Jumping out of the pit, I grab a sledgehammer and smash your face out of your head. Then I use a time machine and go back in time to the point where you obliterate my bullet. I destroy your bullet, so my bullet kills you. Then I watch my past self jump out of the pit and kill you again with the hammer. I go back to the present, and chuck your dead body into the pit where I came. Concequently, you land on the two guys already in there, and break their necks. Then I cover you all up with quick-drying cement..
Recent Kills:
-Psycho x3
That's 3 snipe kills on Psycho.
Grabs Pravion's (my gunner dude from Sacrifice) custom Sniper rifle, adds a laser pointer and high-power scope.
For effect, I diveroll to the side and quickscope LoN, obliterating HIS bullet and blowing half his face off.
I fire again for good measure, making sure to reduce the other half of his face to a centimeter-stump.
And I toss a Tac-cannon round in there just in case, to take care of any unwanted surprises.
The screams could not be heard over the sound of stuff blowing up.
Recent kills: