I drop a tahtorak on the zivon, causing them to start fighting with each other.
As they fight, i steal the cookie and drag Immortous out the zone, leaving the zivon and tahtorak to duel it out.
I then stuff the cookie into Immortous's mouth before throwing him off the cliff.
Yay! I'm free! Free as a bird!
/sees ground rushing up to meet me
Lemme rephrase that...I'm free as a flightless bird...
I slapped immortous with a piece of cookie, stole his cookie, and ran away.
I tripped Dontsayanythingnow and took the cookie when it popped out of his hand.
As the Cookie flew out of his hand, it fell down the cliff and sped up to me. I caught it!
As Immortous proceeded to eat the cookie, I blast it with my Biohazard, poisoning it. He starts to choke when he is chewing the cookie, and then collapses. I take the cookie out of his throat and proceed to remove the poison with a remedy capsule. When Suddenly....
No.....gollum! It was OURS, precious. OURS!
Tricksy little Intelchapsterses...
I punch your face in the face and take the cookie before you notice anything's even wrong.
I stab Klipik in the back with my celery sword dropping him to the floor. I kick him in the head to make sure he is dead before i bend over to pick up the cookie.
/runs away with he cookie before anyone sees me
I kindly ask lamnoone for the cookie
and stand there idly.. with the cookie
Server kicks Diamondshreddie for idling, and I bake a new batch of cookies, and while I proceed to eat them all...
I take the real Cookie from the spot Diamond was disconnected.
I snatch it from Nokilp! Aha!
I'll give it to anyone who plays a game of riddles with me. =O
Riddle me this,
"What have I got in my pocketses?"
Diamondshreddie had logged on
Diamondshreddie asks Immortus: "Is it a UV Yummy bonus VH Cookie??!
/reaches into Immortous's pocket grabbing the first thing I feel
I know what's in your pocket. :P
I take the cookie and run.
HEY! Those were my keys you stole!
/shakes head in disbelief...
Now how are we gonna get back from OOO HQ if I can't drive us?
/offers Iam to trade Cookie for keys
I grab the keys out of Iamnoone's hand, runs over to Immortous, and stabs him in the eyes for not letting me get a Battle Sprite (in corrupt a wish). I then steal the cookie out of Immortous's pocket and run away as fast as i can.
This is unbelievable....
/rubs stabbed eyes
/remembers the MCV is a button-start, and doesn't use keys!
All's well now. =D
/runs Mechanopocalypse over with the MCV then jumps and takes the cookie and drives away
*Is left in the dust because of a one-letter proper-noun typo*
Haha, let's take him along Iam.
"Diamond, feel free to mount the roof of the MCV if ya like."
When I finished eating all the cookies I baked, I become an obese knight and when I attempt to climb up my stairs, I fall back down, crashing through the window until bouncing to and on to the speeding MCV crushing it. I eat the cookie that lamoone took, and realize that I have a craving for wolvermeat instead. So I toss the cookie on to the ground as it rolls into a sewer, where it falls through the clockworks, eventually landing in Lord Vanaduke's hand.
My hand reaches out from the MCV trying to save the cookie but with 10 tons of Intel on me...
/spits blood
/takes a pin and pops Intel.
Intel flies around the room like a balloon! *EEEEEEEeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEeEeEEeEE*
/picks up the Cookie
/throws it at the MCV
KABLAMOO. The MCV is like new!
/helps Iam up
/spits out a tooth and some blood
/stands but notices a crook in my mid-section
Dang, Intel, that hurt.
/spits more blood
/thinks about what fun ye fellow knights must be having in the MCV
/starts walking to catch up
"Good thing mercurial demo set has movement speed increase, right?"
/parachutes onto MCV roof with circular saw
/cuts off roof
/steals cookie
/flies away as the MCV returns to a crushed heap of metal
Aw Klipik....I just fixed the Mysterious Candy Van.... Now I have no roof....
/think "What to do?...."
/throws handy dandy grappling hook at Klipik
/snags Klipik in the nostril
/pulls Klipik down
"Not so fast, infidel!"
/takes Cookie
/throws it at MCV
(MCV is repaired)
/hands Cookie back to Klipik
"Alrighty. You can have it now!" =D
Happy Easter!
Even on Easter...
/smacks Klipik in the face with a wooden plank
/takes the cookie that just popped out of his hand
Thanks for the cookie.
/happily walks away eating the cookie
/sprints over, stopping to pant heavily
/picks up wooden plank
/revs Klipik
/whittles a detailed carving of a shard bomb barrage
As I was flying across the place, (since Immortous popped me) I crash into Diamondshreddie and lamnoone, and take the cookie as I fly across the landscape. =D
Intel just knows ma secret. I am the only knight to have been able to start their user name with a lower case letter.
i come back to this thread after quite some time, climb up a mountain to see how its going, then intel (who was, in both ways, very high) crashes into me.
i then steal the enemy intel, and bring it to my base, put it in a locked drawer, then i go to a lab. where i experiment on the cookie and somehow i give it tentacles.
I crash through the roof of your base and cut off the tentacles with a cookie-sized, razor-sharp, cylindrical knife blade. Then I use it to cut your heart out and run away.
I force the entirety of the new SK UI onto Klipik, causing him to fall back into Kraanx's base. I then use possession on the tentacles and force them to rip klipik into pieces. The cookie is no where to be found... ; _ ;
I force the entirety of the new SK UI onto Klipik, causing him to fall back into Kraanx's base. I then use possession on the tentacles and force them to rip klipik into pieces. The cookie is no where to be found... ; _ ;
While I took my journey into FSC, I found a cookie in a roadside ditch. I took the cookie, fed it to a slag, and suck-slashed it with a Voltedge. The cookie was digested :~;
Goes to the nearest grocery store to buy cookie dough.
I steal the cookie dough, place it into a heatproof bag, and throws it into mount doom. Have fun
I've been down there awhile, just chillin'.
/swims up
/grabs the Cookie before it hits the lava
"YEEEESSS, PRECIOUS! IT'S OURS! What shall we do with it, Precious? Oh! We knows! We'll eats it! =D
Apparently, a Vog Cub swims up and finds fresh pray, Immortous, who is made of... Trojan meat...? Anyways, The Vog snatched the cookie instead and scrams away.
Meanwhile in Haven, I purchase a Fang of Vog from Brinks. Brinks pulled a fang from the Vog, and it had the cookie on it, fresh and crispy.
Hyper-Shock couldn't consume the cookie since he's a Mecha Knight. WHAT A FORTUNATE COOKIE.
I go down to FSC and get the REAL cookie from the intestines of the slag. My cookie. I put it in a lockbox and surround it with these.
And remember everyone, eating the cookie causes you to explode! Violently! :D
I shoot Klipik with a Blitz needle at close range, and take the cookie from his corpse with 15 needles in. Then I fire another 15 in, for luck
Well thanks...
/goes back to sobbing in the Zone of Darkness...
/throws Cookie at Mr. Zivon