I never did anything to one direction so they didn't do anything
I made a clay frog
Before and After Game
I throw an eel on your clay frog and it cracks.
I decorate the eel with the clay shards.
The eel gets chased by a shark. The eel escapes the shark but the shards crack
I kicked a cow
The cow sneezes in your face. It's a green one too.
Doom begins to melt.
I reform
I kill the cow with a Valiance
The cow reforms, and kills YOU with a valiance. And a lollipop.
The lollipop sticks out from...
People point and laugh.
The songs keep playing and the dead can't escape hearing them.
Hell has been realized.
I disintegrate all the realisations of hell
I then eat the cookie. (See "I stole the cookie game" thread)
"OM NOM NOM!!!!"
But the cookie Cannot be eaten, so it drills a hole out of you, and teleports you to an alternate universe where everyone walks around singing and dancing to JB. They smother you.
I built an ark.
I burn it down and laugh as it sinks.
I eat ice cream.
You've discover you were lactose in tolerant that very day.
I crafted a silversix.
You got a special UV whereby the weapon is permanently cursed and you take damage every time you fire it.
I exist.
A stalker follows you.
I give him directions to your house.
The stalker and I become friends, plotting and planning the evil deeds we will do together.
Our first, we break into Immortous' house, drink his tea and steal all of his tea cups/mugs.
But I'm hiding in the cabinet with the teacups and jump on Iamnoone's face when he tries to steal them.
I have Iamnoone and his stalker sent to a taxidermist and stuffed.
He gives you 1 breath mint.
I go into a different dimension.
My bad.... I meant to do mine before his
My bad.... I meant to do mine before his
The breath mint hangs out of my stuffed mouth while I'm on display in the hall of hero's.
A little kid walks up to me, looks at me, pokes my eye to see if I'm real, then takes my mint.
The kid walks back to stuffed-Iamnoone, and plucks the fake eyes and tongue out of Iamnoone's stuffed face.
The kid places them in its mouth and begins to digest them with its saliva.
Seeing this, the kid gets excited and he has no patience for the digestion process.
He kicks me in my chin making my eyes explode in my mouth.
The fake eyes send shards of glass everywhere, skewering the kid like a pincushion. Ah, acupuncture in its natural state!
Stuffed Iamnoone is taken into custody for murder.
The other inmates jump for joy, thinking I'm a turkey.
They salivate anticipating dinner.
The inmates feast upon your weary soul.
The prison guard joins in the fun, eating you.
The prison guards all get food poisoning.
But not the inmates, who start feasting on the guards too.
When finished, they want desert.
They take the keys from the guards and go looking for cookies. =)
I blast them with a bazooka
I eat poop
A child offers Doom-Xx a breath mint.
The mint was really cyanide.
Doom-Xx Turns into Super-Doom because Cyanide is his favorite food
Super-Doom breaks Iamnoone's Jaw
Iamnoone takes his broken jawbone and slays all the philistines with it.
Iamnoone grows his hair out reeeeal long.
Your clay eel snaps after you look at it funny.
I burn my mouth.
I spray you with a fire extinguisher.
I grab a cardboard box and try to surf down an icy road.
You get hit by a car.
I play Spiral Knights instead of doing my homework.
I stare at you while you eat the cookie with tears running down my face.
I use a laser pointer to point at planes.
A bird crashed into the plane
I blew up the Death Star
I take it
I booby trap an iron lockbox
I took the lockbox and sold it at the ah.
I invite my friends over for pizza.
Iamnoone throws up on you.
I present Doom with some stain-remover.
i melted the prison using my mind ((((((( |-_-| )))))))
all the fans came out and started dancing on doom again.
I let all the 1 direction fans out and killed all 180 fans of JB( 1D fans 1million or more)
the fans stepped on doom and Doom criend " oweee! oweee!"
and don't say the 1 Direction is a gay #.\ _ /.#