Ah, did the controversial title pull you in? Excellent! I'm in the mood for throwing out accusations today, though this isn't the first time I've discussed alternatives to the current system (See Here). However, as you'll find below, I've some interesting data and speculation on the subject... This will make me unpopular with the devs, but, without further ado:
When I originally signed up for the preview (At the linking of Ian's comic, which I highly suggest), I looked over the available information of the game, and while it all looked to be simplistic on the surface, two bits of interconnected information caught my eye on the About Page. To illustrate my point, I circled them in red in mspaint, and also did some underlining (Alas, my art skills are sorely lacking!): A Purdy Picture
However, if you don't feel like looking at the picture, simply read the "Form Powerful Guilds" to the right under "Game Features", and down below under "Harness the power of the Arcade" on the About Page.
"Amass powerful minerals to transform the Clockworks!" and "build their own gates that cut unique paths into the underground Clockworks."... and mulling that over, I thought "Ah HA! This may look simple on the surface, but deeper is a game of intrigue and epic changes made to the gameworld by groups of players! Kinda like a Pixar film." So I downloaded it, played, enjoyed... and while it was a bit rough around the edges, I dropped $50 in the preview in good faith for what was to come.
However, I was to be dissapointed. Yes yes, it's very fun to play, explore, etc... but I was missing my gooey nougat Cadbury center! Why hasn't our guild been able to transform the Clockworks? How are these gates "our own"? So, why don't we move on, and talk about the current system...
How the system (supposedly) works:
I'll preface this with that I'm going off a lot of information that I've "heard", as Three Rings isn't very forthcoming with documentation. Should anyone wish to contribute additional information relevant to the topic (especially verified information), feel free to. Edit: Documentation has been added since then!... Note still preserved for posterity.
Essentially, players run through dungeons, and inhabiting those dungeons are randomized arrays of minerals. After collecting those minerals, they can do two things: 1.) Deposit the minerals directly at a gate construction site, contributing towards the construction of a particular stratum, recieving a varying amount of crowns for their efforts. 2.) Hold onto them.
They cannot trade minerals with other players, nor can they deposit said minerals into a centralized guild storage of sorts.
Guild construction goes on for 8 days. At the end, whatever stratums are built go live... and whatever stratums were not completed are left unbuilt.
GMs currently change stratums to their liking with alloys to add more "variety".
Now, on the Server's end, the Server tracks how many minerals total were obtained by all the players in the last week. Based on the minerals collected, it then dynamically sets the amount of minerals required to max out each stratum. If we were to start from the bottom with Stratums 1 and 2 as the base amount, Stratums 3-5 require roughly 33% more minerals for each stratum, and Stratum 6 requires roughly 66% more minerals, no clue on what higher percentage of minerals are required to reach The Core. This dynamic system increases the mineral amount required to build elevators every week, assuming that the game continues to gain more active players.
With that done, we move onto the...
The Numbers
Today, I introduce a new unit of measurement: The Biznasty (Abbreviated Bz). To quantify the Bz, let's look at the player that this unit is based upon. Biznasty has been playing for a while... but, for our purposes... Biznasty has played, from early launch weekend until 4/15/2011, 3:54PM (GMT-8)... a total of about 192 Hours... over the course of 14 days. This, divided equally, means Biznasty has roughly played almost 14 hours every day. Biznasty is one dedicated player... An extraordinary player, hence why he is the leader of the infamous guild simply named "[Guild]".
So, with all that time spent, how many minerals has Biznasty acquired? As of 4/15/2011, 3:54PM (GMT -8), Biznasty has acquired 700 Moonstone, 820 Crimsonite, 860 Luminite, 900 Dark Matter, and 1000 Valestone. He hasn't sold a single mineral since the game launched.
So, the (Bz) is quantified as follows:
- A Player that plays roughly 13-14 hours a day
- A Player that collects roughly 50 Moonstone, 59 Crimsonite, 61 Luminite, 64 Dark Matter, and 71 Valestone a day.
- Plays the game like a boss.
Now, with the Biznasty quantified, lets look at the gates. I compiled a list of required minerals to max out each stratum on April 15th. Numbers were truncated to the nearest thousand. The list is as follows:
Stratums 1-2:
- Ruby Rook: 312,000 Minerals
- Jade Sun: 702,000 Minerals
- Diamond Bishop: 839,000 Minerals
- Coral Phantom: 845,000 Minerals
Stratums 3-5:
- Ruby Rook: 416,000 Minerals
- Jade Sun: 937,000 Minerals
- Diamond Bishop: 1,119,000 Minerals
- Coral Phantom: 1,127,000 Minerals
Stratum 6:
- Ruby Rook: 520,000 Minerals
- Jade Sun: 1,171,000 Minerals
- Diamond Bishop: Vanaduke... but... roughly 66% would be... 1,392,000 Minerals
- Coral Phantom: 1,409,000 Minerals
So, what's the use of all these numbers, you ask?
Let's say Biznasty, cause he plays the game like a boss, wants to make a stratum of his liking. Let's pretend for a moment that the community knows the various stratum formulas... and Biznasty decides that he wants to make a stratum based off of Crimsonite as the majority. And he wants to build this stratum on Stratum 3 of Diamond Bishop. So, with his mad playing skills, Biznasty has acquired 820 Crimsonite... which, alone, would give him .0007% influence over the stratum!
But silly BeAuMaN! He'd likely use 2 different types of minerals! Okay okay, so he's aiming for 30% a piece, with 820 Crimsonite, and 900 Dark Matter at his disposal! As such, he'd have .0007% and .0008% mineral influence on the gate. Still! This is far from Biznasty's goal of getting a majority! But Biznasty is OVER 9000, and so, he clones himself 99 times, and organizes himself and his clones into a Guild (Since the guild member cap is 100 people). Ho ho! Now, with 82,000 Crimsonite and 90,000 Dark Matter at his command, he dumps it into the gate! Congratulations, Biznasty, you now have 7% and 8% mineral influences on the stratum!
RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!! Still, not enough towards his goal! So he clones himself another 200 times, and forms 2 other guilds full of his clones! Now with 3 guilds of clones, certainly he can gain the majority he needs! With 246,000 Crimsonite and 270,000 Dark Matter at his disposal, the stratum SHALL. BE. HIS! But this only gives him 21% Crimsonite and 24% Dark Matter in the stratum, still not the 30% numbers he was looking for. It's dinner time, so I think Biznasty is done making clones.
As such, Three Rings Design is responsible for leading to the creation of 299 additional Biznasties. 1 was enough, but 300 inhabiting this planet is INSANE. For shame! SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME!
Anyhow, you get where I'm going with this. Even with 3 guilds of completely identical top-tier players that play the game 14 hours a day in agreement on what to dump into the elevator, they still can't gain a solid majority. Of course, it's nearly impossible to assemble a guild completely composed of such dedicated players with the same views in the first place. And this is just now...
Let's assume that this game will become more popular, but then let's say the popularity finally started to level off... and say... I don't know... it leveled off to require 3,000,000 minerals to max Stratum 3 on a future gate, and we had 100 Biznasties in agreement on what to build. So how long would it take for them to amass enough Crimonsite to make up 30% of the stratum? Well, 30% would be 900,000 Crimsonite, and Biznasty gets about an average of 59 Crimsonite a day, so with 100 Biznasties, that'd be 5900 Crimsonite a day... So that'd come to nearly 153 days to save up enough!
That's right, ladies and gentlemen. Almost half a year of collecting minerals... for a full guild of completely dedicated and top-tier players, in total agreement... to dump in 30% crimsonite onto a single stratum... that will last for 8 days.
Now, looking at how the system works... what does this system encourage? Well... if your goal was to have you guild create a stratum, you could try to gather more minerals, but that takes waaaay too long. What about if the amount of minerals to max out the Sratum was lowered? Well... to do that... you'd have to make it so less minerals were gathered... which means less players were playing... AH HA! Epiphany! Drive out all the other players, so you that the total minerals gathered is lower, and thus, the total minerals required per stratum is lower! GENIUS.
That's right, the current system encourages you to get rid of players, if your goal is to make your own stratum.
Ah, but what about boosting? Right right, because paying a crown for every mineral to increase the payout by -1- crown is an excellent system! In the previous example, for a 3,000,000 mineral stratum, that'd be 3,000,000 crowns... or, distributed across 100 players in a guild, that'd be 30,000 crowns per player! To increase the payout by 1 crown! A payout that isn't even guaranteed to be paid attention to, considering how many players use the autosell button.
Player's don't control the system. Well, maybe I should qualify that statement. It's kind of like a bunch of people being ordered to walk across a stretch of dirt by sombody. Sure, the people moving across the dirt impact the dirt as they walk across it, creating a trail... but they're not actively engineering a road. And for the minority of players that are attempting to engineer a road, their efforts are scattered as people just walk over their work. Yes, the gates are created by the player's actions, but not so much by the player's active plans.
Let's Wrap this up... Conclusions...
In the end, there's only an illusion of control over gate construction by players. I'm not saying that this was on purpose or accident, I'm just saying that that's how the system currently functions. Hence, I encourage suggestions and comments on this. Also, some light being shed by TRD would be most appreciated (I guess "Nick", as the Lead Designer, and I heard "wtfwtf_ok" was the mineral system designer?). The system, as it is, doesn't even require player input. To be honest, the devs could just go and assign stratums by random draw without any player interaction, and you'd nearly come up with the same result.
My suggestions? Why certainly!
- Get rid of autosell, so that there's more time spent by players looking at the mineral screen rather than giving them the opportunity to just tune it out and click a single button for "Crown Get!".
- Make minerals tradeable, so that there's a mineral market. Not only could crowns be used to amass minerals, but people could trade materials, equipment, energy, etc.
- Give guilds a centralized mineral storage system (probably as part of or preceeding a full-on guild storage system, but I digress), administered by the Guild Leader and Officers.
- Modify the percentages of total minerals obtained in the last week you use to generate the maximum mineral fill per stratum. You guys must have all sorts of data hooks and metrics in this game, since you guys are all into the "casual"/"social" game scene... So go analyze the data, talk with your numbers people, and make it so that say.... I dunno... it should take maybe 3 months for an "average to above average" full (100 people) guild to be able to fill a majority of a single mid (Stratums 3-5) stratum (prolly with 2 different minerals), while your top guild outliers should be able to do it in maybe 2 months. I'd suggest at least trying this out, and see what happens. Worst that you get is a week of horrible gates.
- Edit: No longer relevent, Documentation has been added! Request preserved for posterity... Additional: As I was reminded when replying to SirNiko, we could use more documentation on how the system works. Again, we don't need exact formula, but we don't exactly have an exact idea of where to start. Experimentation would be nice, except it's a bit hard to do with how the current system requires so many minerals. A pointer in the right direction would help at the very least! (thanks SirNiko)
If it was never your intent to let groups of players control the gates, just come out and say it, and remove the whole thing about guilds transforming the clockworks from your About Page. Then at least I feel all warm and fuzzy inside, knowing I'm not being lied to.
I look forward to everyone's responses!
I lol-ed. Very entertaining post and I agree wholeheartedly. A few hours before Jade Sun opened up I checked to see that the last two stratums still had ? on them. Seems people don't even want to bother throwing in minerals anymore.
My suggestion as with probably hundreds of others:
Make guild-exclusive gates right inside your guildhall