicksilver[again]and cut lamnoone with my cookie cutter.
I gave Persef wings right?I do nothing and Takuyaz turns me into a quicksilver[again]and cut lamnoone with my cookie cutter.
What did you do to me?!?!?!
Snarbyaz now with a eyepatch and a medical surgery, goes insane and absorbs the power of his whole Wolver army. With this new power, Snarbyaz infiltrates the world of jelly and starts a slime genocide! I'm coming closer...